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Found 11 results

  1. Apparently I'm a time waster... Well that's what BW Legal think anyway... Apparently asking for valid documents to prove an account isnt owing is wasting their time... Yep thats right - Sending of a CCA Request and i get this back...
  2. Man rescues fox and finds his new best friend (VIDEO) Read more at http://www.dogheirs.com/george/posts/1632-man-rescues-fox-and-finds-his-new-best-friend-video#iZpGPJDHBpTUi9hk.99 There are two videos,one showing Foxy boy having his bath and being blow dried. Likes looking his best. A day in Foxy Boys life. Jack he is called. I have taken quite a liking to Jack the Fox and his owner. Feel free to post pictures of your best animal friend.Pet or wild one you have befriended perhaps. Then anytime you like you can come back here and remember your friend. Days,weeks,months,years later perhaps. Looking forward to seeing your friends. Feel maybe many are wanting to post pictures and are out there in webland. Somewhere in the world. Just register here and off you go.Come to the Bear Garden tell us your story.A picture perhaps. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/register.php
  3. READ MORE HERE: http://news.sky.com/story/attack-in-nice-73-dead-as-truck-hits-crowd-10502068 My heart and Condolences go out to the families of all those innocent lives lost.
  4. How exciting. Those nice people at Rock Law who have been so nice trying to contact me from a Birmingham number - 0121 6152941 finally spoke to me today. Very strange because when I tried to call the number, it wouldn't ring. They were really keen to talk to me because they had been calling me repeatedly although strangely each time I answered there was silence. A loose connection I expect. Anyway, we finally spoke. Very nice guy called Gavin with a Welsh accent and he told me that he was in Swansea even though his number came from Birmingham very clever of these people to be able to do that and to be in two places at the same time Swansea is a very nice place I know because I've been there and he told me that I had some PPI which needed to be reclaimed and he also told me that every loan ever made by any bank in the last 25 years had PPI embedded in it and could be reclaimed. Wow and he was from Rock Law Rock like the stone and law like the police he said and he laughed because I think that it was meant to be a joke and he was going to send me an email to get things going but he wanted some personal information first and he really tried to persuade me to give him the information even though I said that I was worried about handing personal details over the phone to someone I didn't know but he was very nice and I nearly trusted him but not quite and so he said that he couldn't help me if I wouldn't tell him my birthday and I wouldn't so he went. Rock_Law_Gavin-2.mp3 And those people at Rock Law are very busy but they still find time to be very worried about my finances because they even phoned me again Rock_law.mp3 Call number one recorded on a Samsung mobile phone using the automatic call recorder app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appstar.callrecorderpro&hl=en no processing Call number two recorded through Skype using Amolto call recorder http://amolto.com/ no processing
  5. Normally I wouldn't start a thread but this particular subject lies very close to my heart having lost my daughter this year a few days before she was born. The general gist of it all seems to be that NICE are of the opinion that for low risk pregancies, it may well be safer for mums to give birth at home. Up until the day we found out our daughter had died we were smack in the middle of the 'low risk' category and expecting a very normal, healthy little girl, The link to the BBC article is here:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-30206540 My views, for what they're worth, are that if we're about to start categorising risk to the extent where people are encouraged to give birth at home then surveillance during pregancy needs to be improved significantly in line with the recommendations made in the Panorama episode on still births earlier this year. Secondly, there needs to be a very clear pathway for women in distress to access more advanced care as a matter of urgency, how that's done (perhaps through training of paramedics / upskilling community midwives to offer pain relief and peri-surgical interventions) I'm not sure but it's clear that for something to go wrong in someone's home could be catastrophic and without proper planning in place the consequences, however real for us this summer are life changing.
  6. I have been helping a friend over the past few months. They were struggling financially and asked for my help. They had been aware that I often post in various forums on CAG. But did not ask for my help until it was almost too late. The debt was a credit card from 02/02. Defaulted in 2007. Since I started to help them in early January '14 and I have written just 9 letters and 11 calls (recorded). Today I got an email from my friend stating that the account is now closed and will be marked as satisfied on their credit file, plus a nice amount of cash left in credit that was refunded by cheque... The debt was over £2.5k and had seen many DCA's trying their luck. Without success. The result can be seen in my attachment which has been redacted. The reason for this post is to let new posters know the advice given on CAG can and does work, if you follow this advice you too could sort out your debts. You may not get the same result as I did but if you don't lay down and be trampled over by the banks and DCA's then you can get in control of your debts. Letters sent were CCA SAR formal complaint official complaint a few others a LBA and finally a thank you letter lol
  7. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?407619-Npower-Credit-where-it-is-due.&highlight=credit I gave Npower some praise in October 2013.. the Customer Service rep recognised I was on a wrong tarrif and changed it without too much fuss, or so I thought. My new monthly Direct Debit would be amended from £72.00 per month, to £68.00 per month according to the Customer Service Rep. Which was a fixed tariff until 2015 On November 1st, 2013, I received a letter from Npower telling me my new monthly direct would be £10.00 !! I did send a letter to Npower asking what on earth was going on, even though they signed for the letter - they declined to respond. On the due date, the Npower direct debit was requested, for £10.00. The December payment crept back up to £68.00 which was the original quoted figure. Not long after that I was advised that my direct debit was going to be increased to £83.00 because my usage had changed - not that much it hadnt, but I assumed it was to do with the hike in power charges that was widely being advertised. So much for the fixed tariff When checking my bank account yesterday, I noticed there was a credit from Npower in the sum of £79.06p. Today I received a bill from Npower - it showed the following payments:- January 2014 @ £68.00 February through to 10 June each month at £83.00 Credit £76.09 On top of which, they say my new Direct Debit will be £61.00 ? So they have been over charging me by £15.00 per month for the last 5 months, my new bill going forward will be £7.00 less than originally quoted and all based on assumption of usage ? Meanwhile, each month they have benefited by an extra £15.00 in THEIR bank account. If you x this by however many customers they have, it must have made their figures look reasonably healthy. On top of this, there is a little note at the bottom of the bill that tells me if I take out their new tariff until 2016, I could save an extra £16.10 a year. I am not sure I could cope with more of their easy to understand tarrifs !!
  8. I Situation At the end of last month I finally have received my first letter by RLP. I was caught shoplifting in Tesco in September. a. No police was involved. b. The total amount in goods was around £15, and I am pretty sure that it could be reselled. c. Everything was done in 20 minutes. There were two security guards asking me questions, and I was asked to give them my name, address, telephone number, and passport number. d. I did sign on two sheets--a banning notice and a notice of intended civil recovery respectively. e. The 'fine' was £137.5. f. I am now over 18. II What have I learn from CAG: a. I am now still innocent, and it is extremely unlikely that I will be sued. b. RLP does not have any legal rights to 'fine' me, although its threat will be harsher and harsher. c. The best choices are either ignoring them completely, or sending them a short note a single line reply "I deny any liability to you or your client". d. I promise I will NEVER do such stupid things again. This is a very good lesson. III What do I still have in doubt? a. With regard to their 'database', is it very unlikely that it will really affect my future employment and credit? b. Does it make any difference whether I send them that short note reply? c. In usual cases, how long does it take to eventually stop from hearing from RLP? Will they call except from threatening letters? d. I will be applying for a student Visa in a year or two, will it be influenced by this stupid mistake? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sincerely look forward to your replies. THANK YOU!
  9. While doing a shop at Tesco's I purchased an item costing £11.66. While checking my receipt I discovered I had been charged twice for the item. I immediately returned to customer services who were most helpful. After a lot of toing and froing and consulting with different members of staff I learned I was going to be refunded. I got double the cost of the item, £11.66 x 2 = £23.32 plus the item. So as my site name reads, itpays2.
  10. Ok About 10 minutes ago i had a bailiff from Marstons come knocking at my door, Did not let the man in but went outside to speak to him, I explained that i tried to make the payments and am in codependents with marstons and the guy was stumped he said i don't want to force entry into your home please dont think that and i wont be coming back again "he has passed out case on to the welfare office" so that we can have more time to pay Is this even heard of? He also showed me proof of his report and all the letters from the courts then showed me the welfare check list that we fall under.
  11. That will put the retailers who try and shirk their responsibility in their place: Guarantee "The product must be returned to the retailer with original proof of purchase." It might be worth checking other things especially those bought from Comet and PcWorld for the same instruction.
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