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Found 1 result

  1. I paid off my Woolwich Mortgage earlier this year, but payments to Legal and General continued. Like a lot of people I thought this was an insurance policy which would pay off the mortgage in case of death, and that it was compulsory. It turns out neither fact may be true. Apparently *some* banks require a policy *sometimes*, but I have no idea if the Woolwich was ever one of them. And the payout would be to my next of kin - an unlikely outcome, because I'm single with no dependents and no surviving blood relatives. I've made contact with L&G but the only signed document they can send me is a medical release form. They don't seem to have - or haven't been able to find - a direct debit authority, or any other application form. Apparently a capital management company was also involved, and they would have signed paperwork. (Or maybe not.) The mortgage was taken out more than ten years ago, so the traditional PPI term has expired. But I'm not sure this is traditional PPI. Has anyone been in a similar situation and had success reclaiming these payments?
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