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Found 11 results

  1. Hello everyone, i'm wondering if you can assist me. i have a registered oyster photorcard and was travelling on DLR the PSA had a new ticket reader that read my oyster and told me i did not tap in at my station, my card has some problems registering on validators so i recognised this might be the problem. He told me to get off and tap in, then get back on the train. What im wondering now is whether i am liable for prosecution or penalty fare, i did as he said and tapped in etc but he did not take my details as i assume that is recorded on the card. Many thanks. Oh also he asked me where i came from and where i was going if that is relevant to this.
  2. Hi all, I'm here to seek some experienced advice. I made the mistake of jumping on the DLR without tapping in when I was in a hurry. When I arrived at my destination there were revenue inspectors waiting at the exits. I knew I made a mistake so handed in my contactless card to be scanned and awaited my fate. The handheld detector flashed red, then green and the inspector just let me go on my way. When I checked my online account, that journey has been flagged as "revenue inspector" and have been charged the maximum fare. Will I also be getting a surprise penalty notice/court order letter in a few weeks? All these TFL horror stories have got me spooked
  3. Dear all, Last week I took the DLR but forgot to scan in, at that time I didn't get any penalty notice for but I have been told to take my notice tomorrow. At that time, my student oyster card was scanned by the officer's card reader. Now it has been one week so where can I get the notice and how can i check whether I need to pay? Thanks in advance
  4. Hello, A few days ago I travelled to City airport with the DLR. I changed at Shadwell but I didn't swipe my oyster card at this station as there are no barriers there. I never use the DLR and I certainly didn't know the importance of touching your oyster card in and out at all times. When I arrived at the airport an inspector checked my card and gave me a penalty of £80 (£40 if I pay in 21 days). I didn't complain or tried to explain as it was early in the morning, was half asleep and also had a flight to catch. To be honest with you I thought that I wouldn't pay it anyway and I would give her a false adrress. I stupidly enough showed her my passport and she wrote down my name, then I gave a wrong adrress and I also signed. When I had a closer look at the ticket a few hours later I realised that maybe I wouldn't get away with it as easily as I had though as she also wrote down my passport number and date of birth! I am angry with myself for not paying attention first of all and for not trying to defend myself or apologise as I could have avoided the penalty and pay the maximum charge instead. On the other hand the lady inspector didn't seem to be in a helpful mood at all. Someone else checked my card on the train as well and didn't say anything (?) and also I had enough funds in my payg card, and my travel history can show that I never use the DLR ! A friend of mine had a similar situation but didn't show any id, just gave a false adrress and nothing ever happened. My passport however is EU but not British and I'm not a "settled" person here. I was wondering if I ignore the whole thing what could happen to me...I don't know whether the inspector has my oyster details in her machine but I could buy a new one not registered. Most of all I'm trying to understand how avoiding paying the penalty will affect me under these circumstances rather than seeking tips not pay it. (Although they would be welcome ) cheers
  5. Today I was travelling on the DLR at Cyprus (going towards Canning Town) and had enough money for my journey. I had completely forgotten to touch in, and lo and behold, a ticket inspector comes round and assigns a £40 penalty! I asked if I could quickly go out and touch in at the next station (all the stations along this bit of the DLR have no barriers) - this would have been like maybe 10 metres away but he outright refused! Is there any chance of an appeal going through? When I was a child (I am a uni student now), something similar happened to me and I was simply allowed to just quickly run out and touch in. It would have been in the same zone so I would have been charged the exact same fare. I am a [very poor] student so £40 is a fortune! Any help would be much appreciated
  6. On the DLR on my way home from work today, I got fined £40 for not having my Oyster Card on me. I travelled 3 stops. This is the first time this has happened and I'm not one to be avoiding paying fares. As it happens, I pay for a Zones 1-2 monthly travel card on my Oyster, so I never touch in or out on the DLR (within Zones 1-2), as my journeys are covered. Does the fact that I have already paid for my travel in advance (they can check their databases) give me grounds for appealing the fine? It just seems a bit silly that I have to pay a fine for a genuine mistake, when I have actually already paid for my journey.
  7. hi everyone, I got on the DLR yesterday from blackwall heading for gallions reach. Prior to getting on the dlr, I touched at blackwall but did not wait to confirm if the light went green. Whilst on the train, a ticket inspector asked me to produce my ticket which i did. he made me aware that i had not touched prior to getting on the train. I explained to him that i touched but do not know what went wrong. he issued me with a £40 ticket and said i should try to speak to the authorities involved. he got my full details as i am on a student oystercard. I made him aware that i have never been fined/given a penalty notice which can be confirmed from my card history. I paid the fine of £40 today and also wrote an appeal having the case being looked into as the touch point might be faulty. I do not want to have a criminal record nor any negative details on my name/record. Can someone please let me know the process as in if i will have a criminal record for a period of time or my name will be on their database as being negative as i have no negative record whatsoever on my name. Can someone please help me out here as i am very worried. Thanks Danielz
  8. Firstly, Thanks to anyone that takes the time to actually read this and help me So about a month ago I received a fine on the DLR for an invalid ticket. I was travelling from Colchester Town to Devons Road. I got my ticket in the morning from the ticket machines at the station as there was a que at the ticket office and I didn't want to miss my train. I saw on the screen it said 'London zones 1 - 6' and Devons Road being Zone 2, I clicked on that and got a return, it cost me £45. As far as I was concerned this was the correct ticket and I had no reason to believe that this wasn't! 1 stop before Devons Road a ticket inspector came round, I showed my ticket thinking it was valid, well I was then told it wasn't. I explained to the man that I simply followed the instructions on screen and it said zones 1 - 6 so I thought it was right. It turns out the ticket just says 'London Terminals' on the ticket, and doesn't say the zones, despite it saying on the machine the zones! After looking online it turns out if I got it from the ticket office and got the correct ticket my ticket would have cost me £44.90 (10p cheaper). And apparently after looking online 'London Terminals' literally only means to the furthest station in London that my original train calls at, which would be Liverpool St. It does not say this on the ticket machine though! Straight away I appealed this as I don't see it fair that because national rail haven't made it clear on the machines that I should be paying the fine for it when in theory I actually paid too much for my ticket! Why should I pay another £40 on top of this? It should be national rails problem, not mine! Anyway, they declined my appeal & I sent another appeal off to them. HOWEVER, the letter I got from them declining my appeal was dated 26th April 2012 and they said they had to receive my appeal within 14 days or I'd have to pay £80. Well I didn't even receieve their letter until the 4th May 2012 so that was 8 days gone already! I posted my letter back the next day 1st class but received a letter today from them saying i've now got to pay £80! I can't contact IRCAS because their number is just an automated line and even after looking for the number on here it just diverts me to an automated line! I refuse to pay ANY fine for this at all! National Rail should make these things clear on their ticket machines! I'm on JSA so can't afford it, but even if I could I wouldn't be willing to pay this, its just outrageous & disgusting! I had a ticket, and ended up paying more for it! Someone help me!
  9. I took the DLR from Limehouse to Crossharbour. I was going home after gym, it was pretty late and I thought I had dropped my Oyster card at the gym. A long story short I didn't tap in nor buy a ticket. Anyway, I explained this to the ticket inspector and he issues me a penalty fare which is fair enough. When he asked for ID to confirm my address, I showed it to him but explained I hadn't lived at this address for 3 years (I haven't needed a car since I moved to London and haven't changed my address on my license). Like most of these [edit], he basically said it wasn't his problem I need to tell IRCAS about it. After a heated debate, I appealed my ticket. Anyway, I was too concerned telling IRCAS what a [edit] the inspector was and not listening to anything I was saying that i didn't correct the wrong address he had filled in. I hadn't heard anything back from IRCAS but I still tried paying my fine on time - I took a screenshot of the IRCAS site saying I can't pay the fine because it is being appealed. A week later still nothing. A week after that I get a call from my old address saying I've got a letter threatening prosecution. I paid the £40, but I think it's unfair that IRCAS added £30 in admin charges for letters they were sending to this old address and the other £40 I've got to pay because the DLR inspector outright refused to take my correct details. If I was just being a [edit] and decided not to pay them, then fair enough, those charges make sense. However, the details were taken down wrongly in the first place because TFL staff wouldn't take down the correct information. The additional charges are not necessary; it's just some process/policy made to punish people who waste the time of IRCAS etc. which in this case is the inspector, so they should either get rid of the charges or get him to pay it. Am I wrong?
  10. I was recently issued a penalty fare notice on the DLR after forgetting to touch in at Royal Albert DLR. The ticket inspector starting writing my name down on the notice, copying it from my ID, then realised he had misspelled my name. (He didn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed, I must say.) He scribbled out the misspelling and started again, so the ticket now has a large scribbled blob where my surname should be, followed by my surname spelled correctly. As a Penalty fare Notice is a legal document and cannot be altered or amended I believe this makes the ticket invalid. I will be sending in my appeal against the ticket in the next few days but if anyone can quote me rules and regultaions - you know how these people love their rules and regulations - it would help a lot. Incidentally, I sent a postal order to IRCAS to pay the correct fare and they have cashed it.
  11. Hello I have rec'd two notifications from SERCO who own DLR that a penalty notice was issued to someone who doesn't live at my address and in fact has never lived at my address. In fact the surname of the person does not exist anywhere. I sent the letters back Not known at this address but am now receiving letters from a debt collection company saying they will be sending round enforcement officers etc. I am not sure what to do now - it is very difficult to prove that someone who doesn't actually exist doesn't live at your address Can someone advise me how to proceed with this as I really need to get these people off my back and I need to know what I am doing before I give them any of my personal details. Many thanks
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