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Found 3 results

  1. Hi there. I got notification that Barclays are going to be changing their charging structure for overdrafts to a new system where if you are in overdraft they charge a daily rate. Now I am in "constant overdraft". Basically when I was in work may years ago I had an arranged £2k overdraft and it is still at roughly £1700. I dont have the means to just pay it off as I am now a carer for my father which has seen my income drop from about £30k to carers allowance and income support (approx £100 per week). At the moment as the charges stand I can manage the overdraft charges of just over £20 per month without it killing me. But now I am going to be faced with new charges of £1.50 per day which is >£45 per month. I am now at the stage where I feel it is time to do something about the situation. Now I have had very few bank charges in the last 6 years...maybe 5 maximum. BUT if we were to go back much further to when my troubles started then the account does have many charges....BUT they were with the Woolwich before Barclays took them over. I do know that the Woolwich charges did take me into my overdraft....at around the same time as I had to give up work to care for both my ill parents. But we are talking about 7-10 years ago. I have no old statements that I can use as evidence of these charges so im a bit stuck. So the question is What should I do in my situation - I am already looking at opening an account at another bank and getting my benefits paid into that. But how do I tackle this debt head on before it becomes the familiar nightmare of dealing with DCA's and having fee's stuck on top along with probably a CCJ ect ect. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  2. I claimed bank charges to Barclays 2007, small claims I received a Court date but it was stayed. What do you do with this, I have had no communication regarding this with Barclays or the Court .
  3. Hi everyone i had a stayed court claim with barclays, made application to amend particulars of claim using "New Arguments", unfortunately this application was refused didn't present the arguments well enough and Barclays counsel were awarded cost of approx £900, which was reduced from £2500 by the judge who was not happy to refuse my application, and suggested in not so many words that i could still present my case differently. the details of my particular case is that i had a Woolwich account that Barclays subsequently took over,implimenting the new aleged over draft service, the account became overdrawn by approx £5, because of a Woolwich not a Barclays cheque for approx £10. the rolling charges to date are aprox £500. and they have registered default notices with credit reference agencies. if they had refused the cheque, the charge would have been £5 At the Court hearing Barclys offered to cancel the charges if i drop the case, i refused this offer as they would not remove the mentioned default notices with credit reference agencies. they continue to make this offer, while threatening further action i believe i have a very good case just not able to present it. all help and suggestions would be great full
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