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Found 11 results

  1. I have discovered your site investigating what to do in this case and would sincerely appreciate your help. I will offer feedback and donate for your time and energy. I really need your help. I used my mums oyster after losing my wallet and needed to get to a wedding over a weekend. When returning into London, the high value pass obviously flagged things to the inspectors who were waiting at the station. I had all my details taken. The inspector understood I'd lost my wallet and I didn't answer any further questions. I was sent a letter with a fine and a conviction if i plead guilty. The problem with these cases, is that whether or not I did it unwittingly (as in, didn't realise I was using a high value pass) it doesn't matter. It was a misuse and the conviction stands. I can't have a conviction hanging over my head and the thought of it fills me with absolute dread. I have just recently gained a permanent residency in Canada and intend eventually to work in the States and a conviction would be so detrimental to have on my record and affect my work situation. I am so deeply regretful for something so stupid and avoidable. I have received a letter stating the fine i have to pay and the fact that it will go on my record and like the other cases stated here on the forum, can either plead guility and pay the fine or plead not guilty and prove my innocence, which isn't possible. What are the options available to me? Can I call them and ask to appeal? Should I hire a solicitor before it's too late? (I have roughly 10 days before the deadline now). Is settling on the day the last option available and should I get a solicitor before that time to make sure that I don't risk it not going in my favour on the final day? How often are people able to settle on the day in your opinion? What does a settlement amount normally come to? I really appreciate your help on this. I've just returned to London to the letter and have limited time to respond and would like to know the best way to reach out to TFL. Will a letter take too long. I think so. Should I simply call them or go via a solicitor? It seems that no matter what people do with their letters, it always comes back with a conviction and fine. I was going to call citizens advice first thing tomorrow, but if you can recommend a solicitor please do. i live in London. Many thanks
  2. Well it seems like Provident are having issues. Being investigated for irresponsible lending and losing a lot of money on shares. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4814606/800-000-families-face-crisis-sub-prime-loan-firm-tanks.html
  3. Good evening, I have a problem with a Hermes collection which is making me very worried and upset. I arranged for a parcel to be collected, the courier finally turned up and my husband saw the courier collect the parcel but on checking in the safe place there was no card. My parcel hasn't been received by SimplyBe so they made enquires with Hermes who deny there was a driver in the area on the day my parcel was collected. They have advised that I am liable for the value of the goods. What do I do? Is my issue against the courier or SimplyBe? I have read how awful Hermes are with numerous posts of missing parcels, fraudulently signed deliveries. Any helped would be appreciated. Thank you
  4. Good Afternoon. I have access to all 3 of the credit reference agency's i notice there is a default registered for £65 by Vodafone. I have never received any notices for this account and as far i was concerned this account was closed. If i knew about the outstanding balance i would of paid it to avoid a default especially as the value is very low. A bit of a long shot but would it be feasible to pay the outstanding balance of £65.00 and have the default removed? Thanks
  5. I sold an item of my sons on Ebay before christmas. I was led to believe by my son that the item was fully working (I know I should have checked) On the day it was delivered the buyer messaged me to ask for a refund as it did not work. I agreed to this straight away and asked the buyer to return the item The buyer escalated the item to Ebay at the same time. The buyer sent the item back to me 8 days after they received it when I got it I tried to process the refund. For some reason Ebay/Paypal would not let me do this so I had to ask Ebay to do it (I suspect because the buyer escalated the case). Th buyer received his full monies. Ebay will now not refund me the final value fee as they say the buyer was unhappy. I am getting no where with their customer service, anyone got the CEO's email address. What a joke of an organisation they are.
  6. hi there im asking this for a friend whos in a sticky situation. Wanting to do a debt relief order but has a car to her name. it is this pictured. After some research i no cars have to be under £1000 but 1 valuation comes way over for her. what should she do? thanks a lot. [ATTACH=CONFIG]55697[/ATTACH]
  7. I ordered a power supply from a retailer 17 months ago and it developed problems. I sent it back they found problems and they said that a replacement was not available so they would refund me, but they would only refund me £20. The product i bought (XFX 1050W Fully Modular PSU) cost £150. The warranty they provide is 2 years. They gave me some crap about it being only expected to last 2 years. Now im sorry but a top end PSU only lasting 2 years is ludicrous, its beyond crazy. I would say a 4-5 year minimum on high end top quality PSU's indeed i have 2 others which were both high end at the time of purchase and they are both still going strong 6 and 4 years on. Can i do anything here? Its quite frankly an exploitable part of UK Law and no matter what I say they just say "warranty 2 years = expected to last 2 years". I have tried explaining that the PSU in question should be expected to last for at least double the 2 year warranty but to no avail. Im thinking of giving trading standards a ring cos I don't care what the retailer says they are ripping me off big time. Would this be a viable option or would i just be wasting my time. Thanks in advance.
  8. Has anyone in the UK been successful at completing accepted for value for anything? and can it be done for a BT Bill? would be very helpful as i'm trying to help an elderly neighbour that's being bullied with extortionate bill from these corperation bullies Many Thank in advance.
  9. Can anyone tell me what the law is on planning application time limits are? Do the council have to place a notice on the building that is the subject of the planning application and if so do they have to allow a certain amount of time between posting the notice and actually making a planning decision? Thanks in advance.
  10. hi all, I purchased a property in 2007 for £105000 which is now in negative equity. More recently properties of the same kind on the street have been sold averaging £80000. The lender had carried out 2 valuations over a period of six months when the original mortgage was taken out. The first valuation report hadthe reinstate value of £87000 and the second at £92500. Recently i been advised the lender is to renew the insurance policy and that sum insured would be £107000. I opposed this figure and told the lender that their original reinstate valuation is wrong and was overvalued to reflect the house price market of the time and believe the reinstate value is approx £70000. I received a letter from the lender stating they inputted the wrong reinstate value at the time of completion and a more upto date reinstate figure is £105000. I called and spoke to their agent who told me that the letter is wrong and no incorrect reinstate value was input on completion but the reinstate value had been indexed linked twice giving the incorrect figure of £107000 rather than £105000. The agent confirmed what was in the letter andwhat she told me was contradictory. Now i have two issues which i need some helpful advice (1) if a property has a sale value of £80000 is it a fair understanding for the reinstate value to be £105000. Is the sale of the property reflective of the cost to rebuild the property? Is the rebuild cost not a factor determining the cost of sale? in other words are properties sold less than the actual cost of its building even when condition is good? (2) The lenders agent was unable to give me further information on the indexed linked figure for me to determine the difference and any over charging on my account. As their is contradictory information but an agreement to some error on their behalf does that equate to a breach and what actions should/can i take? anyone had any experience with their lender with regards to over valuation?
  11. Hi, I have one here I could do with help on please. I’ll use ‘Card Provider’ and ‘DCA’ in place of the names of the parties themselves, as well as incorrect values; so as to protect myself from prying eyes. I had an account with a Card Provider. It had been the subject of a PPI plan, so I knew I was within my rights to question its value. As such, I followed the route of sending the standard letters and then going via the FSA route. The balance – shall we say – was £10,000, of which the FSA latterly found in my favour, and £5,000 was sent back to me by the Card Provider for the mis-sold PPI. However, before things got to the FSA, the card provider sold my ‘debt’ to a DCA, who are now perusing me for the full £10K value. Yes, the Card Provider has given me the £5K back; but surely, if the DCA purchased the debt with an incorrectly swollen value? The DCA, if they continue to push, would surely have to prove that they purchased a ‘debt’ at the wrong value, and are pushing for that same wrong value, which is now made right by virtue of a credit given directly to me in an unrelated transaction by the Card provider?!?!? Where do I stand? Oh, and there’s no proper agreement either. But that’s one for another day! Cheers and thanks in anticipation of any wisdom that can come my way. Appreciated
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