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  1. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?407619-Npower-Credit-where-it-is-due.&highlight=credit I gave Npower some praise in October 2013.. the Customer Service rep recognised I was on a wrong tarrif and changed it without too much fuss, or so I thought. My new monthly Direct Debit would be amended from £72.00 per month, to £68.00 per month according to the Customer Service Rep. Which was a fixed tariff until 2015 On November 1st, 2013, I received a letter from Npower telling me my new monthly direct would be £10.00 !! I did send a letter to Npower asking what on earth was going on, even though they signed for the letter - they declined to respond. On the due date, the Npower direct debit was requested, for £10.00. The December payment crept back up to £68.00 which was the original quoted figure. Not long after that I was advised that my direct debit was going to be increased to £83.00 because my usage had changed - not that much it hadnt, but I assumed it was to do with the hike in power charges that was widely being advertised. So much for the fixed tariff When checking my bank account yesterday, I noticed there was a credit from Npower in the sum of £79.06p. Today I received a bill from Npower - it showed the following payments:- January 2014 @ £68.00 February through to 10 June each month at £83.00 Credit £76.09 On top of which, they say my new Direct Debit will be £61.00 ? So they have been over charging me by £15.00 per month for the last 5 months, my new bill going forward will be £7.00 less than originally quoted and all based on assumption of usage ? Meanwhile, each month they have benefited by an extra £15.00 in THEIR bank account. If you x this by however many customers they have, it must have made their figures look reasonably healthy. On top of this, there is a little note at the bottom of the bill that tells me if I take out their new tariff until 2016, I could save an extra £16.10 a year. I am not sure I could cope with more of their easy to understand tarrifs !!
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