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  1. Hello! I received a PCN Code 26 for parking straight onto a single yellow line. This is a quiet section of road in front of the Windmill Pub in Clapham Common. I've lived in the area for 6 years and park here every saturday morning, and always pull nose into the spots, as all the other cars do as well. I received a PCN code 26 "Vehicle parked more than 50 cms from the edge of the carriageway and not within a designated parking place." However as the pictures show, i literally could not have been closer to the yellow line. The parking as been done this way for years and years - and it feels odd that i received the ticket at 8:35am on a saturday morning, when the parking is only restricted Monday - Friday. I saw the parking attendant later on giving more unsuspecting car owners tickets for the same thing - i asked him why i have received one when i've been fine parking there for over six years. He said that it was because my wheel is more than 50cms away from the yellow line. I have searched the highway code but can't find anything that says this must be done. I did refute the ticket initially, however Lambeth council upheld the charge. Do i have any grounds for fighting this? Thank you in advance!
  2. Good morning, In need of advice/direction My road has now been converted into residents parking zone Monday - Sunday 8am - 6.30pm----very excessive, but its done so ho home. I have a permit for my road. On the day of the offence yes my vehicle was parked at 9.03am, because i had just returned from dropping my 2 boys to school and had to pick up some pots to drop off to my mother who lives in Grays/Essex...about 20 minutes drive on the A13 from my house. went to my mums but didn't stay long. On the way back home my daughter complained of tummy ache (infact she mentioned it earlier in the morning, but I ignored her she has said it before). I was only about 5 minutes (10.15am) from my home after leaving my mums, and I could smell n awful stench my daughter poo's herself. I drove into my road from the main road and the space I parked in earlier the only closest space i could see, i parked there as I was panicking to get my daughter out of the car to get her soiled self inside to bath to clean her up. Once all done, I came downstairs to take her car seat out to wash it, and noticed I had a ticket. I have attached a copy of the ticket received and the sign, Id be really grateful if i could get some help to articulate a letter to newham council
  3. Hey guys, Looking for a bit of help. Got this parking ticket while dropping my daughters medicine off to nursery. I was literally in and out. I have checked the signs and road markings, I don't think I have grounds to appeal on those. My only saving grace might be the fact that the ticket was issued at 9.50 am and it was observed from 9.50 to 9.50. I know some councils have an observation period but I couldn't find anything relating to this on Havering councils website. I found some in Camden council (3 minutes) and Brighton council (5 minutes). Could anyone give me some advice whether I have any grounds to appeal this? Many thanks, Bogyo79
  4. Hello I'm hoping I can get some help/advice please. Two days ago I received a PCN from Kingston Council stating that I had committed a moving traffic offence for contravention 52 - failing to comply with a prohibition on certain types of vehicle. The alleged offence happened on 17/11/16 and the PCN was dated 25/11/16. They have supplied 4 CCTV pictures which show my car in colour in 3 pictures but you cannot read the registration. The fourth picture is blacked out and clearly shows just my registration number. The road traffic signs are in the pictures but they are not very clear. I'm looking to see if I can appeal the PCN as albeit I did drive through a restricted area it was a genuine mistake and there are some other circumstances I feel should be taken into consideration. In October this year Kingston Council decided to trial a new scheme along part of the road I drove through (Surbiton Crescent KT6 prior to this there were no restrictions for any vehicles). at one end there a small section where they have now restricted all motor vehicles (the sign displayed) except buses, cycles and taxis and for access. They apparently allowed some sort of bedding in period and have by their own admission on the website issued over 5500 warnings to motorists who have missed the signs . The new route along this road is to turn left onto any one of 2 roads rather than going through the restricted area. There is only one other sign along this road pointing out the changes but nothing significant to advise motorists that have used that road regularly that they have introduced this major change. PCN from CCTV footage commenced 14/11/2016. I believe that they have not put up enough signs to motorists who use this road on a fairly regular basis (myself included) to make them aware of the changes. When I returned to view the road signs yesterday, people were still driving through the signs which have been placed on temporary bollards along the actual road and others were also there after receiving PCN's for the same offence. Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks.
  5. Lambeth Council issued PCN on 21/9 for Contravention 622 Vehicle was parked on clients private driveway with consent, its a new van and was backed up tight to the clients house, the client had moved his vehicle to the street as he had permit. The van/vehicles front 2 wheels were just on the footpath, there was no obstruction to the footpath and a double buggy could easily get past, it was also a wide foot path. 622 does state with one or two wheels on any part on an urban road other than a carriageway (foot way parking) ((partly on foot way). Do i have a case to contest as the vehicle was 99% on private driveway with its nose and front wheels just on the pavement. There is no clear intention to breach the traffic management act just a vehicle slightly to large for the driveway. Thank you.
  6. Hi guys, i've been trying to register to other forums (more than 14 days!!) but cant even register, thank this website i was able to register and post for help!! I have a PCN here with correct picture and vehicle registration number, but the contravention address is not printed clearly, cannot even read it. The stated junction does not exist; Colney Hatch Lane with Alexandra Road. The juniction with Colney Hatch Lane is Alexandra PARK road, not Alexandra Road. Although Alexadra Road exists near Colny Hatch Lane, it is not a junction with it. google maps coords: 51.603039, -0.142909 (this is Alexandra Road, Colney Hatch Lane is near it but not a junction). I don't have permission to post links or images as i'm new here, but basically on the letter the only part of the location is readable is Colney Hatch Lane j/w Alexandra £$£$@£%^$%. That last part is jumbled up like that, also no postcode. The online details held also states Alexandra Road N10, which is wrong. Do i have grounds for this? i believe i do with the incorrect location but i don't know how to word it. I have like 2 days left (thanks to the other forums). Many thanks.
  7. Evening guys and Merry Xmas on a pleasant December afternoon I received a letter from TFL (PCN attached below) dated 14/12/2015 for an offence that apparently took place on 29/07/2015 in Stamford Hill (Hackney). Contravention: 46: Stopped where prohibited (on a red route or clearway). The PCN further goes on to say that... The PCN was served by post because a Civil enforcement officer 'T' observed the vehicle identified above from 11:11 to 11.11 and had begun to prepare a PCN but the vehicle concerned was driven away from the place in which it was stationary before the CEO had finished preparing the PCN or served it by fixing it to the vehicle or giving it to the person appearing to be in charge of the vehicle. I live in Hackney and Stamford Hill is quite a long road. I can't recall this taking place and neither can my brother who is the 2nd named driver on my vehicle. As far as I am concerned the contravention did not occur. I called TFL soon after receiving the PCN to enquire. I asked the exact location of this contravention, but they did not have this information on them. I then asked if they had any pictures to jog my memory. However, I was informed that TFL did not have any evidence/pictures to prove this as I allegedly drove away before the the CEO could take pictures. What's the best line of defence against this PCN?
  8. Hi, I received a parking ticket some weeks ago at 13:41 under code 05 - parking after my ticket had expired. I had in fact purchased a (second) ticket at 13:40 not realising that this was a one hour no return zone. I would accept a ticket under contravention stating that I parked again in a no return zone but surely I shouldn't accept a ticket under code 05 as I had paid when the ticket was issued! Please can you give me your thoughts!
  9. I am disabled and have a vehicle for use by carers including my two daughters. I received a PCN dated 06/07/2015 alleging the offence took place on 10/02/2015. Furthermore, they had no photographic evidence showing the vehicle parked in a bay without a ticket, instead relying on the entry/exit photographs. My daughter who had the vehicle that day says that she got a ticket but she may have put an incorrect registration, albeit still a valid one. I have ignored their letters, but today received a County Court Summons. I intend to refute the claim because of the date I received the notice being 5 months after the `contravention` date, no photographic evidence of the car being parked in a bay without a valid ticket and that the system allows for mistakes in entering registrations which are still valid, but not the correct one. Any suggestions would be appreciated as I need to reply soon.
  10. Hi I parked my bike illigally in wandsworth london, i thought i was going to be quick enough not to get a ticket oops Now on the ticket i have been done for parking in a loading bay and the photos taken show the loading bay sign and everything. The thing is the photo of the bike clearly shows its not parked in a loading bay and is parked on double yellow lines. Surely the alledged contravention never took place, i was never parked in a loading bay and i have photographic proof of it. Is this ticket invalid??
  11. Hi guys (again), I hope somebody can help with this. I've just got a parking ticket from Wandsworth Council (again) for being "parked in a special enforcement area adjacent to a dropped footway, cycle track or verge lowered to meet the level of the carriageway". At that moment I was doing a big removal (Ashvale Rd, SW17) and as you can see from the photos there was no chance to park my van anywhere on that road so I parked right on the kerb (it was the only place to do it). I don't feel really confident with this one but just wanted to hear what do you have to say about this. Does anybody have any suggestions for the grounds for appeal? Many Thanks Tiago
  12. Hi I am hoping someone, anyone can please give me the answer to my question. I have recieved a parking ticket by the LA for contravention 27, parking adjacent to a lowered footway. The ticket said I had done this in a controlled parking zone but the area I parked was a council estate and has two 'zone ENDS' signs on entering. I thought 'zone ENDS' means it is not a controlleed parking area. Have I got this wrong? Is the ticket valid or should I appeal?
  13. I seem to be almost permanently employed challenging PCN's collected by the missus these days. I just wish she'd find a new hobby. The PCN describes this contravention as: All of which leaves us completely mystified, coz: 1. A valid permit for the zone is clearly displayed in the car's windscreen. 2. It is not a pay & display parking zone. 3. She confirmed on at least 2 occasions via tel/call to Bexley Council that our permit is valid in any local zone N parking area, even where this zone encroaches on an adjacent council. 4. She has parked in this road incident-free since the residents' parking scheme came into effect (around 10 years at least) - until now. Any advice please?
  14. Hi, We just heard that our first appeal against this PCN has been rejected so I thought I'd better seek some advice before submitting a second one. The story is that: 1) We wanted to stay for the maximum 2 hour limit in a Teignbridge District Council (Devon) car park. Like many kids, our 6 year old son likes to put the money in the machine so we gave him two pound coins but, unfortunately, he pressed the green button before the machine had registered the 2nd coin so we ended up with a ticket for only 30 minutes and no change (as the machine would not return the 2nd pound and, typically, we didn't have any more change on us). 2) I jotted down the RINGO automatic payment number and then went to a café where I paid by phone for a 2 hour stay. At the time, I just assumed I'd only be guilty of overpaying the council (and the ticket machine has no problems with overpayments so we didn't think twice about overpaying via the telephone system). By the way, since losing our appeal, I've realised that the service doesn't even allow for a 1 and a half hour payment. 3) We were desperate to keep to the maximum 2 hour limit and so returned to the car 1 and a half hours after our first payment (so well within the two hour limit) and, you guessed it, found a Contravention 84 notice on the car: “Parked with additional payment made to extend the stay beyond first time purchased”. 4) I immediately tried to ring the number provided but it was on December 31st and so no-one answered, however, in our appeal, I took a screen shot of this attempted call and suggested that it supports our claim that we were not trying to fiddle the system by staying beyond their time limit. 5) Our appeal was rejected as they stated we weren't specifically acknowledging the details of Contravention 84. We've since read this convention many, many times (i.e. “Parked with additional payment made to extend the stay beyond first time purchased”) and, despite feeling like we are being well and truly stitched up here, find it hard to argue with the narrow scope of the wording of the contravention. Any suggestions? I've attached photos of the PCN, the original ticket and the ticket machine. I don't have any photos of the car park signs and, as we were on holiday, it would be tricky (though not impossible - my family live there) to get one. Thank you in advance!
  15. Hi, I could really do with some advice: I've received a 34J 'Being in a bus lane (in the hours of operation) on Commercial Road (Nr Beecroft St) Leeds - the time of the alleged offence is 06:07. I was driving back from an appointment - in a route I don't usually use, but have no recollection of driving in the bus lane - it's not something I usually do and I don't know if there is a turning or a petrol station there but, from the image, the road seems deserted. I've read a few posts where these penalty notices are based on the bus lane being 24hr so am assuming this is what has happened (though still can't see why I was in the lane!). Anyway some of these seem to have been overturned due to the wording and hoped I might be lucky enough to get the same fate! It is a £60 fine with the option for reduction: 'If the penalty charge is paid before the end of the 14 days beginning with the date of service of the notice, the penalty charge will be reduced by half.' Appreciate if not, but would appreciate guidance if there is any way around this. Thanks
  16. I am am preparing an informal representation in response to a PCN. In retrospect, I've tracked down the evidence that supports the issuing of the PCN, but I believe I have a case to make. My mother and son live on a housing estate that is managed by a housing service. Although she is not a driver, my mother regularly buys, in person, 1 Calendar Day books of council issued permits for her visitors. When my son purchased his first vehicle, we used these council issued visitors' vouchers for parking on our estate (a temporary measure). BIG MISTAKE, as it turns out. When the first PCN appeared, we read the wording to mean that the permit was not clearly displayed. When the SECOND PCN was issued, our queries revealed the bigger context of the contravention. A Hackney Council permit is not valid on Hackney Homes managed land. This should be made more clear to everyone at the point of purchasing permits of either type. Can I appeal on the basis that the 'seamless and fair'* estate permits and enforcement service being offered to residents living on our housing estate, by Hackney Council and Hackney Homes is confusing? After the event, the resident parking signage is evident, but we were convinced that a council permit displayed on the vehicle kept us, as residents, within the law. Do we have a case for an appeal? *Parking & Enforcement Plan (2010-15), Consultation Draft p 41 Section 8.6
  17. Help please. I have a blue badge and parked in what I thought was a legal space. It was a sunday and parking restrictions are lifted all day. I returned to find I had a PCN contravention code 12. " Parked in a resident's or shared use parking space without clearly displaying a permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place". I had missed the sign saying permit holders only. There were 2 permit holder spaces and 6 pay and display spaces.The pay and display machine states that payment is required Mon-sat in permitted spaces. I challenged the PCN and it has been declined stating that as a blue badge holder I should know where I can park. I accept that if the wording had said "parking in a permit holders only space " I would have accepted the PCN. I am confused by the wording. Could a pay and display and ticket have been purchased ?
  18. Hello all, I can do with some good advice about the above mentioned PCN. It was on Lymington Avenue N22. I parked (with legitimate Visitors Permit) well away from the immediate vicinity of a displayed suspension notice attached to a pole...about 25 metres away, only to return and be faced with a PCN on my car. I accosted the CEO and asked him why. He said the suspension affected the whole length of the street. Upon reading the notice I realised he wrote the MAKE of my car to be a Ford. Though he got the reg number, colour, and excise date right, my car is a Kia and not a Ford. My aim is to challenge and request cancellation, in that the notice was deceitful and set as trap for motorists who assume the notice only affects the immediate vicinity, and the fact he was not wholly referring to my car. Sincere and quality advice would be appreciated Thanks
  19. Hi, can someone please advise on the above? I am reading here that I shouldn't ignore. I had read on other forums that I should ignore. I have jotted a letter up basically stating that I will not pay due to the fee being disproportionate and according to the unfair consumer contract regs the charge must not exceed the cost to the landowner etc. I have also put that the signage is insufficient (which it is) so I was not made aware of the terms and conditions as I didn't see them. So I have not entered a contract etc. Is this the right thing to do? basically I have parked in the said place for years at night, but it seems NCP have arrived and changed the rules there. I was not aware and parked there as I have done so for the past 5 years. There is no lighting and I genuinely wasn't aware of the such new inforcement so I didn't buy a ticket. The ticket price should have been £3.50 and the fine is £100!! I hope to get this letter off today so appreciate any help as I do not intend to pay this 'fine'
  20. Hi, Would appreciate some urgent help on this issue please as my deadline for appealing this PCN is just hours from expiring. I was recently visiting a local hospital (St Helier in Carshalton) and parked on a nearby street. Days later and to my horror, I received a PCN from Sutton Council stating that I had been guilty of the following parking regulation: Contravention Code: 62J Parked with one or more wheels on or over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriageway. Naturally, I was rather peeved to receive this PCN as I did not believe I had caused any contravention at all and these are therefore the main grounds for me wishing to challenge this PCN: 1) Due to the narrowness of that particular stretch of road, just about every single vehicle parked on that road has to do so with two wheels on the pavement. Anything else other than that would practically cause a road block. 2) I believe that my vehicle was parked reasonably and did not restrict or inhibit pedestrian access in any way. 3) The signage erected a few metres away from my vehicle only instructs motorists to park in marked bays but crucially, does not state that parking on that road is restricted to marked bays only. 4} There were no road markings (yellow lines, red lines, etc) or other form of parking restriction on any part of the road where my vehicle was parked. 5) I have documentary evidence in the form of a letter from St Helier, confirming my claim that I was visiting the hospital as an A&E patient at the time of the alleged contravention. Do the above points give me good grounds for a successful appeal? I would really appreciate some prompt advice and feedback on this please. I have provided copies of the council’s images of the alleged contravention and also of the nearby parking sign. Thank you.
  21. Hi all, Just received my first ever PCN while watching LUFC. I parked on an unmarked unsurfaced road which I understand is unadopted by the council. There are no signs or bays on this particular stretch of unadopted road etc. however, looking at satellite images, about meters before turning into either side of the of road were I got the PCN there are signs which state the following 'resident permit parking only past this point on match days and events. The PCN contravention is code 12 is it enforceable. I have taken a screen shot of where I parked, approximately to the right of the arrows. Any advice is greatly appreciated
  22. Hello all, Great forum! I was parked in a loading bay on Atlantic Road (see jpegs attached) this afternoon (Sunday 17th Nov 2013 at around 15.30). I had parked there to go and collect a pre paid item from WH Smith on Brixton road, the item is an e-reader which i ordered on line for delivery to my local store, for which I have the digital receipt. When I returned to my vehicle 3-5 min later a CEO was placing a ticket on my car, when I explained to him that i was collecting an item from WH smith he said that I should appeal to council as he was unable to remove the ticket as they would think I had bribed him. The loading bay in question is a general one i.e. not designated for goods vehicles only. I am about to appeal the PCN online with the below note, but wanted to get your advice before I hit send. I haven't mentioned that I was collecting an e-reader as I am concered that the fact that it isn't exactly bulky will go against me. Many thanks, Ed "Dear Sir/Madam I was briefly parked in a "loading only" loading bay on Atlantic Road on Sunday 17th November 2013 whilst I went to collect a pre paid item from WH Smith, Brixton Road. When I returned to my vehicle 3-5 min later Civil Enforcement Officer LH1453 was placing the ticket in question on my vehicle. I was not over the allotted 30min waiting time allowed, and was a quick as I possibly could be but was at the mercy of the member of staff who had to go to the back office to try and find my item. The member of staff I was served by was named xxxxxx the store number is 02072745813. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,"
  23. Hi Folks I received the following PCN in the post today at Hounslow High Street. It is for the contravention code 02. I was confused by a previous yellow line on the same road which permitted parking from 18:30 . However I did not notice a break in the yellow line and this new line had restrictions until 20:00. I was parked there at 19:54 so I missed out by 6 minutes L I need some guidance from the knowledgeable users here as to what action I should take. From their CCTV footage and still pictures, the zoom in shows the sign sideways and therefore does not state the restrictions. How can they enforce this and show evidence that the contravention occurred when the sign is not even visible? There are no blips on the road either which I understand should be there if a loading restriction is in place. Many thanks
  24. Hi hoping someone can help with this I have been informed by my council that pcn code 19 is for off road parking ie car parks' but the information I find on the PATROL web site says its for on road. Who is right or can councils decide them selves? Thanks for any info
  25. I have just received a parking ticket for contravention 622 where I was parked next to a cobbled garage entrance. Because this was on a busy road, I made sure I was not jutting out beyond other cars parked along the road in front and behind me. These cars were parked next to the pavement. In doing so I had my inside wheels a few inches onto the cobble of the forecourt and I assume this is why I received the ticket. 622 states 'parked with one or more wheels over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriage way'. Well this was not a footpath because the footpath ended where the garage entrance began. Is a garage entrance a 'road' ? I know about not parking on pavements but this seems draconian. Any suggestions? Have I got grounds to fight it? From previous threads on this its seems that this used to be specifically used for people parking on pavements but they have now removed that clarification so it applies more broadly. How are we supposed to know about new rules and when changes occur? I have attached a photo..(I think!) Thanks Tessa [ATTACH]43344[/ATTACH]
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