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  1. Hi. First time here and spent a few hours looking through the impressive library of information here. Hopefully someone will point me in the right direction. Yesterday, out of the blue I got a letter from CT Capital, to my new address, I have moved twice since my least dealings with them, they did not use my first name, just my last name. It says I previously made a complaint about PPI with them which was rejected. Following a supreme court decision and new rules by the FCA, I can now make a new claim, and then some information of high commission levels they received. I looked at google and found out they are some form of group associated to Central Trust, a company that I did deal with years ago and it didn't end well with them, I am deeply suspicious of anything they tell me. I will explain, this maybe a long post due so I apologise in advance. In 2005, I bought a house after a relationship ended very badly, and having to start all over again and not with a perfect credit record, I got a mortgage with a company called Southern Pacific. Two years later in 2007, and still having a few debts I still needed to clear off, as well as some house improvements I needed to do, I took out a secured loan, which I believe had connections with the mortgage company, Central Trust, the loan did have PPI which I was told was needed due to being under my works two year probationary period. The value of the house in 2007 was £135k In 2008, I was rushed into Hospital with a suspected blood clot, two operations followed and I was unable to walk for 4 months and unable to work because of it. I contacted Central Trust and was told that the illness was present before I took out the PPI therefore no claim was possible but due to my then current issues they would forward me a payment cheque for just over £1600, which I received. This was a bad mistake on my part, six months later it was clear I would never be able to continue in my normal job and I resigned from it. That would be in 2009. I had some savings to keep up payments, and with claiming housing allowance of £365 which was paid direct to the mortgage company I tried to find alternative work. My savings then ran out and still not able to find work, the Government changes to how money was paid to those with a mortgage, that reduced to just £85 a month. I then quickly ran into debt on both the mortgage and the loan. Both were kept up to-date but both were an absolute nightmare to deal with, even CAB got involved, but with no work materialising, I was in deep trouble. You sort of hope something will change but it never does. Each one took it in turns to seek repossession, in total six court appearances over a few years, in Oct 2012 I gave up, with another court possession order posted through the door and my mental health in tatters, I just left the property and went into rental accommodation. About 8 months later I got a phone call from some debt collecting company saying the house was now sold but there was a short fall on the mortgage balance, some £21k. I did need a balance sheet for the housing benefit as they were aware I had the house and wanted to know if there was any money coming to me. I gave them my new address and a few days later the balance sheet arrived. The house had been sold for £78k. A few days later two phone calls from the debt company. I told them I disputed the debt as I had issues with how the PPI was cancelled, had that been in place I may have been able to claim on it, therefore I held them responsible for the loss of the house. I was not in any financial position to pay anything or take the matter to Court, however I would be very happy for them to take me to Court so we I could have my say, and to not phone me again. That was in 2013, and they never did phone me again and I never did hear from them. What was eve stranger was that I never heard anything ever from Central Trust, from 2012 todate. I stayed in that house for nearly four years and in 2016 found a better place to live and rented elsewhere and moved again Over the last three years I have got back on my feet again. My credit rating is much improved, bit way to go yet, but getting there. I noted on my report that in June 2013, Central Trust updated my credit file to payment received and account settled - balance zero. We now come to yesterdays letter from CT Capital. Once I realised the association with Central Trust I got concerned. They have gone to some lengths to find me, not used my first name, but the address is correct. I can't find any search made on my credit report. My first thought was, sod this, and I nearly threw it in the bin. All my past dealing with these people have not been positive, at times really nasty. In some ways I would prefer to take my chances kicking a ball into Kim Jong-un's garden. But, the other side of me is thinking; They drove my nuts before and in many ways were responsible for my situation. But is it some sort of fishing trip? I really don't know. The letter looks genuine, but with those people you never really know. I can't find any information on the internet regarding PPI and CT Capitol except the Ombudsman fine they were given. I think I have covered everything, it is a complicated story but I did my best to do a condensed version. Many thanks in advance. Tony
  2. hi does anyone have a letter template for this please i have old council tax debt i have offered the council a payment plan etc but they still send bailiffs every few months (different one every time) i did pay direct on line to the council after advice from cag but the council gave the moneys i paid to the bailiff firm i want to pay direct again but is it possible to let the council know your paying them so that they do not send monies to bailiffs and is this a legally binding so they cant forward monies on plus the change of rules now are they allowed to force entry or levy on someone else s car thanks in advance
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