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  1. Hi there, just recieved a letter back from HSBC requesting signature for my CCA. Have copied a template from 42man posted below will send to them today : Dear Sirs, RE Account NO XXXXXXXX Thank you for your letter dated xx/xx/2009 in which you say that you will not comply with my request dated xxx under s.78(1) of the `Consumer Credit Act 1974 unless I provide you with a signature. There is no requirement under the Act that require a s.78(1) request to be accompanied by a signature, and I am unable to accede to your request. Further, I note that you have sent statements and correspondence containing sensitive private information to me at same address as that detailed in my s.78(1) request. If you are concerned that you are corresponding with the correct person I wonder why you have not verified the information before. As you are aware, disclosing data without adequate checks of identity is contrary to the 7th principal of data protection, listed in schedule 1 of the Data protection Act 1998. The time to confirm my identity was before you sent your first threat letter. My request for a true copy of my credit agreement under section 78(1) was made on xx/xx/2009 and the 12 working days for your compliance expire on xx/xx/2009. I note that there is no provision that removes the requirements of the act to provide this information on time, even if you are unsure of my identity. Please now comply with your legal obligation without further delay. Regards Is this ok? [ATTACH=CONFIG]41281[/ATTACH]
  2. I had a Loan with hsbc in 1999 i lost my job in 2001, the loan had protection and i had that paid for 12months after this I could not pay as was on a course and I defaulted on the loan and the debt went to Metropolitan collection services. I was paying them back £48 per month during the 2003 and put it up after they wanted more money to £51 per month now out of the blue I was contacted by Direct Legal and collections demanding £10k on my mobile phone and also my home phone. I asked the lady on the phone who are you I have never heard of you, She said that a letter was sent saying that they had bought the debt. She asked for my date of birth and postcode I said sorry I dont know you, you are probably a fraudster write to me if you got all my details. after contacting MCS they told me they passed on the debt to Hillesden on the 13th Jan 2009.
  3. Hi, I am a new user and would appreciate some advice on my situation. As director I jointly signed a guarantee with HSBC in 2002 for an overdraft of £13,000 I resigned as a director of a company in 2003, which was done hastily, and left to the accountant to sort out. (foolish I know) The company was in good credit at the time of resignation. In 2011 I received letter from HSBC quoting " the above company has been placed into liquidation on July 2011, attached is a letter in respect of the Guarantee you have given this company. After explaining my situation to HSBC they advised me that they would not release from the guarantee, but would not pursue me if the existing director and guarantor paid the debt. (which he hasn't) The debt was passed to Metropolitan Collection Services, who ignored all correspondence from me. Now i've received a letter from Wescot demanding over £30,000? I rang them to tell them I didn't owe any money to anyone, they couldn't even find me on there system? Is there anything I can do, I have a statutory declaration from the other director stating that I don't have anything to do with this debt or the company. Regards PC
  4. Hi there Sorry to be a pain but just about to start my PPI claims and need to get my head straight. Please can someone answer my questions? Really sorry, probably being thick!!!! Procedure for claiming: SAR if haven't got all paperwork then FOS Questionnaire with spreadsheet? HSBC Income Protection - is this PPI? HSBC Mortgage Repayment Protector - is this PPI? HSBC Life and Critical Illness Insurance - is this PPI? Which spreadsheet do I use for PPI on a Credit Card? Which spreadsheet do I use for PPI for a Single Premium on a Loan? I've been looking at ims signature but not sure!! Found an old spreadsheet from ims titled CISsheet, can I still use that? its not so confusing as the others!! You just put in the charge and the date. Thank you
  5. Hi, I'd be grateful if anyone could help me. I went into my bank (HSBC) and a lady in there confirmed that I had PPI on both an old 'flexi' loan and also an old HSBC credit card. I sent off the SAR's and can't see anywhere that I do or I don't. On another worrying note, the bank said as they have 'assumed my request for information is likely to obtaining details of PPU held with HSBC, I can confirm that I have found no record of any PPI being attached to any loan with HSBC' I beleive that they are (surprise surprise) lying! So, shall I just send off the questionnairre complaint anyway? Why should I say it was misold? Would really appreciate any help/advice, cheers
  6. Hi In 2007 I had a successful business as a sole trader and was also a director in a limited company which dealt with similar products. My business was on line and the limited company was a shop and online. Mid 2007 the limited company folded due to problems with the rented property it was based in. I continued my business as a sole trader. In 2008 I really started to feel the effect of the recession and orders started to dry up. By the end of 2008 it was clear I was in a position that I could not recover from. I ceased trading and found a full time job. The bank was aware of this. To "Help" me they offered to consolidate the money I owed the bank into one secured loan. Through desperation I accepted this. The bank set this up as a flexible business loan even though they knew I had ceased trading. The loan was shown in my insolvency paperwork, along with all other out goings. I was officially discharged from bankruptcy at the beginning of last year. During my bankruptcy and up to present day I've struggled to find the money to pay my mortgage, bills and the loan. I have recently been informed that the bank may have breach guidelines when they started the loan. I have been told they may have failed in the following areas (and possibly more) :- They were supposed to have an independent valuation of my property to ensure I had the equity to cover the loan. They have a figure which is approximately £50K above the figure the receivers had (the same amount as the loan ). We were never aware of anyone other than the receiver's agents carrying out a valuation. They were supposed to act in the best interest of both parties. By adding a £50K (less than half the money remaining on our mortgage) loan, they doubled the amount we were paying to bank per month. We asked for it to be added to the mortgage but they said that was not possible. The bank "Bullied" me and my wife into taking the loan explaining that the house would be at risk if I didn't take it and with my current credit rating it would not be possible to get finance else where. It may seem strong to describe it as bullying but it wasn't the first time it had happened at that branch. I had complained about my business manager and had the complaint upheld by their manager. When I stated that I was considering approaching the ombudsman over the matter, the senior manager stated that whilst I was entitled to do this, if I did it could damage the relationship between the bank and myself and this would mean that the want would cancel all the credit they were offering me. My wife has submitted two SARs to the bank with no success. After reading this forum I've got a better idea as to how to apply the SAR and so I will be doing this in the next few days. My wife has also asked the bank to investigate how this loan was drawn up. They have said that they will investigate within 24 hours. This was two weeks ago and as of yet there has been no reply. Does anyone have any thoughts on this matter? Do you think the bank have acted inappropriately ? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  7. Hi there We recently completed a Voluntary Repossession on our old house. We have not been living there for 4 years and were renting it out, which was not covering the mortgage cost anyways, we were adding more ourselves on top of it so we did not default. The tenant stopped paying so we evicted him and gave the house to the bank. Within 2 months they had sold it for way under the value rate, obviously selling it at auction for as fast as they can, rather than as much as they can. First of all, is there any way I can dispute the amount they sold it for? As it has left me with a deficit of £35k to pay. Secondly Mick and myself have been calling HSBC to arrange paying this off a certain amount each month. We have both been calling since receiving the first letter. Each time we call they say they cannot do anything about setting up a payment plan at this stage. On the 21st we received another letter stating as we had not contacted them with regards to making any payments they demand the whole balance at once. Again we both tried calling them. On the 21st Mick was advised the debt had been passed to a collection agency. I called Jan 11th, spoke to a lady called Anet who agreed to call me back the following Monday to arrange the plan. She did not call back till Tuesday at which point she told me the debt had been passed to Metropolitan debt collection (again?) that day so she could not do anything. She did not call on Monday as she had a training course she did not know about. Well that’s not my fault as far as I’m concerned. She made an appointment to call me to arrange this but did not keep it deciding instead to call me the next day, which by that point was to late. I should not be forced to deal with a collection agency because Anet did not want to call me on Monday. She could have arranged for a colleague to do it, or just kept to the appointment! Not to mention all the other times we called and kept getting fobbed off. I have no idea where I stand with this, and even if I dispute the handling of this, I have a horrible feeling I will be continually hounded by Metro. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
  8. Hi, First I must thank you all for such a wonderful repository of information. You have built an amazing community and should be very proud. The Story: I moved to the US in 2007, and left some debt behind. It was a difficult time and I was in turmoil about this debt. Then I discovered this site and learnt that there was essentially nothing they could do. I put that part of my life behind me and forgot about it. Earlier this week I received a letter from a lawyer containing a motion for an issuance of a new Capias. I had no idea what this was so called, and then went to the courthouse to obtain a copy of the file. It turns out that this lawyer had obtained a judgement by default against me in 2011. The documents had been served to an apartment i moved out of in 2007. I had no idea of the existence of this case until this week. Crazily enough, this seems to be perfectly proper service in the US. I have been living my life quite happily for the last 2 years without knowing that I had a civil arrest warrant out on me. Obviously this court has no jurisdiction over the matter and I will seek to have the default judgement vacated. I will then seek damages via the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. I realise this forum may not be the best place for these US-centric questions. I will also pose them to your revolutionary brothers at http://www.debtorboards.com However I would appreciate any input you could give. My Questions: 1. What is the likelihood that HSBC is the actual Plaintiff? Wouldn't the debt have been sold off long ago? This lawyer is a bottom feeding sole trader ambulance chaser. I find it hard to believe he has been engaged by HSBC. 2. The complaint is for a fanciful sum in US Dollars. Is this Kosher? Can a debt in one currency be arbitrarily converted to another? Or is this a fraud designed to deceive the court? 3. In what order do I properly deal with this? Attend Capias hearing first and then file a motion to vacate? Or should I file a motion to vacate now with the same hearing date as the Capias hearing? 4. I intend to make some money from this scumbags sloppiness. Am I required to offer my full defense in the motion to vacate? Can I move to vacate solely on the grounds of not having been served, and then let him dig a deeper hole for himself in subsequent proceedings? Or does doing this mean I will have assented to the courts jurisdiction? 5. If #4 is a bad idea can I file a motion to vacate with prejudice? How likely is this to be granted? 6. What's the likelihood of a crazy American judge ignoring jurisdiction? 7. Will this judgement have been recorded on my credit reports? I have applied for my reports but the credit reporting agencies seen to not know who I am. I have never applied for credit in the US. If this judgement has been reported, is this a breach of the data protection act? 8. This debt will be statute barred in about 2 months and I'm feeling litigious. What can I do to punch HSBC in the nose? It seems to me that if HSBC is really the plaintiff then it is a UK company attempting to fraudulently use the US courts to bully and intimidate the counter-party in a UK contract. How do I monetize this naughtiness? LIBOR is still fresh on everyone's minds... I'm sure I have a million more questions but I am still working to educate myself on the intricacies of US law. Any advice you could offer would be most gratefully received!
  9. I've had six accounts with HSBC since first banking with them nearly 20 years ago now. What I would like to know is do I have to send off 6 SAR's thus costing me £60, or can I just send off one with all the account numbers in it? I've read the SAR and it does say to hand over ALL information on me. Well all info would be all accounts...Yes...No? Thanks
  10. Title says it all really, anyone got a current working e-mail addy for Lynne at HSBC please?
  11. [ATTACH=CONFIG]40335[/ATTACH]I have just checked my file with creitexpert and the past 2 months i have late payment from HSBC showing on my account, i dont owe them any money?? I have gone into the red but paid all charges etc during that period. I have a HSBC credit Card but that is listed seperately as satisfatory? What payments could they be marking as late, i have no overdraft, it is just a normal current account.
  12. If I have taken a loan out on APR 12:4% Variable rate,which at the time of taking out the loan in 2005 was 7:0% over HSBC's base rate,should my repayments not have reduced as the interest rates have reduced over the last 7 years?
  13. So after 7 weeks and 2 days of sending off the letter and FOS form I received a PPI offer from HSBC against my graduate loans from 1999-2005. They have calculated a PPI Premium Redress against the 4 loans I chased and oddly enough a redress against the 5th loan which didn't have PPI (HSBC Graduate loan with Protection) and I didn't mention. I think because each loan consolidated the last somehow the PPI became part of the 5th and final loan. (?) Each premium redress has taxable interest added at 8% and the grand total of it all comes to £2,828. I don't have any of the details of the loans anymore (I was given the PPI plan no.'s by HSBC over the phone) so I don't know whether this is the correct amount or how much PPI I was paying each month. 1. I know it is hard to say but does this sound ballpark like the correct figure? Each of the loans was less than £4000. (I realise this is probably completely unanswerable!) 2. Finally should I just accept the first offer? I am quite happy with it but....I hate to let banks get away with anything Any advice greatly appreciated, HS
  14. Hi all, Due to a lost two months ago i have an excess of overdraft (unauthorized) for about £300 on my hsbc account. However, I have received my housing benefit on this account yesterday but i cannot withdraw it : when I call the hsbc support and ask them to transfer the housing benefit to another account they ask me to go to one of their local branch. The problem is that i cannot presently go outside since i have been locked in by landlord & neighbors (but my rent payment is up to date (reason of this overdraft)) and i have to stay in bed due to my sickness. Thanks in advance for your help, MoonTop Ps : I understand that normally I should leave this housing benefit into this bank account since I had used the unauthorized overdraft to pay the rent in advance in goal to avoid an eviction, but despite of this the landlord is taking illegal action (http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?377671-Unlawful-Eviction-today-Landlord-has-changed-the-locks&p=4095121#post4095121) and i need further money to stop this since i have to pay some fees online.
  15. Dear All I recently wrote to HSBC reclaiming missold PPI for a loan and credit card I took out between 8-10 years ago, the accounts of which have long since closed. They acknowledged my letter and sent me one of those Ombudsman standard forms to complete but not having the original loan and credit card agreements anymore, I wrote back stating that I was unable to complete the form with any accuracy. I asked for a copy of the agreements from HSBC; they have now written back and told me these cannot be located. Before I had a chance to write back, another letter arrived from HSBC stating that as I had not completed the Ombudsman standard form, they cannot continue with my claim without it as this would have helped them to understand why I thought I had been missold PPI. Is the onus on me to prove that I had been missold PPI or is this a delaying tactic. Any advice as to next steps would be welcomed with open arms. Many thanks. Michael
  16. Hi there, I just checked my Experian credit file. I have a current account with HSBC with no credit facilities (all auth debit card, no overdraft, no credit card). I never signed a credit agreement and I don't think I agreed in writing to them sharing my personal information with credit agencies. Now back in April I wrote a friend a cheque for £200. When he cashed it my account balance was £191, so the cheque bounced, meaning that my account was always in credit. My friend was fine with and I paid him in cash the next day. HSBC have included this as a default on my credit file. They also charged me a £25 return fee, payable one month after the "default". I'm not looking to get the fee waived but rather to get the default removed from my credit file. I've spoken to them on the phone and they just keep repeating that a bounced cheque is a default and therefore it gets reported. They won't listen to anything I say. How should I tacke this? What legal arguments can I use in writing? Sorry for my bad English - I'm from Spain and not used to fighting with UK banks. Thank you!
  17. background. loan for 4000 ppi loan for 556.45 front loaded extra on monthly repayment for ppi = 15.44. total repayable = 648.41 Had an offer back from them today for ppi redress of 656.01 + 649.45 (8% interset) totallying £1,305.46 took 8weeks bang on seems about right maybe about £50 to low compared to calculator speadsheet. Should i except this offer or should they be offering some sort of compensation on top would it be worth the dlay of sending it to FOS or should i just book a holiday. cheers in advamce for your views/ advice
  18. Back in October 2004 – I gave HSBC a Legal Mortgage as a directors guarantee of £45K on my home to support loans to my business. My business ceased trading just over a year ago, with 40k of OD / loans. I offered them £400pm but they refused. Now HSBC have filed to take legal charge over the property as we have not come to a repayment agreement, HSBC believe the is equity to be had so are looking for the sum to be repaid with 2 years or sooner. I have an appearance @ Court next week. Interestingly I signed the Legal Mortgage but no DE bencher was ever given. I also believe the HSBC facility letters to the company offering funds were never signed either– so in theory were not an authorised lending from a company perspective. My questions are :- Should this loan be regulated by the consumer credit act ? as I’m a consumer – not sure if this helps me Will the fact that the facility letters are unsigned mean I can claim this is not a secured loan? I am happy to repay any sums owed but obviously want to limit impact on my family
  19. Issue Date: 08 Nov 2012 Amount claimed [£2000] - I have hidden the actual amount but it is justa tad less than this. Court Fee: £75.00 Solicitors costs: £80.00 Total Amount [£2000] – again actual total amount ishidden Claimant: SIGMA SPV1 LIMITED Address for sending documents and payments (if different): HL LEGAL & COLLECTIONS 1ST FLOOR GROSVENOR HOUSE PROSPECT HILL, REDDITCH WORCESTERSHIRE B97 4DL 01527 586517 [xxxxxx\xxxxxxxx] – my HSBC sort code and account ??? Particulars of claim: Monies due under an overdraft on current account [xxxxxx\xxxxxxxx]betweenHSBC Bank PLC and the defendant the benefit of which was assigned to the claimanton 21/12/2011. The overdraft terminated upon the Defendants failure to complywith the terms of the overdraft agreement. The claimant seeks interest pursuant to section 69 of thecounty courts act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date issue continuingat the daily rate of 0.41 Any payments or queries should be directed to the claimanton 01527 586594 (phone) or email info@hllc.co.uk I have been sent the following forms which I have not submittedyet. N1, N9, N9A,N9B On my credit file the HSBC account started June 2001. It is wasmarked as settled (balance £0) as March 2009. There have been no furtherupdates since then. I then have the following entry on my credit file for sigmared. Started Aug 1996 ??? with a default date April 2009, balance[£2000]. This entry is updated every month to date showing a balance of [£2000] I really do not want a CCJ on my credit history. However Ido not have the funds just yet but could if given more time. January 2013. Do I pay this now , fight it, or try and delay it. Overall IMUST avoid a CCJ due to my job. Any advice is really welcome.
  20. Hi I wonder can someone give me some advice. In 2006 HSBC gave me a Managed loan to consolidate 2 credit cards and an overdraft and I pay this monthly and have done since 2006. I contacted them regarding the balance on this account as I had been paying this for 6 years and thought it may possibly be nearing completion. To my shock I found out that I had not even paid 50% of the capital off and thought that I should have paid off a lot more than that. I then asked for opening balance figures etc and on my calculations the loan balance should be around £3000 less than the figure they have quoted me. this is using the interest rate that they told me is used to calculate the loan. They have told me that my last payment will be in 6 years time whereas using my calculations it should be 3 years time. I am fairly sure I have calculated the interest correctly and can't see how I would be so far out What should I do ? Thanks Rich
  21. Hi guys, I took out a loan & Credit Card with HSBC years ago. More than 6 years ago, deffo. Now it appears HSBC have joined the two together into a single debt (£2,458.14) and appear to have sold the debt to "Clarity Credit Management", who are now sending me letters demanding I pay up. The funny thing is, the debt doesn't even show on my Credit Report on Experian. How on earth can they chase for a debt that's not even on my record anymore?! Can I fight this, or do I have to pay it? Cheers.
  22. They did it in America did anyone really believe they wouldn't do it here. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/offshorefinance/9665741/HSBC-investigation-Drug-dealers-gun-runners-and-Britains-biggest-bank.html
  23. Hi, I have been with HSBC for twenty odd years. I knew I had credit card PPI (still actually paying it) and a loan over 5-10 years ago. I wrote to HSBC simpy saying 'I believe I have been mis-sold PPI can you look into it please'. I have just recieved a letter back..stating the following: HSBC graduate Loan protection plan: xxxxxx(xxxxx) (Note Ive deleted the numbers!) HSBC Personal loan protection Plans: xxxxxx(xxxxx) & xxxxxxx(xxxxx) HSBC Card holder repayment Protector: xxxxxx(xxxxx) Seems I have paid more PPI than I remembered over the years! They then say '"So that we can fully investagate the issue youve raised we have asked the PPI complaints team to look into the situation. HSBC will contact you with a full response as soon as investagtions are complete" They also have asked me to fill out a questionare 'to help them'. My questions are as follows... 1) Do I need to fill out the questionare? 2) Is it in my best interests to do so? Will I 'win' If I dont fill it in? 3) If I do It seems I have 4 PPI claims, do I need to copy the questionarre and fill this out 4 times or bundle them all on one questionare (which doesnt seem possible). Regardless they say they will get back to me in eight weeks. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  24. To cut a long story short, but to give hope to others. My son who is disabled wrote a long timeline of his history with HSBC one night, it was a bit jumbled, but we soon got it in chronological order, and tidied it up so it made some sense. I duly posted it off to Leeds. The complaint was general about the selling of products since he became a customer. He is on benefits, and has never defaulted on a repayment, and the culmination of his story is one of the infamous HSBC "managed loans" Two weeks after getting his missive, HSBC responded with what seems to be a standard, we are investigating your complaint, and please fill out the enclosed fos form so we can proceed with a ppi claim on 3 numbered loans (they provided this information) the loans dated back to 2002, so beyond the 6 year statue barred. we duly filled out the enclosed forms and returned to Bristol. 7 weeks later he got an offer on the original 3 loans and additional fourth loan. Totalling nearly £11,000 Which was a total shock to him, he has accepted and now has the money. we did not have any original paperwork from these loans, only paperwork he has is managed loan and we did not do a SAR. He is nearly halfway through his managed loan and he can clear it early next year, and have a nice chunk left over which will be a big relief for him and me. Meanwhile we had a response from HSBC customer advocate regarding his general complaints about the bank, the general tone is very curt, and leans towards we are the bank, are right and have no case to answer. However, I will be taking this forward as I dislike officious bank staff who's tone leaves a lot to be desired! Just wanted to share the good news above getting PPI refunded with no hassle going back ten year with no paperwork in just over ten weeks.
  25. Hi, I took out a loan in the early 2000's with HSBC who made it very clear that they would only grant the loan if PPI was taken out. I was clearly mis-sold. 2 months ago I completed the FSA PPI questionnaire and sent it back to HSBC, who in turn have responded and basically said thanks for the questionnaire but their records cannot find evidence of any PPI because due to Data Protection they may have destroyed files that are over 6 years old. Unfortunately, I no longer have any of the paperwork but do have the sort code and account no (HSBC) where they paid the loan to and took repayments from. Is there anything I can do or have they got away with it? I keep trying to call them on the numbers provided but the call always drops and can't speak to anyone.... Any help appreciated. Thanks, James.
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