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Everything posted by tobyjugg2

  1. Which brings us back to the higher education costs and prospects issue, and the simple fact that too many who do get good practical qualifications bagger off somewhere else. We get left the bankers and politicians
  2. I think this thread (and other threads here in far more detail) has already shown (with government dept referred evidence) that the figures showing gains to anyone except higher rate taxpayers and corporation are : Possible future claw back (NOT gains) for some others which will probably be eroded or completely negated by: inflation, lower real terms wages and job losses.
  3. Interesting to read through the current VM t&C's, which I haven't done for a while, and I'm sure the staff haven't (rather than have and lie). J is the relevant bit for broken agreements and ending the agreement, http://store.virginmedia.com/the-legal-stuff/terms-and-conditions-for-fibre-optic-services.html Did anyone realise tenants with less than a 12 month tenant agreement can't take out VM services? M.4 You confirm that you are: a. the current occupier of the home; and b. either the freeholder of the home or a tenant under a lease of 12 months or more.
  4. what sort of news are you all looking for? http://www.euronews.com/ http://www.france24.com/en/ http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/ http://www.independent.co.uk/ - gotta love the drunken scientists
  5. I have had a few friends who thought that, but when you look at their bills, there are additions and subtractions galore. None added up over 3 months to the agreed amounts * 3 (ignoring any call charges). All were higher. VM's response when queried was that 'it works out over the year'. I'll add a further personal experience. One of the many times I rang them regarding overcharging, the CS person said, I'll apply a £25 credit which should deal with the overcharge and when it settles I would be £25 in credit. The following month, in addition to still being charged more than agreed, there was a £25 debit, credit, debit on the bill, which effectively reversed the prior months £25 credit in a very complex way. When I rang, they had 'reversed the credit as there were no notes justifying it' ... That became a saga too.
  6. I have has so many issues like those you describe over the years with VM, I now only use them when there is no other option. Your idea of only corresponding via email is a good idea in principle, but you may find that you just get told to ring them in response to any of your emails. I recently 'gave them another chance' to quickly find that the new customer deal they offered me 'was never offered', and they effectively were going to charge me near on 5 months of the agreed payments within 3 days of the service going live. After 3 phone calls all saying things like you have heard, I formally told them they were in breach of the agreed contract and I considered it void, told them I was recording the call, confirmed it by email, and told them to collect, or send pre-paid returns packaging for their equipment. I know people also say that of sky, but I have never had any real issue with them, and I am satisfied with the speed I receive, which does not vanish in the evening, even if it may be a lot lower than VM's claimed speeds. VM simply DO NOT do what they say, do NOT charge what is agreed, and DO NOT resolve issues. Your next additional issue will almost certainly be that if you do cancel, VM will be saying you signed up for a new 12 or 18 month contract for the deal you have not actually got, neither will they bend on that without a formal complaint which you follow through. Even if it seems to get resolved, you will probably find that the charges quickly, if not immediately end up being far higher than agreed again - and back in the loop. They are horrendous.
  7. The fighters the west are 'supporting' do not want the west there, and we have no treaties with them Assad does not want the west there, Russia is there supporting their official allies Nato's Turkey does not seem to want the west there and had to be bought/bullied into allowing the use of Turkeys air space. Aside from NATO membership. Turkey has more economic ties with Russia than any of the other parties. I have no idea what Israel thinks is best for them at the moment. I think this is long past being a completely lost cause for whatever the 'west'/suadi's intent was - apart from apparent success at destabilising a vast swathe of the region - I can't see any real other goal - and all they can or should do is offer humanitarian aide. The perhaps unacceptable downside is that they would have to leave the region to Assad and the Russians or 'Islamic' fundamentalists. It would take the wisdom of Soloman to sort this out - and he would be of course unacceptable to far too many of those involved not matter how just a decision was made. and here is a real further threat of escalation (turkey and the al nusra front) http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/08/10/us-mideast-crisis-syria-nusra-idUSKCN0QF0WP20150810 and just how complicated http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/world/middle-east/article32206167.html http://www.voanews.com/content/turkey-designates-al-nusra-front-as-a-terrorist-organization/1929675.html The recent Russian bombing was of Turkish supported, al-Qaeda linked al nusra
  8. As they should be in my opinion if that black and white. I haven't seen any real examples of that occurring as a practice (the trolling other threads outside of bear garden), so I can perhaps assume that the squashing of them must be occurring very effectively. I do appear to be very recently seeing a drop in the 'one liner' blatantly (in my view) disruptive posts. I have seen some very questionable 'advice' posted in various threads by none-staff (I use 'staff' intended to mean 'official' representatives of this site), but have only really noticed dx and bankfodder actually challenge some of those. Of course I haven't read or even glanced at anything like all posts. Even my own personal opinion on whether those dubious/clearly incorrect 'advice' posts should be deleted or at least flagged is very unclear to me.
  9. Now why should that be even considered by those under attack by foreign nations unclebulgaria? Is the funding of a minority of radicals to start shooting people, which are then supported by external other nations justify regime change? ... Or should we all just mind our own business until actually attacked? and then have a limited and proportionate response? .... As is actually required by international law and treaties, and does seem quite reasonable to me when not stretched beyond any meaning reasonable to normal people.
  10. Valid point, and if that is the site admins view it seems the bear garden should be removed or anything judged a 'political thread' should be immediately deleted without explanation, else we are back to post 8. ... mind you - aren't consumer rights a political issue?
  11. Perhaps because you see the males throwing bricks and ripping down fences and you see the women crying and holding the crying children? Perhaps because it is human nature to want to protect women and children (and perhaps 'sexist' in some peoples eyes)? Which seems to me to support the emotional blackmail stance.
  12. Turkey a NATO member in the area, yet clearly resists other NATO members requests (whether right or wrong - quite understandably in my view) At least 1/2 - 2/3 of the 600,000+ illegal migrants/refugees in Europe this year are reported to have come through Turkey (France24 'conservative' estimate). It would be easy to say (as the EU is requesting at the moment) that Turkey should better police its EU side borders to prevent the flow of migrants, yet Turkey has in the order of 2M refugees/migrants (probably far more) within its borders excluding those who have moved on. - Who wouldn't want the refugees/migrants to move on in that situation, particularly given that a vast number of these migrants will hold hostile beliefs with regard to Turkey. Its clear to me that Turkey is a major part of the problem in the area (although probably NOT through deliberate choice) yet is also one of the VERY few relatively safe exits routes. What are peoples views on the situation, any realistic solutions and what people think of Turkeys actions as a member of NATO yet with direct and immediate security issues which would MOSTLY seem to be at odds with the rest of NATO's official stance? Some things to consider (my opinions - generally very well researched) * Turkey has long wanted a policed buffer zone along its borders, with refugees sent back into the buffer zone - the zones in the other countries borders. * The Kurds want a self governing region and will fight anyone to get it. (They have recently fought Syrian Army and IS and have elements active against Turkey since the coming apart of the Turk/Kurd 'ceasefire') They undoubtedly feel let down by everyone, and claim the Turks are bombing Kurds who are actually fighting IS rather than IS - hence supporting IS. Supported by news reports including 'western' France24 and Euronews. * Turkeys' apparent bombing of Kurds and NOT the IS troops fighting the Kurds (also reported from 'western' news channels) and would appear to show Turkey thinking the Kurds as more dangerous to Turkey than IS.
  13. Which gives limited options Ban political debate (define political debate, define issues without a political element, define a political opinion post) Close the thread (the trolls say hahahahaha - and continue what they are doing - everyone else leaves) Just Delete 'troll' posts (Staff are biased dictators - and not just by trolls - and some undoubtedly are in my view (LOL)) Warn trolls, warning flag troll posts and make them amend them (flag remains on amended post showing who trolls in staff opinion) - (awkward, a lot of staff work, - but perhaps the best option longterm) Why should staff NOT take the easy option of just deleting posts they (or they and a pal) dont like: A site like this depends on financial support, which relies on commitment, gratitude and/or good will of donators, which is unquestionably increased by involvement with the site and decreased by thinking a site is a biased platform for a limited few. ... Else where is the justification for this site to be considered any better or more than (or even as effective as) any 'ask' site? qualifier: "and decreased by thinking a site is a biased platform for a limited few." - unless the limited few are funding it of course
  14. Do you have any preferred source(s) for your news reports estellyn?
  15. It was many years ago, but I remember intending leaving Barclays and created a Co-op bank account as we had a 'branch' in our town which was physically larger than any of the other banks. I opened the account with cash and a week or so later decided to test it before transferring everything over. I had a bill to pay of just under £200, but 'only' had £100 in the account. So wrote the check, posted it outside the co-op branch and walked up an paid £200 cash into the account over the co=op branch counter with receipt 10 minutes later. The cheque cleared six days later. The cash cleared into my account 7 days later ( a day after the cheque) incurring all sorts of charges. To cut a longer story short, they claimed it was a sub-branch, so cash took time to clear through the clearing system. I formally complained, including photo-copy of cash receipt without anything other than fob offs. I closed the account and never returned there either.
  16. I agree fully, but there is a difference between passion heated debate and trolling. Despite this hub very clearly not being 'a democracy' in Sabresheeps words, or 'fair and unbiased' in my words I think passionate, even somewhat heated debate should be welcomed, whereas trolling should be penalised. The problem is what the dictators (its not a democracy) define as each will appear to be biased to anyone who does not agree. If the site representatives get it wrong there will be very little intelligent debate here, or debate by very few people. I would think if it was 'got right' a site of this size age and expected prominence should have hundreds of active debaters with opinions. If the 'site' practice and policy has got it wrong, there would just be a few handfuls of people, if they get it really wrong, there would only be a handful. addendum I think too many threads are closed before they have actually run their course, seemingly based on (more excused by) undressed trolling of the thread rather than the thread or even issue actually having run its course unclebulgaria.
  17. Two points to perhaps consider. 1. Did he sell it for more than your offer? 2. Was his declining your offer (claiming it wasn't enough and you needed to offer more else he would be accepting the higher offer) in writing/email?
  18. LOL I didn't even include ITV news as worth watching at all. ... Perhaps thats why some people think the BBC is quite good - they only compare it to ITV news.
  19. I think anyone who gets their news from a single source, especially those who consider or expect any news from a single source to be complete and impartial, should be watching coronation street, not the news. I agree that the BBC news is little more than a right leaning government spin outlet, little better than Russia Today, although SOME news programs like daily politics quite clearly (and rightly) give everyone a hard time. Watch a report on UK news, then watch it on France23, euronews, asljazera and even RT before forming an opinion. If fact you would be best (provided football, tennis or some reality TV twaddle isn't what you a looking for) watching it on France24 and euronews first, then aljazeera, ...... then Sky closely followed by RT and BBC last. Its extremely unlikely that the BBC will add anything to your knowledge of the issue except what the UK/US 'official government' stance/spin is. RT will give a very Putin-centric spin on the situation, but will undoubtedly give extra 'information' and perspective to consider not shown on the BBC or SKY. Example The americans bombing the sans frontiers hospital for over an hour despite desperate calls to the command centers by the staff. The Americans will resist using the 'we are here at the behest of the government' so collateral (innocents) damage is not illegal. This has already been claimed by the US but hushed up on western media, presumably because it would highlight that such issues in Libya and Syria were and are certainly NOT at the request of the governments (hence a breach of international law and war crimes) whereas Russia could and would claim their actions are exactly that in Syria whereas the western coalitions is not. (putin would obviously want his response to be in answer to, and destroying, any US claims rather than originating from him) Another example The clouding of the real issues in the middle east Where without what we would call 'dictators' the tribal, historic and religious frictions expand from minor 'honour' events to all out war between factions destroying the lives of everyone there, especially any moderates. Especially when the radicals are fed shiploads of better weaponry by people who have no real allegiance to any 'side' but just use them to spread chaos - or worse - want to impose some completely external standards an systems upon the region and people which none of the radicals doing the fighting really want.
  20. Also interesting that the UK and Yanks are claiming that there are no ISIL where the Russians bombed in Homs province. Strange as the US state department has said differently for the last couple months http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2015/08/245827.htm except from the release on 7th August by Mark C. Toner, Deputy Department Spokesperson: "The United States strongly condemns ISIL’s kidnapping this week of a reported 230 innocent civilians, including women and children, in the central Syrian province of Homs. ISIL’s attacks have also resulted in the displacement of an estimated 2,000 people from nearby villages. We demand the immediate and unconditional release of the civilians taken captive this week and of all those held by ISIL."
  21. It doesn't work with a lot of Smokers, and they aren't supported by a US constitution. To add a perspective .. I wonder how many people have had their health impacted worse than a bullet in the shoulder from an over-abundance of super-size me (or even 'ordinary' cheeseburgers? According to the cdc: Fully 1/3rd of all premature deaths in the US are diet related. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCQQFjABahUKEwisnKjH-6PIAhWHlCwKHfZhDq0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcspinet.org%2Fnew%2Fpdf%2Fcdc_briefing_book_fy10.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGpw40rEvSPDCpX8sa3MfgdjCDrmg and consider Jamaica, which is apparently far worse per head of population than the US http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/too-many-deaths-in-paradise-jamaica-is-awash-with-police-shootings-and-has-brought-in-a-british-9089068.html
  22. Look for leaks around the injectors or cylinder head - eg damp/oil - looks like an inoffensive minor oil leak or spill.
  23. A US friend of mine repeatedly says: Laws only stop law abiding citizens from having guns. Given that the right to bear arms is not just a right in America, but enshrined in their constitution and is an integral and glorified part of their history, I really cant see it changing any time soon. He tells me that in some states you can just go to a firearms show and buy anything up to fully automatic assault rifles and heavy machine guns with no documentation asked for. 'Cash money is just fine'. I googled it when he told me that, and quite a few US news services have done articles on just that. - some pro - some anti - but all confirm it happens.
  24. Write down your complaint as if you were going to hand it in as a formal complaint. Keep it no more than 2 or 3 short paragraphs. Walk away from it, do something else, then go back and re-read and amend at least 3 times. This will both help you clarify your thoughts on it and put them in a clear form, hopefully reducing the impact of the purely (however justified) emotional content. The emotional content should be summarised by one line at the start, and one line (or a very short paragraph) at the end. At the end of this you may still feel the need to complain, perhaps very forcefully, perhaps more mildly. At this juncture consider printing the complaint and submitting it to the practice manager.
  25. and the best answer I've seen for 'why didn't the Americans nuclear bomb Tokyo' - They are Americans, they intended to - but missed.
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