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  1. Hi guys A little advice and guidance needed. Some years ago our neibour spoke with us stating that a builder she knew stated the chimney needed re-pointing and offered to go halfs with us to keep cost down which we did however only half the chimney ( Our half ) was done we discovered that whilst she gave him the go ahead she chose not to have her side done which was just crazy. skip to present day and I had a builder friend doing some ridge repair work on our roof and he asked me to loan him my phone and he proceeded to take pictures of the chimney stack he then informed us that the chimney as it stands is unsafe and ready for a good gust of wind as due to the fact that next door have not had their side of the chimney re pointed it has affected the stability of the stack. He has given me a really good quote for the work which I'm happy to pay but not for doing her side. I need to chat with the neibour sharpish on this however should she decline to pay her share and the stack does come down where do I stand as I will have given her the opportunity to rectify this now in advance. How to go about this?? Cheers
  2. First time posting. I want to thank this site and everyone on it! Beginning of August I received a notice from CCBC that Lowells (via BWLegal) were beginning court proceedings against me for ~£6500 (HFC Bank loan from mid 2007, defaulted 2008). Lowell bought the debt in 2012 and re-defaulted it! I had spoken to them shortly after explaining that I had tried to renegotiate my monthly repayments with HFC but they outright refused and ignored all letters I sent their way - loan was then defaulted June 2008. Lowells apparently ignored all this and just sent bailiff threats and endless phonecalls demanding payment in full. I ignored them. So this notice of court proceedings... obviously by August 2015 the debt was statute barred for over a year. I browsed these forums and found everything I needed to issue a full defence through mcol (deny claim/claim is statute barred). Sent my request to BWLegal for them to send copies of my of my credit agreement (never received). SAR sent to HFC for all account details (received 51 days later :/). Low and behold, Lowells had no legs to stand on and today I received a Notice of Discontinuance from BW . All I need to do now is see if I can get the default removed from my credit file! So again, big thanks to this site. Don't let them get you down! -Craig
  3. Hello forum, I have a question that has been asked many many times before. I purchased at item online and paid by credit card. It's been a couple of weeks and I still have not received the item. Now, I was of the understanding that goods remained the property of the seller until they had been received by the intended recipient, regardless of whether the seller was offering "free" delivery. However, I have searched trading standards and cannot find any references to this. Is this still the case? Basically, I want to quote something official is my correspondence. Thank you for your comments. Kind Regards, XXXXXXXXX
  4. I took out a Unsecured Personal Loan with Halifax online in December 2011. I was NEVER asked questions like, can you afford the payments, are you employed/unemployed, and I certainly was not asked about my income. This have got so bad I am currently on an IVA - Halifax increased the IVA from 5 years to 6 years forcing me to pay for longer. I am now wondering if bankruptcy is the best option. Do I have a claim that Halifax lent to me irresponsibly without going through my finances first?
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