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  1. I am assisting a young man with his claim for Disability Living Allowance. He has (adult adhd, depression & anxiety). He has been in receipt of DLA since child. His last award ended October 2013 and I helped him submit renewal/claim form. He got a quick response/decision initially, which had been to award 0 on both components. He asked for reconsideration and received new decision, which was an award of LRC & LRM. He still wasnt entirely happy with decision and managed to get assistance from a support worker, who compiled a fairly comprehensive letter, giving reasons why claimant felt entitled to LRM & MRC. The letter went into quite a bit of details and showed how these conditions affect his everyday life. The reconsideration was dated 15 November and the support worker posted letter; requesting appeal against decision etc. The letter had been posted recorded delivery, so as to ensure got to them ok and within time. Early/Mid January, there had been no response from DLA and so the claimant made contact by telephone, asking what was happening about his appeal request. He was told they had no record of having received such a request, over the next few days they made extensive searches internally - but stated they had neither received or processed anything further. We managed to get a proof of signing, for the appeal letter, establishing it had been signed for by DLA on 17 December and a name. In the meantime, a letter turned up from DLA asking claimant to sign enclosed form, which had been to consent Support Worker to act on his behalf. He quickly signed and returned to them. He contacted DLA by telephone about 1 week or so later. They said that it had not been processed as he had not filled in the form properly or given his reasons for appeal?? This was really strange, considering all reasons given in the letter by Support Worker, he told them that he had only signed and dated the form, to consent to support worker/letter acting for him. Saying he had not put any information in the small box, which asks for reasons for wanting to appeal - as not really relevant; emphasising the 'letter' in question, which adequately covered all aspects of reasoning etc. They were very adamant about him not filling the form in properley, implying it may not be able to go to appeal owing to this etc. (I think this is the GL 34 form?). Anyway, the call centre staff referred him to more senior personnel, to discuss his letter and appeal etc. At the end of the conversation, the DM? he spoke to, had agreed with the letter and content being both adequate and relevant for things to proceed. Things were left seemingly ok? 3 days later, he telephoned DLA again as feeling insecure about matters, given the length of time already wasted. When he got through, he asked about it and was told it was on DM desk; pending appeal. So all seemed relatively ok. A couple of days later, when he telephoned again - he gave his name and said he was chasing matter up and was then told 'INVALID APPEAL' This was not until after he had gone through the whole situation again explaining all from start to finish, before they could find any information. He was once again told, he had not filled in the form properly and that he must do so, ie: via GL34 and also, they said they require him to write to them requesting a late appeal owing to it submitted late. This seems to be going round in circles and is taking far longer than it should. ]To reiterate: reconsideration was dated 14 November 2013 letter/appeal request posted by claimant on 13 November 2013 Letter/appeal letter received at Benefit Centre on 17 December 2013? (rec del/signed for) Approx Jan 12, when claimant called DLA - they said no trace of request/letter? So they have had his request/letter since 17 December and it has neither been acknowledged or acted upon accordingly and to date they are just delaying things more and more, in keeping on requesting claimant to complete a form giving reasons for wanting to appeal - which he is not confident about doing and also it would not be anywhere near as professional as letter they have received. Almost 2 months this has been going on now and they expect him to write requesting late appeal??? Desperate for some guidance /advice please !! What a Drama - I cant help but feel they have messed up and now trying to cover up. If claimant were to scribble down a few reasons for appealing /applying late etc, chances are they will use as preferred evidence and it will not be accepted. Cant do right for doing wrong really???? Baffled, Ms Phillips:???:
  2. Confirmation of complete chaos and disarray in delivering these assessments. http://www.channel4.com/news/disability-benefits-contractor-runs-into-trouble-video
  3. Hi, I was off sick for 8 weeks due to work related stress. My GP gave me a fit note with adjustments, these adjustments would cost the firm nothing and cause minimal inconvenience. I heard nothing more for 2 months until I was sent to oc health who confirmed the same adjustment and stated that I may fall under the equality act. Again I heard nothing more from work for a further 2 months until I was asked to attend a meeting. My boss stated that the adjustment could not be made, (even though it easily could) and they would move to dismiss me under ill health capability. A month later I received a letter with an ill health capability hearing date. This date was postponed for various reasons and a month later I attended an ill health capability hearing where the panel decided not to dismiss me as they could find no evidence that my boss had made any attempt to return me to work. My boss is now trying to arrange a back to work meeting with a view to not making the recommended adjustment still as they dont recall the panel actually stating that they had to. My union says that I have no case for disability discrimination but a solicitor that I spoke to through my home insurance says I have a great case. I am worried that they were just touting for business maybe and the union is right, but the union was wrong on a couple of other points so I am not sure. My employer has made it clear that they do not want me back, but I need a reference to move on which they have already denied when I applied elsewhere. Anybody any ideas whether or not I have a case? Thanks
  4. Cliffs: Just awarded ESA WRAG, 12 month prognosis; mental health. Hope to be ready for work in about a year. Don't think i could cope with full time work straight off. Part-time hours for the first year back seems like the best idea. To get WTC working less than 30 hours a week you have to have been on a relevant benefit (ESA-check). You also need to fulfill the criteria for the work disadvantage test. Parts that may apply to me: 16. You have a mental illness for which you receive regular treatment under the supervision of a medically qualified person. or 19. Due to mental disability you ...or are unable to form normal social relationships. "HM Revenue and Customs may ask you to nominate a professional involved in your care who can confirm how your disability affects you - for example, an occupational therapist, community or district nurse or doctor." So my question is how likely is it that based on evidence from my therapist and/or GP that i will satisfy either of these criteria? Would it help to send evidence along with my application form when the time arrives? Ultimately i do want to get back into work and don't have any sense of entitlement; i honestly believe that my chances of making a full recovery would be greatly enhanced if i could take things at a pace i can manage after suffering through some very dark times in the recent past. It would be a great help if i could get some financial support whilst i get back on my feet and look towards getting a place of my own once i secure full time employment.
  5. Hi all! I'm new to the site:madgrin: I'm actually asking about a problem that my other half is going through at the moment. He's a construction worker and has been with the present company for 2 years. One year ago, he was diagnosed with Tourettes Syndrome. It only affects his eyes and causes at times, uncontrollable blinking. I'm trying to cut this story short even though there is so much to say. Basically, his site manager started to make fun of my partner at work. Firstly, he announced to all his work colleagues that he had Tourettes, even though he didn't want it announced. Then he started to make fun of him....he would do things like imitate his blinking to others, laugh at him when he blinked. He then started to give him hell in work, putting so much work on him it was ridiculous....he would get so stressed that his Tourettes would come back and then the manager would shout out "Oh look, he's blinking again boys!" and laugh. My partner went to head office and said he wanted to be moved away from the manager as he was experiencing bulling in the work place. They done nothing and even went as far as defending the manager. This has stressed my partner out so much that he went back to the doctor and had to have his meds increased. He went back to work and they told him he couldn't continue with his usual duties due to the increase in meds and have put him on a job, away from everyone. He's made to stand there all day on his own, doing nothing basically. He rang the doc back and told him and even the doctor said there was no need for that, he could continue with his usual job and the medication would not effect it. He has told the company but has been ignored. It seems to me that he's being excluded 1) because he stood up the the manager and 2) because he has a disability. We really don't know what to do.....can anyone give any advice? Thank you.
  6. I currently receive income related employment support allowance and have been in the support group, (latest ESA50 submitted mid June '13 still awaiting decision so don't know if that has/is changing) and also mid rate care and low rate mobility of disability living allowance. My son is planning on moving out within the next few months and then I will be living alone. Am I right in thinking there is a premium added to ESA for people living alone if they receive DLA? Please can you tell me what this is and how much it is and who gets it? I am trying to find out whether this will cover the shortfall in rent that I will have due to the under occupancy charge reduction in housing benefit, it will be one less thing to worry about knowing it can be paid. Many thanks.
  7. My son has been offered a temporary job starting from today until Friday of this week. We calculated that if he takes the job, due to travel costs, he will be £6.50 a week worse off. As the job is more than 16 hours, it means he will have to sign off. He was happy to sacrifice this money and after he finished work today he attempted to sign off. However, he received a reply that if he wants to sign off he has to attend the job centre tomorrow. This will have to be done before work tomorrow as he won't be able to get back to the job centre before it closes after he finishes work. In order for him to get to the job centre he will have to purchase a train ticket in the opposite direction of where he works. As he will arrive before 11:00 and it is a peak travel route the ticket is very expensive. He will then have to buy a return ticket to work from the job centre instead of home, which is also more expensive. The tickets cost an extra £21 combined. Coupled with the £6.50 lost from taking the job, he stands to lost £27.50, which we can't afford to lose. He says that the job centre won't take the £21 into consideration, which I completely understand. I think that he can still turn the job down due to being worse off, even though it's only £6.50. However, he thinks that because he receives a higher rate of JSA due to his disability that DWP might base the worse-off calculations on the standard rate of JSA for his age group and not the amount he actually receives. He currently receives £30 a week more than the standard rate of JSA for those in the 25+ age group. This means that the job pays around £25 more than the standard rate of JSA for his age group once travel costs are taken into consideration. My question is: Can my son turn down this job without being sanctioned?
  8. Hi all, I am desperate for some help on where I stand please. I was a bus driver for Arriva London North, I was interviewed around this time last year and at interview declared I have severe asthma that I treated at home usually with rescue packs but on some occasions these did not work so I needed further treatment meaning absence. I was hired with the full knowledge of my illness. I was placed at a garage in March 2013 after my training and started actual employment as a driver rather than a trainee. I have been absent three times for around 3 week periods and once or twice for one or two days with sickness that I picked up from my children. The 3 week periods were because of severe chest infections that required stronger steroids and antibiotics that made me sleepy and moody so I could not drive a PCV vehicle. ALL my absences have been backed up by doctors certificates and one time with hospital paperwork confirming my admission with pneumonia. When I ended up with pneumonia, this was caused by the companies lack of support in providing me any reasonable adjustments. I explained to the company management numerous times that I could not breathe on the older version of buses (these being 2003 plate volvos) as the air blowers only blew hot air and the air conditioning that was fitted did not function. This caused my breathing to worsen as I needed cool air. The week before I was admitted to hospital with pneumonia I was forced to carry on driving a old volvo which blew hot air at me and could not be turned off. This was during one of the heatwave we had in the summer, this made my breathing very bad and resulted in a severe infection and hospital admission. When I returned to work following this illness I was again given this bus and route to drive but I refused on health reasons and was changed to a different route with newer buses for a period. Although I was changed, I was then put on three weeks of late shifts meaning I did not have anywhere to eat a hot meal (bearing in mind I am on constant regular medication), I again raised this with the garage management but nothing was done. In the end I raised this with the garage Operating Manager and he said he would look into it. I did not hear anything back The 3 weeks of lates I was given was not correct as the rota pattern should be one week of early, middle then lates on a constant loop. This long stint of late shifts again, made me ill resulting in more time off. As I could not use my neb when I needed it during my breaks as they were not long enough. This was because the bus change over point was a 10 minute walk from the garage each way, the breaks were only 45 mins max if you were lucky. So by the time I had gone to the toilet, sat down and gone to prepare my neb it was time to leave again. Now to date, I was sent letters to attend "probation review" meetings. These letters either arrived the day after the meeting or on the day of the meeting - my postman often arrives around 1300 upwards. Meaning I did not know about the meetings with a reasonable notice period. The letters were sent from North London to Essex/London border. The final letter received was sent next day delivery, which I received and I attended the meeting. At this meeting I was dismissed under the guise of "unsatisfactory attendance" during probationary period. I was off sick at this time also, altho my sick certificate ran out on 10/11/13 I was trying to get into my doctors to see if I could go back to work. I finally got an appointment at my doctors on 09/12/13 and was issued with a backdated certificate which ran from 10/11/13 to 16/02/14. The company are now saying I am not going to be paid my SSP for the period of 10/11/13 to 02/12/13 when I was dismissed as it took me too long to submit the certificate. Apparently not being able to get an appointment with my gp is not a good enough reason. Lastly, today I have been emailed my pay slip by payroll which has a deduction on 384.56 under the heading of "lost equip". Now, when I attended on the 02/12/13 I returned all the equipment I had with the exception of the Staff pass issued by tfl as I did not have that with me. I posted that back when I got home. There has been no breakdown of what this "lost equip" is or notification of the deduction prior to me receiving this pay slip so I have had no opportunity to sort this out. I know there is a lot of information above and it may be jumbled as I have written it as ive thought of it. Regards Bill
  9. Good afternoon to you all, My son has just joined the esa revolution and been placed under income related esa, in the support category. He had previously been on income support, with High rate care coupled with low rate mobility DLA. He has entered the main phase esa. He has been awarded, £71.70 living expenses £34.80 for being in the support category and £15.15 disability income guarantee. DLA remains the same. There is no reference to any disability premium, known previously as, 'enhanced disability premium' in his award other than a reference to a 'disability income guarantee' Having spent hours searching the meaning of 'disability income guarantee' it appears quite unclear, whether this terminolgy is a direct replacement of 'enhanced disability premium' found previously in his income support award. The sum of £15.15 for 'disability income guarantee' does match the rates published for 'enhanced disability premium' on the gov websites, but linking these terms is a little confusing. You may be aware of the free heating boiler schemes that are currently doing the rounds, providing you meet benefits criteria of which, esa with a disabilty premium attatched is a requirement. So to my question, is the "disability income guarantee" of £15.15 as of 01/12/2013 classed as a disability premium and was it previously known as the enhanced disability premium. Thank you all, The claimant
  10. Hi Everyone... I am currently in the process of handling an ET case for disability discrimination. My case is based on DD failure to make reasonable adjustments. I was dismissed for long term absence due to my illness, which I claim was due to employer. I was under-trained for a new role and raised this to which this was not acted upon and no training or coaching was implemented based upon my part time hours and they said I would have to change working hours to change this. I subsequently went off work for health reasons, had numerous Occ Health reports done with advice to employer but not acted upon. 6 months later I was offered adjustments that could be made but declined due to my deteriorated health and faith in my employer. I was then sacked 10 mins later. It is nearly a year since my dismissal. So far I have had two CMD's (phone and in person) and just recently due to the last CMD had orders made to both myself and the respondent. I have had to and have done an updated case based on DD - failure to make reasonable adjustments, to which the tribunal had ordered the respondent to notify if interested in mediation a week later (1st November) and then to provided an updated response (15th November). The respondent has not replied to myself as the tribunal had ordered and I contacted the respondent (copy sent to tribunal) but have yet to receive a response. Now... today I received a letter from the tribunal stating they cannot offer mediation as consent was not received from both parties. I'm now awaiting their updated response to get a better idea of their stance on the case. My question for help or guidance is if anyone else has experienced similar? is waiting 6 months for reasonable adjustments acceptable? when its for guaranteed training? also their failure to comply with orders, is this something to be taken seriously? they have continuously postponed dates of orders that have been made previously also. Many Thanks for taking the time to read my post
  11. Hello all, any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have just been sacked from a large public sector department employing many thousands of people. I have been working for my former employer for 20 years I was injured at work 13 months ago. I do qualify for DDA/equality act 10 July 2013 a reasonable adjustment was agreed by all concerned to keep me in employment, I could not return to my normal job, but I would be re graded/redeployed to an admin post elsewhere, within an hour of travelling for me. They very quickly offered me two roles that were both only 6 month temp contract. one of these jobs was a good 2hr commute, I was advised it was early days by my HR and I did not have to accept these and more should follow. I declined the two posts but said I would accept something more suitable, ie nearer and permanent. I was not offered any other roles for the next 12 weeks. I was then called in and told as nothing else had come available I was sacked. I have since been made aware that their was other jobs available but they failed to let me know. is this reasonable behaviour from my employer??
  12. ltd500

    Atos HCP

    Hello, Had a home visit for DLA. First letter was postmarked a Friday with a 2nd class stamp for an appointment on the following Tuesday so only got the letter a few hours prior to the appointment. therefore rearranged it as no notice given, have kept envelope and letter Atos said they do not need to give any notice and they posted in plenty of time! Can anyone advise a link to guidelines were ATOS state the notice period that they have to or should give? Dr that turned up introduced himself as a current GP. However he is not on the GP or specialist register. When confronted with this at a later date - he has now said he didn't say this. However an audio recording was in place for personal use. Dr ignored aids I use and what he was told, stating I need no help - basically he has written a false report to say no care help required despite various reports from experts being ignored. Despite not being a current GP he carried out a physical examination and an eye test - GMC complaint maybe? Dr then went on to diagnose that I had a severe mental condition and suggested I should start treatment - news to myself and medical team. Something made up from a line I said about feeling a bit low at times. Have done an initial complaint via ATOS but it's they're stating the DR didn't do any of that and he is right and I'm wrong attitude - they haven't stated where to go now - what's the next level of complaint I can take? Any advise folks?! Thanks!
  13. Hello. I've got a CMD coming up very soon in relation to a disability discrimination claim with harassment and victimisation. I know probably most people believe whatever they have been put through is scandalous and they have plenty of good evidence and my case is no exception. My employer has told some big lies in their ET3 and I already have evidence enough to show that very clearly. The internal investigation has been a cover up and so they were never held to account by that and thought they could pull the same stunt when it came to their ET3. In other words, having lied to the internal investigation and got away with it due to managers investigating each other, they have written the same crap in their ET3 and there is a whole heap of evidence against them. I won't go into the details just now. My question relates to covert recordings. I have about 40 hours of recordings both prior to and after I initially submitted my grievance. It's sufficient to show that they have lied in a number of ways. What is the coo with covert recordings? There seems to be a lot of misinformation around. Will the Tribunal accept them with a transcript from a court scribe or is it not worth it if I have lots of other good evidence? Might I win the ET but lose my job anyway on account of the recordings? Of course no matter how good I think my case is (and I have been given advice on liability at great expense from a specialist barrister) I know it ain't over till the fat lady sings and I might lose the case and my job on account of the recordings if I chose to disclose them? I have to make a decision on whether to use them in order to prove certain events or just keep my gob shut and go with the evidence I've got and the knowledge that I'm telling the truth and my employers aren't and there is already heaps of good documentary evidence to show that? Initially I only recorded them so that I could jog my memory in relation to every conversation which occurred over about 6 months. I didn't think they would be admissible but since then I've heard that in some circumstances they are. Question is, is it worth me taking the chance bearing in mind I still have my job and hope to win in any case? I've read SAR El's opinions on this and she clearly knows what she is talking about. Any further advice would be appreciated very much. Need to make decision on this very soon. Thank you for reading.
  14. i have been awarded low mobility and middle care dla,i received a letter to claim severe disability premium,my daughter lives with me and is at college,i don't claim for carers allowance,someone told me I will not get sdp because my daughter lives with me,is this true,she is 21
  15. Hi I am new to this forum but I need to ask a question and hope one of you can help! I am in receipt of Income Support as I care for my daughter who does not live in my property. I used to receive Severe Disablement Premium until I allowed my friend to come and live with me! My question is that I do not have a partner therefore why has my entitlement to severed disability premium stopped, I understand them stopping it if I have a partner but as to sharing my home with a friend should not mean that I should lose this premium. My friend does not receive carers allowance for looking after me! Is there any way I can claim my entitlement back? Thank you
  16. If an employer is found liable for disability knowledge because the FHSO new of the disability but did not inform management (vicarious liability? )or undertake a risk assessment is the employer then by default liable for not making reasonable adjustments (obviously they did not as they claimed lack of knowledge of the disability).
  17. This is really starting to upset me and I've had enough. In November, I met someone at a local Autism support group. In January, he added me as a Facebook friend. A few months later, he started contacting me a lot and I thought nothing of it. In April, I said I wouldn't be at the group because I'm busy that evening and if I went, I'd miss my train. He moaned about this because he wouldn't be seeing me for 2 weeks. A notice was up put on Facebook by the branch officer saying that all meetings are cancelled until further notice and this person got angry and demanded to know why. He was told to stop it. This is where the problems start. We had some people organise some unofficial meetings. Due to my issues with noise in public, I declined to go, which he wasn't happy with. He wanted to meet up one Saturday and said that we should go for coffee. I explained that I couldn't go because I know it'll be noisy. He said it wouldn't be. He wouldn't stop contacting me about stuff. I then asked him to stop contacting me all the time. His responses were basically him saying that's what friends do, I need to look up the definition of a friend, I'm his best friend, he's obsessed with me and knows I'm obsessed with someone (how that's relevant I don't know - he doesn't know that situation at all) and that we (him, me, his 2 carers and someone else) need to meet up and sort this out. There's nothing to sort out. He then said that his carers and psychologist claim he's done nothing wrong and I'm the one in the wrong. I can't see how I'm in the wrong. Upon talking to my dad, he agrees with me and thinks this lad is lying. I was advised to block him on Facebook and report him on there for harassment, which I've done. The branch officer and another member of this Autism support group are aware of what's going on and have said that they will help me sort this out. By the sounds of the email I was sent, they need to get some advice from somewhere; but I won't be identified. I've purposely gone the long way when going out so I don't have to walk past his house and risk bumping into him. The last time I heard from him was a few weeks ago, until today. We're both members of website and forum set up by a few members from this group. I received an email this morning saying he wants to be friends with me - despite me telling him no a few weeks ago. Someone has suggested (and I've thought about it) that I go to the police. I am tempted; but am I overreacting by doing this? I have all the Facebook messages that were sent. He doesn't know where I live and doesn't have any other contact details of mine.
  18. just been reading this has anyone else heard this is going to be happening as its the first ive heard of it This report looks at the likely impact of these changes on severely disabled adults who live on their own (or with a partner who is also disabled or just with dependent children) and don’t have a carer. All severely disabled adults face extra costs However those who live on their own also have additional costs not faced by those with a partner. In the current system this group are eligible for the Severe Disability Premium (SDP), currently worth about £58 a week, but under Universal Credit there will be no additional help with the extra costs that this group face as a result of having no-one to assist them. source http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:pquyFSEaEKMJ:www.citizensadvice.org.uk/holes_in_the_safety_net_sdp_report.pdf+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-a
  19. mental health appeal, son used my car and now bailiffs arrived wanting nearly 500 pounds, i am a carer, i appealed heard nothing for years, now this??? they are coming to take my stuff- is there anything i can do now, dont have the money to pay it either.
  20. I have been told we may be able to claim this for my mother. Could anyone tell me what information they will need as I like to be prepared? Thank you.
  21. Hi, thought I would come back to this forum for advice because everyone was so helpful in the past. Basically I am in reciept of working tax credit and getting the disability element of this as well. I have been recieving this since roughly last august. However with renewals due very soon, will I continue to recieve this or will it be stopped? I'm not sure what the qualifying conditions would be even though I have read through these they don't make a great deal of sense. What or who makes the decision to review or stop this part of WTC? I know that one of the reasons I got in back in august 2012 was because I had been recieving ESA contribution and council/housing benefit but this entitlement has obviously now stopped. thanks for any help.
  22. I need help please. I am claiming for disability discrimination at the tribunal. Unison decided not to represent me because their legal advice stated that I had little prospects of success; however if the tribunal where to decide that the items in my claim amount to a continuing act the my chance improve to more that 53%. Anyhow I got the sense that Unison lawyer are rubbish and do anything they can to turn down cases so as to safeguard the single yearly lump-sum they get from unison. I have suffered from long term work related stress and other chronic ailments that are aggravated by stress. I was bullied at work by my supervisor which resulted in work related stress, depression and worsening of my chronic illness. In my grievance I requested a change of department as my relationship with management had broken down and was causing me mental health problems and deterioration in my physical health. I have a heart problem and take beta-blockers that make me tired and impact on my ability to carry out my duties. I have since moved to a new job and cut down my working hours from full-time to part-time (2 days a week). The responded in my case has stated that they did not discriminate against me because their Occupational Health adviser did not recommend reasonable adjustments because of my disability but because the relationship between myself and my managers had broken down, although the report mentions work related stress and my other health ailments and how the stress has impacted on my ability to work. Now how do I challenge the responds assertions?
  23. Hi, first time on the forum, just looking for some advice, been working for the same NHS for 27years and last year was diagnosed with MS so covered by Equality Act 2010, was off sick for a year and went back to work because I wanted to. Returned on a very phased return now up to full time, had a functional capability assessment done no problems with cognitive abilities but mobility affected (walk with a stick) my post involves clinical and management input, so recommendations from assessment was for a more sedentary post. Since returning to work I have had several meetings with HR and Management and they have now decided I should be redeployed as I am no longer able to do the clinical side of my job. I have an interview for another post on Friday arranged by HR. This post is for a lower grade than I am currently employed. When I asked about reasonable adjustments I was told they had fulfilled this by letting me work office based and by letting me come back phased, although I was using A/L to do so. Just looking for some advice to ensure my rights have been protected. Sorry it's such a long question.
  24. Hi, My husband has been off sick for just over 2 years. 10 months ago he was signed 'may be fit to work' with restrictions by his GP and his employer's OHD. However, the company (a huge multi-national) have flatly refused to allow him back to work and say that the restrictions laid out by the OHD make it impossible for them to make reasonable adjustments. He's now on £0 salary as his OSP ceased and his ESA is about to be stopped because when he's assessed by them next week, they'll say he's fit to work, which he is. However for the first 15-18 months of his sick leave he was physically disabled by a Conversion/Dissociative Disorder and suffered symptoms of a catastrophic stroke, which has required months of rehabilitation with speech and language therapists, physios etc. He just filed an ET1 against his company for disability discrimination and failing to make reasonable adjustments under the EqA. But he has an uncommon complaint and I'm wondering if the Equality Act recognise Conversion/Dissociative Disorder as a disability for employment purposes? Grateful for any advice x
  25. Hi there, I am looking for some advice, I have just started work again after a long period (years) of claiming IB/ESA and DLA. I also was receiving CTC. I have phoned the HMRC and I qualify for the disabled element of WTC due to DLA award. I have also notified DLA of a change in circumstances. My question is - if when DLA get back to me - and they say I am no longer entitled to DLA - obviously this will stop the disabled element. Can I then claim because of time spent on ESA? Can't I just do that now? I received DLA for mental health issues - which have not entirely gone - but I am coping with them now, which is why DLA may end - but I will still be disabled for the purpose of WTC
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