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  1. Hi, I have 4 oldish debts - one credit with barclaycard for £4k, one overdraft of 2k from santander, and 2 MBNA credit cards, of £3800 which I think was Virgin and I think 3k is from Alliance and Leicester. I did have a 2.5k one from santander credit card but rang the debt collectors today to try and sort it out and was told it had been given back to Santander, who said the debt had been written off (result!) The debt collection company last phoned me on 3rd Oct and my messages have been full since so must have been a recent write off. I am in the middle of buying/selling a house to try and get mortgage free, I am buying for £185k and will have about 3k left over to update etc. Now I am really worried that the creditors might go to court a nd put a charge on my house after exchange, which means I wouldnt be able to complete. T he debts are around 4 years old, I did have a payment arrangement going through one of these charities which I paid 130 a month between all 5 of them, I cancelled this a year ago as I just couldnt cope with even that amount due to divorce, a nd have avoided/ignored all phone calls/letters since. I have had letters offering a discount so I assume the charges/paperwork could be challenged which is why the credit companies havent taken me to court? I have ignored these too. Could anyone give me any idea of the likelyhood of the credit companies putting a charge on my house by 10th January? We are hoping to exchange in the next couple of weeks and complete on 10th Many thanks for advice Vanessa
  2. Hi Everyone, I come to you all in an hour of need as I am not sure where to take this from here. All of this related to my partner, and her ex husband. They split in 2008 and divorced a few years afterward. They had a house together when they split, this was in negative equity so they decided to rent out the house until it came out of negative equity. They also had a number of debts together that were consolidated and paid through a debt management service. When they divorced an agreement was put forth via solicitors that formalised the agreement that was already verbal. My partner would pay her ex half of the cost of the debt management service, and she would pay half of the cost of the shortfall that was present because the tenant in their house did not cover all the mortgage with their rent. Her ex, as part of this agreement would pay off the mortgage and the debt management loan. We found out recently that he had not done this for up to a year. He'd taken the money my partner had been giving him, and instead of paying off the debt management service and the mortgage he spent the money on his own personal lifestyle. The first we heard about this was when he told us the house was in the process of being repossessed. He told us initially this was because the tenant wasn't paying. When we investigated further and checked all the places he should have been paying we found out the truth, and he admitted to it. He has subsequently told us in the next month or two he is going bankrupt. This is going to cascade on my partner and she is likely going to end up bankrupt too. My question lies in how I deal with this. I am unsure if what has happened here is something the police need to get involved in or something that needs to go to small claims court etc. Taking it to small claims court seems a bit fruitless as he is doing to declare bankrupt anyway. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  3. Hi just a little advice please, we are currently in the middle of selling our house which we had valued at 140, 000 from when it went on we had a viewer every week we dropped the price to 135000 as we wanted a quick sale after finding our dream home. We currently have a buyer who knocked us down to 130000 and also asked us to pay half their stamp duty which we agreed to as we didn't want to loose the buyer or our dream home. They have now had a home buyers survey done which has told them that our house needs a new front door and frame ?? Guttering needs replacing and our conservatory needs replacing or knocking down. The buyer has been to see the house twice before they offered and I do agree the guttering needs replacing and also the conservatory ( wooden frame single payne ) Needs the frames and roof replacing and this is clearly visible. But considering I have already been knocked down over 5000 and I cannot go any lower as we would not be able to purchase the house we want. Does this make me sound unreasonable not budging on price as my thinking is the buyer seen the house twice before offering and haggled us down quite some.
  4. I jointly bought a house in 2007 with my partner at the time. We both got it into arrears although he blames me entirely (he ignores the fact that he didn't give me his half each month) anyway long story short! Acenden took us to court, was granted an order and we arranged a payment plan... Then in July 2011 I had to get an occupation order out against my ex, this was granted and he was removed from the property. The order was then dropped a month later with attachments due to me finding out I was pregnant and him making me believe that he would change. Then in March 2012 he threatened me with burning the house down if I didn't leave. I had to think of my 12year old daughter so we left. He then subsequently moved in 5 months later and changed the locks. I have not been paying towards the mortgage as I have struggled to find another home for myself and my daughter. I also am living in England now instead of Northern Ireland due to my ex. My question is, do I still have rights to a set of keys to the property and can my ex refuse entry to the property as I fear he may have turned it into a growing factory as he always said he would... Please help! Ps I'm sorry if this thread is in the wrong place, couldn't find a relevant section!
  5. Hi I recently brought a house from a policeman which has two boilers (it's a big house) anyway one of the boilers has never worked and despite the previous owner trying to ignite I had two separate Gas Registered engineers condemn the boiler stating there is an 'Immediate danger' if used they also both said that due to the rust it would of been condemned several years earlier the immersion heater was left on by the previous owner to supply hot water and a surveyor did there usual by saying ensure all boilers are serviced (it is sooo corroded even I can see it's dangerous) on the property details and txts sent to me the previous owner states the boilers are in good working order but hadn't been serviced for 3 years My solicitor says tough luck and it's not worth his time as his costs could be more than the settlement I think we have a good chance in the small claims court the cost to replace it is £2K minimum ... what do you guys think?? thanks in advance
  6. I'm at a loss, I came home and found I had been broken into. I found a letter from a Bailiff addressed to someone who doesn't live here regarding non payment of Council Tax. I have since found out that Lambeth Council have registered this persons mail to my house, based on the lack of Tax paid on another totally different property. I can now see that the Council have used the forwarding address (my address) as a contact for the Bailiffs who have subsequently broken in and taken things that don't belong to them or the person they are after - My problem is, is that the Liability Order went through on this person and my address was accepted as legit - Meaning the Bailiffs could go in and rob me!? I haven't contacted anyone yet as its Sunday - But who do I contact first to stop the bailiffs? The Court and say they have the wrong address for the Liability Order? The Lambeth Council for getting the address wrong in the first place? The Bailiffs who will probably say "yeah, right, and I'm Mr smith!?". Please please help - I don't know what to do?
  7. This is really 2 issues 1. We were offered a house my sister was renting. It has damp and electrical problems, landlord hasn't fixed for two years and we were due to move in but not with the issues. My sister is tied to a contract. Can she leave? 2. I have returned from abroad, currently staying with parents but my husband can't stay here. I am not receiving any money from anywhere. I think I can eventually claim but can't find anyone that would accept us. What can we do?
  8. Over a year ago I renewed my contract with vodafone, a loyal vodafone customer. Then just over a month later I moved home just a couple of miles away ... Since the move I have had over a year worth of no signal around where I live! I have no signal in the house or outside my house, no improvement with a signal booster, delayed voicemail messages, internet problems, not been able to send texts, and delayed texts from other senders. Numerous calls to vodafone and following the advice each time has left me no better off, and out of pocket to boot!... I'll take it from last september when it all started... I had problems with signal could not receive it in my home or outside my home, so told to buy a signal booster. Signal booster not improving things, so change settings etc on phone. Also have new sim at one point. This doesnt work, so try sending off handset, I received phone back after complaining why it took so long- issues with handset hdmi noticed but told this is a fault caused by being in a pocket (another issue- so mobile phone should not be carried out in pocket and therefore not mobile at all!) but phone handset not an issue. Next I try changing my internet provider to improve internet... no difference at all, so complain again. Told my signal booster may be faulty, so send this off. After complaining where it has got to, I receive another one (refurbed not new) and this also doesnt work. Told to give new IP some details, no idea what that was about and still doesnt improve. Again call and ask for manager. Told no one is available and I will get a call back. No call back- probably due to the fact I have no signal!!! Again call and ask for manager. Told no one is available and I will get a call back. No call back- probably due to the fact I have no signal!!! Again call and ask for manager. Told no one is available and I will get a call back. No call back- probably due to the fact I have no signal!!! After this has happened a few times, I call back, call gets disconnected... You get the idea...I call from a landline and get through to a manager who tells me the best thing to do it write and complain, and given details... that was two weeks ago and after all the stress of the past year is more that I can take. I demanded in that letter that I wanted my contract terminated immediately and I wanted some money refunded for lack of service that I have paid for and not received. I have not received a reply yet... should have by now, so really fed up. What should I do if I don't get an answer or my written request granted? Thanks for listening, I hope that this will get resolved soon, and I see this is a common problem with vodafone!
  9. Help needed please, I will try to explain the best I can, here goes...... My partner split with her then husband some years ago due to him having several affairs, she then sold the family home and he proceeds of the sale she put down as a deposit towards her new home for her and their 2 small children. She gave him about £6000 from this. They later divorced some years later but there was no order put in place for any stake of the money from the sale of the house. I made about 50,000 from the sale of the family home, I put down 34,000 on my new house as I couldn't get a mortgage for anymore. The rest paid fees and paid off debt and was used to do get the house right. I am just wondering if this was fair or should he received more money? Where do I stand from a legal point of view. Can a court go back and make me pay a share of the proceeds. All this happened 6 years ago last month.
  10. I own a half share in a house. My brother owns the other half share I have lived there for 6 years on my own My brother has been made bankrupt He has enough assets to cover this debt without selling the house Will, can, the Trustee in Bankruptcy evict me and force me to sell ?
  11. Not sure where,exactly, to post this..... but here goes... I live in a fairly wild location in Wales, just three or four feet from the back of my cottage is a mountain. Fairly recently, I've noticed larger and larger amounts of earth, splitting away and piling up on the narrow walkway, between the back wall of my home and the mountain, so I have to keep sweeping it away, to stop damp entering through the back wall into my lounge, which has always been a bit of a problem at the best of times ..... Immediately above where the earth is sliding down there is an enormous hole, ( I get an enormous amount of rabbits in the garden, but this hole is so huge, looks like it might be a ~Badger ? Very concerned about the continual slide of earth, to make matters worse, looks like an ~Enormous, amount of earth is about to break away, ...... too much to sweep......... concerned the mountain, now compromised by the digging animal, might continue to collapse, unabated onto my house......... Particularly worried about going to my insurance company about the issue, as they have not been particularly forth coming with the very few, mild claims ( approx 4 ) I have approached them with in the past. They are bound to say, I am not insured for a falling mountain ! but this IS a natural / Act of nature issue which I am, surely, entitled to ....... Is there a way to hold the mountain back somehow, that's not going to cost thousands ??? What do I do ?
  12. Hi all - I am new to this forum so hello and hope this post is in the right place..:- . My partner and I are living together with 1 18mth old child. We both work although in the low income bracket. We receive child tax credits which help with nursery fees but nothing else. We own the house we are living in. We are living in birmingham and all our family is in the south. We would like to move closer to our family and our idea is to rent out our property which will just cover the mortgage . We would then rent a property nearer our family and get work in this area and let the house tick over until we were in a position to buy in the south. This may be a very long time. So that is the plan... The question we would like to know is how this rental income would effect child benefits and also means tested JSA if either if us was out of work at any point. Is it classed as income? Or only the amount left once the mortgage is paid? Big difference! Thank you in advance!
  13. Hi we have inherited my fathers house I will be recieving the letters of admin next week My sister wants to keep the house and has agreed to pay me my half of the value ... Due to her not working her partner will be obtaining the mortgage in order to pay me my half , the property value is approx 250000 ...So i will be recieving 125000 the property is still in my fathers name I will be transferring the deeds to my sister or her partner , is there any tax implications when we do this or is it basically him sending the funds and then we transfer the deed .. the whole estate value was approx 270000 including the house so we are below the IHT threshold .. any advice appreciated ...
  14. I would like to ask some questions about selling the house we currently have on the market. This relates to the buyers and sellers form we need to fill in. It asks if you have made any complaints. I made a complaint to the local Council about a mobile mechanic doing up cars on the side of the road. The house is in my partner's name and he didnt make the complaint - but do we need to declare anyway? Secondly it asks about have you had any disputes? Yes with the same mobile mechanic. He has caused problems to the off road parking (matter resolved with police help), and we've had anti social behaviour off him. Can we just state that we do not get on with him due to a clash of personalities without giving too much away??
  15. There are a lot of them out there, they want a corner of the world they can claim as their own. They want more control,the three feet of clothing on the floor and the pile of dirty socks, CD cases, and assorted papers is their declaration of independence. its their way to demonstrate they can do as they please, so I'm told. Well I'm not buying that feeble excuse. To be trashing your room and leaving it looking like a Tornado has hit the area is not on. Forget the whinning, dawdling, getting distracted with Facebook, get it sorted out. I see it as having a lazy streak which needs to be nipped in the bud before it gets worse. If it carries on I will be rubbing his face in his dirty socks. What do others think?
  16. hi everyone im a newbe looking for advice my daughter has received a hearing on 14/8/13 she has been going through a marriage breakup and been in a car accident which has left her with some memory problems and has misunderstood her agreement her arrears are £1500 she has rang the solicitors with a offer but they want the full amount what im thinking is if we put an offer in writing of £500 and the remainder over the term of the mortgage would this prevent her going to court in her present state im worried she may not cope if not could i state in the letter that we would complain to the ombusman to buy us more time any help would be appreciated
  17. Hi, I wanted to know what the situation was with regards to selling our house whilst under an IVA agreement. Is this allowed. I realsie any monies would go direct to my IVA but do they allow you to seel the house in the first place?
  18. I moved into this 3 bed house in March, and immediately told the landlords that the windows in the house don't open. The only windows that open in the whole house are the one in my bedroom and in the bathroom. My children and grandchildren and in the other 2 bedrooms, and they bake in there, especially now that we're getting into the Summer. The kitchen windows don't open, so cooking is always difficult. I've told the estate agent many times, and she's even sent someone to have a look, but hasn't done anything about it. I'm really annoyed, and just want to know how I could make them sort out the windows. I pay £800 per month in the house, for goodness sake. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Hi Just a quick question I have a small outstanding mortgage (15K) on a property valued at aprox 100,000 but I have now emigrated outside of the EEC and require the house to be sold. (Ok, I know I should have put it on the market before I went but things could not wait) I have no intentions of returning to the UK anytime in the near or distant future Can I give a family member Power Of Attorney to enable the sale (if so how do I do this) as I do not wish for the mortgage lender to take possession and sell for half the value Many thanks in advance
  20. Hi i was told to come here by a relative for some advice, im sorry my first post is requesting help. Ive recently recieved an eviction notice from the court. on the house ive lived in for the past 4 years, it states we are being evicted due to a breach of my tenancy agreement. i phoned my letting agent up and asked him why i was being evicted. to which they replied i breached it by decorating the front room, and there was some steel drainpipes on my drive (6) as i did not have the means to take them away at the time as they were left by a friend. Also another thing they have stated is there is damage to the front door. The front door is a UVPC door which has never closed properley since we moved in as it catches on the top part of the lock so you sort of have to slam it. however one of the times we had to slam it shut in the bad weather we had a few months ago one of the 2 panes(which are sandwiched) on the door smashed. it was the pane of glass that blocked people looking in so the only pane now is a clear one that looks right into the house. As for the decorating, i only decorated the front room due to the wall paper peeling and the fact i have 3 children and lived here 4 years so obviously its going to get damaged and scuffed. However every person who has visited my property has complimented how well done the decorating is and better than what was originally there. i believe the reason they are being like is is due to the fact most the houses on my culd-i-sac are rented and recently the value of the rentals has gone up however ours stayed the same, and i feel i'm being made a scape goat just so the owner and the agents can earn more cash. since living here ive paid for the boiler to be repaired twice myself, as every time i report a repair it gets ignored and i'm not having my kids going cold. i told them the conservatory leaks and i had to turn the power off in there as it trips the electrics. the front door isn't working properly(they ignored and then glass broke), the cooker which is built into the units doesn't work properly. the kitchen cupboards falling apart, split bath panel and also bath leaking into dining room , you can actually see the outline of my bath on the dining room ceiling. funny thing is in the garage since we moved in, has had a area boarded off with a padlocked door which only the owner of the house has access to, which contains tools and diy stuff, however all that stuff so close and they still dont do repairs. even tho i pay rent for the whole house and i act as a storage locker for the owners stuff. i dont now what to do. how long by law do i have to get out, and if that time passes and i havent got anywhere do i get an extension as i don't want to be on the streets with the kids. thank you for listening to my rant
  21. Hi I am not sure this is the right place to post - but I need advice on whether I am legally allowed to pull out of the sale of my house and the purchase of a new one, I have just been told that i am under threat of redundancy and the new house commands a bigger mortgage and i am unsure as to whether I could cover that if I lost my job. I have not exchanged contracts yet but all searches have been completed etc. I have signed a paper to my solicitor for the sale of my house but been assure dthat this is not yet binding as i was conrend at that stage about the purchase of my next house falling though.... so concerned and confused.
  22. Hello, A debtor who had a charging order/preliminary OFS hearing against them from a 2nd creditor, have now handed back the keys of the property to their 1st mortgage lender. The mortgage lender is now trying to sell the property without the 2nd creditor being involved. Can the mortgage lender simply sell the property for any price they want just to cover their own debt and simply ignore the 2nd creditors charging order or do they need the 2nd creditors permission to sell. Anyone with any advice would be greatly appreciated....
  23. So, let me set the background. A friend of mine has some serious issues, owns a house with his wife ( who has left him for some 4 years). mortgage well in arrears ( now intrest only payments taken from his benefits) He's getting letters asking him to have a valuation done by the mortgage company ( they have been in talks for over a year) If i wanted to purchase the property, and my friend agreed, how would i go about that? This is a circa 220k house, with an oustanding mortgage of 145k including arrears. If i simply called the lender, and offered to take a new mortgage out in my name, for the amount owed, and have the property signed over to me......That clears the debt, and everyone is happy ? any advice welcome
  24. We had a charity take over a rental property two doors away, and they are housing teenagers that have been kicked out there homes. The recent lad who been housed in is a nightmare, no respect has friends hanging outside all evening swearing, spitting smoking. We complained once to the council already who have said is its not owned by them not a lot they can do but try to find out the charity housing it.. My wife a month ago spoke to the lady that appears to look after them, but she was just as rude telling her its none of her buisness and just call the police. Sadly last night it all blew up and I ended up having a face to face confrontation with the lad, who just said "I am 17 dont care what you do, you obviously dont know who I am" Any help or advise, as I am concerned I wont be able to control my temper next time...
  25. i have got behind in our mortgage repayments and been in constant contact with NRAM. They told me that they would charge £90 if I refused to meet their 'field rep' so I called the 'rep' some weeks ago and arranged a meeting. I was to meet him at my local library but he didn't turn up but instead went to a different library in another nearby town. He says he phoned NRAM and told them I didn't show. Is he just playing games to wind me up or is there any point to his shenanigans? Anyone had a similar experience?
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