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Everything posted by tobyjugg2

  1. Withe The saudi rats having to show their noses out of their bolt holes with France actually bombing ISIS plus Assads forces and their allies opening up fronts For those interested, who is who - one perspective, and some of the 'aligned' desires may surprise many http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/03/30/world/middleeast/middle-east-alliances-saudi-arabia-iran.html?_r=0 Its complicated LOL http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/untangling-the-middle-east-guide-to-regions-web-of-alliances/article21533409/ and a completely out of date and mostly 'official stance' rather than actual activity perspective, although clicking on some of the faces for a little more detail does give a little more detail often at odds with the face. (no mention of Kurds, says Turkey no longer support al nusra, plus many other) http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_world_/2014/07/17/the_middle_east_friendship_chart.html All this aside, there is only one leverage point for stability in Syria (and beyond if Syria falls) and that is Assad. Problem now is if the west effectively force an agreement between Assad/Russia and the Kurds (+Iraq) that puts Nato Turkey in a far worse position than it ever was with Assads Syria. If The Assad side wins wholesale, then Saudi Arabia and Turkey will be a new frontlines with lots of enraged, organised and military able enemies directly facing them. The Yanks need to review their stance, and quickly. Many european governments seem to have already visibly realised this,
  2. I remember seeing some amazing displays in the Highlands of Scotland when I was a child. Its going to be a very 'interesting' winter.
  3. Even if there is, would he? Are the circumstances special enough to make a difference? There are other issues as well The cost of the court proceedings The increase in insurance premiums after a in10 The effect on his currently valid insurance even if he doesn't lose his license in a possible additional charge for it to continue The op needs to take specialist legal advice on this.
  4. found this: http://www.drivingban.co.uk/drivingban/drivingbannewdrivers.htm#Is_there_any_way_I_can_avoid_revocation_of_my_driving_licence Is there any way I can avoid revocation of my driving licence? Yes. Whilst revocation is automatic if you reach 6 points, if you can prevent points being endorsed, you can avoid revocation. Consequently, for some offences it may be more practical to obtain a short period of disqualification by way of a punishment instead of penalty points. Although to achieve this, you will have to attend Court, if you can convince the Court to impose a punishment that avoids penalty points, you will avoid revocation. It is important to understand that whilst the Court has no discretion on whether revocation is imposed should you reach 6 points, it does have discretion on the punishment imposed and therefore, avoiding points will avoid revocation. This will require technical knowledge of the law so you should seek legal advice if you chose to go to Court.
  5. That is undoubtedly true, but The op cant pay the fine, so needs time May get the option after pleading his case of a higher fine etc but no ban. Not options without going to court unless someone knows differently. The OP having a good read through the options is perhaps in order to see if he can plead his case for not being banned and time to pay without going to court. I don't know.
  6. Does the USB port in your laptop work with other devices - ie a memory stick? Be careful - it may fry anything plugged in. USB ports can be fragile things and even 5v @500ma (more for USB3) can seriously fry things plugged into it. Another common issue is picking laptops up via one hand on one side with devices in the port which get levered against the table when the laptop is lifted unevenly, sometines shorting the USB pins in either the port or device, Just some suggestions as to what can occur for you to look at.
  7. There is an interesting documentary called world war 2 from space. With what seems to be some little known' information on the deals made by Churchill with the Americans in our hour of need. We should let them stew in their own juices a lot more than we do. Turkey and France do, even Afghanistan is, are we now so much less than Turkey and France let alone Afghanistan?
  8. Ford, You might find the following interesting : http://www.sott.net/article/273517-Study-US-regime-has-killed-20-30-million-people-since-World-War-Two I'm not saying I support all the perspectives presented in that, I don't, but it makes interesting reading from a very anti US intervention/interference point of view. Consider the facts presented, and there are some confirmed eye watering facts, but of course any conclusions should be your own. Dirty tricks can be for the best of causes, its sorting out what are the true 'causes' that are the issue.
  9. Good point, but haven't we all dealt with clueless imps in various CS depts. Mind you if they say yes, get them to fax/mail confirmation on headed paper if it clashes with what cert of ins says, if they say no, still check certificate of insurance as dacouc suggests just in case. We just need a yes from Elephant somewhere.
  10. The Tories are in power based on effectively laying the blame for horrendous disasters caused by Tory party policy at Labours door. The Tories HAVE learned - Labour hasn't. ..and neither have the English masses.
  11. Yes I have seen that ford. If you completely ignore the summary conclusions on page one, the article itself is quite informative.
  12. Then we will just have to copy the responses from here back to you yet again Connif, because you already do it when nothing has changed, sadly including your unshakable mistaken beliefs. Mind you I do believe what the yanks did to Bin Laden was most probably the lesser of many evils despite unquestionably in my mind being nothing short of an illegal terrorist act in a separate sovereign state. Iraq should have been followed through start to end in one action and would have been entirely 'legal' then - still would have been a horrible mess at the end though. Libya and Syria are entirely different balances of many evils though.
  13. Absolutely cracking good point dacouc. Mine is a small line on the one page certificate (or statement) of insurance small line in some columns, near the bottom says: Driving other cars Allowed
  14. You mean like Iraq and Afghanistan? How long were US forces on the ground there policing while a government was put in place?
  15. But as we've all repeatedly seen evidenced, the major cause of the crash was Maggie Hatchets deregulation of the banking system. Not the only factor by any means, but the major contributing factor. Perhaps you are right, if he had strangled her before she became leader of the Tories, the world might have avoided so bad a crash. But then again, the same could be said of 60+ million other folk.
  16. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nati...e32206167.html Heres 3 further different versions of the same story. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/11882195/US-trained-Division-30-rebels-betrayed-US-and-hand-weapons-over-to-al-Qaedas-affiliate-in-Syria.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/lessons-from-the-bay-of-pigs-in-the-syrian-division-30-debacle/2015/08/20/f561a29e-4775-11e5-8ab4-c73967a143d3_story.html http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/08/trained-syrian-fighters-refusing-fight-150807114420346.html and those of you with an understanding of the situation or strategy training will perhaps understand the multiple reasons why and who Russia is bombing in that area (and they aint moderates) and have an idea of the utter complexity of the situation. Even if the Turks got what appears to be their desire and al-nusra were the 'military/Police' in the US enforced (fat chance now) buffer zone, the main Kurdish groups and al-nusra are mortal enemies. Problem with the yanks is they simply don't learn from their own, let alone others mistakes. Most other folk do - especially American enemies pretending to be their allies. Brute force with huge dollops (dollars) of ignorance. Now, as everyone else has betrayed them, I wonder if the Kurds will formally align with Assad and the Russians with Russia guaranteeing with Assad that the Kurds will get whats agreed?
  17. LOL your maths is as atrocious as your logic Conniff. That would be 62 million million pounds, not 62 million pounds. Would have been a gobsmacking solution though without reality creeping in. (it actually got me for a second) LOL - Typical Tory - promises a million and gives a quid - after taking your job off you.
  18. +1 We've seen that a lot here, but hopefully spotted it and given the info correcting it. Shame Labour didn't.
  19. The problem is that the entire world economy is based on debt. There is no out without financial collapse that would make our last one seem like losing a bit of lose change on your way up town. The bigger problem is that any resolution or collapse exit is getting worse by the day. No-one DARES to tackle it. The very strange thing is that some of Corbyns stated policies might start to reduce the issue - except they will probably never get implemented.
  20. Absolutely, and later a number of the funds, like the EPS had to put extra in to meet projected shortfalls at least partly if not entirely as a result of those holidays which benefited the company far more than it ever did the staff. Mind you - massive payoffs to senior staff who had vast pay increases over short periods and early retirement bled them quite a bit too.
  21. As stated above, some comprehensive policies allow you to drive other cars not owned by you but which are insured by someone else, BUT some don't - its often an option which is deselected by default as it usually does cost extra. Check very carefully and ensure you aren't mixing up references to not insured to drive other cars, but able to drive other insured cars covered 3rd party with the owners permission. If your sons car is in your name for example, that would complicate it further. Check very carefully.
  22. Too right. Good to see that the email to the top is working again - I have used it in the past to get a resolution, but it had been blocked from receiving emails at one stage - you just got an automated email response say ring us. Good to see that its working again.
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