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  1. Hi Guys, I've trying to figure out what happened since last week when the estate agent sent, out of the blue, this email that i am attaching. The story goes like this. We had a 6-month contract with these estate agents started from the 1st Oct 2013. Both my flatmate and me are named on the contract. My flatmate has been living in the flat for the past 4 years but on the summer of 2013 the management of the building changed hands to this new super dubious agents. On March 20th, the sent us an email asking if we wanted to stay in the flat, we said yes and a monthly rolling took effect based on the previous one. Apparently, around that time, they asked my flatmate, without me knowing, to go in and sign the deposition protection document, that's what they told her at least. And apparently she signed page 3 of the attached document, without seeing page 4 or getting a copy of it. On Aug 13th, they sent out by post and email FOR THE FIRST TIME the attached document.The initial contract states that the landlord is required to give 2 months notice to us and we need to give one months notice to him. I'm on holidays, was not planning to go back to London till the 8th of September.... Do you know if this is legal? My flatmate was been talking to the council and says we might have a serious case since we have been mislead but I am very bothered by the paper she signed on the 24th of march... Although there is no record of me, the other named tenant, even having previously received any such document. And also, two weeks ago, the head of the estate agency came to the flat with a paper notice of increase of the rent (by 16.5%!!!!) from Sept 1st!! (after the repossession period apparently!). The weird thing is that we never disputed or even discussed it as I was leaving for holidays. Can you let me know what you think? Do they have a case? I dont want to go to court but there is no way we can evacuate the flat till the 31 of Aug. I only want them to grant my lawful request for two months notice. Thanks!
  2. I wonder if anyone can help me, in may 2013 there was an eviction order granted against my parents home, after weeks of giving them many different options they agreed to cancel the eviction date. Unfortunately payments have been missed here and there for various reasons, two weeks ago santander called my mother up and said they wanted to put a new agreement in place, they went through income and expenditure and agreed an amount however the date was brought forward. Later that day via email I complained to Jeanette Coyle, not only over the date change but also some choice customer service my parents had received. I pointed out to her on the 10th payment was due by the 15th and had been pulled forward by 13 days, I also brought up other points not relating to the mortgage. A few days ago I got a reply. On the day the payment was due to be made which I feel like was done on purpose as she has always been less than pleasant, that they were cancelling the agreement even though it had not been defaulted on yet and litigation would continue. I asked four times if this would happen regardless of if the payment was made that day, and she finally said yes. But then proceeded to say that this did not mean automatic repossession and someone would be in touch. And completely ignored by complaint, I feel this was all done out of spite. Someone called today, not really aware of why she had been asked to call and told us that the eviction would happen within 28 days etc. So now we face that again. I have a few questions. I am aware we can fill out an n244 form. My questions are. As they where already granted an eviction date I presume no chance is given to give a defence? My parents are out of the country, can it be filed by anyone else of their behalf? Can anyone else attend on their behalf? Can they ask for it to be dealt with on the phone instead? They're out of the country trying to sell property which will inturn pay the mortgage off in full. They have a date of the 28th for completion touch wood but as its different laws etc and the person buying is very nervous they think they may not complete untilt he last week which is the 12th of september. I orginally tried to get it spread out across the remainder of the mortgage which would be 6 years, they only allowed 2. They are 8000 in arrears and the have 37 left on the mortgage topay, but my mother has just started receiving a state pension of 630 a month which can all go on the arrears. the arrears are no ones fault but their own, but I can prove that my dads earnings are 2800 a month so can definitely afford payments. There is also my child living at the address.
  3. Hi all. Just wanted to share my story and gather any opinions or similar stories. So I have a dreaded "Together Mortgage" (interest only) which I took in Feb 2007. Like many other people I went through some financial hardship in 2008/9 when the GFC bit. I couldn't afford my monthly payments and so Northern Rock offered me a "mortgage concession agreement" for 12 months where as I was only required to pay a certain percentage of my interest only payments. I don't remember the exact amounts but let's say my payments went down from around £550 per month to around £250 per month. The agreement was that the £300 that I wasn't paying would accumulate in arrears until the arrangement ended (I extended it after 12 months for another year) at which point the arrears would be capitalised/put back into my mortgage for me to pay off over the remainder of my mortgage term. Great. This was a big help at the time. However...... When the 2 year period was up NRAM decided that as they no longer offer that same agreement I had to pay back all of the arrears (over £6k) immediately.!!! I argued this and they basically told me that as I had no proof of the agreement then they would take me to court and repossess the house unless I come to an arrangement with them to pay back the money ASAP. The agreement they came up with would increase my monthly mortgage payments from £400 to over £1000 per month...! I now live overseas and so don't have any paperwork to help argue my case, the judge wouldn't postpone the hearing so that I could be present and ruled in NRAMs favour. They won a suspended repossession order that would only be enforceable if i don't meet my new payments. (I managed to get them don't to £850 per month). I laid all of the money back early but the order still stands for a few years. I recently asked the for consent to let the property out while I'm away. The max rent I will get is £450, my payments are £670 and they want £750 to give me permission. They also told me that The £750 fee will be added to my mortgage balance... How can they do that if the no longer borrow money? This really annoyed me as they wouldn't/couldn't add my arrears to the mortgage as per their agreement...! Well lately I've been reading about the CCA issues with loans over £25k and I'm wondering if I may have a case for them to answer. Like I say, I don't have all my paperwork with me at the moment but I'm in the process of having it sent to me and I'm also going to apply for SAR. I'd be really interested to hear from anyone who has a similar story or even from anyone who could offer any advice. Cheers all.
  4. Hi. In 2007 my husband died, we unfortunately had no life insurance. Our mortgage was with GMAC RFC. Without my husbands salary I couldn’t afford the mortgage, they were charging me massive interest rates etc After a year I did a voluntary repossession. They then sold the house at a massive under value and DMS are now chasing me for a shortfall of £107k. I am a single mum who is surviving on benefits now in rented accommodation. I obviously don’t have the money they want. As I was in the accident that killed my husband, I had horrendous life saving injuries and it has taken me a long time to get on my feet but I received a personal injury settlement. However this was not a large amount and I have since paid all my debts to others and which has left me with nothing. What more do these people want? I have lost my husband, my health and my house. 6 years on they are chasing me. I want to try to get on with my life but obviously can’t. What are my options – do I see if they will accept a really low settlement offer or do I let them take me to court and go bankrupt (I have nothing to loose as I have nothing) or do I start to fight them (or the original mortgage company) who sold the house for far less – I have copies of valuations that I had done that were between 80k and 130k more than what they sold for and other smaller properties on the street sold for more and the house is up for sale again at a vastly higher price without any major work being done to it? It is hard enough losing your husband trying to survive with two young children without having to go through all this as well. I don’t have the energy to fight this and will take the easiest stress free option but I have nothing and do not want these parasites to be involved in my life forever. Any advice really very appreciated.
  5. I had a suspended repossession order from a lender with regards to a secured loan. I have been making the payment plus extra towards the arrears but had some issues in 2011 and 2012 and missed some payments but since 2013 I have had a good job and have progressively been trying to clear out al my debts . I had even increased the amount I had agreed to pay towards the arrears. For some weird reasons I never got any statement from the lender to let me know the balance on my arrears. Around about May this year I got a letter from the lender saying that I had arrears of about £4000, and then a few days later I got another letter from them saying that the arraars was £6000.Very confusing indeed. I called them and asked how much was the arrears, they said £ 4000, this was really confusing as once again it was differing from the £6000 they had written . Because I was not at peace with the confusion of what the arrears balance was ... I offered to pay £500 lump sum and then add an additional £130 towards the arrears from the original agreed £20 They asked me for a budget planner.When I filled it they called and said they would be going to court to evict me.They did not give me any reason, nothing whatsover.Is this correct. I have already paid the lump sum of £500 and started the payment. I got a letter from their solicitors saying they have applied for eviction, the letter did not say how much the arrears was.I called the lawyer to ask what the arrears was..he said to call the lender. I wrote the lender, high lighting the confusing information I was getting on what this arrears was, was it £4000 or £6000, stating the letters i got from them at the same time stating different balances. I now got a letter from them the next day apologizing that they should have sent me the balance statements as per the consumer credit act 1974 rules , which states I should have been sent this statements as soon the arrears was up to or in excess of 2 contractual payment.They had failed to do this as they stated in their letter , and that they would refund any default charges or interest applied to my account during the period. They now sent a statement where they waived upto £11,900. This waiver effectively clears all the supposed arrears and then some towards the balance... in the statement they sent however they applied £10,500.....so am actually planning to chase them for the £1,400 they have not applied . so basically this wipes out the arrears and just leaves about £5000 left as balance on the loan...NOT arrears. Yet I now received this eviction notice. The notice was written on 8th July 2014 by the court but postmark shows 25 july 2014...which means the court had posted it to me 18days late ...which does not give me the much time to react...is this correct?. I feel as if the repossession order and the eviction order should be overturned completely. What do You think and what should I do.
  6. Hi All... I have been looking at this forum for a couple of months and have made the leap to register. Anyway I would like some assistance with the following please and if this is in the wrong area please forgive me. Basically I have missed several mortgage payments to the Halifax and the arreas currently total £7000. I have had a few payment arrangements and some have failed due to not enough money coming in at the time. I was made redundant back in Nov 2007 for three months then found contract work for about five months but the payments from an agency were random such as fortnightly or monthly and as I was an umbrella company and needing to pay bills I did not want to alter a steady income. My wife and I seperated so that was one less income coming in. I have been in full time work since July 2008 with a government backed company so know my job is safe and I have a good salary with overtime etc.. Halifax have been fair (but not flexible) with excepting random payments but now say I will recieve a letter from their solicitors about possible court action but this may be avoided or suspended if I continue to pay the actual monthly amount £840 and then put the arreas back onto the term of the mortgage. The guy from Halifax did say the whole process could take up to six months but I would rather not go to court at all. I have made payments since August,some contractual some not although I only paid £400 in December 08 which has prompted the action. I plan to pay the full contractual amount in Jan 09 plus about £70 extra and will continue this for the next few months. After speaking to the CCCS and CAB both advisors say they would not go for repossesion but rather except the payment scheme.As a side note I did ask Halifax back in Sep to switch to an interest only for a year but they refused unless I made six consequtive payments which they may agree to again. Has anybody had a similar experience with this or Halifax and would they go for a reposssesion if I continue to pay my contractual amounts ? I have bank statements going back over a year showing payments and should Halifax have allowed me to switch the mortgage when I asked? I am only concerned if I go to court I may have an unsympathetic judge
  7. Hi all Hoping someone can give me some advice on a company that seems through the search function to be a forum regular. Essentially, we had a car with Corner Park financed through their own Finance U company. We got behind with payments due to a drop in income and our car was repossessed from our drive using a spare key the garage seem to have held on to. Now, we have not received any Notice of default to allow us to rectify any shortfall and the letter posted through our door indicated an amount GREATER than the amount owing per month with no explanation of how this increased amount was calculated. Roll on a few days, and despite trying to talk to the managing director as "only he can resolve this matter", we are then told he is away for a few days. Again roll on another few days and we receive a letter stating they are going to sell our car and "achieve the best possible price". The VERY NEXT DAY a letter arrives saying they have sold the car and give us a price they say they sold it for. However, the car is back on the Corner Park (read Finance U) forecourt at a price approximately £700 MORE than that they say they paid for it (how what in essence is the same company can sell a car to themselves is stupid - and negates the fact that they will attempt to get the best possible price surely?) having gone through my paperwork from them, I note a Bill of Sale is attached rather than a HP agreement. Equally a Notice of Default Sums relating to the recovery posted with the latter saying they are going to sell the car does not state the agreement type - i.e not of the type seen on these forums - Forum ID 191799 (as below 10 posts I cannot post links) Also the BOS is signed by a Clerk (i.e. the woman who done all the paperwork with us in the Corner Park offices) as opposed to any independent person (i'm unclear looking at past forums if this matters?). They are now offering me to pay the outstanding balance (although I wish to obtain a full breakdown of the costs etc) at an affordable rate or they will commence legal action in 14 days. So I ask what are peoples thought on this? Where do I stand? I am prepared to fight this as much as I can so have no issues in going down a legal route if it so happens to be the case.
  8. I am really needing some help. I have a house valued at £110,000 and a mortgage of £105,000 which I may need to sell. The only problem is I have a secured loan of £34,000 on my home through Picture (or whoever they are now) which has arreas of £650 and they will only get bigger as I am no longer able to afford the loan. What I am wanting to know is am I allowed to sell my home even though the secured loan won't get paid off. I am intending to rent if I can sell my home. Any advice would be much appreciated. I don't want to sell if I don't have to but will Picture?? take my home even if they won't get any proceeds from the sale.
  9. Hi all, I really need some advice regarding my mortgage shortfall. We handed the keys back on the property after we could no longer afford the payments (the mortgage co were not at all helpful during our times of hardship). They would also not allow us to market the property for less than the outstanding mortgage amount so without a hope of selling and a baby on the way we felt our only option was handing the keys back. This was in October 2008 and in May 2009 they had sold the property for £83k less than the mortgage value leaving us with an enormous shortfall to pay back (we have no way to repay this). It seems exceedingly unfair that they offered us no help or advice and have then sold it for so little after we were not allowed to sell in for a penny less than the mortgage!! I have other gripes with the information pack they sent us. The description of the property is not accurate. They say it is located in the least desirable area in our town - this is NOT true! The final selling price does seem to be in line with the valuations they received, but I don't believe the valuations were enough as two similar properties sold around the same time for £45k more than ours! The property needed a clean after we moved out and is described as needing new carpets, but none of this was done to help achieve the best selling price which I've been advised they are duty bound to do (if that's wrong then fair enough). They have put in the paperwork that the low selling price is due to a dip in the market rather than condition of the property. If this is the case then why could two other properties sell for so much more? It seems that this was not researched thoroughly on their part and they have failed to act correctly. Is it worth me trying to prove this?? It seems so unjust and scandalous that a mortgage company can treat us this way! Any advice will be very gratefully received.
  10. Hi all, will try to keep it short. My house was repossessed last year and sold within 8 weeks of repossession. The mortgage was interest only and was for £40,000, the property was sold for £45,000, a £25,000 drop from the original asking price and now the mortgage company are claiming I owe them over £10,000. The first I knew of it being sold was a letter in September stating I owed them this 10 grand. No word of how much it was sold for or what date, I've had to do that myself by checking on Google. They have now issued a CCJ and I accepted liability of the money owed but I'm getting more angry as time goes by. Is there anyway I can ask where this £15,000 surplus has come from because they made £5,000 over the original £40,000 owed. I know there will be solicitors costs ect but this just seems extortionate. Would be grateful of any advice. Thanks.
  11. Hi, I currently have a suspended possession order on my property. After failing to sell the house for 3 years and being refused the right to rent (which would easily cover the payments) i have decided to hand the keys in. I have been promised the information regarding this twice by capstone in the last month and to date have still not received the letters that they are insisting they have sent. They said they would put any action on hold till 31.8.12 to give me time to receive the letter then they would apply for the warrent to enforce the repossession. What should i do now, i have virtually moved out of the property and moved in with my partner who owns his own property. I have come to terms with losing the house FINALLY but have some other questions. 1. Can i negotiate a monthly payment before the house is sold to repay the shortfall - there will definitely be one. 2. How easy is it to arrange a monthly payment without having to be served with a money order or even bankruptcy (which i am terrified of). 3. I can afford to repay £150- a month - do you think that will be acceptable - i estimate the shortfall to be about £15.000 that is if they sell the house for £10.000 less than the market value. This would take just over 8 years to pay off which i accept and will gladly pay back the £150. 4. My main concern is that they can take action against my partner even though we are not married as this would be awful for him. Do i just wait now and see what happens i really don't want to ring them again as i end up crying and upset. Thanks for all your help
  12. Hi All Im not sure if I have posted in the right forum. I need some help. I received a letter from Acenden Solicitors on Saturday and my court date is 8th July. I spoke to Acenden/Preferred last month and agreed to pay £356.55 on the 1st June which I did. I went through an Expenditure form with them, and for some reason they said I had £300 left out of my money. And asked me to pay an extra £200 to stop court proceedings. I could not afford the additional hence why the court date has arrived. On doing my form again I dont, I only have £120. Is it worth ringing them and pointing out their mistake in my expenditure or go to court? Many Thanks
  13. Hello everyone. I'm in desperate need of some help... I've just received a notice of eviction from the courts. what has happened is that several years ago when the recession hit I lost my company a nd me and my now ex wife struggled and fell behind with the mortgage. They took us to court over this and we managed to get the order suspended due to sorting out a repayment option. This was at the start of 2010, we have been fine since then up until this year. Earlier this year my wife left me and cleared out our joint account. Due to this I missed one of the months payments, June's one. I contacted the mortgage company over this and they gave me a bit of time to try and get the money together to make up the shortfall. At first I couldn't so I then got a call from their solicitors over this. I managed to get the money together to pay July's payment without a problem. The solicitor told me that that has given me some breathing space as I had made the payment OK, she would contact the mortgage place to let them know. She also sent me out an income and expenditure form which I filled in and sent back. I knew I'd have to come to some arrangement to bring it back up to date, but I've heard nothing from them until today where I have received the notice of eviction. .. I really don't know what to do now... Can anyone help me at all??? I have less than two weeks before they evict me and I have nowhere to go now.
  14. Hi, Does anyone know the answer to this? My house got recently repossessed by Santander they have put it up for sale at a very knocked down price. There were three pieces of land with the but they only repossessed two as one piece was bought fully and did not have any mortgage. However they advertising it as the full plot of land. Is there anything we can do about this? Any help will be greatly appreciated
  15. Hi. I've used CAG before and got great advice and hope you can help again please. I think Im about to lose my home. The mortgage is with Santander and the mortgage is in my husbands name. My husband is self employed and his contract finished last August 2011 and hasn't been able to find work since. Ive managed to find a full time job but my income isn't enough to cover all our debits so Im having to deal with these too. My husband has a history of stress / depression and I've only just become aware of how serious matters had become with the mortgage company. When I started work we offered Santander £250per month instead of our contractual payment of £650 per month. We had already missed about 3 mortgage payments by this point. We paid the £250 per month, however Santander continued to chase for the money. When we explained the situation to them, their response was "well you can continue to pay £250 however it will do no good" (nice!). My husband stopped paying the money. H&L Interactive have issued a Repossession Order and my husband is due in court on Friday 27th July. Last week I spoke to H&L Interactive to find out if we (my husband) could change from repayment mortgage to interest only - however I've been chasing H&L Interactive for a reply and they told me today it can take a couple of weeks for Santander to response - even though the court case is this week. In addition, I emailed H&L as we've had an offer from a family member to help pay the arrears if Santander can come to some affordable agreement plan. Also, Im waiting to hear how much we will get in working tax credits. We've had an estimate and if we get that amount we can pay our full contractual mortgage. We've sent budget sheets to H&L showing what we can 'realistically' pay and stick to - which happens to be the £250 mark. Now that Im aware of the situation Im managing it all for my husband. I don't know what to do next??? I've got to prepare a Defence and I'd like to put together something that basically says its not a case of we can pay but don't - we can only afford to pay £££ until my husband returns to work. Thankfully he's got an interview today - Wednesday 25th - so fingers crossed! The pay isn't great but better than nothing I know! I don't want to lose my home and hope the situation isn't too far to get back from. Can anyone help either advice or what to put in the defence. I've never been to court and know it will be down to me to try and keep our home - but up against Santander solicitors its all a bit dauting. Much appreciated. x
  16. Hello people, I know I am new but i have been a long time lurker here - I have just had a call from a company called Ceatta saying they are going to report my car as stolen if I don't call them back. I have a car on finance from Moneybarn but have now missed quite a few payments - 4 I think - due to being out of work. I took out the finance in May 2013 and it's a 4 year agreement so won't have paid a 1/3 yet. Can they take the car? I have just started a new job so need the car! Any help really appreciated! Thank-you!
  17. Dear all Everyone on here has been extremely helpful to me in the past so thank you in advance for anything you can offer me now in my current situation. I have 2 secured debts against my house, one a main mortgage & the second with First Plus is a secured loan - both debts have suspended PO in place. I thought I was able to maintain the agreed repayments however my personal circumstances have changed yet again , for the worse & as such I have put the house on the market as I simply cannot afford it & all the associated bills. I have no income & have moved in with family to eliminate my outgoings. I have written to both parties explaining the situation & so far the only responses I have received have been along the lines of "we will enforce the order/issue the warrant" & go down the eviction route! My query is that I have basically evicted myself already?! If they re-approached the Court to gain possession would the Court not take into consideration the fact I am already trying to sell the house myself to repay their debts & arrears which in effect is what they would have to do anyway?? Plus I am marketing it at the proper market value (as obtained by 3 agents) so in effect I am trying to sell asap Any advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated. I simply have no funds to offer them. I will have some equity to take from the property when it sells which is the only positive I can take from all this. Plus the stress of trying to keep all the balls in the air will be removed as this has had a major impact on me
  18. Hi all, My bank (Abbey) began repossession hearings against us (£4500 arrears), we pay £727 per month. Attended court 3 weeks ago and Abbey representative failed to show. Sat in front of the judge on my own and he ordered that "the matter be adjourned generally with liberty to restore", also advised that we make a written offer to the bank to clear the arrears (which we did immediatley). Bank wrote back and stated they would continue with repossesion claiming that they HAD attended and the judgement was made in their favour. I rang the court and asked how this could be, woman was not helpful, said she couldn't check and besides, the judgement had not yet been written out as they were "overworked". Advised that I wait a few days for the written order in the post. Waited 1 week and still nothing. Called the court again and explained the urgency (20th June deadline!) She confirmed the case had been adjourned! And faxed me copy of the judgement to that effect. So I thought I had a case for malpractice against the bank, until I received a SECOND judgement letter on Saturday ordering the repossession!!! Same Claim Number, different Judge. What should I do given that I now only have 2 days to sort this out? Can anybody help!!!!!
  19. I have been living in rented accommodation for almost 4 years. The landlord is someone I have known since childhood and have a good relationship with (I think). However it has recently come to light that he is facing repossession of the house I rent from him and it is obvious that the lender, Santander, is unaware that he is renting the property out. I am worried that if the worst happens and the boys in black with white van and clipboards come along they will think I am the landlord in question and attempt to evict me and my family. It could of course happen while we are away from the house. What do I need to do to protect myself?
  20. Good afternoon. Received, this morning, a notification of a Repossession Hearing set for 10th April. Brief Details: It is a 'restored' hearing from last year. The previous hearing (March 2013) was 'adjourned' due to the arrears, at the time, being paid off in full. Current Arrears are £1220. Monthly Current Payments £266. No other person named on the mortgage. Any help would be most welcome as to what action I should take, in the event that I don't manage to get the money together prior to the date of the hearing. Cheers
  21. Halifax bank issued me with court papers and I was due to be in court on 1st October. I got the dates wrong and thought the hearing was for the 2nd October. At the hearing the judge granted full possession of my house on the 29th October. I renegoited my mortgage loan in July 2012 and extended the term to 18 years. In May, June and July I shortpaid my mortage payments due to unemployment. I have since paid the contractual monthly payments for the extended term loan. My monthly payment is £194 and I paid £ 634 in September to catch up. I really don't know what to do now to get this back into court. Any assistance would be greatful.
  22. Hello everyone, This is my first post so you will have to excuse me if I miss anything out which I should have written. Back in 2009 at the young age of 21 I took out vehicle finance through Santander Vehicle Finance. I set up the initial payments but defaulted twice, as I had foolishly set the payment dates to part-way through the month. As I had moved from my family home address to another part of England, I had not received any notification of default (granted, it was my fault for not updating the company with my new details or checking back with my parents at the time). I subsequently received a telephone call and correspondence from a baliff/debt collector (unsure as to which) who stated that Santander had ordered the vehicle to be repossessed. I informed them that I was unaware of the default and would happily pay the outstanding amount, but this was rejected and my vehicle was subsequently repossessed. Since then, I was contacted by Link Financial who informed me that Santander had sold the debt to them. I have now been told that I must pay the outstanding £3,000 of the debt off to Link. My question being, am I legally bound to pay this debt, seeing as I only had use of the vehicle for around three months before it was repossessed. It seems rather excessive to pay of such a large amount of money 'for nothing'. I have been making regular payments of £75 to Link, and previously made higher payments of £150 - 180 to try and clear this debt quicker. Do I have to pay Link, and if not, am I eligible to claim back any of the money I have paid to them thus far?? Thanks in advance!
  23. Good evening all. I'll be brief. We've rented a property last year, and a couple of times had a representative from GE Money turn up and inquire about the landlord, his whereabouts and so on. Eventually the same gentleman warned us from march last year until now, the landlord has only paid about £480 towards the mortgage of the property we went. Today we had a letter come through advising the landlord a court date will be set in the coming weeks and to prepare for it. He gets all his post delivered to our address and this one was already open, so I decided to take a peek (yes naughty I know). He sent a very stroppy message to my phone at the start of the week saying "call me asap yeah?" Everytime I do, shocker, answerphone. Landlord refuses to discuss the issue and says it's "in hand", GE Money will not officially talk to me as I'm not the landlord - I'm now getting very worried about my family. We have an 18month old and so far social housing have said "can't do anything until you're homeless". Council have said "not our problem until homeless, and even then there's a list". (paraphrasing of course). Where do I go from here with the landlord? *Edit: About me- work for fraud prevention for numerous insurance companies/warranty groups have done a bit of digging on landlord in my own time
  24. Hi everyone, I'm new here and just looking for some advice I got a car on finance from approved car finance/ the funding corporation with my ex partner back in 2004 and I was paying all the monthly payments for about a year until I got laid off and I rang them and told them this and they still wanted me to pay, I started paying roughly £135 a week when started back work after being out of work for 2 months, when me and my ex split up in 2006 I lost my job and got 3 months behind with my payments, during this time I was staying with a friend, then out of the blue I had 2 men turn up at my friends house to say they was there to take my car if I didn't hand over £900 there and then, I didn't have that much on me and offered them £150 and I would pay the rest a week later when I had it, they said no and I had to remove all my belongings from the boot and put them in the garden and they took the car. I contacted the funding corporation and they told me because the car was repossessed I would not have to make any further payments on it and that was it. Fast forward to 2014 and I received a letter from Cabot debt collection agency saying I owe them £9000 for the car, what do I do, can anyone give me some advise please
  25. I've been sent a letter by GE telling me they intend to apply for a court date to ask for repossession, this is on the grounds that we're £6000 + in arrears, I've tried phoning them to come to an agreement, and despite having a 1 month old baby in the house they've said that we have to pay a £6000 lump sum or it's court, we don't have £6000 spare or anywhere near that amount. We've had the loan/mortgage since 2005 ( the house was paid for at that point) and it was for 63,000, when I asked how much it would be to repay in full they said £61000 plus an early repayment fee. Since we had the loan we have missed maybe 3 or 4 payments in total, the arrears seem to come from all the fee's, interest etc etc they add on, most months we pay a bit extra, it should be £320 and we pay approx £360 and it still doesn't come down. Any advice or help etc would be great, I really don't know what's next, I get more sense talking to my dog than I do trying to talk to GE. Thanks.
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