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  1. Hi, Due to my Husband losing his job last July and the subsequent wranglings over the grounds of his dismissal we have had no income since September 2010 when we started our own business. Long story short we have tried with our lenders Woolwich (Barclays) to come to a payment arrangement whilst we sell the property which we put on market Sept 2010. Woolwich sent out investigator in Feb/March who said he was sure that Woolwich would extend period for selling. A month or so later Woolwich sent letter with his report saying that as we had been paying some other loans and not them they would refer to their solicitors. We contacted Woolwich to say we had not realised that we must pay them first and could we make an arrangement with them, they said no point unless we could pay full arrears (approx £4,500 at that point) but that their solicitors would make an arrangement with us. We then recieved (about 5 weeks ago) a letter from TLT saying they would file for possession but to contact them within 7 days to discuss. They refused to make an arrangement, we asked' why 7 days', they said 'you may have won lottery in that time and be able to pay full arrears'. 10 days ago we informed them that we had changed estate agent and put house on at Woolwich proposed 'Forced Sale' Value and that we had 3 viewing booked for that week and requested 28 days to apply for WFTC and to hopefully sell house. They agreed to this and said would call in 2 weeks to check progress. The following day they issued Possession proceedings against us. When we phoned and asked why the had changed their minds they just keep saying they can make arrangements but when we try the won't. To top it all as predicted we had and accepted an offer for the property on Saturday. We have phoned Woolwich and TLT today to try and discuss a way forward and were greeted with a lot of don't knows and general vagueness. Sorry this is lengthy but we feel they are in breach of the Pre-action Protocal and assume we will still have to attend court on 18th August and wondered if you could help us with what to ask the judge for, adjournment, dismissal etc. Many thanks in advance.
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