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  1. Hello! I received a PCN Code 26 for parking straight onto a single yellow line. This is a quiet section of road in front of the Windmill Pub in Clapham Common. I've lived in the area for 6 years and park here every saturday morning, and always pull nose into the spots, as all the other cars do as well. I received a PCN code 26 "Vehicle parked more than 50 cms from the edge of the carriageway and not within a designated parking place." However as the pictures show, i literally could not have been closer to the yellow line. The parking as been done this way for years and years - and it feels odd that i received the ticket at 8:35am on a saturday morning, when the parking is only restricted Monday - Friday. I saw the parking attendant later on giving more unsuspecting car owners tickets for the same thing - i asked him why i have received one when i've been fine parking there for over six years. He said that it was because my wheel is more than 50cms away from the yellow line. I have searched the highway code but can't find anything that says this must be done. I did refute the ticket initially, however Lambeth council upheld the charge. Do i have any grounds for fighting this? Thank you in advance!
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