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  1. Wow well this has been going on for almost 2 years now - they are a bunch of incompetent a.bums. Under an SAR they have sent me about 20% of the information I am entitled to. I am now in the "decision making process" - they have until 8th March to deal with my complaint. On 26th of Feb I had 4 missed calls from a blocked number - finally got round to answering on the 5th one to a guy from Barclays asking me all sorts of questions about my claim. I had stated on my form that I didnt need the insurance as I had other insurance policies, redundancy cover, critical illness cover AND savings of my own. They asked if I could provide proof of all this and given that it's going back to 1998-2000 no I actually cant. I had more missed calls yesterday and I rung them today to find out if it was them - yes it was - another guy told me that they are requesting proof of my savings from 1998. How the heck?! - I haven't even got bank statements from 6 months ago let alone all that time ago. I do feel that they have behaved really badly - aside from witholding my information they have dragged their heels from start to finish. My question is what if I can't prove where I had my savings etc. - basically my parents "gave" me £7k and kept it (in their names) in premium bonds - this was to prevent me spending into it - I withdrew it eventually and used it as the deposit on my first house. So technically although the money was mine it was never saved in my name. Opinions please? - do you think they will still uphold the complaint? - I don't understand why I am being basically investigated (it feels that way) - I believe it's down to them to prove that it wasn't missold not the other way round. I've told them that I didn't need it, surely that should be enough?
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