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  1. Hi everyone just new to this site and hoping you can help me out I have a liabilty order for approx £500 unpaid council tax from a couple of years I have had two arrangements with the council to pay it off in instalments i have defaulted on both of them ( I know I have been stupid ) I then had a change of employment with consideribily less money the council handed this to Rossendales I then had an arrangement with them which again I have defaulted on reason being all of my wages pay the mortgage and we live on my wifes part time job wages which is not a lot. Yesterday Monday night my wife went upstairs and brought a letter that had been posted through the door no knock or ring of the bell saying I now owe £642.30 which needs to be paid in full and he will collect in 24 hours its now Tuesday and he has not been I am past my self with worry and me and the wife as you imagine are not exactly on speaking terms I was reading threads that said the council will take the debt back I phoned them up today and and pleaded my case and spoke to the recovery section and they are not moving just saying contact the baliff direct I have nothing and he wants the lot in full. One thing the council did tell me was they had a levy charge they have never been in the house and they wont get in all I can think ov is the first time he came he spoke to my wife who was getting into my daughters car they must have put a levy on but all the bailiff told my wife was to contact him also they told me there was a van charge I was sitting watching tv no van pullef up and he must of sneaked up the drive as not to be seen to post that letter
  2. Hi i am currently receiving letters off a bailiff company called rossendales for my council tax arrears totaling approx £1200. At the bottom of my latest letter they say they will force entry to my home, can they do this? Also i have spoken to them on the phone with an offer to pay £15 per week which they refused and asked me to send proof of income, this was november 2013. I have had no reply off them until my latest letter which was hand posted 3 days ago. Any advice would be much appreciated
  3. I defaulted on a walking possession agreement with Rossdales for unpaid Council Tax. They arrived today to remove goods stating that i must pay £896.87 or they would remove goods. The goods listed are Sharp 40" tv 2 Seater Fabric sofa Zoostorm Desktop Pc
  4. Hi guys need some advice just received a warrant of execution today from rossendales for an alledged offence for contravening a bus lane. This all started back in june 2013 when I received a court letter from the Northampton county court "statutory declaration " which I filled in stating I had never had a prior notification from the council regarding this alledged offence, I then signed it in front of a solicitor, a few weeks later I then received a letter back from northampton court stating that the order for recovery of unpaid charge be revoked, and then today receive a warrant of execution from rossendales, can anyone guide me on this one many thanks in advance iv upload the letters I received from both the court and rossendales..
  5. Namaste All.... I had a visit from the good people of Rossendales. ..well their bailiff actually. ..nice chap, very pleasant etc. ..He gave me some paperwork to fill in regarding my council tax bill which was about £1500....give or take. I filled in the required paperwork showing income and expenditure, indicating that I could only afford £30 per month repayment, and mailed it off to them. The reply I got was that they would only accept £400 per month. ..totally unacceptable. I got in touch again and said that they could take the goods to the value.. ..which was the proposition on the bailiffs paperwork ...they REFUSED it. ..turned me down...LOL. I have a brand new range cooker in my hallway, retail value of about £1600 and they could have had that with pleasure. ..they would have been doing me a favour by taking it...still they refused. They suggested that I redo and revise my paper work and resubmit it...which I did yesterday. They have now decided to go to my employer and take from my earnings 5%. ...and guess what that comes to????.. .£30. ..yes £30 ...the amount I offered in the first place. What a convoluted way of going about things!.. .I howled with laughter on the phone to them not so long ago, asking which genius worked that one out...ROFL I just had to see the funny side of this...because I knew there was one... I am not belittling anyone else's dealings with Rossendales ...and do not want to come across as such.. .What tickled me was the way that they could not deal with anything "outside of the box". They seem to have off pat answers that are scripted. I think I broke the mould that day. Another plan that I came up with was this.. ..The bailiff did not actually see my goods that he wanted to take if the money was not paid.. .but we came up with a kitchen table, a small TV a chest of drawers, a tumble dryer and a 3 piece suit. I got on to my local "Freecycle" website and began collating the items that he had agreed to ...the idea behind this was that he could have the goods that we had agreed.. .they would of course be courtesy of "Freecycle" In theory the debt would be paid off once they went to auction and I would still have my furniture etc. ..but, as I said earlier. ..Rossendales did not want my furniture.. .or the range cooker that I offered.. .and they have ended up with the amount that I offered in the first place. ..If they had said yes 3 weeks ago we would not have had this hassle. ..LOL Regards TDMJ xxx Namaste
  6. Hi, I need some help. I last had the bailiff from rossendales in August, for non payment of council tax, I rang them as at the time I was working away. He did not access the property. He has returned on Thursday 14th November, posting another letter through my door, stating goods will be removed from my property, I called him on Friday and all his answer was they want the full amount, or he be removing the goods. I have said I dont have the money, and he will not accept this and asked me to call tomorrow (monday) to discuss further. He has had no access to my property, so there for I have signed nothing, I have only spoke to him on the phone. I did point out that he was last at my property in August I have had no contact since. What is the best way to do this, I cant afford to pay anything till end of month when I am paid, will I pay direct to Council? Shall I email council? I know I cant dispute the council tax and know it needs to be paid. Thanks
  7. Morning, I have two unpaid council tax bills from 2008 and 2009 that Rossendales are chasing. I have been making small weekly payments each week direct to the council. I sent Rossendales a notice of implied rights of access by recorded delivery. They sent a reply that worries me and need advice on what to do next. They say they will be enforcing two liability orders against me from the years above. They say they are proof of my lawful obligation to pay council tax. It says the orders enable a certified baliff to act for the council to levy distress. Says recovery action can result in improsement through the courts. Lastly they say they have peaceful right of entry what i do know but the liability order maybe residing on assets and will supersede the notice of removal of implied rights of access. Trawled through forums but can not find the answer to the implied rights of access being over ruled. To add it is my partners property and everything is in her name. Some advice would be great.
  8. I am continually getting letters from Rossendales for some alleged debt my late husband had. My husband has been dead for 2 1/2 years. I have been returning said letters marked "Deceased" for some time (without saying who I am) - written on the envelope. That doesn't seem to penetrate their amoeba like brain cells. Yet another "begging letter" as I like to call them arrived from Rossendales today. This time I have been a little ruder, asking them what they don't understand about dead and that I will sue them if one more letter comes to this address. This latest letter states that Arrow Global have onpassed the "debt" to them (sure they said the same thing a year ago...) Nothing I would like better than to sue the **** off these parasites for harrassment. Can someone point me in the right direction too do just that please?
  9. Just had a letter aktiv kapital portfolio 2 nd placement ? outstanding amount 519 .17 debt has been passed on by above client 8th October 2013 my credit file is clear only a missed mortgage payment how do i handle this many thanks as far as i know this debt was back in 2001 i have heard they are very aggressive client aktiv kapital 8th oct debt has been passed on by above client ? we are instructed that you ignored previous request we intend to recover the debt saying its a second placement this debt is from 2001 how do i go about this ? credit files is clear
  10. Hi, Please help, I received a letter off rossendales regarding unpaid council tax, before I could do anything about it as I work away I had 2 letters with the standard charges, 1st letter fee and 2nd letter fee, I then sent a letter to rossendales offering £80 month to clear the debt, they sent me another letter stating they cannot accept until an income and expenditure form was filled in which I did, I then received a letter off them saying it was in the hands of bailiff and to contact him, I know how these bailiffs work so on Tuesday I rang the council to sort it out and they said it was upto me to make a better offer and suggested £105 a week minimum, I really cannot afford that and told them so - they said that is what it would take. My wife rang me on Thursday to say while she was at work rotten dales had been and levied on the car staring its reg and make and it was for 2 accounts this and last years, they have put letter charges on both and £130 other charges on both and 5 days to pay in full or removal of car, the thing is the car was in a bad smash in January and written off, I bought it back from the insurance company and it is in a garage getting repaired as I can afford it, it also needs a vic check from vosa before I could sell it anyway as dvla won't change ownership until vic check is done but as the car is unroadworthy this cannot be done, how they have the car details is beyond me, please help, what should I do?
  11. It was announced today that DVLA have awarded the highly lucrative national contract to recover unpaid late licensing penalties for non payment of vehicle excise duty to Rossendales Ltd. PS: Rossendales Ltd were acquired by Marston Group a few months ago. http://www.marstongroup.co.uk/announcements/dvla-awards-debt-recovery-contract-to-rossendales/
  12. Hi All, Had rossendales turn up at my house saying that they have a magistrates order for unpaid council tax to the sum of £650 ish with an extra £24.50 fee for him, I told him that I would look into this as I didn't beleive that this was the case and told him to politely go away, which he actually did before telling me that he would be back with a van in 7 days. I contacted the council and in fact was told that I did owe money but was only £120 as it turns out that my payments were being posted on my old account which they sorted out and I paid the £120.00. about 2 weeks passed and the same bailiff showed up asking for the full balance, I showed him the receipt of the payment of the £120.00 but he claims that I still owe £530.00 and his fees on top which is now £42.50 (2 visits). I told him where to go and said suggested that his office speak to the council as I don't owe a penny to them. Also told him that if he didnt go I would cal the police. He went but am still getting hand posted letters put through the door claiming they have a magistrates court order for £42.50 for unpaid council tax and fees and they will come back to take my goods..(would like to see them try as I have no CT arrears..) Can anyone tell me if I legally have to pay or are they just trying it on, I dont mind paying what I owe or have to pay but wont be bullied into paying something that I shouldn't. Thanks and sorry for the long post.
  13. To cut a long story short, I had 2 council tax liability orders which had been passed onto Rossendales (£449 and £1465). As I did not want to deal with Rossendales and would not let their bailiff into my property to discuss payment options, I was in contact with the council to ask them to take back the debt and I would pay them £100 per month. However, the council refused to take back the debt and I had another visit from the bailiff in charge Mr Jones. I did not let him enter my property, but he had a levy on my car and was threatening to take it unless I paid a substantial amount and set up a payment plan for the remainder. I phoned the council while he was outside with his colleague, to notify them and ask them once more to take back the debt, but had no luck. So after speaking to Mr Jones for a few minutes, he agreed that if I could clear the £449 order, and setup a payment arrangement of £100 per month then he would not take the car. As he put me on the spot, I continued to pay the £449 and he set up the payment arrangement, we agreed on a payment date, etc. Anyway, a few days later I receive a letter from rossendale, a Notice Of Commital Action, stating that I have failed to make payment arrangements I have 7 days to pay the full £1465. I could not get through to Rossendales, and left a voicemail on Mr Jones' mobile, but no reply. So, about a week later I receive another letter, a Notice Of Required Financial Information, with an enclosed means test form. I then called Rossendales to explain the whole situation and they advise me that there was no payment arrangement on this account and that I need to fill out the means test form with a payment offer. The problem I now have, is that I have had an attachment to earnings order before, and even though my outgoings matched my income, they took the full amount possible each month which amounted to £400-£500. If this happened, I would not be able to afford my other monthly bills and would start to get behind with the current years council tax, amongst other things. Do you have any advice for me, or should I just fill the form out and hope that they can agree to my offer of £100 per month?
  14. I have just received another harassing call from this company this morning,really starting to tick me off. I was declared bankrupt in 2010 then received a letter from Rossendales in December 2011 on calling them I was treated like a criminal the guy on the phone was really abusive and intimidating he insisted I send the original copy of my bankruptcy to them he was told to take a hike I put the phone down on him. next week another letter emailed them no reply there's a surprise noooot. In January this year another few calls from them spoke to a girl who suggested I send them copy's of my bankruptcy which I did she said that would be the end of it but oh no it wasn't . Received a call from them last week I explained everything had been sent she in turn said it looks like there is a duplicate account common sense tells you go into old account and check paper work not them, result another call from them this morning asking for proof of bankruptcy told her I wasn't sending it again and disconnected what mor can I do to stop these calls,any help would be grateful.
  15. I had an agreement to pay Rossendales each month for outstanding council tax, and this was being paid. I then had an issue with their website, where it did not reflect payment on their end, despite me showing them proof via an online screenshot. I had to do a chargeback to get the money back. They then sent another bailiff in the middle of March to come and they then added on another £161.00 to the outstanding amount. They then reset my agreement to the original amount each month, which i paid the beginning of April, May and June, leaving the original council tax amount fully paid up, and the total remaining of £161.00, which was their additional fees they had placed. I emailed Rossendales and said I would not pay their additional fees, as this was a mistake on their part, and received today in the post a response to my complaint. Of the original amount that I had paid, this consisted of the following: 1. Outstanding Council Tax: XXXX.XX 2. First Visit Fee: £24.50 Then when bailiff came to visit middle of March, they added on £161.00, and according to the letter of complaint, this consisted of the bailiff applying a levy to a vehicle, so fees were applied to our account of £110.00 and the levy fee of £51.00 No 2nd visit fee was added. According to the person who wrote the letter, these fees are correct and have been applied in line with Regulation 45 2(a) and 2(b) of Schedule 5 of The Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1992 as amended. Now I have a problem with them stating that they placed a levy on a vehicle: Neither my wife nor I own a vehicle! I drive a company car, and that car was not on the property as I was at work when my wife phoned me about the bailiff being at home, so he would not even have my mistakenly seen my company car. So I disputed the charges, and Rossendales returns with the letter saying that according to Regulation 52(4) of the Council Tax (Administration & Enforcement) Regulations 1992 (as amended), stipulates that all monies received will discharge any fees first, and therefore I actually still owe £161 on the liability order. The letter ends by saying the account will be put on hold for 14 days to allow me to pay £161.00 in full, failing this it will be placed with a bailiff for further action. Please help! I don't know how to respond. I'm assuming the £110 fee is related to the percentages charged, as well as the levy fee on a vehicle I don't own, so therefore surely both these charges are illegal? Please help, I need to write a letter to them and dont know what to say.
  16. [ATTACH=CONFIG]42619[/ATTACH] Hi,[ATTACH=CONFIG]42618[/ATTACH] I have recently had dealings with Rossendales collecting on behalf of the local council for unpaid council tax. From the outset, I do not dispute the council tax debt. The whole problem started last year when the Natwest banking crash caused credits to my account to be delayed and bounced the DD for my Council Tax. The payment was cancelled and completely my fault, I forgot to set it back up and/or make payment. A Liability Order was obtained and I made a payment arrangement with the Council to pay monthly however I was unable to do the special arrangment by DD and had to call each month to pay by card - again something I forgot to do. At the end of February I was at work and my sister called me as she had just arrived home to a man leaving our property and getting back in his car. When she approached the house he got out his car and asked her if I lived there. She confirmed I did and that I was her brother. He then proceeded to tell her that he was there to collect unpaid council tax and that I need to contact him. He even provided her with the approximate balance. He had posted a letter through the door (a scan is attached below). I tried to call their office that evening but the automated system stated that I need to deal with the Baliff direct. The following day I tried to call his mobile but it rang and then went to voicemail. I tried several more times over the next couple days but each time he wouldn't answer. I then decided to simply make the payment of the debt so used their automated payment line and paid £465.40 as I was unable to ascertain his fees as he wouldn't answer my calls and had neglected to itemise them on the 1st visit letter. Oh and they charge you 80p to pay by Debit Card! Last night I returned home to a hand delivered letter on the floor. (a copy attached below). It's titled Notice of Distress and he has apparantly detailed a car on the inventory. (No one was in all day so he has not had access inside the house. He has now claimed that there was £24.10 outstanding on the client debt (I paid the full amount that he specified previously) the 1st visit fee of £24.50 2nd visit fee of £18.00 levy fee of £28.50 He puts the total at, which is hard to read because of his handwriting, £94.60 which doesn't even add up correctly! Firstly, I am going to find out what the client debt amount is, but more importantly he has charged the levy fee and 2nd visit fee at the same time but from reading on here, he cannot do this. More importantly the vehicle he has listed along with registration number is driven by my sister and owned by our father and best of all, when he visited the car was 30 miles away at my sisters workplace so not sure how he has levied on it when it wasn't there. He must have taken note of it on his first visit when he saw her getting out the car. I have CCTV on my house and have found the footage of him arriving at 12:07pm and sits in his car outside my house for about 5 or 6 minutes. He then gets out and approaches the front door carrying the letter. He looks through the door before sealing the envelope and appearing to put pressure on the door to see if it would open before posting the letter. The footage also shows the driveway and roadway around the house and confirms that no vehicles are parked there. I did last night pay the amount he has stated to prevent any action but intend to claim back any unlawful fees. 1. Did the Bailiff commit an offense by discussing my personal details with my sister? 2. On his first hand delivered letter he states the amount due and simply states 'PLUS COSTS' - Doesn't he have to list the costs for it to be valid? 3. From reading the forum, they are not allowed to charge payment fees like the Debit Card Fee, is there any case law etc on this? 4. Can they levy on a car that is not even there? 5. Can they levy on a car which they have reasonable evidence that it may not belong to the debtor? 6. Has the bailiff committed any criminal offense - Was thinking fraud? 7. How best should I proceed - I submitted this to the bailliff company last night:
  17. Hoping somebody can help. I have council tax arrears of about £3,300 for 2010-11 and 2011-12. Council have set up several arrangements and because the monthly payments were unrealistic, I was unable to keep up payments, so they have now passed it on to Rossendales. Council have said to contact Rossendales but I haven't contacted them yet (it was passed to them yesterday). My income is well below £16k per year, but because of the trauma of financial hardship and trying to keep my head above water, I have been unable to complete the paperwork to the Council's satisfaction and am not in receipt of the 75% or so reduction I should be entitled to. A few questions - how do I deal with the bailliffs/prevent them from visiting, is there any documentation I should be in receipt of from the council or Rossendales. Getting a bit panicky here so quick responses appreciated...
  18. Ok, This is a bit of a different problem, We rent our house as many people do, but our landlord occupies the granny flat that is ajoined the house, also uses the same front door Our rent includes all bills inc council tax, this is in our agreement. How ever, Our landlord has not paid the council tax, he has been taken to court, the bailiffes are from rossendales, they attended our property about 3 weeks ago, i spoke to the guy who asked for our land lord, i explained he was at work. the bailiff looked at me suspiciously, I know he thinks i am the person he is after, he did ask who i was and at that time i said it was nothing to do with him, he asked why i wouldn't say who i was, cos it is irrelevent who i am, all you need to know is i am not who you are after, you will have to catch him at work. I told my landlord and he shrugged it off. To day he came back, but simply posted a letter, as we were out, upon looking at the letter, it is not addressed to us but our land lord, from what we can see through the clear window, there is talk of seizing goods. My wife called the local authority about the letter, they told us who the bailiffs. My wife has tried to cantact them but as of yet no one has got back to us What do/can we do about it, if they come back what can they do, The debt is not ours, we are tenants and as it happens the landlord lives on site and it is his debt
  19. Hello, I've been reading here all day and I've followed lots of advice but am still paniking!!! I've been stupid enough to get into this situation and dearly need to get straight but Rossendales are being really awkward! The full story, I was in a crappy relationship, rent & council tax were in my name, he didn't pay. I'd ended the relationship & left and suddenly started getting letters to my Mothers house (given to them by the landlord) I contacted council, set up to pay and like an idiot never managed to pay! It was then passed to rossendales. I've been contacting them weekly to set up payments, sent my payment plan, paid a nominal £10 each Thursday and constantly explained to them I did not live at the address they had I was inbetween houses. (Long long one but I was on the last 4 months of a course and the choice was give up 2 years work or allow my children to live with their Dad while I sofa surfed to save money & finish, that has actually worked and I'll have full time work from September & my ex husband has allowed me to take over the mortgage at this point & he'll move out as the kids are settled) Yesterday a bailiff arrived and scared the hell out of my Mum, she did not let him in and I finally got Rossendales to take her address off.... catch being they had to put the ex husbands address on.... like a fool I gave them this and then had a call from the bailiff that he was arriving with a van! I've written out the really helpful letter found on here, locked all the doors & windows and told the kids & ex husband. He is understandably fuming as it is HIS house and HIS possesions and nothing is mine (divorce was 2 years ago and came before he bought this I am on nothing, I left all possesions other than the childrens at the idiot place & yes the ex husband I probably should have just stayed with!) I've been passed between the council & rossendales all morning, when I've tried to phone the bailiff he's threatened to take the beds??? sofa??? kids things??? (he can't do this can he??) and I'm slowly getting myself really worked up!!! Do I leave this house and go back to being homeless and all?? I know he's now visited my Mothers house twice (he went last night and this morning) so can he come here as it's a new address?? Sorry it's long and ranty! I'm in a ridiculous state as I'm stressing that now all the years sacrifices will just be for nothing!! Thank You, Hannah
  20. Hi , new to this site but in need of advice please I am in arrears with this years council tax ( paid nil to date so 4 months ) and stupidly ignoring court liability notice ( I genuinely forgot to contact my local council ) last week I was told by council they will not deal with me direct but have now passed me onto rossendales and I have to talk to a bailiff who will contact me , I am literally pooing my pants at the thought of this happening ( I have sent my council numerous emails offering to pay £ 300 at my local council office immediately then a further £200 on the 24th of july ( this will more than bring my yearly tax upto date ) and the set up a plan to continue remainder of the yearly tax as normal but they wont accept this , they say payment in full is needed ??? I cannot possible pay over £1200 immediately as of most of working class people this is not even a consideration , I feel my offer of paying a total of £500 by the 24th of this month is more than reasonable but seems not .............. ........ what can I do ?? im dreading the knock at my door when a bailiff visits please help me
  21. Hi, I've recently been having a 2 and fro with the council about council tax I didn't owe, I eventually made an agreement with the council and they said they would put a attachment on my JSA, which I was quite happy with and didn't raise any objections. The job centre then refused the attachment order, which unbeknown by me, the council rather than coming back to me, put the debt out to rossendales, from whom we got a letter. I immediately contacted the council and asked them why they had done this rather than coming back to me so we could sort payment another way. They agreed to reclaim the order and agreed to me setting up a standing order. A week or so later possibly a little longer a bailiff knocks at the door and we told him to get lost because they didn't have the order. He called his office, apologised and left. Next thing we know we have a letter telling us if we don't pay £42.50 costs they would re-attend and enforce the court order. I complained to them and the council (twice now) and the council are adamant that they have the court order and they are happy with the current agreement, but Rossendales keep sending us letters saying "we are investigating this matter" and sending more and more aggressive letters. I have made it clear to the council and the bailiff company that I do not feel this is part of the original court order and that they should take me to small claims court, but I seem to be banging my head against the wall with them. Anybody have any ideas
  22. Just taken a call from 01706 833 772 and asked to speak to me. Asked me to confirm my address and DOB ( which I didnt) so he said I needed to call them back when I wanted to tell them. I have recently looked on my credit file, and I only have one defualt on there for a credit card which is under £150 that needs paying. Just curious to know what they are chasing me for, he gave me the address that they have been sending letters to but would not tell me what for. Any ideas on what I should do please?
  23. Hi there, I've done a bit of research here but would like to tell my story and just see if I've got things straight. In July 2005, when I was at University, I took out a student credit card from Natwest and ran up £300 on it (the limit). I never made a payment on it at all (I was a student with no money) and moved from the property the card was registered to in Jan 2006, and forgot about it. Up until that point Natwest sent me letters asking for money etc. I have moved 3 times since then, and over the years have received various letters about this debt, mainly from Arrow Global. I have never made contact with anyone about or regarding this debt (as far as I know, I could have answered the phone to them maybe?). The only contact I know that has been made was my old landlord sent them a letter saying I didn't live there anymore and she didn't know where I was now. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago. I got married 4 weeks ago, so I guess that's how Rossendales have my current address. The debt is now £750 apparently, and their client is Arrow Global LTD. They are threatening to send a baliff round if I do not pay. There is no record of the credit card anywhere regarding my Natwest account, Natwest have never ever mentioned it to me since (even offering me credit cards...) and there is NO record of it on my credit history at all. So, is this debt statute barred? If not, what is my next step? Thanks in advance. The
  24. Hello hoping someone can help me? I have just had a visit from a very unpleasant man from Rossendales demanding that I pay £667.00 in full today or he will return to remove my goods at his convenience. Letter: Bailiff Removal Magistrates Liability Order/warrant of execution dated 18/07/2011 for unpaid council tax balance due in full 667.39 inclusive of costs I have attended today with the intention of removing your goods and chattels as are necessary to discharge the above debt and any additional ENFORCEMENT COSTS incurred. PLEASE NOTE-No further arrangements are acceptable and payment is now required in full by clear funds only. I will re-attend at your address at my convenience and may REMOVE goods even in your absence. Should you wish to avoid this course of action, contact me immediately on the telephone number below to arrange prompt payment of your debt. The debt was originally for Council tax arrears for the year 2011-12 and the original liability order was for 434.89. I have not allowed this man to enter my property, however, due to us being in arrears every year for the last 5 years with our council thanks to Bailiff charges!! I cannot be certain that I did not let one of his vile colleagues into my home some years ago when I didn't realise it was a mistake to do so. If we pay the money this man is asking for we will not be able to pay our rent which we are also in arrears with, My husband is on a low income with a zero hours contract and on average brings home a take home wage per month of 1050.00 per month. should I contact this bailiff and request a copy of the WPO he would have to have to gain access to my property? I should add that as well as this debt I am now being chased for coucil tax arrears for last year and have fallen into arrears with this years, Husband was made redundent last year unemployed for 6 months, took a very low paid job rather than be on dole and as soon as he did we have had 3 separate visits just this week from bailiffs! Have tried with council to take debt back, even told them to put an attachement of earnings on my husbands salary to clear debt, which they did before he lost his job, but they steadfastly refuse to help. I have told them that if we pay what these dishonest people claim we owe myself and my two children will be evicted and then who will pay the debts off if my husband is homeless? please can someone help, I feel so desperately unhappy that I cannot see a way out, it really does feel like we had more security when we were unemployed and not trying to pay i really dont know what to do anymore. thank you in advance for any advice.
  25. Hi hope someone can give me some advice. I wrote to Rossendales & the local council informing them receivers had been appointed over my properties even though I have never missed a payment, (please see my other posts) The receivers had also written to the council requesting housing allowance payments be paid to them. I have also been into the council & made a statement so they are fully aware of the situation. As the receivers were not managing my properties properly I sent a letter to the tenants to say their tenancy agreement was with me & they were to pay the rent to me so i could furnish the loan. I got an email with an attached letter from the receivers solicitors saying "you should be aware that all powers to manage & collect rent at the properties now rests with our clients.......... You no longer have any power to deal with the properties in any way.... Have come home today to a Final notice from Rossendales. It states Magistrates Liability Order/Warrant Of Execution Dated 1/3/13 for Council Tax Ballance Due in Full - 24 hours £TBC Inclusive of costs I must give you 24 hours statutory notice of my intentions to recall and remove your effects, sufficient to satisfy the debt and costs. To keep costs to yourself to a minimum I ask that you contact me to arrange a time suitable for us to be allowed access to your premises. If payment in full is not made within 24 hours you may incur further costs. Should you wish to avoid this distressing course of action, and the resulting costs incurred please contact me immediately on xxxxxxxxxx to arrange full payment of your outstanding debt. Yours sincerely xxxxxx Bailiff in charge. Does anyone have an email address for them & any advice on where I go from here? Thanks in advance.
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