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Found 16 results

  1. Stirling CAB publishes Plain English Guide to help sort out Benefits READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE HERE: http://stirlingcab.org.uk/
  2. ?? http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/war-hero-who-lost-both-legs-in-afghanistan-no-longer-allowed-treatment-at-english-hospital-because-hes-scottish/ar-AAoX9ON?li=AA59G2&ocid=ientp
  3. My Sister worked in Germany as a self-employed riding trainer, paying all her taxes etc here. To cut a long story short she purchased a half-share in a horse with a horse-trader with a view to earning a share in commission when it was sold. It was indeed sold and my sister received commission in German currency which she paid into her English bank. Due to issues, the horse was returned and my sister re-paid the commission she was given back into a German account. Because of exchange rate, the commission converted back to German currency was less. She agreed with the trainer that she would care for the horse that was returned back in the UK. Cut to the day she was returning, under extreme stress he placed a letter in German in front of her demanding she sign it before she leaves. As my sister was due to board a ferry with a truck containing a horse and was severely stressed - she signed it. It was the first time in the four years they worked together that he had ever given her anything in German. He is now harassing her via social media - and it would be useful to know what sort of advice or protection she can expect. She assumes the content of the letter was regarding paying the costs of the horse while it was in England. Does English or German Law apply here? Appreciate any advice you might be able to help us with. Thanks Samantha
  4. Android Pay ( same as Apple Pay ) went live for RBOS on 13/9/16. However what they don't tell you is that this is only for Scottish customers. Loyal customers in England, Wales and NI are not eligible. How bad is that to single of a huge amount of customers because of where they live. There is a word for it and thought this bank was above this... They need to clearly state on their website that they only support customers in Scotland. I feel really let down by this bank... time to change..
  5. Question:- 1.What is the definition of a Hero? 2.What is the different’s between - killed and murdered.
  6. Hello We received a product from a Scottish company (via Amazon) that did not fit the description. It was different in quality and appearance to the picture on the website. They have insisted that we pay considerable carriage to return the bulky goods (flooring). They are clearly in the wrong as far as distance selling and consumer law are concerned. The goods were not as described and therefore the onus is on them to collect and refund. My question: As it is not possible to use money claim online for a scottish defendant, how should i approach this? I don't see why I should use the scottish courts, as the supply was made to england and I want the case heard in my local court, which as a consumer I believe is my right? If the case is heard in scottland they know its not worth my while to proceed and I suspect the reverse is true. i.e. that they will not contest a case in person for £200 so far away. How can I use English courts and have it heard locally? Thanks
  7. I was sold an un-roadworthy vehicle by a trader masquerading as a private seller. I've sought to contact the trader by email, phone and mail but he has failed to respond to any communication. The car trader is based in Scotland, while I reside in England. As the sale took place in Scotland, does anyone know if am I obliged to proceed through the Scottish sheriff court system? The England and Wales system is available online, while in Scotland one physically has to file papers in the sheriff court as I understand. Thanks in advance for any thoughts
  8. I am in England and sold an item on ebay to a buyer in Scotland. Payment was by PayPal and delivery was made by a courier. The buyer is now unhappy (as they didn't read the description properly) that the laptop they bought is broken. The listing described the problems perfectly and said the laptop was "for parts or not working". Therefore I have no issues about defending this, should it go to court. However, the issue is which law applies: England and Wales or Scotland? I am not acting in the course of a business.
  9. Hello, I have been a member of this group for several years but change of pc's, email addresses and loss of passwords has forced me to re join. So a question on the very first post...I apologise ! I have lived in France for the past 10 years now need to return to England for personal reasons. I want to check my credit score but need to provide an English address to do so which I don't have. I know I have a Barclaycard account in arrears but have not received a statement from them since September 2007 but have continued to pay a small amount each month. Because I can't access my credit rating can others eg. letting agency ? Thank you in advance.
  10. Hello again Caggers.. it's been a while. Recent developments over a NatWest debt, they seem to have employed a French debt collection agency, who have phoned us once, written to us once and now passed it to a Hussier de Justice. I have seen no other evidence that a European Payment order has been applied but I do not know how to proceed because I am ignorant of the law or collection procedures in this country. Are the debt collectors trying this on or do I really need to get worried?
  11. I thought I heard that there had been recommendations to drop all the jargon in courts for Litigants in Person, particularly in Small Claims? I wonder then why a DJ recently allowed Ms Wilkinson, Barrister, to talk about Quantums and heads of claim in the small claims court. Might as well have the done the whole thing in Latin as far as the LIP is concerned ! And, since when have barristers starting trying to get legal costs in small claims on spurious grounds that IF a case had been taken as a private suit (?) under contract law they would be allowed it blah blah blah - taking the **** over and over, failing to supply their opponents with documents that wish to rely upon - using documents that have not been mentioned or submitted until sitting in Chambers - what a disgrace!
  12. I am brand new to this, so sorry if I have posted in the wrong place. We engaged a Scottish firm to do some work for us. We entered into a contract whereby they would deliver three outcomes. Owing to some very complicated circumstances (neither ours nor their fault) these outcomes were not achieved and they sent us their bill for services. We felt that the bill was excessive in view of the fact that none of the outcomes were achieved. However, we did recognise that they had put in some hours work on our behalf, so we paid two thirds of their bill, and explained why one third was being withheld. They are now threatening us with small claims in the Scottish Sherrif's court, as their business is based in Scotland. However, we are not. We are English residents and always have been. What validity, 'teeth' ,legality, does the Scottish Sherrif's court have over English residents,? Can anyone help us please?
  13. Hi, I went to uni 1998-2001. In that time I used loans from SLC. In 2002 I moved to Australia ad every year provided SLC with my financial info and contact detail. I moved again in 2011 and emailed SLC with my new contact details. my auntie received a phone call from Transcom looking for me - I have no idea why they contacted her as I have never given my aunties details. SLC must not have got my new address details and passed my debt over to transcom. I have never started paying my debt back as I became a mum and have not worked since I finished uni. I have always intended to pay my debt as soon as my kids start at school and I gain employment. I'm worried what it means that transcom now have my debt. Can anyone please explain this to me. thank you.
  14. Help needed PLEASE Can a debt collection agency from England enforce an English debt in Scotland. I moved from England to Scotland owing in the region of £40,000 from credit cards and bank loans. theses were all getting paid when I was working but due to ill health they haven't been for two years. I am now in receipt of ESA & DLA I cant work any more now im being slowly been chased for debt which i left behind, maybe it was wrong but I was pestered so much it was making me ill and putting a strain on my marriage. T wrote to all creditors when in England but got no joy from them, did all the CCA letters etc etc. so i left and moved to Scotland where i have been happy and been stress free for two years until now........ 1. What I need to know can they enforce this debt 2. If I was to go down the LILA route would my car be taken from me valued at around £3000, I live in a rural area of Scotland and need my car for hospital appointments I have a limited mobility and not able to walk without severe pain,if this was taken from me I would be virtually tired down to my home. Thanks for all help given
  15. Hi, If I want to disclose / use a witness statement from a non-english speaker, do I (or can I) need to translate it myself (I can speak this language fluently), or do I need to submit the statement in a foreign language, and the court has to translate? Will the court then send the statement translated to the defendant? Thanks
  16. Once a dca fails to comply with a cca request within the statutory timescales, to whom should a letter of non compliance be sent? I take it both the dca and original creditor can be reported to TS OFT & ICO, therefore both receive an equal spanking?
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