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  1. hi all, I would like to start a complaint Re Barclays home insurance legal funding. I applied to them to take on a legal matter and after much deliberation they accepted the claim. The only problem was that Barclays only offered £1500 to help with the claim, while £1500 is better than nothing it is still not enough to cover all of my costs. Especially when Barclays policy handbook states that a level of funding is available upto £50k. Whilst I do not need £50k I need a significantly higher level of funding for my claim which has now gone to appeal. I relied on Barclays statement of funding to my detriment as now I can not fund my claim to pursue it to appeal. Barclays have been unable to point me to the limitation clause where it states £1500 is the standard arrangement rather than the £50k published. I am aware that Anthony Salz is the lawyer appointed by Barclays to investigate the culture of the scandal hit bank short changing consumers and I intend to write to him. I was just wondering if caggers can advise me as to how the financial ombudsman can help with this dispute. It seems that Barclays are misleading those with Home insurance into a false sense of security and not providing as per the agreements in their policy. Any help, comments, opinions most welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read. Best regards BB
  2. In May 2012 a old Morgan Stanley account of mine was sold to Crapbot. Had all the assignment letters etc. I then sent off a CCA request to Crapbot and as I thought due to the age of the account no CCA could be found. Well told them that until one was forthcoming the account was in dispute and that enforcement could not take place. They agreed they could not enforce and the last correspondence was in August saying you were paying Barclays so that is proof of debt. Sent them the various cases on here quoting that basically they were talking bullocks and to either put up or shut up... Well today is the day I met the man from the mortgage company to hand in me keys to my old property and the last chance to pick up my mail. To my surprise I have a two letters from Barclays asking for payment on this old Morgan Stanley account. ??? !!!!! Surprise it is, they say they are going to default me the usual threats, this must be the most defaulted account in history, defaulted by Barclays back in 2009 then Crapbot in 2012 and now Barclays again ??? What I would like to know is, if as they say they purchased the debt have they given it back to Barclays and is this usual ???? Barclays have been sent my reply stating, Account in dispute blah de blah ( basically where's me CCA ) and how many times can I be defaulted on this ??? Very strange as Crapbot has an old Yorkshire Bank Visa Card which they tried to get money out of me for but again due to age no CCA. Have not heard about that one in nearly two years. Can they get there money back from Creditors who sold them the accounts when they know they have bought a lemon. ???
  3. Evening all, largely the same question as a number of other posters. I have a dormant limited company with a Barclays business a/c. the account was in credit (around £100) and I received statements once every 6 months. Over the past 12 months statements arrive virtually every few weeks and guess what? the account is O/D by £850. Not bad considering there has never been a transaction? Barclays advise as the a/c is unused it will be closed end November. Can I reclaim? Or should I SAR them firstly to fully establish charges? Seems to be a grey area!
  4. Hi everyone. I wonder if you give me some useful advise. My partner signed agreement for 3 years fixed mortgage of 4.9 %with Barclays. We was told that was best because the Bank of England might put up their interest rates. My partner has been on the plan for 1 year 4 months no interest rate has gone up. Could she change your mortgage agreement to the low interest rate of 0.5 % ?
  5. Hi All. A few yrs ago I successfully hit Barclays for a couple of grand in bank charges from ages ago, and have now only just realised that I have had PPI on my Barclays Additions current account since 2006. Bit miiffed really, as I thought I was good at avoiding things like that. I have no memory (or paperwork) of the events surrounding the change of my account from whatever it was before to the Additions Account, so I can't say for sure whether it was a mis-selling, but I know I certainly wouldn't have signed up to it if I din't think it was compulsory. I do have all the bank statements, so I can figure out the total charged quite easily. They charge me £6.40 a month for an £800 overdraft facility. I'm self employed so have fluctuating income, I have used the overdraft facility but have never claimed on the PPI. Reading various threads on here it seems I can claim all this back. I still have all the paperwork on file from the bank charges claim, and I'm sure some of these letters can be recycled for this one. I take it I still send everything to Churchill Place (walking distance for me!) Can someone point me to the appropriate template letter and spreadsheet - not sure it's the same interest rate ect as the one I did previously. Do I need to send loads of copies of bank statements like I did last time - if I remember that was the worst bit of the whole process!. Also is it advisable to send a second letter to my branch to get them to stop charging the £6.40 from now on, or can I do this in the same letter? Thanks to everyone for looking. This forum is a fantastic resource.
  6. I would be grateful if you could help me with my case. Things became difficult for me and I had to default on my loans and obligations. I had a loan with Egg. who transfered it to Barclays then Moorgate Britannica. I am registered with the cccs and have made the £1 to all bar these. I requested that they send validation that I owe them this money and the only response I have had is a court hearing. I appealed to the court and now have a Defence filed questionnaire. Have I done the right thing and what should I put in the questionnaire? Ps, I rang Moorgate this morning and I know I should have not to tell them that they are taking me to court through Earlswood and they said that I have to deal with Arden(Strange) I rang Arden (I Know) and told them that I had written to their solicitors and I had no response and they have now passed on the details to their legal team that will forward the stuff to me. Do you think that Moorgate have a legal claim to this debt and what should I expect to arrive in the post and will it be enforcable? Thanks.
  7. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/rate-swap-scandal/9639202/Barclays-in-court-over-mis-selling-claims.html
  8. :mad2:I was promised by Barclays customer service advisor on March 1st 2011 if I made a large overpayment of £5046 I could have new loan of £6000 or £7000 for 10 years for interest rate of 11% or 12% for £104 a month, but if I was declined I could have my overpayment back. I paid £5046 off my loan to get the new loan, but when I was advised that the offer didn't exist, I was told that I can't have my overpayment back. I took it to the FSA they favoured Barclays because they send inaccurate details of me being declined a loan ehen I wasn't. I have threated them court still no reply. I have asked for transcript of that call, they they havn't got record of it. So what can I do urgent please help ?
  9. Hey guys, I hope everybody is well. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible. I recently opened a savings account with Barclays and initially deposited an amount of 2100 to start it off. I was told that my card and PIN would arrive within a week. Anyway after about 2 weeks, I remembered and noticed that I still had not received either my card or my PIN number - I didn't think nothing of it obviously assuming that my money was safe and that they'd simply forgotten to send it. So, I called up Barclays and was put through to one of their staff and explained the situation. He told me, "Yes, you're right it appears the card hasn't been sent on our system" and asked me to go on hold. Which I did...for 25 minutes! So I got fed up and hung up. I tried once more and got through to a lady who apologised for me being on hold....and put me on hold! Again, another 20 minutes later so I hung up and thought forget it, I'll call again another time. Called again 2 days later and got through to somebody and explained the problem. This time I was put on hold briefly and when the gentleman returned, told me that transactions had been made everyday until my account was emptied of the 2100 pounds!! He gave me locations and times that were all over the place! We established it couldn't have been me as I was working around 60-72 hours per week around that time and straight after work would hit the gym in a location nowhere near where the transactions took place. Anyway, he apologised for the inconvenience and said that he was refunding the money but I'd need to fill out a form or they would take the refund back. He was a nice guy and although distressed I was happy with how he handled it. Anyway, I thought that was the end of it..Not so. I got a letter yesterday saying that they were holding me liable and that the money would be taken back in 7 days!! This wasn't explained to me at all by the man on the phone and I just assumed this was the end of it! They said the card and PIN were used together and therefore it implicates me. Also that I didn't report the card for 2 weeks. (That is insane! I was working 60-72 hours a week and then going to the gym! The card wasn't even on my mind as I assumed my savings money was safe) I looked at the FSA guidelines and what they're doing is basically wrong. They have zero evidence against me while I have every piece of evidence that it wasn't me! Also, the worst part is that since then my friends have decided on a holiday to Vegas and I thought why not, I didn't have money to afford it so I used most of the money from my savings account to book it and NOW Barclays are saying they are taking my money and if there is nothing in there that I will become overdrawn and incur fees! This is totally ridiculous and I feel so stressed. This is going to affect my credit and everything if this happens. How do they get away with this? Is there anything that I can do? I have already written them a stern letter with all evidence and how they have given me no evidence at all. Reading stories of the Ombudsman doesn't give me faith either. How should I proceed after sending this letter? Thanks a bunch for this
  10. HI All took out one of those at home training courses in 2006 but never got the support that was agreed in the paperwork, i constantly emailed for support but all i ever got back was replys stating change of tutor(kept emails). so i refused to pay anymore due to this as i could not complete the course without support. last payment was in 2007 i think . i was contacted in 2010 by apex claiming i needed to pay £1100 to which i replied that the account was in dispute due to the company breaking the terms and conditions of the agreement, i explained why and forwarded all the email correspondence to apex, apex had already put a default on my account to which i asked to be removed as they had no right to, they removed this and have asked for no money since but send me a letter every three months or so with whats oweing but not asking for payment, i checked my credit report today and they have put the default back on but says last updated 07/2010 any ideas on how to proceed as they are not asking for money but how did they put the default back on, it wasnt there 2 months ago. when they removed the default they also removed anything to do with apex, i cannot remember who i originally took the course out with it think it was acpd or similar. i have been working hard the last few years to keep my credit report clear and have done so until they put this back on any help or advise appreciated kind regards Tony
  11. I have a cash card account with Barclays which is overdrawn to the tune of £687. I have tried a few times to set up a repayment plan and agreed repayments. I have found these repayments hard due to Barclays' rigid repayment schedule which they state that the overdraft has to be paid back within 6 months. I agreed the repayment plan with the best intentions but have found it hard to keep up with their repayment schedule. The original overdrawn amount was £711. Talking to Barclays on the phone is a frustrating affair so I've decided to communicate with them via letter. I want to repay back what I owe but I am finding it hard to deal with Barclays even after explaining my difficulties. The "unauthorized" overdraft came about due to Guaranteed Card Payments to various Payday loan lenders which have now all been paid off bar one final repayment at the end of this month. I am in full time employment at the moment and working to pay off all my debts. I currently have £3258.28 of debt to pay off of varying amounts to Woolworths, Littlewoods, Very, Barclays, Capital One, Vanquis and Natwest. I have made headway with Natwest who agreed to let me pay £25.00/month over a year and with Vanquis. The others are being a bit more difficult to deal with at present. Could anyone advise with how to deal with Barclays? I will tackle the other ones after. Many thanks
  12. April 2011 while i was working in the Far east, i receive a phone call from yet another new Bank manageress, she is not happy with the way i am using my overdraft facility, she reccomends a business loan, stating it would be cheaper. i advise her that i already have a loan in place, she responds that the new loan would refinance the original loan and pay of the overdraft, it seemed fait-accompli so i arrange for the signature sheet of the new loan to be emailed to me, i sign, scan and return the form. In June this year i return back to the UK, my book keeper reccomends i look at PPI, i remove from the files the refinanced loan and to my horror see that it has an APR of 23% against the original loan which was 14.4%. I visit the bank i find i have a new bank manager and he seems as surprised as me at the level of interest that i am being charged, he will investigate and respond back. i also request a settlement figure for the new loan. I receive an email from him saying that it is within the Banks rights to charge thie level of interest on what are considered high risk accounts, i also receive a letter giving the settlement figure and also stating that interest is being charged at 9.51pds per day. On the 22nd July i i send off 3 complaint forms in the same envelope for PPI, the original loan, the refinanced and a further loan from Barclays Mercantile Bank which was for 44k and has additional fees of 11465pds. I am advised by my book keeper and a work colleague that all these loans carry PPI and in total should be enough to pay off the 23% loan. I receive back 2 claim reference numbers, no notification on which policys they refer to, my thinking was that 1 reference number referred to the original/refinanced loan because they are connected and the other reference would be for the 44k loan. On the 14th August i contact the call centre and it became clear that the the 2 supplied references were for the original and refinanced loans, when i query the 44k loan they say they have no records. Over the phone they take details and supply me with a claims reference number. After 40 days i contact the call centre again for an update, i am told it is in fact 40 working days that they work to, when i query the 44k loan they tell me it has been rejected and a letter has been sent giving details as to why, i respond advising him that i have not received any letter he agrees to resend the letter but it will take 7 to 10 days. After 10 days i call them again and they tell me that again they will resend the letter. After a further 10 days i visit my bank and 2 staff from the bank phone the PPI call centre, they could not have been more aticulate or precise about what i want, the agent confirms he will arrange for the rejection letter to be sent but it will take 7 to 10 days, I receive a copy of the settlement letter for the original and re-financed loan not the mystery rejection letter. In sheer desperation on the 19th Septemeber i visit my new bank manageress, i make it clear to her i will not leave the branch until i know why the 44k loan was rejecred, after much coersion from her she is told due to insufficient evidence. She points out to the agent that she has the original contract which clearly states additional fees of 11465 pds, they will not accept a fax copy so she sends through the internal mail. On the 40th working day since i received the claim reference for the 44k loan i contact the call centre only to be told that the case was reopened on the 22nd September when they received the original contract from my Bank Manageress. As stated i want to use the PPI money to pay off the userous loan that Barclays have forced upon me, every day the PPI issue is not resolved costs me 9.51 pds in interest charges. I visit my bank manageress and ask whether the loan can be suspended until this mess is resolved, i also ask why i am considered high risk, apparently it is not possible and i have to continue paying the loan amount and she cannot divulge why i am high risk. In conclusion i have been a Barclays customer for approximately 30 years, for 28 years my accounts have been in good order i am in the process of moving all my accounts to a new bank.
  13. Hi all, let me try to explain everything in as much detail as I can and in chronological order. When my wife and I met we both had individual Barclays accounts and then when we married we, as most people do combined to a sole Barclays joint account. We no longer hold a Barclays account as we closed it in June 2004. Now skip forward a number of years where we decided to make a PPI claim with Barclays. Not really thinking it would be a problem, we sent a joint SAR request enclosing the standard £10 cheque. About a week later Barclays sent back a letter stating that they could not find any information on their system for us and that we would need to furnish them with account number etc for them to be able to go any further, they also said that all PPI claims need to be made individually and that this requires a payment of £10 per applicant, and they also returned our £10 cheque. This letter seemed a little stupid to me becuase the reason for asking for the SAR was to be able to find the account numbers etc, if we had them in the first place then why would we ask for an SAR. The £10 charge per applicant also seemed a little funny because surely being a joint account means that my wife's & my information would overlap on each SAR anyway. Okay, maybe a little more info is needed. In 2007 both myself and my wife changed our surnames by Deed Poll and have the relevant legal paperwork to show this. Since having the joint account with Barclays, we of course have moved address. When we sent our SAR request to Barclays we stated our current name for contact purposes but also laid out in bold type our previous name and addresses which we had when holding the account. Anyway, we decided to make two individual PPI claims last week and again sent them the SAR request form, again stating in bold type our old surname on the request letter. Enclosed with each claim we sent: A covering letter again containing previous addresses that we had when holding the account. A copy of our Deed Poll Certificate. A copy of our Marriage Certificate. A copy of our current Council Tax Bill, that shows our current address. A £10 cheque for the fee. Like I said, we made to seperate claims, one in my name and one in my wife's name. They were sent recorded as standard practice. ------- Today both myself and my wife have received identical letters back from Baclays and although they did indeed send these letters to our current address, Barclays have used our old names as the addressee. The letters basically say that they have received our requests and the information will be collated. There is however an added part on the letters asking us to fill in a seperate form that is attached, to give the Barclays branch address that we would like to collect the package from and that we would need to provide ID suah as UK Passport or full driving licence. Having already made a successful PPI claim with Sainsburys bank where they sent the SAR direct to my home address, we find it rather strange that Barclays will not do this, that we have to collect it. The problem we both have is the producing ID part, would the branch that we collect the SAR from except our full driving licences in our current name as it seems that Barclays are corresponding to us in our previous name. Would showing our driving licence along with our Deed Polls suffice? Also having had a problem in the past making a Sainsburys Bank PPI claim where Sainsburys did honour the claim but sent out cheques in our old names, which took ages to resolve and a call to the FOS or ICO, can't remember which one I called, to shake them up a bit before they eventually issued the cheques in out current name, we are worried that the same is going to happen here. I tried calling Barclays on the number stated on the letter 08457555555 but they cannot put me through to the Privacy & Data Protection Dept, they said that that department is only contactable via a letter. All I am trying to ask them is that they have the correct information on their system regarding our surname change, that they should correspond to us using our current and correct surname and that why they cannot just send the SAR to our home address. Is it the FOS or the ICO that I should call to complain, like I have said, it was one of these organisations I called when I was getting no joy myself talking to Sainsburys Bank in the past and the women that I spoke to at either the FOS or the ICO just took my details and she had called me back within a couple of hours with a result. This caused Sainsburys Bank to reissue a cheque to us within a week. Any help would be appreciated.. Kind regards..,
  14. Hi please could someone give me some advice on power 2 contact / credit solutions i suspect they are the same company. Last year got into financial hardship i work part time my partners self empoloyed buisness doesnt make much money and i have 2 young kids to support, i bascially owe barclays £460 from a overdraft i got in touch with barclays and filled 2 income expenditure forms in for them and offerd them 10 pound per month repayment to be reviewed every six months and if i could pay more i would they didnt reply so now its been passed to credit soloutions who sent me a letter from power 2 contact saying they were coming to my house to recover full amount i was furious as it was so agressive this is the 1st letter ive had of them and that day i had a family bearvement so i sent them a angry email saying i know my rights i dont want anyone at my door and if they come i shall call police they have wrote back saying they offer a door step collection service as a option to our customers in guidelines to office of fair trading they would give me adequate notice of the visit they go on to say they want the full balance immidiatly where its not possible a short payment plan can be arranged however this is simlpy to allow the customer time to gather the full balance. they want financial statements of me detailing all income and outgoings they want to know what benefits i get and they want supporting documentation from benefit agencies they also want copies of wage slips i have to forward all of that straight away. Is that right do i have to send them details of my tax credits etc i dont even know where half my paperwork is! and there is a childcare element on my tax creds which doesnt go into my pocket it goes to pay childcare fees but they could say my income is more with that. Any advice on a reply to them?? thanks so much x
  15. Barclays is selling most of its ATMs as it prefers to focus on more profitable activities like manipulating LIBOR. I used one in Gibraltar which I was told belonged to Barclays. It debited my account for the sterkling equivalent of 800 euros. But it dispensed no cash I would not have risked so much if I had niot thought that it belonged to Barclays. Actually it ias owned by Raphael`s Bank, a London bank which specialises in foreign exchange. I went to Barclays branch in Gibraltar to complain. They tried to send me away but I said that i was a Barclays customer and had used a Barclays Debit Card. After two hours on the phone, they faxed a claim form which I filled out. I spent another 2 hours at their branch in Faro, Portugal trying to expedite matters. Nothing happenned for 60 days. When I got home I found a letter asking for more information and saying my case would be dropped if I had not replied within 7 days. This was obviously impossible as they should have known since they had my fax from Gibraltar on file . After more complaints I received a fraud form from my Branch which asked me to sign away my legal rights, if nio spare cash was found in the ATM. I refused to sign it. I phoned Raphael`s who told me that they still had the cash but that Barclays had not contacted them. Barclays told me that it was too late to contact Raphael after 60 days. I wrotwe to the new CEO, who claimed that he had not received the letter. I was told that the bank had written back biut that certainly never arrived. The matter was only resolved, without any additional compensation for my worry, loss of holiday and so on after I went to the Press I personally am of the opinion that Barclays has a deliberate policy of trying to fob off ATM incidents, whether in its own or other bank`s machines. This includes the use of dubious fob-off letters. The only answer is to go into the Branch and lengthen the queues. I have already cut up my Barclaycard because of their excessive charges.
  16. Barclays it seems have made dormant a whole lot of accounts including my own (due to inactivity). Having filled in the necessary dormant account form to get access to the money in that account I phoned today to check on its progress. I have been told they are taking 12 weeks to process these requests. This seems to me to be an outrageous length of time. No justification given other than they seem to have many other such requests. They were not even able to confirm whether or not they had received my request! This all to me seems utterly unacceptable. Anyone any tips on how I can speed this process up? I have complained to the Financial Ombudsmen but the time in which Barclays will need to respond to this is 8 weeks - though this is less than 12!
  17. Hi guys, I have recently given an CCA request to Barclays in regards to my active Credit Card account but they have failed to provide me with it. I also followed it up with DSAR and again they have failed to provide me with the CCA. In their response they said that they have failed to my data. I wish to make PPI claim in regards to this Credit Card account. I took out this Credit Card around 1996. I am adamant that I have been missold. Without the CCA I will not be able to verify if I had ticked to box wanting PPI. What I want to know is that once they have said they can't locate my CCA how will they know if it has been missold or not? Also what content do I need to write on the PPI questionnaire designed by the FSA to successfully win redress? Thanks.
  18. Three years ago it all went wrong work dried up i defaulted on personal loans, credit cards, overdraft, the options where bankruptcy or dmp as i am a home owner i went for the dmp option with no fees playplan plus i make monthly payments from my now reduced wages. roughly it is 60k to about six creditors the biggest being hfc and barclays.at the rate i pay after essentials it will be cleared in 2045 if i dont croak i will be 81 i have had great success claiming ppi with the help of the template letters on cag (MBNA being the most difficult with there you ticked the box so it was non advised basis waiting for court date for that one)sent sar to barclays and got big envelope back had ppi on current account and claimed back £3500 of which £1950 they offset. reading through the sar the account was changed to a additions plus account in 2006 but in 2000 to 2002 i had twenty pound charges totaling £780.00 pounds this got to me as the ppi was added to the account without my knowledge i might not have incurred these charges i knew they would be classed as statute barred because of the time but i wrote claiming financial hardship asking for a refund. they replied saying sorry for inconvenience but the charges are statute barred and the charges where fair and where added because i could not manage my account properly.end off. i left it for a couple of weeks and after a couple of sleepless nights thinking i was hard done too i thought i don't have much to loose so i put a claim in with MCOL after fourteen days no acknowledgment so i entered judgement three weeks later i had first letter from barclays special investigations team telling me i was relying on legal arguments which have been considered and rejected by the high court and the supreme court and not to try and execute a warrant and withdraw this claim as they seek to have the claim struck out and i would have to pay there legal costs. Two more letters followed as the hearing got closer they did ask for it to be heard without a hearing but a date of 24/09/2012 was set at my local county court wrexham. rather than shake in my boots i thought give it a shot take all my dmp stuff and as far as the statute barred went would try and go with section 32 c of the limitations act(the period of limitation shall not begin to run until the plaintiff has discovered the fraud concealment or mistake(as the case may be) or could with reasonable diligence have discovered it).in that respect i paid the charges mistakenly thinking they where lawful and the bank concealed there true nature.(ie they where unfair and disproportionate). any way day comes and they send young lady who tells me on the way in she is the barrister for barclays and gives me a look as if i am something she had stood in. I was expecting it to be struck out and award them costs but he was not impressed with the legal team at barclays and he could not see a defence and was annoyed they had not acknowledged the judgement (at which i piped up there was a communication problem at barclays HQ as reported in the press last week bailiffs had been there to remove computers and art work she lost her way at this and implied i was out of my depth which made him more mad and she quoted OFT V Abbey National supreme court 2009 decision which she had no case law with her.And then asked for case to be struck out and them to be awarded costs at this point he asked if i had incurred any costs for attending as i am self employed i said loss of earnings i thought for a moment he was going to give me judgement and we could all go home but he criticised barclays legal team and sympathised with her for not being sent with a propper defence and expecting him to throw the case out he has given them 28 days to get things together and send a copy to me.he told me to write a list of my expenses and for the next hearing i left feeling bewilderd but not really knowing what my next move is or if i can get a result any help and thoughts would be helpful thanks in advance ian
  19. Hi everyone, received a rejection letter a couple of months ago. Just looked at it again and it states PPI was still active on the account and to contact them if we wanted to cancel. We've not used this cc for years. Does this mean we'll receive a refund of the premiums we've paid through cancellation of the policy?
  20. Hello. First post, and i am hoping someone around here can fill me in better than Barclays have, and possibly offer me advice? I have searched the forums around here and no one seemed to of matched my situation, based on their financials they have posted in the thread, so figured i would post a new thread. My situation started on Monday the 3rd of September, where i had money taken by Barclays from my account (the entire balance) the transaction was named "Reconcile" i only noticed this on the 5th of September, due to not checking my account since the Friday before, and had received no letter explaining this. So i complained, the funds were returned the same day, "good" i thought, i said to the customer relations manager that i would not post a complaint anywhere due to it being resolved the same day, they put this down to a "computer error" (probably BS), so i thought this was the end of the matter, 2 days later i received a letter, but didn't open it until the 14th as it got "buried" under other post, saying this account will be closed one month on from the date on the letter (my only current account btw) I have held this account since 1998, Which i found very strange, it was in credit by a considerable amount, no over draft, no defaults, I have no outstanding payments in my name (i don't like having debt) My card is only ever used over the counter to take out cash which i will need for the week ahead, as i don't feel secure using my chip and pin card. I feel i have been probably the best customer i could of been, the account is always active money going in and out, now apparently i do not meet their criteria, no explanation (like others) and what makes it worse, according to the woman if i was to make a letter to access the information stored on me, i would be in no better position to tell why this had happened (I feel this is a lie?). Now i have to create another bank account, which i am worried because i expect this will go onto my credit report, which could stop me opening other accounts? Naturally, like most people, it is a necessity to have a bank account. Willing to answer questions, and looking for some advice. Thanks for reading
  21. Hi, The six claims I'm dealing with are between 1985-93. I've had three of them rejected for not having a policy number, even though the ombudsman has told me I don't this. Even the one policy number I do have has been rejected because it doesn't comply with Barclays' numbering system! Any ideas? Aside from leaving it to the ombudsman - and I may not live long enough to see the results... Thanks, Vi
  22. My mum recently passed away and Held ISA account at Barclays Barclays sent atrrange for a Probate Specialist to update and give us deails of how probate work he gave us a quote for dealing with this (his words as can be very complicated) £1500.00 in fact I dealt with the Probate myself at a cost of £105.00 Court Fee Now we have the Grant of Probate Barclays say it will take 5/10 days to release funds I have spoken with two other Banks and one Building Society who state on receiept of the Grant of Probate funds would be release immediatley the only response I can get from Barclays is its their policy I feel we have had delays and non information from them Have just sent e-mail to Managing Director don't think it will make any difference. As anyone else had similar experience if so what was the outcome. Will keep you posted if I get reponse
  23. Hi, One of my fathers companies ceased trading and he had money in the account.The account was still live and he made a request for the funds to be withdrawn and divided then the account to be closed. This is where the problems started.The account is held in my fathers and uncles names under their business name. They no longer speak to each other due to my uncle's shall we say sticky fingers. Barclays are aware of the account holders their addresses and several written requests to withdraw the funds.Some of these requests have been from my fathers solicitor. All have been ignored and not even acknowledged or answered.Now I find out they have moved the account to a lost/dormant account and £100 is missing. I was told by the local branch to download a dormant/lost account form from the Barclays site but the form does not seem to exist. Is there an email address I can write to for dormant accounts ? it will certainly save time as this has been going on for nearly a year.All he wants is his own money and Barclays seem to be absolutely useless so far. It's not even a huge amount just a few thousand pounds.
  24. Good Afternoon Everyone! I am sorting out a PPI claim for one of my family members. The loan (£7500 + PPI increasing the loan) was taken in April 2008 in Barclays Bank. Could someone help me please How can I calculate exact amount I can claim for? I downloaded the CAG PPI Calculator but I stucked on Monthly Int.% field. What shall I put there? I know that the APR was 7.98% but this is not the same as the Monthly Int.%. What numbers should I put into Amount column in the second (Interest _ Refund Amount) sheet? How can I know how big e.g. the "PPI Premium Interest – Loan No. - 2 Month 1" was? In the Loan Agreement I found APR 7,6% and Interest Rate 7,98% per annum. What is the difference? Sorry for that simple or even stupid questions but this is first time I review loan and insurance statements, rules and all the matter related to it and I am confused a bit. However this is a brilliant occasion to learn it I would upload some helpful scans but as a newbie on a forum I am not allowed to do this. I'll do it soon. I will be very grateful for an answer. Thank you very much! Chris
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