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  1. http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/330278/Banksters-in-18bn-compensation-for-PPI-[problem] dx
  2. Hello! I'm not sure this is the right place to post but is the most accurate I could find for the problem I have. I have actually seen another thread about the company I'm complaining about here, but for now I'll hold on the name. See if someone can guide me in this situation I find myself now: I brought my car from Spain a few years ago, registered it here and some time later I decided to sell it. So I contacted a company I found on line, specialized in buying and selling second hand left hand drive cars here in the UK. All seemed good, a guy came to collect the car in London and took it to their showroom. No news from them for a couple of months, I emalied them then asking about the car, asking if they had anyone interested. After a few emails looked like someone would buy the car and we agreed an amount. They transfered half of the money into my bank account and asked me to post the spare key and the V5 and so I did. The problems start here. After a week or two I hadn't heard from them so I emailed them again, they told me they hadn't received the key and the V5. I posted the package with recorded delivery and Royal Mail confirmed the date when it was delivered and even the name of the person that signed for the delivery. I went back to them with this information and barely heard from them again, once they replied never showing any interest to sort the situation out. I phoned the company many times asking to speak to a manager and they never got back to me of course. It's been almost two months since they received the package. So they have everything (I don't believe the stuff has got lost and that there is a costumer waiting otherwise they would be trying to fix the problem) and I'm still waiting for half the amount, not replying to my emails, not getting back to me over the phone... Which are my options? Thank you very much
  3. If you receive a phone call from this number 01179639046 BEWARE!!!!!! This number is used by [problematic] in India and they will use scare tactics and lack of computer knowledge to gain remote access to your computers during the phone call. If they are successful they will install spyware/malware to steal personal information, like bank details and passwords. These people claim to be from Microsoft or its Partners but 'they are nothing to do with Microsoft, nor its partners'. They know nothing about our computers, including our ISPs and IP addresses. There is a warning about this [problem] on the Microsoft website and there have been items on BBC TV Consumer programmes. The bottom line is, NEVER, EVER GIVE REMOTE ACCESS TO YOUR COMPUTER TO SOMEONE WHO COLD CALLS YOU CLAIMING TO BE FROM MICROSOFT OR ITS PARTNERS. This is a link to Microsofts Safety & Security Centre on Avoid Tech Support Phone Scams: http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/security/online-privacy/avoid-phone-scams.aspx
  4. Hi, My husband has a pension that came to light earlier this year. Luckily his parents kept all the letters etc for him & gave it to him after he made contact, hence why it's just come up. Anyways going by the paperwork it says he has approx :£20.000 & its been frozen for over 18years. So he has been looking at ways to do something with it. (he's nearly 51) But unknown to me he got into contact with a introducer who looked into the pension then sent him paperwork about what they can do to help him. Apparently they put the pension into their company & invest it or something & that he will be able to get an £ amount at 55 & then he could reinvest the rest for 10 years before cashing it in. (there's very little paperwork explaining what they do etc) For investing his pension they will charge him a special introductory offer off £1000 (which they take from the pension itself) & then a yearly charge (again special price) of around £300, I think this isn't charged until year 3 or something. Now as the paperwork only came through on Friday, this is the first I've heard off it & when I read the accompanying documents it didn't sit right with me. There's also a permission letter enclosed for him to sign to agree to this. I've looked up the Company & there's very little info on them as it appears Company registered around 2011. I also found a forum where a poster asked about this company & the advice given was basically to avoid as it was a [problem]. Now my husband signed the forms BUT I wouldn't let him post it back as I'm concerned that if it is a [problem] he will end up loosing his frozen pension altogether. He isn't too happy with me doing this but I think he's doing the wrong thing. So any advice would be appreciated please.
  5. Hi, A friend of mine went to Heathrow in the early hours of this morning to catch a KLM flight to Zambia, flight to leave at 6am she arrived at Heathrow 1am. Check in did not start until 5am, she was unlucky in the fact that her luggage where badly packed and she had gone over by 3kg. She said she will pay for the extra luggage and they sent her somewhere else to pay. Where they've sent her, they wouldn't take her payment - she was sent to and fro about 4 times at the end of which they told her she has now missed her flight. Will she be able to get her ticket refunded? they are currently telling her she has to pay an extra £400 to get on another of their flights. Her original ticket was £800+ Any advise much appreciated
  6. Feeling very stupid and angry regarding what has happened. On Saturday needed a car and went to Carcraft Leeds. Knew the sort of car I wanted and they had a few that fitted the description. found one which had a showroom price of £7999 but I had seen on the website at £6795 the night before and also viewed on my phone the same day. Agreed to buy it at the web price with the salesman and was paying £1500 deposit and the rest by deposit. The way the finance was sold was mainly by looking at the weekly cost. I obviously wasn't on the ball enough here as he basically sold the idea of knocking off £750 off the total price over the term of the finance by reducing weekly payments to £32-33 from £34-35 a week. I agreed to this as it seemed acceptable. He then produced a document where the cost price said £7370 but he said to ignore that as it was just to do with the way the finance was worked out. I foolishly accepted that and then went on to sign for the car with the hire purchase agreement quoting the cash value of the car being £7370. Since then i have been able to secure funding at a much lower rate so will be exercising my right to withdraw from the hire purchase agreement. That will mean I will pay Black Horse Finace out and own the car. However they have the car value as £7370 rather than the £6795 we agreed. This would not have been an issue if I hadn't secured cheaper funding. I regard it as mis-selling as they have basically confused me. I'm annoyed with myself for going there seeing as there are enough awful reviews, I should have looked at alternate funding first and should have taken more time to make a decision anyway. Needed a car though and the salesman did seem genuinely nice compared to the others although I am beginning to suspect that much of what he said was an act- maybe just uses a different approach. So would this count as misselling? Carcrafts response at the moment is I signed for the car at £7370 so no comeback. I have proof that I have seen the webprice on my laptop and phone prior to and on the same day. I have a backup of the webpage as well.
  7. Central Tyre Macclesfield, London Road, Macclesfield are the biggest nightmare ever. I took my car there for an MOT and they quoted a few hundred quid for the work to be carried out, only to be presented with a bill ten times that. They claimed I must have misunderstood them. Yeah right. You'd notice the difference between "hundred" and "thousand". They refuse to do anything about the situation and are not prepared to reduce the bill to a reasonable amount. Does anyone else have any similar experience with this lot, so we can take combined legal action? These jerks don't deserve to be trading.
  8. Most people who take out online insurance never expect to have to send something back in the post and certainly do not expect to be charged £12 for not sending something back in 14 days. What a [problem]! Close Premium Finance have all your banking details to take the monthly payments but will still hit you with a charge if you fail to send some paperwork back that is hidden amongst the mass of stuff they send out. BEWARE of Close PremiumFinance £12 [problem] charges. They must make a fortune from people who do not expect to post anything when they complete online! The idea of online is a self service experience. All exceptance to terms and conditions, all bank details and checks, all agreements etc are conducted and concluded online. That is the point!!!
  9. Here is good read. http://www.bbc.co.uk/ouch/2013/01the_great_disability_scam_as_t.html
  10. I have just spent £1.50 on getting a letter delivered. It is claiming that we reversed a payment for their "flexifly" service.... and demands payment, instantly. It also gives a German address (but the letter was posted in the UK, without a stamp) - and the only contact details are an email address, and a 50p a minute phone line. The date on the letter is the 5th December - and the email address is @fly-service.co.uk We had a credit card cloned this time last year, and the details on the letter (name and address) match the name and address used then - my name and address, but slightly wrong. That credit card was used to buy flights from Athens to Karachi, and it no longer exists, it cannot have been used again (and reversed by the bank). The letter gives no details of which credit card/debit card was used, if, indeed, there was one used. Certainly our banks have not told us anything - but then they often don't, when they reverse a transaction. Has anyone dealt with fly? is their email address @fly-service?
  11. My husband bought an Audi TT on finance from cargiant in April '12. I am the second driver on the insurance policy. Cargiant talked us into buying their warranty and told us that it would cover anything that might happen with the car in the first 12 months. In September, the engine started shaking, we were both in the car, had to drive it to the nearest petrol station and call the AA. The AA guy did a quick diagnostic and said it was a faulty camshaft position sensor. He also said it would be the best thing to take the car to an Audi outlet for repair, so we searched for our closest Audi branch in London, which happened to be a centrally located Sytner. (The warranty sold to us by cargiant of course excluded the camshaft sensor.) We went there together, were promised that they would fix everything very quickly by a slimy salesman called X, who clearly had pound signs dancing in his pupils when he found out our address. I said I would leave my contact details as it is in general easier to reach me as I have a flexible work schedule and hubby is at work a lot. I did specify that I wasn't the reg. keeper of the vehicle. A week or so later, I was told it wasn't the camshaft and that they'd have to run another diagnostic which would cost £750. I said ok. They didn't know what was wrong for a few more weeks, then X called and said the cylinder head on the engine was broken and that it would be easier to just get a new engine and that because it was a mechanical fault which hadn't been brought on by incompetent driving or anything else Audi would cover 100% of the costs. The cargiant warranty people said yet again the warranty didn't cover the engine. A while after that, hubby&I decided to pay Sytner a visit as they still hadn't done anything, and were told by X that he had 'bad news'. The news was that all of a sudden, Audi had decided to cover 30% of the costs and we'd have to pay the rest, ie £5000. We never saw a written document stating the cost for parts, labor etc. My husband then called his finance company, and they in turn called X, then called hb back, saying that they had been told we'd have to pay £2400. X called hb and huffed and puffed defensively and angrily said it wouldn't have been necessary to call the finance company. Again, nothing happened, after waiting 2 months we got our courtesy car just because I screamed in the Sytner office so much they decided it would be better to get us a car pronto. I spoke to the manager and told her about the ridiculous customer service they had, and she agreed to deal with the case, but she dropped it after a while and transferred it back to the slimy incompetent X. None of the people I dealt with at Sytner ever bothered calling regarding the warranty, I don't know what they get paid for. Again, the finance company called and said they'd been told we would have to pay something over a thousand pounds. So there still was a discrepancy over the amount owed. They finally finished working on the car, but X called and said the timing belt needed changing (as if they hadn't been able to see that straightaway when stripping down the engine) and that it would cost another £2050. I am totally furious as there is an obvious [problem] going on! This is so dodgy it's unbelievable! Sytner never showed us a document of any kind, or an invoice clearly breaking down costs, nothing! How can a legit dealership treat their clients like that? What are we supposed to do now? There is no way I'm lining X's slimy disgusting pockets with money!
  12. Hello, I'm new to this so bear with me I've recently been contacted by mail by a company called Bank-Smart, which deals with recovering missold PPI from loans etc. I signed their authorisation document, giving them the go ahead to proceed with my claim, then things started unravelling over the past few weeks and I found out, from reading other people's stories with BS, that Bank-Smart were involved with some really shady issues where they charge ludicrous amounts of money for services they don't even provide, and that they can be nasty when people dispute the fees they are asking for... which is what is happening to me now I have contacted the ministry of justice, the trading standards, the financial ombudsman, the claims regulations, I've alerted various media organisations, such as Which? and Watchdog, and am about to go visit my local Citizens Advice Bureau for more help on the problem. Has anyone else had the misfortune of dealing with these people? I'm trying to find a way to get them off my back before they start turning nasty, as they are already talking about taking the whole thing to court etc
  13. I too fell for this -I sent the tablets back within the 14 day period -was unable to send via "Signed For" as it is a PO box address but I have got a proof of posting certificate and have taken a photo of the package with the relevant reference numbers on the OUTSIDE of the envelope, directly below the address (another sly condition!). Have just called my bank (Barclays) who are very aware of this company's antics-ordering a replacement card will not help as payment has been authorised against the account BUT if the payment is taken, it will be refunded when reported to your bank via the "Unsolicited Cancelled Order Payment" procedure. What a faff!!! I am usually soooooo careful! Hope this helps . (The other alternative is to close the bank account immediately).
  14. Not sure if this is the right forum for this but they were offering a Payday Loan so I have put it here. Got a phone call from an unknown number on my mobile today, a foreign gentlemen telling me he was phoning from Fast Cash about the £2000 loan I had applied and been approved for. I had done no such thing. He knew my name and that I lived in Glasgow. When I said I hadn't applied for a loan and didn't want it, he started to tell me that because I now wanted to cancel the application I had to pay £50. At this point I asked him why I could hear cars beeping their horns and zooming by in the background. He ignored me and said I had to go buy a UKash voucher for £50 and give him the voucher number so that he could cancel the agreement. Knowing it was now certainly a [problem], I told him I had won the lottery and was going to buy his company so I could fire him. His reply "I know your bank details Mr Millionaire and I am going to take as much money as I want you f****r" I am posting this just to let people know not to give ANY details to these people - he was trying to find out if I was single/married and what my occupation was. He informed me before hanging up that I will get a phone call every day until I pay up - to which I replied cheerily "Oh good, I like getting calls, speak tomorrow, mwah!" I have searched this so called company online and have read some stories of people being duped into paying hundreds to receive a guaranteed loan and never ever getting it - and as they insist on UKash vouchers there is not much can be done. Be careful folks!
  15. Hello, I have read loads of bad news stories regarding the myloan 69.99 [problem] and could honestly cry. I only had £70 left in my account for weeks shopping and they took it! I have not given ,y card details to them ever, I wouldn't as it says on their main front page that they take £69.99 and I would never have signed up for something asking for that kind of money. I rang my bank which is halifax and they seemed to be able to reel off the t & c s from myloan which was odd. Whats even more bizarre is that I found myloan emails in my spam now that I've looked and on the same day there is another email in my spam with photos removed as always happens with spam but you can see the link for the picture and it reads myloanquote.co.uk and Halifax logo ??? Is this just a coincidence do you think or have Halifax somehow released my card details? I feel gutted but have now emailed and written out a letter by recorded delivery to be sent to myloan to ask for a refund and to have my account cancelled immediately, I;ve also told them I do not authorise them to take any payments from my card as I've just read in their t & cs Section 5. Fees Should the £1 validation payment accept at any stage during the 60 days then we will attempt to take £68.99 once per day until you notify us in writing that you wish Us to cancel such attempts or a period of 60 days has passed I'm now panicking that in theory they could take £68.99 from my account every day, not that they'd have much luck with that. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated Thank you
  16. The phone rang once and stopped I dailled 1471. The number which had called me was 0871-6920396, a premium rate number regulated by Phonepayplus, the premium rate reguator. A search of whocallsme indicates that hundreds of people have complained about this company, ABC Matketing. I have it to and phonepayplus Phonepayplus on Wednesday but I see that this company is still [causing problems] people. Perhaps I shall have to complain about the regulator, but to whom?
  17. Sorry guys and gals... a long story. Questions: should I take this to the ombudsman? How strong is my position really? last summer i received notice that my dual fual provider was going to up my monthly by about over 25%, to approx £125 ....time to switch I think....I duly switch and agree a monthly payment, £100, to cover projected energy consumption, a few £'s more than my original Monthly bill, I'm very happy. A couple of weeks later nice man 1 from the original Energy Company rings me and, after some discussion, states he can offer me a new deal....£80 pcm. I say "can you assure me that I won't be hit with a demand for extra payment at the end of the year. Assuming the same energy consumption as over the last year of my last contract with you, will £80pcm definitely cover to cost of me?" "Absolutely!" came the assured reply. Wow, of course I'll return to your company. I'm a very happy bunny now....they've cut me a great deal to get me back. That's competition at work. I monitor monthly consumption and both G & E usage is less than the last year so i might even be due a rebate, I think....towards the end of the year i get an email that i miss for a while due to life events; an additional charge of £250 paid by DD. A month later it dawns on me i have to take this up. First i use the web-site email. "what's going on" I say after explaining the above. After a week or two, Nice lady 1 rings.....after repeating the story she says she hasn't got access to the data regarding my previous account and consumption. After some pushing, she'll check it out and get back to me. She rings back acouple of days later, i'm not in, i hear no more. After a week or two i ring them up. nice man 2 says she went on holiday, so that explains it. Evidently they just allow things to drop when someone's away. that's customer service that is! Someone will get back to me. A week or so later i email via the Web-site again. I'm not HP...What's happening? No answer was the stern reply. A couple of weeks later I go on line and engage in a"live-chat" where the nice person (uncertain of gender) tries to explain that the cost of my energy consumption totalled more than my monthly £80.....by £250, it's perfectly reasonable. Ordnarily i'd agree, but I was assured I wouldn't pay more if I didn't use more..I didn't so i shouldn't! I want to to speak with someone in person please! Nice person raises a complaint for me; a week or so later nice man 3 rings and we go through the story again. It's all so reasonable...the cost of the energy used by me cost more, etc, etc. The agent who made the deal with me must have just misinformed me. I challenge him to trace the recording of our telephone coversation in which I was given these assurances. Oh, alright then, He'll do that and get back to me. A week or so later, nice lady 2 rings me...they can't trace the recorded conversation from the previous year but the energy I used cost more, etc, etc. This is a con I think...I want my money back! A few days later nice man 3 rings back, so sorry we can't find the recording, but the energy I used cost more....i've had enough, i'm adamant. Ok then, nice man 3 will have to pass it on to his manager. A week or so later nice lady 3 rings me..."ever so sorry we haven't been able to resolve your query. How about £25 compensation?" I'm incredulous. Why £25? "Oh, it's our standard offer when a customer's query can't be answered satisfactorily." No thanks I say, I want my money back. nice lady 3 has to get her manager to look into this. What a great [problem] I think. Make false promises to regain a customer, con them out of £250 and offer them £25. This is a fantastic [problem]! A few days later nice lady 4 rings; she has succeeded in tracing the the recording they couldn't previously find. I have listened to it and, Yes, the advisor did assure me that my £80 pcm would cover the costs; but, he was wrong! Her proposal in view of the circumstances, How about £125, to be paid into my account. But surely, I say, this advisor made a verbal contract with me; He lied to me for the purpose of regaining my account. Oh no...she doesn't believe he would do that. she has no idea on what basis he could have given me such assurances, and she has no other explanation for his assurances, but he didn't purposefully lie and it's not a [problem]. If I not happy with £125, what will satisfy me. £250 I say; what i have been conned out of. Well she has to pass that on for her manager to talk to me..... And that's where i am now. So, back to my questions please. How strong is my position really? Should I take this to the Ombudsman? What do you think? Thanks for reading.
  18. Hi all, I have just received this email from Avon and Somerset Constabulary. I know us Caggers know the pitfalls of using a company to reclaim PPI, but thought this would be beneficial to people who are searching Cag looking for help with claiming through a company. http://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk...spx?nsid=25964 This info has been copied from the Avon and Somerset Constabulary website, but is possibly happening all over the country. If you feel you have been a victim of this you should contact your local police authority. Up2
  19. NPower is making me pay 12 months usage within a 9 month period - i.e. 3 months early? NPower estimated what my future usage would be between May 2012 and May 2013. They then set my monthly charges to pay off this estimate by Feb 2013. This means I will pay 12 months (May 2012 to May 2013) in a 9 month period (May 2012 to Feb 2013) When I confronted NPower with this they kept referring to different parts of the (confusing) bill as an explanation. Eventually, having argued away all their arguments, there was no other conclusion but the fact that they are making me pay early and they refused to change it. Why is this? Is this ethical? Are they doing it to you as well?
  20. Highways Agency and their contractors sending 'enforceable' invoices to people who are breaking down on the motorway for 'damages'. It's been on MoneyBox. It's quite disgraceful because the one company ("A1 plus" as it was called) is owned by a number of companies but all enquiries have to go to the HA who won't comment. There is no warning, no justification for the rate of the charges - eg one woman is fighting a bill for £320 for a bit of petrol leakage which the AA has challenged as being unreasonable because the company (under the banner of the HA) turned up, sprinkled a bit of 'white powder' on the road and left a few minutes later. It's reckoned that this is going to be another money-raking '[problem]' (my choice of the word) which is, at the moment, enforceable and unchallengeable! The driver cannot dispute it, cannot challenge the alleged costs, and has no idea it's going to be charged until they get the bill. Not covered in many instances by car insurance either. So, if someone breaks down on a motorway, they need to take photos of the car, the road, any attending vehicle etc to fight subsequent claims that there was 'damage' to the motorway.
  21. I recently booked a holiday to Portugal and due to having 2 young children, I chose the flights that were at the best times, rather than the cheapest. This meant outward flight with Ryanair and return flight with Easyjet. I chose to add insurance to both flights. Unfortunately our son got chicken pox and we had to cancel our holiday at the last minute. When I rang the insurance company to reclaim the costs, I was told that my Easyjet insurance was not valid because I don't live in Portugal!!! When I made the booking, they had my address details so why did they offer me a policy that was invalid? I wonder how many people have bought that insurance and not had to claim, meaning that Easyjet have pocketed the money knowing full well they would never had to pay out. I am writing to their CEO to complain about this and will also be copying my letter to the Ombudsman because this is not the way to do business in my view. Loads of people use easyjet because it's more affordable than the bigger airlines but that does not mean they can rip people off. Not impressed!
  22. Morning everyone, Not sure if this is the correct forum, but I've just been scammed. I received a large number of unsolicited texts on a rarely used mobile from 60699 (Zamano PLC) based in Dublin. I noticed about £35 extra on a usually very small monthly bill. Orange, my service provider were completely useless and downright uncoperative. I have complained to Zamano but received the usual bland response. Any ideas on which regulator I should contact, or indeed anything else would be most welcome.
  23. Hi, I rented a car in scotland and signed a contract with a car hire company who I've been suspecting to be a fraud. It's a cash hire cash deposit. I've paid vague charges such as the "CC surcharge" (whatever that is), and they have kept my 200 quid deposit. Recently they emailed me asking for another 129 quid for damages to the car. The point is this company does not seem legitimate. On the contract, they have my last name and initial of first name, my address without house number, licence number, date of birth. I suspect the company is a fraud, in the event that they are actually a legitimate company (but just a ripoff), can they file a small claim or do anything to me when they do not have my full name and I've actually moved address?
  24. This is a scheme which provides for an increase in the total credit of a motot finance agreement which simply means you are buying back the cash back amount, or more simply you are buying back the car you part exchanged!
  25. Hi Am hoping someone can help me. Have received a summons from Northampton Court requesting immediate payment for a loan from Welcome Financial Services Ltd for almost 5k. The solicitors associated with this are Hepwoth LLP, also Northampton. (Quick google does not return a legitimate company in this name) Previously received a letter from IND demanding immediate payment, which just dismissed as junk mail. I have never taken out a personal loan with Welcome Finance, infact never taken a personal loan. Can someone help me? Is this a hoax? Is this mistaken identity? Or is this fraud/ID theft, and if so who should I go to? The last thing I want to do is ignore it if it will implicate me. None of the paperwork looks 100% believable but it's hard to tell for sure. Is this a known [problem]?
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