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Found 4 results

  1. Hi all. Me and the ex girlfriend ended about 2 years ago but kept in contact since. About 6 months ago I was having bad times with gambling. Being isolated I asked via texts if I could send her some money to hold onto until I had gambling blocks in place and was no longer at risk of gambling. She agreed and I sent her the money via bank transfer. As my income was paid in, I sent her more of it. Totalling £900. Purely to hold onto, not spend and I made this clear to her. She spent that money behind my back though. Claiming her roof had leaked which damaged her belongings that she had to replace (and chose my money to replace it with rather than go without). At this point now, we are no longer on great terms, she doesn't want to remain in contact (blatantly found someone else) and although I was due some payment back last month, no payment was made. I made a demand that I get £300 back each month for the next 3 months, yet she's plainly told me that wont happen as she won't have enough spare cash and will pay "some" each month. So now in theory, I have to sit and wait for what? Maybe £100 a month back until she cant be bothered to pay anything anymore? No thanks. What would my options be? She's currently living with her mum (she moved back there while we were still together). I'v told her I will contact her dad who again in theory, might pay the whole amount to avoid it going further, but not sure if I want to tempt that. Thanks
  2. I am currently registered as a single person living at my address and I get the single person discount. My girlfriend moved in January 1st and I need to update my council tax. I want to check if I would get into trouble for not updating this sooner, can they back date it?
  3. I own a flat and am renting a room out to someone whose girlfriend stays over a lot. I have asked that he not have her in the flat alone, and I thought he agreed. this morning when leaving for work she was still there and he had already left. I spoke to him about this and he seems to think that because my sister stayed over last night that he's entitled to have her in the flat as he likes. Now my sister stayed over, but she left when I did, and as it's my flat surely I am not subject to the same rules as him. I made the point that he and my sister are both covered by my insurance if they burn down the flat, break something, etc. but it's invalidated if his girlfriend is there alone. Any thoughts? Do I have to justify this or can I just say my flay and I don't want someone who's not a tenant or paying rent wandering around when no one else is there.
  4. Hi all, I was hoping someone could help me with a situation. My girlfriend recieved a phone call yesterday from a company called Red Castle Recoveries. They have claimed she made an online payment for 50 pounds a few months ago with a UK retailer. The payment never went through, unbeknownst to her, and the company sold her debt to Red Castle who are now trying to charge her 87 pounds! On the phone she told them she would be willing to pay the amount of the purchase once evidence was provided, but she wouldnt be willing to pay the additional 37 pounds which they claimed is "charges"...we are now awaiting the evidence, but there is no way she is going to pay the extra charges as she had no idea the transaction didnt go through...what are her options here? is she within her rights to refuse to pay the extra charges?? or will this affect her credit rating?? Would appreciate any and all advice... Many thanks
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