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  1. Hi I would be grateful for a little bit of help, or confirmation that I'm on the right tracks for putting my case forward to DLA for mandatory reconsideration please. It involves the past presence test, genuine sufficient link test etc. Basically I really could do with someone showing me where to find the relevant decision makers guidance and confirming whether what I'm going to write is correct. I have found some DMG but I don't know if its up to date, so Ill need to ensure I link the correct DMG paragraphs etc to support my claim. Basically we do not meet the past presence test as only returned to uk in nov after living in Australia for 18 months....but I believe we meet the other three criteria involving eu regs, hab residence, self employment etc, genuine sufficient link to uk....meaning, I think, that this means past presence need not apply to us. We are British born, lived in uk al our life barr 18 months, have worked in uk most of our adult life, live here now, wife self employed , both have nics paid, kids go to school here/college etc. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1991/2890/regulation/2A I need help how to link and word this please. Thank you
  2. Hi. First time here and spent a few hours looking through the impressive library of information here. Hopefully someone will point me in the right direction. Yesterday, out of the blue I got a letter from CT Capital, to my new address, I have moved twice since my least dealings with them, they did not use my first name, just my last name. It says I previously made a complaint about PPI with them which was rejected. Following a supreme court decision and new rules by the FCA, I can now make a new claim, and then some information of high commission levels they received. I looked at google and found out they are some form of group associated to Central Trust, a company that I did deal with years ago and it didn't end well with them, I am deeply suspicious of anything they tell me. I will explain, this maybe a long post due so I apologise in advance. In 2005, I bought a house after a relationship ended very badly, and having to start all over again and not with a perfect credit record, I got a mortgage with a company called Southern Pacific. Two years later in 2007, and still having a few debts I still needed to clear off, as well as some house improvements I needed to do, I took out a secured loan, which I believe had connections with the mortgage company, Central Trust, the loan did have PPI which I was told was needed due to being under my works two year probationary period. The value of the house in 2007 was £135k In 2008, I was rushed into Hospital with a suspected blood clot, two operations followed and I was unable to walk for 4 months and unable to work because of it. I contacted Central Trust and was told that the illness was present before I took out the PPI therefore no claim was possible but due to my then current issues they would forward me a payment cheque for just over £1600, which I received. This was a bad mistake on my part, six months later it was clear I would never be able to continue in my normal job and I resigned from it. That would be in 2009. I had some savings to keep up payments, and with claiming housing allowance of £365 which was paid direct to the mortgage company I tried to find alternative work. My savings then ran out and still not able to find work, the Government changes to how money was paid to those with a mortgage, that reduced to just £85 a month. I then quickly ran into debt on both the mortgage and the loan. Both were kept up to-date but both were an absolute nightmare to deal with, even CAB got involved, but with no work materialising, I was in deep trouble. You sort of hope something will change but it never does. Each one took it in turns to seek repossession, in total six court appearances over a few years, in Oct 2012 I gave up, with another court possession order posted through the door and my mental health in tatters, I just left the property and went into rental accommodation. About 8 months later I got a phone call from some debt collecting company saying the house was now sold but there was a short fall on the mortgage balance, some £21k. I did need a balance sheet for the housing benefit as they were aware I had the house and wanted to know if there was any money coming to me. I gave them my new address and a few days later the balance sheet arrived. The house had been sold for £78k. A few days later two phone calls from the debt company. I told them I disputed the debt as I had issues with how the PPI was cancelled, had that been in place I may have been able to claim on it, therefore I held them responsible for the loss of the house. I was not in any financial position to pay anything or take the matter to Court, however I would be very happy for them to take me to Court so we I could have my say, and to not phone me again. That was in 2013, and they never did phone me again and I never did hear from them. What was eve stranger was that I never heard anything ever from Central Trust, from 2012 todate. I stayed in that house for nearly four years and in 2016 found a better place to live and rented elsewhere and moved again Over the last three years I have got back on my feet again. My credit rating is much improved, bit way to go yet, but getting there. I noted on my report that in June 2013, Central Trust updated my credit file to payment received and account settled - balance zero. We now come to yesterdays letter from CT Capital. Once I realised the association with Central Trust I got concerned. They have gone to some lengths to find me, not used my first name, but the address is correct. I can't find any search made on my credit report. My first thought was, sod this, and I nearly threw it in the bin. All my past dealing with these people have not been positive, at times really nasty. In some ways I would prefer to take my chances kicking a ball into Kim Jong-un's garden. But, the other side of me is thinking; They drove my nuts before and in many ways were responsible for my situation. But is it some sort of fishing trip? I really don't know. The letter looks genuine, but with those people you never really know. I can't find any information on the internet regarding PPI and CT Capitol except the Ombudsman fine they were given. I think I have covered everything, it is a complicated story but I did my best to do a condensed version. Many thanks in advance. Tony
  3. Hi, Unfortunately I defaulted on a credit card. This has been passed to PRA Group eventually. We've had a couple of visits and letters dropped off. Is this a genuine bailiff working on behalf of PRA Group or the Courts I wonder? The "Produced by Rob Barber" in the botteom right corner scrimbled out by pen has me wondering. Thanks, T. manchester court - Notifice Of Visit By Bailiff.pdf
  4. I got an email from the email address Suzanne . Morgan @ dvla . gsi . gov . uk but when I hit reply the target address is DLOMail @ dvla . gsi . gov . uk . I was wondering if anyone could help confirming if it's genuine. They don't ask for any super sensitive data but I still want to be sure it's real before replying because sometimes these emails do just feel a little off. The email says... ---------- Dear *******, Please take time to read this Email, as it requires you to take action regarding your driving licence application. If we do not hear from you within 7 days, your application may be cancelled and any fees already paid will be refunded to you. We are unable to accept confirmation of the following details over the telephone. However, you can email your reply. If you have any difficulty amending the sections below, please reply and free key your answers, or delete the answers that do not apply to you. Would you please confirm, by amending the section below, why you are applying for a driving licence. ¨ I have been disqualified/revoked from driving. ¨ My existing licence has been lost/stolen. ¨ I wish to change my photo on my existing licence. ¨ Other (please explain) DECLARATION Please note that you can electronically sign your declaration by typing your full name in the electronic signature box below. I understand that it is a criminal offence to make a false declaration to get a driving licence and that to do so can lead to prosecution and a maximum penalty of up to two years imprisonment. I also understand that failing to provide information is an offence that could lead to prosecution and a fine of up to £1000. I declare that I am resident in the UK and the information I have given is correct. Electronic Signature (please type your full name below)
  5. Hi everyone, I parked my car at the Peel Centre in Stockport to pickup an item which was reserved for me in Argos. Its my first visit at the Peel Centre and no doubt will be the last. Upon arrival there were no visible signs or parking machines around the perimeter so I gathered the parking was free. I went to the store to pickup the item but was told it was reserved by their other store just around the corner. The staff asked if I parked my car here, I replied yes and so she advised me to leave the vehicle here and its only a 5 minute walk. I took her advice but didn't return until an hour later after experiencing a small queue at the store and receiving a phone call from a friend. When I returned back, there was no ticket on my windscreen and so I left the Peel Centre. 12 days later I received a PCN from Excel parking via post demanding payment of £60 within 14 days. I contacted Argos and asked to speak to the store manager but was told there was nothing could be done which was disappointing. Since then, following the advice I received from my friends after the experience they've had from other parking companies, I continued to ignore all letters and correspondence relating to Excel. Currently I'm at the stage in which I received a letter from Wright Hassall solicitors demanding final payment of £180 within 14 days or else a CCJ will be imposed upon me which will have impact on future loans and credit rating. I have searched a lot of forums relating to this matter and the majority of the people on here suggest to keep ignoring them since Wright Hassall has no grounds to issue a CCJ since their client is ZZPS Ltd who are debt collectors and not Excel Parking. Although it might sound crazy but do I continue to ignore Wright Hassall if this is the case? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Afternoon, I've been in a bit of a spot recently, lost my job, had to re-arrange my mortage to interest only or risk losing my house, defaulted on my one credit card, missing paying bills every month, I think you guys get the picture but the last year or so has been financial hell for me. My credit report is a sea of red Anyway I'll concentrate just on the Barclays account here. I've had an account with Barclays for around 20-25 years and I have most of the statements which I've started to dump info from into an Excel spreadsheet. I have a question if anyone would be so kind as to help, 1) I've dug a folder from around 1998 onwards and logged charges that include Unauthorised overdraft fees Additions fees Transaction charges for insufficient funds in account Personal overdraft usage fees Overdraft interest charges Paid referral fees Items returned fees Reserve usage fees I'm missing a few statements here and there so will SAR Barclays today to get the missing information. Naturally I'm awful at administoring my personal finances or should I say I was awful until a few ago when I stumbled across this place. My question is this, what are my chances of recouping any of the above fees and if so over what period. The Additions fees which are small are already over a thousand pounds and I still have another 5 years of statements to go through. I hope I don't come across as a chancer who is trying to claw back money for services that I used. I have a deep loathing of Barclays as they have me by the short 'n curlies since I live in their 'reserve' paying close to £100/month for the privalige of doing so. I never asked for the Additions accounts, I frequently popped into my local branch on occasions to speak about the horrendous charges but was always told that I was on the best package for my current situation, surely this was misleading to say the least? I've read the BCOBS stuff in this section but am still a little confused as to what my next move should be once I've completed my spreadsheet and write to Barclays asking for ermmm, some money back please?
  7. My Mother-in-law sent for a "free sample" of the above tooth whitening product, in response to a pop-up ad. on the internet. Two packages were delivered to her home, before Christmas, as she was leaving to spend the holiday period with our family. She returned home, yesterday, and on checking her Barclaycard statement, she finds multiple amounts (five in total, ranging from £0.82 to £62.27) have been charged to her account. My Mother-in-law has, unwittingly signed up for a subscription to make monthly purchases of a useless product, at a cost of more than £120.00 per month. The small print on the confirmation e-mail she was sent, says she can return the product, at her own cost, but will only be given a partial refund, and only if she does so within fifteen days. She has contacted Barclaycard, who will block any future demands from this American company, but is there any way that she can get her £127.00 back?
  8. xairfan

    Is it genuine?

    Just received a demand for money from SIGMA RED, supposedly owed to DVLA for a Late Licence Penalty and dating back to 01/11/2013, but not convinced they have the right to do this. Would the DVLA wait twelve months to collect a debt? There are no details about what the penalty was for, just details about the vehicle involved, which I do own. Has anyone had any dealings with SIGMA RED or have any information about them, please. Thanks for any responses. xairfan.
  9. Hi all, I was on my lloyds tsb online banking and I accidentally transferred the money to an old nationwide account i haven't used for a couple of years and was £222 overdrawn. I rang Lloyds straight away and they said there was nothing they could do and I should contact Nationwide. I rang Nationwide and they said as it was £222 overdrawn it's now £78 in credit and they can't do nothing for me despite it being my holiday money for 3 weeks time which i've now lost and the fact it was an error. I didn't type in the details it was an existing payee which i used once around 2 years ago i was meant to have deleted it from the payee list on Lloyds online banking. I know i'm clutching at straws here but I'm desperate as I've just lost my holiday money, I was supposed to transfer it over to my Natwest account for safe keeping but accidentally clicked on the wrong account.
  10. I've had a couple of dodgy things happen with my gmail over the last few days, such as old contacts apparently wanting to connect and then I click the link and it goes to an ad about weight loss plans. Now I've had this email to my Hotmail account and wondering if it's for real. Hi Caro, Someone recently used your password to try to sign in to your Google Account [email protected]. This person was using an application such as an email, client or mobile device. We prevented the sign-in attempt in case this was a hijacker trying to access your account. Please review the details of the sign-in attempt: Wednesday, 26 March 2014 12:13:00 o'clock UTC IP Address: (host86-159-110-97.range86-159.btcentralplus.com) Location: Brighton, UK If you do not recognise this sign-in attempt, someone else might be trying to access your account. You should sign in to your account and reset your password immediately. Reset password If this was you and you are having trouble accessing your account, complete the troubleshooting steps listed at http://support.google.com/mail?p=client_login Yours sincerely, The Google Accounts team
  11. As this was a hot topic in a recent thread when I received my latest invoice,I thought I'd try it. Posted appeal on same day I received invoice. Appeal was simply- I am not liable for this charge and wish to invoke your appeals process.Enclosed is a receipt for the date concerned. From date I received the parking charge notice to cancelation of charge letter ,12 days!
  12. Hi everyone, I would appreciate some help. I received a threatening letter from Capquest recently which I duly responded with an SAR. My suspicions are with the copy of the CCA that they have sent through. It has all account transactions info from 2007 but there is a "received" stamp on the front that is dated 2004?? the copy does have my signature in the relevant box, albeit very faint, but it has not been dated by me which is something I would not do. It seems to me that there is something fishy with this. can anyone give me advice on how to tackle this or if something similar has happend to you. Many thanks, SJP37
  13. There have been a number of blatant spoof threads on here recently so that got me thinking . How many other threads, in which the individual details some extremely bad and unacceptable practices from a Bailiff, are actually genuine? And how many in which are genuine actually tell the whole truth of the situation? There are threads where CAG members provide advice based on what they are being informed (can't do anymore!), but then the thread just slowly slips further and further down as the creator does not come back with an update and outcome. Do you perceive from that, that the individual was not being honest or the thread was spoof? Or actually do a number of individuals resort to Private Message - but then that surely doesn't benefit others who have a similar issue? Intrigued!
  14. Hi, Hope someone can help....... My lappy decided to die, well the hard drive did. Had it repaired with a new HDD (smaller than orig.) and all was working well. Now I have a 'black screen' and Windows is not genuine messages. I have looked for the Key but Acer in their madness put the sticker on the bottom and it is now completely erased. I did manage to get the KEY for Win7 from the repairer using some software (keyfinder) but this key does not activate Any suggestions??? Thanks G
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