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Found 14 results

  1. Sunday 3rd September 2017, I forgot to display my Blue Badge when I parked in a Disabled space at Bluewater in Kent, obviously a genuine mistake because elsewhere in the area it is Free parking. Returning to the car I found a ticket, requiring £95 or £57 if paid within 14 days ( a bit steep either way). I appealed on-line at the PCM website at once. getting a letter this morning Thursday 7th, rejecting my appeal. Must I pay?
  2. I know many people here is not legal adviser, But The advice as I could get from this website always was more useful instead any lawyers or citizen advice bureau. Thank You My car Insurance payments: I insured my Second car since February 2016 for Premium: £1124.00 Sub Total before credit charge: £1124.00 Motor Premium Tax: £106.78 Total cash price: £1230.78 Total charge for credit: £111.28 Total amount payable for policy term: £1,342.06 In less of 20 days a Car accident happened Tried to get some advice from a legal firm about this case: I gave my case to a legal firm To advice me what they can do for me. But the company made a claim without any discussion, permission or confirmation. The third party gave a cheque for my car value to that unauthorised solicitor, But I never received the cheque, Because the firm tried to force me to sign a Client care pack. amended the contract and increased I did not provide my No claim bonus discount to them; ten days after the car accident they have amended the contract and increased my policy payment to 2367.94 I did not accept and send a complaint letter to them, They cancelled my policy and asked me to make a full payment as well. However, I paid them in full; They send a default notes to my credit report. The third party made claims against me to My insurance. My insurance informed me, they would like to settle the matter in 50/50, without accepting liability, if not, they would accept it in full. ( All communicate or conversation was by the emails and letters.) County Court Claim Letter After few months, from the Country Court, I received claims against myself letter under my name, to my address. I passed the letter to my Insurance by Email, And asked them if I need to respond to this letter!?; they told me, no, you don't need to do anything and when they settle the matters they will notifying me. CCJ On Credit Report Under my membership account with the credit expert and the Equifax, I informed about CCJ on my report but five days after the judgment date. My insurance forgot to respond to the court. They were apologising me. And told me they would remove the CCJ as soon as possible, because they did not update me on what's going on, and I could not trusting them anymore or take any risk, a day before the end of 28 days, I paid myself to the third party £3 039. I need help Because I was in a very hard situation during the last nine months. There are too many mistakes in my case from the beginning by my claim case worker. As she gave some comment without looking at the vehicle photo, and when I told her you could ask for the CCTV's Bus, she said, The third party representatives looked into this aspect of the claim and were advised that no footage was available. They did not tell me that I have to transfer my insurance to the other car. When I called them many times to talk with someone to explain to me, how they calculated the outstanding balance, if I need pay the full payment, need I pay the credit interest as well or APR? They did not tell me. They must have full responsibility for my accident and any matters as they promised me when we make a contract. I know under the credit agreement they should make a cleared about my policy or my credit agreement or any amended section in my contractor me as a customer. Many hours my time be wasted because They asked me to paid them in full. They did not respond to me when I asked them to make a clear the amount as they are asking me to pay, they wasted my time on the phone line in some hours, without providing me without any useful information. I paid them and asked them to remove the default from my credit report; I asked them by the phone and email, they did not accept and send a copy of the credit agreement act and told me you have breached our contract. The default on my credit report have not any good or any bad effect to that company, but the default have many effects on my daily life, Thus I don't want to accept any apologising from them, I Have some Question: I have got this insurance from 18 of February 2016 the accident happens on 11 of March they changed the policy on 24 of March Have I any right to not agree with the new agreement ( Agreement on 24 of March )or monthly payment plan? How should I receive the default notice when I had an accident, and I was not in any good situation? Because I paid and settled the country court claim against myself, They Own my money, is any way that they get the country court on their business credit report? This paragraph was in my insurance letter to me, What're means? I understand that you have satisfied the judgment of £3,093.53. You have the benefit of comprehensive insurance, for which you have paid the insurance premium. So, you should not be out of pocket any further. The accident was not my fault, Can I appeal to the court and defended myself? From the beginning, it is very clear as they don't want act for me. If they do act for me, what was the point for them? If I did not pay to them, by the law, have they any responsibility to acting behalf me or no? if the accident bee 50/50 what was the effect on my future insurance? which payment could I receive? and now I am 100% fault , what is the effect on my future insurance? which payment could I receive? Please Note: I have 11 years old no claim bonus discount as I used on my other car, I never have any accident before, and I have protected my no claim bonus for 2016-2017 not before.
  3. Hi all I have had enough of stupid calls at all times of the day which are annoying and now a caller chasing something we know nothing about (perceived debt?) Many years ago there was a device talked about on these forums that allowed you to block all sorts of unwanted calls, it could filter out etc and also you could record them to an sdhc memory card, useful for all sorts as you can imagine Does anyone here remember what I am about, I apologize in advance as I did try searching here and also on google but so far I cannot find the exact thing im looking for.
  4. I am currently registered as a single person living at my address and I get the single person discount. My girlfriend moved in January 1st and I need to update my council tax. I want to check if I would get into trouble for not updating this sooner, can they back date it?
  5. Hello to all. I know it's Christmas eve and you are all busy, but I'm worrying myself sick. I've been an avid reader on here but have never posted myself until now. I received a ccj claim form through the post and sent back the admission form to the creditor. I filled it in fully and honestly and made an offer of monthly instalments. However, I made a copy for my records and somehow, I have just noticed that I dated it but stupidly not signed it. Where do I stand? Am I screwed? As I suppose I haven't completed it correctly. Should I email the creditor? Which unfortunately is amigo loans. Or should I ring the court or something? I am now going to be worrying all over Xmas that they will enter a judgement for the full amount and not the monthly payments or even send bailiffs. Please can somebody in the know advise me on what will happen? Thank you and merry Christmas.
  6. Hi, I cancelled my direct debit after the 12 month contract, received a swift letter from harlands stating I need to setup the Direct Debit otherwise I'll face a £25.00 administration fee. I was writing them a letter with the following (template used): I refer to your letter of 09/12/2015. My agreement with Xercise4Less was for a minimum of 12 months. The first payment was for the amount of £34.99 (joining fee + first monthly payment), dated 02/11/2014. The remaining payments were taken on the 2nd of every month up to and including 02/11/2015 with one additional monthly payment of £14.99 after the agreed minimum contract period, taken 02/12/2015. I cancelled my Direct Debit mandate on 07/12/2015 and this was adequate notice of my cancellation of the agreement, as per the case of The OFT v Ashbourne Mgt Services Ltd in 2011. I now realise I should have paid one further month's fee for the notice period and am willing to offer you £14.99 now. If you confirm in writing within 14 days that you'll accept £14.99 in full settlement of all amounts due, I will pay it promptly. If you fail to accept my offer within 14 days, or if you demand any administration or cancellation fees (unlawful penalties), my offer will be withdrawn and I may ignore further demands from you and/or CRS. Such demands may be reported to Trading Standards. Yours faithfully, However, I can't find my W-number in my email folders to add to the letter, just the reference number from the letter they sent regarding reinstating my Direct Debit. Should I just use the reference number quoted on the letter or? Additionally, what legal leverage do I hold on the situation? Thanks
  7. In short BT did not charge me for broadband for 6 months Feb to July. I did not make anything of it since the payment was made via Direct Debit. Received the bill for this month which included all the charges which I refuse to pay as it was a BT mistake. I asked for a waiver of the charge BT refused so cancelled the service due to be ceased in 6th October. Sent a letter that I will not pay for anything since their customer service was most unhelpful and was told the charge stands and will have to pay. CS agrees that it was their fault but I will still have to pay, is this fair? as I never withheld payments its them who never charged. Do I have a leg to stand on in court as I do not believe I should pay any retrospective charges now applied
  8. In January I had an appointment at our local hospital for back to back sigmoidoscopy and gastrosopy. Understandably I was extremely scared and when parking in a disable bay I forgot to put my blue badge up. It was the last thing on my mind. I was in the hospital from 8.30 to 11.30 and when we came out we pad the parking fee and I found I had a parking ticket from te private parking company I just ignored as a friend of mine did hen she got a parking ticket from them and after she ignored letters they seemed to drop it. I was justified in parking there as I had a blue badge which is valid until 2016 but the company have continued to harass me and I have now received a demand from a debt collection agency. I have two incurable illnesses and stress can affect my heart I have to admit that I am shocked that hospitals can allow the harassment of seriously ill people who they are supposed to be helping . The debt collection are demanding £80 which we don't have as we are upon limited income. I understand that they don't really have any legal powers ad private car parks are covered by civil law so their previous threat of a criminal record doesn't wash what do you think I should do now and what if the debt collectors arrive . The strain might quite seriously be too much for me
  9. Hi, I am new to the forum, I recently travelled to london for the day, starting my journey from Andover and arriving in london waterloo. However on the return leg of my journey the barrier wouldn't lift and I was told that it was because I had a railcard. I was asked to produce my Railcard, however I had forgotten it. I was told to go have a chat with a guy now aware was a revenue officer. The revenue officer asked for my details which i provided, name, address, DOB, ID etc. The revenue officer made a phone call and then he issued me with an MG11. I didn't really no what he was issuing me at the time and i was told to sign. I was told to produce my railcard to Andover railway station the next day but when i went to check my railcard i have now just released that it is no longer in date. railcard expired on 12th november 2013, so well over a year. I rarely use my railcard but i am not sure they will show any sympathy. Please can someone offer advice as I am now afraid of prosecution and how that can affect my career in the armed forces
  10. Hi, We moved in on January 2013, Fixed Term Agreement has a clausue that rent includes Council Tax for the first 12 months of tenancy. 12 moths passed, Tenancy expired and Landlady never contacted us regarding renewal or increase in the rent. A two weeks ago we gave her a notice that we'll be moving out on 12 April. Today she called that we owe her money for two months Council Tax. We never saw the bill, it's in her name, and she never asked us to pay it before. Do we owe the money? I don't think so. Can she deduct this from the deposit? which she hasn't protected by the way. What do you think? Where do we stand? Regards, Jarek
  11. Today I was travelling on the DLR at Cyprus (going towards Canning Town) and had enough money for my journey. I had completely forgotten to touch in, and lo and behold, a ticket inspector comes round and assigns a £40 penalty! I asked if I could quickly go out and touch in at the next station (all the stations along this bit of the DLR have no barriers) - this would have been like maybe 10 metres away but he outright refused! Is there any chance of an appeal going through? When I was a child (I am a uni student now), something similar happened to me and I was simply allowed to just quickly run out and touch in. It would have been in the same zone so I would have been charged the exact same fare. I am a [very poor] student so £40 is a fortune! Any help would be much appreciated
  12. dannyh172

    Forgot to SORN

    Hi Guys, im after a small bit of advice please. I have an old car that was SORN up to 2009, by which time i had put it into storage and forgot about it (out of sight-out of mind) and not renewed the SORN since then. If i re-SORN now am i likely to face a hefty fine, or the usual £80 for not renewing? Thanks in advance for your help. Dan
  13. I went to see a specialist last September over problems with my total jaw replacement I had in 2002, which they said would last me a lifetime... obviously I wasn't supposed to live till I was 46 . Anyway, I seen the guy at the bottom of the ladder who had to go and get the next specialist up, who had no idea what was wrong with the titanium jaw joints as it is a rare op, so they referred me up another level. I got an appointment for 2 weeks later, which was great service. Seen the consultant who decided he didn't know what the problem was and referred me to the head honcho .... which just happened to have been the same guy who was the understudy who helped with my op in 2002 He decided I needed a CT scan so I had to wait for an appointment. I waited... and waited... and waited... and then last month had to see my GP so mentioned this to him. He got on the phone straight away and when the secretary admitted I had fallen off the radar he had a right go at her I got a letter this week from the hospital with a good apology, which is unusual. I'm still waiting for my scan appointment though!!!
  14. Hi about 12 months ago I had "nudged" another car at a roundabout, there was no damage to either vehicle, the other party was clearly not [causing problems]- there has been no claim made. I did however have to inform our company insurance- it policy that even the most minor thing is declared! I renewed my personal policy about 1 month later, and was asked about claims etc, to which I answered non, as I did not really think this warranted a mention. I have now had to claim on my policy and am scared that my insurers find out about this and try to void my insurance or similar. Has anyone got any advice what to do? Do I leave it or do I fess up before it gets any worse? Many thanks
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