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Found 21 results

  1. I paid off my Woolwich Mortgage earlier this year, but payments to Legal and General continued. Like a lot of people I thought this was an insurance policy which would pay off the mortgage in case of death, and that it was compulsory. It turns out neither fact may be true. Apparently *some* banks require a policy *sometimes*, but I have no idea if the Woolwich was ever one of them. And the payout would be to my next of kin - an unlikely outcome, because I'm single with no dependents and no surviving blood relatives. I've made contact with L&G but the only signed document they can send me is a medical release form. They don't seem to have - or haven't been able to find - a direct debit authority, or any other application form. Apparently a capital management company was also involved, and they would have signed paperwork. (Or maybe not.) The mortgage was taken out more than ten years ago, so the traditional PPI term has expired. But I'm not sure this is traditional PPI. Has anyone been in a similar situation and had success reclaiming these payments?
  2. 3 weeks ago I asked for a redemption statement so I could repay my mortgage. The first statement that sent included £195 final repayment charge an interest payment that I couldn't understand how it had been calculated and a monthly payment that had not been credited to the account. I questioned these and was told that Id agreed to the final repayment charge when I took out the mortgage and the interest payment was calculated pursuant to terms id agreed. The next redemption statement was correct save for the interest Of £84 and the £195 fee. I took issue with this again but got no where. I rang the FOS and they contacted Barclays and registered a complaint. Ive just spoken with their complaints dept and they now acknowledge that my mortgage offer did not include a repayment charge and they have failed to justify the £84 interest they've debited and are now saying the two redemption statements were just for illustration purposes. I accused them of Fraud pursuant to section 2 Fraud Act 2006. I await their next response. Naughty, naughty. Regards
  3. Hi Advice please. I'm likely to be unable to pay off the capital amount owing on a mortgage with Woolwich in 3 years time. I've informed Woolwich of this and all they say is try and pay off as much as you can and then you'll be able to extend the mortgage with them when the term ends. I've got a great tracker deal at the moment which is interest only. Woolwich have calculated that any new repayment mortgage with them will be approximately £500 to £600 per month which I won't be able to afford. I got made redundant 5 years ago and have struggled to find full time well paid work since. I now work part time and am trying to pay off as much as I can. I 'm 62 this year and I have got a small private pension which was given to me as part of my redundancy package. My mortgage ends when I'm 65 and I don't really want to be paying a mortgage after then. My endowments didn't pay out as much as expected and I did get some compensation which I paid off some of the capital owing. I know that I can downsize my house and pay off the mortgage but I don't really want to do this just yet. Can anyone suggest any alternative options. Many thanks for any help given. Best Regards Baching Mad
  4. Has anyone experienced the Barclay's / Woolwich mortgage fiasco my mother and brother experienced. i) Applied for a right to buy mortgage for £43,000 (£60,000 + equity in the house) and paid £100's upfront for searches, valuation, solicitors etc. ii) Woolwich then requested a deposit £2,400 - we agreed and paid further costs for I.D. checks etc. iii) Then they changed their minds and wanted £4,300 - we agreed and paid more solicitor fees. iv) Then they said my brother's income wasn't enough. v) Why we asked - They would take my mothers out goings in to account but not here income ! Why are they allowed to string people along and fleece them of money. Why couldn't they do the financial checks first before the request for large amounts of monies. Woolwich should be made to refund these monies. Master Grumpy.
  5. Barclays started possession proceedings against me after I lost my job. To save embarrassment at court I sold my house for substantially less than its market value. To add insult to injury Barclays have charged me over £5,000 in early redemption fee. I feel this is draconian and legalised theft. What can I do?
  6. Hi, Thought I would start the next (and probably last) round of my ongoing battle with Barclays. This time it's for mortgage fees that were levied between 2002 and 2010. Total is about £1500 and compounded restitution interest at 22% adds another £7.5k. There's no previous claim history with this but the mortgage is still with Barclays (v low variable rate and I will likely remain on this until full term). Also, the arrears were cleared at the end of last year but there is still a suspended repossession order on the house. I believe I can apply to the court for this to be removed at the end of this year (after 12 months of clear payments and no arrears). Should I be concerned about the repossession order and leave my claim until this has been removed? Also, since there are no arrears and payments are up to date, would I get the choice of crediting this payment to the balance or directly to myself? Thanks, J
  7. Is their anyone who could advice me of how to obtain woolwich bank statements for 2004. Thanks
  8. Hi there. I got notification that Barclays are going to be changing their charging structure for overdrafts to a new system where if you are in overdraft they charge a daily rate. Now I am in "constant overdraft". Basically when I was in work may years ago I had an arranged £2k overdraft and it is still at roughly £1700. I dont have the means to just pay it off as I am now a carer for my father which has seen my income drop from about £30k to carers allowance and income support (approx £100 per week). At the moment as the charges stand I can manage the overdraft charges of just over £20 per month without it killing me. But now I am going to be faced with new charges of £1.50 per day which is >£45 per month. I am now at the stage where I feel it is time to do something about the situation. Now I have had very few bank charges in the last 6 years...maybe 5 maximum. BUT if we were to go back much further to when my troubles started then the account does have many charges....BUT they were with the Woolwich before Barclays took them over. I do know that the Woolwich charges did take me into my overdraft....at around the same time as I had to give up work to care for both my ill parents. But we are talking about 7-10 years ago. I have no old statements that I can use as evidence of these charges so im a bit stuck. So the question is What should I do in my situation - I am already looking at opening an account at another bank and getting my benefits paid into that. But how do I tackle this debt head on before it becomes the familiar nightmare of dealing with DCA's and having fee's stuck on top along with probably a CCJ ect ect. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  9. I just wanted to know if anyone on the site had ever had a MORTGAGE ARREARS agreement with Woolwich Barclays where Woolwich Barclays had agreed payment of MORTGAGE ARREARS for a term LONGER than 5 years (60 months). I wholly appreciate that each case is different. The details of any case (as regards my question do not matter). I have spent quite a while reading lots of threads on mortgage arrears and have not seen any where Woolwich Barclays have agreed MORTGAGE ARREARS payment for a period LONGER than 5 years (60 months). If any site admin/contributor knows of any case/thread/mention of a agreement between Woolwich Barclays and a lender for payment of MORTGAGE ARREARS for a period LONGER than 5 years (60 months) it would be much much much appreciated. My question has nothing to do with remaining periods of mortgages or ANTHING else of any sort. My question is ONLY as regards IF there is ANY record of ANY case where Woolwich Barclays has agreed to payment of MORTGAGE ARREARS for a term longer than 5 years (60 months). Thanx again.
  10. I'm not sure where I should post this if I need to move it to another part let me know please Looking for anyone with dealings or knowledge of woolwhich lending criteria. Situation is we currently have an off set lifetime tracker (0.03 above base) mortgage with woolwich at the moment soley in my husbands name. We are looking to move but porting the mortgage to keep the deal we have and will need to borrow additional to buy the new property, I now need to be added to the mortgage so my salary can be taken into account for the additional borrowing, but I checked my experian report and it shows 2 settled defaults one egg credit card £1800 which comes off June this year (defaulted June 2008) and one for o2 £280 which comes off next year (defaulted Sept 2009) with a score of 770-fair section My report shows other satisfied credit paid off and closed with no missed/late payments on them, I have a dfs 12 month 0% sofa loan £316 left finishes june this year, no missed/late payments and a Halifax credit card balance £1860 which is close to its limit but make the minimum payment every month with no missed or late payments so my total owed is shy of £2200 but I'm at 97% of my available credit based on my credit card balance, pay more off I know didn't realise how it effected credit scores until now . I earn £22k take home with minimal outgoings, £600 give or take monthly. Our LTV will be 68% Now, woolwhich lending criteria says Adverse credit as detailed below must be declined: Any unsatisfied CCJ and/or More than 1 satisfied CCJ and the latest is registered within the past 3 years and/or Satisfied CCJs totalling more than £200 and the latest is registered within the past 3 years and/or More than 3 satisfied defaults* and the latest is registered within the past 3 years and/or Satisfied defaults* totalling more than £200 and the latest is registered within the past 3 years and/or Any outstanding default, irrespective of amount. *Includes partially settled defaults Does that mean because my defaults are over £200 I will be declined, or the fact they are over 3 years ago am I likely to be ok? Thanks Also posted on mse so if anyone uses both
  11. Hi Guys, can anyone help me? I've recently lost my job. I'm currently on a long fixed rated at 4%,with the Woolwich. The woolwich have a mortgage currently on offer at 2.8% which is exactly the same length as the term left on my original deal. When I asked them if we could just switch the mortgage to the cheaper deal, which we could just about deal with on my partners income, they said they could swap-BUT my existing deal has a £7,000 exit fee, even if switching to one of their OWN mortgages!!! Or they could send some things for me to consider-this basically extended the loan terms or made it interest only. This wouldn't help me out in the short to medium terms!! Where do I stand, can they charge excessive fees for a very simple mortgage switch between the same companies products?? Thanks
  12. Hi I haven't posted on CAG for some time; due to some excellent advice received from Caggers I managed to make reduced payment agreements with the majority of my creditors and have been paying them for the last two years. My mortage did cause me some problems and after an initial 12 months of interest free payments (all they would agree to) I paid the mortage in full for another 8 months and asked that the arrears be capitalised; I had to pay three more consecutive payments before they would agree to add the arrrears as capital on my mortgage unfortunately I missed a small amount (by mistake) on the last payment. Since I have equity on my flat I resolved to sell it move somewhere less central and be mortgage free;hopefully having enough to pay off the bulk of my most pressing creditors. Barclays indicated if I sent in the details of sale and gave consent for them to contact the estate agents they could stop action on the arrears pending the sale; I sent them the documentation and have now received a letter advising me that as a result of the previous 'concessions' they have given me they will not suspend action on the arrears pending the sale and the matter is now being referred to their solicitors. It just seems pointless to me, I have offers on the property coming in and in 6 to 8 weeks they get their money back in full, plus all of the charges. I hope this will not stop the sale of the flat and my plans to be freed from this financial nightmare thats dragged on for the last three years. If anyone can advise or help I would appreciate it; getting desperate now and no idea where to turn to.
  13. Wading through paper, I've found old Woolwich mortgage details. I think I may have paid PPI on this without it being listed as a separate item. Do I need to submit an SAR to find this out or is there another way? It ran from Nov 1999 to I think May 2002 so would it still be possible to reclaim? Thanks as ever C
  14. Hi guys, Ive managed to catch up on my mortgage apart from 2 late payments in the last 12 months. Having checked my credit file i have received about 1500 in charges at £40.00 a whack. Granted this is a lot of late payments. I wonder if anyone can offer any advice or is it not worth attempting to reclaim some of these charges or part of the total amount? Thanks in advance Kev
  15. Wow well this has been going on for almost 2 years now - they are a bunch of incompetent a.bums. Under an SAR they have sent me about 20% of the information I am entitled to. I am now in the "decision making process" - they have until 8th March to deal with my complaint. On 26th of Feb I had 4 missed calls from a blocked number - finally got round to answering on the 5th one to a guy from Barclays asking me all sorts of questions about my claim. I had stated on my form that I didnt need the insurance as I had other insurance policies, redundancy cover, critical illness cover AND savings of my own. They asked if I could provide proof of all this and given that it's going back to 1998-2000 no I actually cant. I had more missed calls yesterday and I rung them today to find out if it was them - yes it was - another guy told me that they are requesting proof of my savings from 1998. How the heck?! - I haven't even got bank statements from 6 months ago let alone all that time ago. I do feel that they have behaved really badly - aside from witholding my information they have dragged their heels from start to finish. My question is what if I can't prove where I had my savings etc. - basically my parents "gave" me £7k and kept it (in their names) in premium bonds - this was to prevent me spending into it - I withdrew it eventually and used it as the deposit on my first house. So technically although the money was mine it was never saved in my name. Opinions please? - do you think they will still uphold the complaint? - I don't understand why I am being basically investigated (it feels that way) - I believe it's down to them to prove that it wasn't missold not the other way round. I've told them that I didn't need it, surely that should be enough?
  16. Hello, I'm looking to issue a SAR to Barclays for information they hold about me regarding some old Woolwich accounts (I believe that the Woolwich is now owned by Barclays). Do I issue the SAR to Barclays but mention Woolwich in the letter or will they automatically check for subsidiary companies? I've never had dealings with Barclays so they won't have any records about me and I'm just concerned that they'll send back a blank sheet of paper unless they check the Woolwich.
  17. Hi, I spoke with Woolwich in August last year about additional borrowing: they claimed I needed to move to a capital repayment to qualify. I told them if I could secure the borrowing I would make the change. Next thing I know I have an arrears letter for 2400GBP claiming that this phone call had allowed them to make the change and that I owed them an additional 345GBP per month through last 5 months of the year. When I called to complain the first two or three people said they could not find any reason for the change and it should stay as interest only. Finally today I speak to a member of their team who says: a) I was told on the phone call and they have honoured my request to change to repayment: no contract is apparently necessary to make this change and they can not change it back b)they said as i have a standing order to pay my mortgage they were unable to make any changes to my account information c) they do not offer interest only mortgages so I can not change back None of this makes any sense and I am happy to pay them my mortgage but do not like the idea that a phone call authorises them adding 75% to my mortgage each month... Does anyone know if it is possible to use a phone call to authorise a mortgage change, and also what the steps are that I can take to make them correct this ? Any support gratefully appreciated as am finding them a complete nightmare to deal with on my own!! FOS are happy to register complaint and send a letter but hoped there might be a better solution via this forum!
  18. Hi, Due to my Husband losing his job last July and the subsequent wranglings over the grounds of his dismissal we have had no income since September 2010 when we started our own business. Long story short we have tried with our lenders Woolwich (Barclays) to come to a payment arrangement whilst we sell the property which we put on market Sept 2010. Woolwich sent out investigator in Feb/March who said he was sure that Woolwich would extend period for selling. A month or so later Woolwich sent letter with his report saying that as we had been paying some other loans and not them they would refer to their solicitors. We contacted Woolwich to say we had not realised that we must pay them first and could we make an arrangement with them, they said no point unless we could pay full arrears (approx £4,500 at that point) but that their solicitors would make an arrangement with us. We then recieved (about 5 weeks ago) a letter from TLT saying they would file for possession but to contact them within 7 days to discuss. They refused to make an arrangement, we asked' why 7 days', they said 'you may have won lottery in that time and be able to pay full arrears'. 10 days ago we informed them that we had changed estate agent and put house on at Woolwich proposed 'Forced Sale' Value and that we had 3 viewing booked for that week and requested 28 days to apply for WFTC and to hopefully sell house. They agreed to this and said would call in 2 weeks to check progress. The following day they issued Possession proceedings against us. When we phoned and asked why the had changed their minds they just keep saying they can make arrangements but when we try the won't. To top it all as predicted we had and accepted an offer for the property on Saturday. We have phoned Woolwich and TLT today to try and discuss a way forward and were greeted with a lot of don't knows and general vagueness. Sorry this is lengthy but we feel they are in breach of the Pre-action Protocal and assume we will still have to attend court on 18th August and wondered if you could help us with what to ask the judge for, adjournment, dismissal etc. Many thanks in advance.
  19. Hi everyone, I hope someone can help… A friend has had repossession proceedings started against her by Barclays/Woolwich. The hearing is set for 1st August and I’ve been helping her by writing all the letters to Woolwich and their solicitors trying to get the full picture and making offers to them. Briefly the mortgage was taken out in 2004, all payments on time until Oct 2009 when her work virtually dried up (she is self-employed). She was in touch regularly with the Woolwich - but unfortunately these contacts were all by phone and she was told as long as she made the effort to pay something each month there would be no problem. Her bookkeeper tried to talk to them in March this year to try to get some sort of reduction by reverting to interest only or even a mortgage holiday for a short period until her work picked up again. The answer was a definite “No”. Her work has now picked up and she has made several payments – despite this the case has been passed to their solicitors who have taken repossession action. When the letter arrived stating that she would receive the court summons, the solicitors included a computer screen printout of the last 2+ years statements and I noticed that her contractual repayment of principle + interest had reduced to about £320 from July 1st . I queried this sudden drop of about £100 per month and eventually received a letter stating that she had been on a fixed rate mortgage for 5 years and that it had just reverted back to their current rate. I have sent a SAR to Woolwich to try and obtain all information regarding this and transcripts of the phone calls which were supposedly recorded. However time is running out… Do I fill out a N244 to apply for an adjournment to give them more time to clarify the amount of arrears (They are saying around £3000) but I do not recall there ever being any fixed rates for 5 years – and the mortgage started in 2004. Unless they put her on a fixed rate in 2006 this doesn’t compute. She cannot remember what the deal was. If she was on a 5 year fixed rate and she has got the arrears they state – she is now in a financial position to pay the contractual amount plus around £40 pm off the arrears. This has been offered (and paid for the last 2 months) but basically asking them to clarify the exact amount of arrears first. What do I do? Any help greatly appreciated Thanks
  20. I am currently running a claim on behalf of my brother from Barclays now Woolwich mortgages for charges of £40per month for arrears admin charges. Barclays have issued him with their final response with a resounding no so taking it to court, I am unsure how restitution would be calculated on the claim and appreciate any help cheers
  21. hi can i have some advice please got a letter off my mortgage company/bank saying they would close my mortgage reseve facility, i am in arrears with my mortgage so am thinking about selling my house as i have roughly 50 percent equity in it i have been blacklisted so would not use their facility if i wanted to anyway , was going to ignore it and let them shut it anyway read up about it and it seens its just a loan facility like a remorgage.... am i correct many thanks ...if i asked for a loan they would refuse anyway cant get an overdraft anyway!!!!!thanks alot
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