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  1. I have used this company in the past, at least 2 times for low value items where their £20 base compensation amount would suffice on my last experience I used them to carry an item of higher value and that is where things started unfolding. As a parcel broker, I though they are just brokers like travel agencies I was wrong because the moment you purchase a delivery slot through their company with one of the main shipping agents such as UPS, DHL, TNT, Royal Mail, Parcel Force, YODEL and many others, you cease to be the sender of the package as they are the sender/shipper so the actual shipping companies don’t want to know you and always refer you to the [removed] at Parcel2Go.com. For my most recent service request, I booked a collection through Parcel2Go via UPS late October with next day delivery on 1st November for a printer I purchased from eBay The seller kindly agreed to allow me to organise collection at my own cost through my own courier of choice. 1st November came and late in the afternoon, the UPS delivery driver arrived at the delivery address and rang the bell to state that he has a parcel for us to my surprise, moments later he stated that the parcel in question was not my one and that my parcel would follow on the next delivery. I could clearly see my parcel in the back of his van with exactly the same box, make and model of the item ready to be unloaded but the packaging appeared to have been tampered with. After the driver stated that he actually has 3 more of the same boxes in his van and that my one would be delivered on the next delivery, I took his word for it and let him go here I was wrong because that was indeed my package. (I am taking this matter with the UPS on a separate complaint and will also address this issue with the driver in question in due course) This is where things get even uglier by the day. I contacted Parcel2Go via chat after that day passed and no delivery took place the same day or the next day or the day or week after. They started a so-called investigation. During this time the tracking details for my parcel were updated to state that my parcel was incorrectly sorted and then days later it was updated to state that my parcel was now damaged. I made countless calls to UPS and made countless chat contacts with Parcel2Go.com to ensure that regardless of the damage to my parcel every effort was made to return my parcel to the address on the shipping label. Whilst the [removed] at Parcel2Go claimed that they were making call and sent emails to UPS to request that the parcel would be returned to the original delivery address, UPS was telling me to go back to Parcel2Go as they are their customer not myself and that they are the official shipper not myself even though I booked the collection and I am the recipient of the parcel. UPS was able to confirm on numerous calls that Parcel2Go was not telling the truth about the state of my parcel and that due to confidentiality reasons they urged me to go back to them they kept on apologising day after day without offering any concrete solution. UPS agents did however confirm that Parcel2Go did not make any contacts with them regarding a request to allow my parcel to continue its journey to the original delivery address. Clearly Parcel2Go agents acted dishonestly and gave me incorrect information on every occasion. I recorded all my phone conversations with UPS and have kept all the chat logs with Parcel2Go in case the matter escalates. I am now glad I did because things took another turn from bad to worse. Following many contacts with UPS and Parcel2Go, I was then told that UPS could not return my parcel to my address and that it had to go back to the sender (Parcel2Go warehouse). I was then given numerous assurances by Parcel2Go that my parcel, regardless of its state would then be returned to my address. Subsequently, I was told by UPS that the parcel was indeed sent to Parcel2Go and then during another live chat session, the agent from Parcel2Go did confirm that the parcel was at their warehouse and that it would be returned to my original delivery address as agreed. By this time, as per their claims process, my claim for damage in transit was settled with an offer of £20+shipping fees but here is when things got worse. After 2 weeks passed since my last contact and the promise of return of my parcel (as recorded on chat logs), during one live chat where I queried what was happening, this time I was told that my parcel is now lost in transit. I challenged them but they kept on giving me scripted excuses, apologies but no concrete response. I was very shocked and complained to their claims department but they kept on stating that as my original claim for the damage in transit was settled there was nothing else they could do. [Removed] Because they have non-disclosure agreement with the courier company, the customer is always sent back to Parcel2Go and the courier does not accept any liability. [Removed] I am giving you a brief account of my experience here [Removed] as well as false promises about the actions they would take to resolve my issue. In the end I wrote to their CEO and every other email address I could find because they don’t have a dedicated customer service call centre and all I get was a bunch of staff with fake aliases or accounts of what they will do to resolve my issue but no honest action on the problem. As a result, I demanded for them to at least refund me the declared value of the item plus compensation for the stress and inconvenience caused for more than a month they even failed to realise and acknowledge their underhanded practices aside from scripted apology lines. I am now convinced that if I had taken insurance for my parcel , I am sure they would have jumped upside down to get my parcel back to me and to find excuses to pay less or no compensation. Just because I did not take insurance, they are trying to take advantage of the situation like they have done with many other people. I am very disgusted, angry and disappointed with authorities for allowing such a dishonest company to trade. They are [Removed] with disgusting ways of dealing with customer complaints and have no regard for customer service. They should be banned from trading. I gave up on dealing with them directly, so here is what I am planning to do with immediate effect; 1. I will publish my story on every forum, website where there is concerns raised about [Removed] so that others don’t fall into the same trap that I did. 2. I will report this matter to the local trading standards in Bolton, {removed] 3. I will use social media to highlight the dangers of dealing with these dishonest companies and will name and shame each of their employees that are involved. 4. I will log a complaint with ActionFraud to get the police involved in investigating [Removed] 5. I will initiate a Small Claims Court action to recover my losses. I have sufficient evidence to sue them thanks to their chat logs and the UPS call records as well as emails but what will they have to defend themselves. Hope justice will be done to prevent them from trading any longer. More importantly eBay and other responsible companies should not allow the services/lack of Parcel2Go and the likes ever. Stay clear of this company at all costs. If you have been a victim then do not wait and put up with their crap, take the matter further and report to the relevant authorities and take action to recover your losses. Don’t be an easy target.
  2. I hired a barrister directly to deal with suing my ex-builder. The barrister thought it would be okay to talk to her friends (who also happen to be my neighbours) about my case. Apart from the fact I feel humiliated, I now feel that my case with the builder is ruined, as the details of my case could lead back to him. Can anyone tell me if it is worth pursing a legal case against the barrister over her conduct and am I likely to gain compensation for the possible loss of my other case? thanks
  3. Hi, I was recently convicted of benefit fraud, during my case my prosecutor kept making personal attacks against me. I made the mistake of letting the court know that I suffer from sever social anxiety and can't handle confrontation. it made me suspicious as to why he would do this when a piece of evidence that he told the judge of how much I had illegitimacy received over the time period of my claim I calculated there was an error in the numbers. When I applied for benefits I let the job center know that I had over the £6000 limit in savings, so if my national insurance contributions had run out there was no way I could have received £70 a week. I tried to tell my solicitor, but because the prosecutor heard me try to tell my solicitor of the error, the prosecutors abuse escalated causing me to turn in ward and not be able to think. I was only latter that I realised that my solicitor had not been provided with this information when I looked through the evidence that was supplied by the investigators. I believe that this infringes on my human rights to a fair trial. This was also not the only problem with my case. When the DWP decided to pass my case on to the crown prosecution service, it took another 10 months before I was called into court to answer charges and have a court date set. It took another 3 months for my trial to happen, but my trial was canceled because the prosecutor had scheduled another trial on that same day that over ran and my trial date was pushed forward another 3 months, when I heard of the error in court my time limit of 13 months to appeal the DWP decision had run out. I have tried to appeal through the tribunals but the judges are not interested in hearing what I have to say and just tell me my time to appeal has run out. Does Social Security Administration Act 1992 s116 (2) apply to my case and could you tell me of any other laws or decision that could help as there as been gross abuse of process. I can no longer find work in the area I am educated in, can you help, my situation has become very desperate. Thanks, suffy
  4. Hi all, my first post so pls bear with me. My daughter is the owner of a salon and for more than 5 years she has rented the premises on a VERBAL (stupid I know) agreement. She worked for the Landlord for couple of years prior to this, and they always had a great working relationship, until now. She wants to sell the salon, had a buyer lined up, agreed on price...all that needed doing was landlord needed to sign a lease agreement with new tenant. Since she is currently abroad, she appointed me as her manager to handle her affairs in her absense so I set up meeting with buyer and LL. At first he agreed and was very happy to have a prospective long term tenant, but after this meeting everything went pearshaped and greed got the better of him. For past 5 years, my daughter paid him in cash at his insistence, for he does not want the rent to show in his bank account, like clockwork...never any disputes or trouble. For past 5 months in her absense, I have been paying him on her behalf same way...cash! All was well untill we raised the issue of selling business...so in effect she is basically selling her client base and goodwill. She has real good name and good business. Now he has turned around and said I shortpaid him for 3 weeks...lies...and that my daughter owes him £1000 for loan he made to her and refuse to sign lease agreement with new tenant. To add to this mess...turns out he has been subletting to her in any case and is not the actual owner of the premises, but he insist he has the right to sublet. He and this prospective buyer is now bonding together and threatening my daughter, saying she has no contract and no proof that buss belong to her, as well as being behind on rent. I called him and he basically called me a thief saying I never paid him and we are 3 weeks in arrears. I told him there and then, that unless he give me a written receipt or a bank account number, I will not pay him a penny in cash, for I have no proof and he is now being dishonest.We are 3 people keeping book of payments, and we all agree our rent is up to date. He is lying and trying to cheat her out of her business. The buyer actually send her a message saying she is moving into the salon on Aug 3rd and there is absolutely nothing my daughter can do about it. So she is losing the purchase amount too due to his dishonesty. The £1000 was a personal agreement that had nothing to do with business...he gave her a £1000 and in turn used her car and her instalments would go off against the £1000. He now says he never used the car for tax expired ( he had car for 5 months and never made an effort to get new disc or ask her to) so she can not subtract the instalments from that amount and owe him full amount. I am pulling my hair out for I do not know what to do. They say they are taking shop over in Aug. I do not know what to do, our rights regarding verbal lease agreement, how to get her car back from this man. The only paperwork she has in her name is her business bank account, council tax and water/electr bills, bank credit card machine, and she has an employee who has worked for her for more than 2 years. She can not afford to pay a solicitor for is going through a really rough time and really needed this sale to go through, but he has now probably ruined any possibility of sale going ahead. Car is on HP on her name too. This is all happening in SCOTLAND...prob different from England. I read a lot of posts and it seem that there are a lot of people with great knowledge regarding Landlord/tenant matters on this site. I do hope someone can help with some advise. Thanks:-(
  5. I’m a carer to a wheelchair user with whom I attended court with as a witness two weeks ago. Whilst at court, I witnessed the claimant’s barrister and solicitor withhold new evidence before and during a high court hearing and The evidence was then handed to the court after judgment was given. I have no doubt this led to an unsafe judgment against the Defendant. I believe that the claimant’s representatives misled the court and interfered with the administration of justice. How do I go about reporting this and to whom?
  6. Hi Bought a car (BMW 520) from carcraft Merseyside, 8months ago. They sold me a finance package with exorbitant interest rate (black horse) on the pretext that If i paid the whole sum within 14 days (which I was going to), I would not pay a penny in interest & by me signing upto this finance package, they Will get a commission. As I had nothing to loose, I agreed & signed in good faith.i was also promised that should I find it difficult to pay the full amount within 14 days, they will refinance within that period in a very competitive interest rate as they (car craft) had their own finance institution (which I later found out was a lie). Next day, I checked with my accountant & realised I could not buy the car under my company name, so decided to either return the car or refinance. They did neither but kept on delaying, whole all the time talking very politely & cheating with more & more lies. Few days later, they found out that my name in the finance agreement was misspelt & they panicked as I was keen to return the car unless they got me a competitive finance. They called me saying they have got a new finance package & showed an interest rate of 5.7% APR (original finance 26% APR) & got me to sign new documents. I later received a finance agreement from black horse for 26% APR & when I called black horse, I was told there was no refinancing & the second signature was mainly to amend the first agreement as the first signature was misspelt. I was upset & threatened to sue carcraft for unfair trade practice & inform black horse about their manipulative tactics to gain commission. They finally agreed to refinance and at that time of refinancing sold me an extended warranty for 3 yrs. I was not keen & the sales person promised that he will offer the 1st year standard warranty to be tagged to the end of the 3 year period . On that agreement I signed upto the warranty & he said his central office will send a letter to this effect. I did not receive any letter. After several phone calls, I made a formal complaint & received an arrogant reply stating that the sales person has left them & they can't confirm as this was a verbal agreement & I had no proof. PLEASE DONT GO ANYWHERE NEAR CARCRAFT.
  7. I live in central london and Vodafone's coverage map shows solid 3G coverage for this area, yet at best i receive 3G about 40% of the time, the rest of the time my data connection is EDGE or even for much of the time, just 1990's GPRS. The network is so overloaded that even with 3G signal, actual internet access is not a given, but when on an edge or gprs signal (i.e. 60% of the time), a lack of internet connectivity is virtually guaranteed, since these arcane 1990's technologies are completely overloaded by all the modern smartphones in the cell trying to access high bandwidth modern internet services. I have spent the past week in Devon, here a 3G signal is very hard to find anywhere, even EDGE is quite hard to find, usually nothing more is available than 1990's GPRS, which (being so totally overloaded) in practice offers zero internet connectivity of any sort. Not merely have Vodafone completely oversold their network capacity such as to be selling internet connectivity that they don't actually possess, not merely have they lazily failed to take full advantage of more recent technologies (such as HSDPA rolled out in a truly nation wide fashion) which might rectify much of the problem, but that they also dishonestly market their service by claiming 3G connectivity in areas where there is no such connectivity, such as central London. To make sure the problem was Vodafone and not my phone, I did some informal tests in walks around central london with 3 separate phones (HTC Touch HD, iPhone 4 and Samsung galaxy S3) - exact same results with all 3 phones. I was quite shocked on a recent trip to Spain where immediately on arrival my phone was delivering fast, reliable 3G internet access seemingly everywhere I went. Why can't Vodafone UK manage the same level of service here?
  8. Hi Everyone, I am suspended awaiting a discipline hearing. My employer said that when I am given a hearing date I cannot resign, but that they would consider it. I asked them to explain and give me details of my contract or the relevant law that they are relying on, they didn't reply. Does anyone know the answer, my opinion is they are talking rubbish, if I hand in my notice, what are they going to do? say " sorry you can't resign, we won't accept it" can't believe they even think they can do it. In that case I could say, I don't accept you sacking me, but I might consider it. Surely resignation is not a two way thing. Look forward to your opinions.
  9. Hello I'm new to this forum so please bear with me, My daughter has recently moved into a property and now the landlord is selling up so she needs to find a decent house near her daughters school and nursery fairly quickly,she has found a house she likes and has paid a holding fee of £150 which the agents said will be refunded if she's unsuccessful(verbal not written down) my husband and I lent her this money and have agreed to lend her an additional £200 to make up the deposit she needs and act as guarantors for the rent. The agents in question have now said another couple who are employed are interested and its up to the landlord who he chooses, she is a single parent on benefits so we are guessing the landlord will choose the couple. My concerns are A. the agent shouldn't have taken her money in the first place if they weren't actually holding the property for her and B. What if they don't pay it back? We only have modest savings and cant afford to lose that money or lend her anymore if it isn't returned so she could end up homeless or in some dump. So my question is what do we do next and how long do we wait until we complain? I just have a bad feeling shes just been ripped off and in turn it will be us as it was our money, and don't know what to do for the best.
  10. Not my words - but the words of the Court of Appeal. Dishonest without intending to be, apparently. Sent "semi-literate" letters No intention to bring legal proceedings at all!!!!! See the judgment attached for the whole grisly story. Of course this Court of Appeal judgment is about Parking Eye but you may find similarities in the way of doing business used by other private parking companies. Apart from anything else this is more evidence of the slack attitude of the British Parking Association to the behaviour of their own members. The BPA must be aware of this. What action have they taken against Parking Eye for their breach of the Code of Practice?? If anyone knows, then please let us know. The BPA is the outfit which pretends to want to set an Independent Appeals Service. Has Parking Eye's access to the DVLA database been suspended? I don't think so. If you have paid money to Parking Eye then you have a basis for claiming it back. certainly, if you have paid the so-called "full rate" then you have clearly paid an unenforceable penalty and you should go and get you money back Please note that the trial judge held that the initial sum was an enforceable charge. The Court of Appeal referred to it but did not consider it and made no finding which approved it . In other words, don't let Parking Eye or any other parking company tell you that there is binding authority for saying that the initial charge is valid. That would be a porky. Thanks to user:Tomtubby for discovering this judgment. Important rider - the Court of Appeal decision was based upon the Parking Eye arrangement as agreed with Somerfields in 2005. If their agreements are different elsewhere then that could affect the situation. Now original High Court judgment also available below. Thanks to Tomtubby again.
  11. So a really long story but here is the shortened version, yesterday was my last day at my former employer, when I resigned from my position I had told them I was resigning on the basis of lack of support and ill health (the job was making me very stressed, depressed and I had anxiety attacks). I did not go into details about my health problems I was vague about my reasons. On my resignation I informed them I did not have another job to go to. About two weeks later I got called by a recruitment agency to say there was a great opportunity at a good firm and they would like to interview. I was still working my notice period, and took the time off as annual leave to attend the first and second interview. I was offered the job and accepted. I at this point did not think it necessary to tell my employer because I had already handed in my notice and was simply working my notice period. The company that offered me the job then wrote to employer asking for references. I got called into the meeting room and she basically called me a liar and told be I had been dishonest about my reasons for leaving, she even brought up the fact I was a christian and I had lied. I explained to her at the time of resigning my reasons were the truth and the job offer was unexpected and after I resigned. I have to repay my study fees and I last week asked if I could repay these over a 4 month period which she agreed to, in the meeting yesterday she told me that agreement was null and void and she expected all her money on her desk on monday and said that even at the point of agreeing the repayment of my fees I did not tell them. She kept calling me a liar and told me that she could report me to the regulatory body for the financial services for dishonesty and I could be struck off and not be able to practice. She then asked me to leave her office which I did went upstairs to another meeting room and spoke to a colleague as I was upset about the whole situation, she came in and told me to leave the premises. I picked up my stuff and left. What I would like to know, was I in the wrong for not telling them about the job? Bearing in mind, I received the invitation to interview after I resigned and therefore accepting the job offer after. does it make me a liar, therefore questioning my character? I am not sure if she will refuse to give a reference or not, should I let my new employer know that she may or may not give me a reference? Does she have any grounds for getting me struck off? and therefore ruining my career? Where do I stand? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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