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Everything posted by SWLABR9

  1. I believe the option to insure the parcel properly would have been there. I've used Parcel2go several times and only had a problem when I wanted Hermes (through them) to pu here. 2 days running they simply didn't show. P2Go gave me a deal offering the amount paid off my next parcel with them with a little extra on top. If I send something with them I make sure I pay whatever for the right insurance. Perhaps the OP should check their options more carefully next time s/he sends something through them, if ever.
  2. I wouldn't call that number. If I wanted to know what was going on I'd write to Cap1 and ask. It's important to keep everything in writing.
  3. I'd have thought so too, so one wonders why they're trying this. Scare tactic, maybe? They're hoping the OP doesn't understand the SB significance perhaps?
  4. My advice would be to write to your MP and ask their office to contact the relevant minister on your behalf. It's what they're there for and they're easier to chase up when nothing's happening.
  5. It isn't anyone's job to advise you of these things except welfare rights officers and the CAB. It might be a good thing for you to ask to see your local welfare rights officer as you may well be entitled as a family to more benefits you simply are unaware of. Also if a letter is sent to the council on your behalf by someone like that maybe next time you won't be kept in the dark quite so much about what help's available.
  6. He should change his doctor, if you don't mind my saying. You should be writing to your MP about this and asking them to contact the JC+ manager on your behalf to find out what's going on. This shouldn't be happening.
  7. This news may have some bearing... http://www.pcs.org.uk/en/department_for_work_and_pensions_group/dwp-news.cfm/conditionality-and-sanctions-update
  8. You only get one email per several posts on a busy topic and if, like myself, you wait a while to check the thread then you'll have missed what was going on as the posts in question have been removed.
  9. My tv is going to be clearly visible through the front window, the back of it is anyway. And I'm still going to be viewing stuff I've downloaded on it when I get the right connectors. But they won't be proving anything as even if it were hooked up to an aerial system no-one could see the screen from outside.
  10. May I suggest it would help if you'd reference something to substantiate what you're saying.
  11. I routinely wait till a few months after the license is due before actually buying it and I've never had visitors or anything problems. It's backdated when you buy it like that anyway, assuming it carries on from your last license. I'm seriously considering genuinely ditching the license and the tv channels which come with my broadband both as I watch so very little on it now. If I do that I'll deffo send the withdrawal of implied rights letter because I remember a time many years ago when I didn't have a tv they came round and came round and came round... I can do without the pointless hassle.
  12. HCE are actual officers of the HC, yes, and not simply another DCA? I'm wondering how they can be authorised to break into the outbuildings.
  13. Make sure you hang onto that or they'll be accusing you of not turning up!
  14. And polish up your attitude! Remember, at least in part if not wholly, they're relying on wearing you down.Getting worn down, well, that's to be expected as it happens to everyone. It's how you deal with being worn down that counts!
  15. I'm realising it all hinges on that agreement because the banks themselves/credit card companies/whomever are perfectly well aware there was never any loan to repay. If forced to admit this in court, no doubt they'd shrug and say 'So what? You signed an agreement and the agreement said you'd give us X amount of money'. 'Yes', one might reply, 'but I signed that agreement on the understanding you were lending me money and I was paying it back plus a bit of interest' (which seems reasonable to me as I'm sure most people do sign on exactly that basis). 'So what?' they'd say, 'You still signed it and we're not responsible for your lack of understanding of the financial system' and they'd probably get away with it too as the courts are enforcing the agreement not repayment of any loan. Do I have this right, do we think? My apologies to the OP for going a little off-topic
  16. Best not to worry till you're back from holiday
  17. I agree with what Margaret says but I get the impression from the OP they won't be able to do that alone. Am I right, Stig?
  18. You'll need help then. If the worst comes to the worst you'll have to send the forms back late with an explanatory note that due to the complexities of your condition you're unable to fill in the forms without assistance. I don't guarantee the DWP will willingly accept that but I don't see anything else you can do.
  19. Having seen it, I'd rather get done! I don't think this is right for the show, that seems to be more about shaming individual businessmen on screen.
  20. There's a guide to filling it in here http://ilegal.org.uk/thread/7372/interactive-guide-completion-new-esa?page=1&scrollTo=18541 which you could look at.
  21. I wonder how many Coalition MPs are affiliated with these parking companies. This is overt rent-seeking, opportunistic milking of the public. It'll go on till there's civil unrest. I don't think that's good enough, myself, the polticians involved need to be punished.
  22. I would think you'll be ok after you've spoken to them but you might want to alert your MP to what's happening and ask if they wouldn't mind making their presence felt. You can mention to the DWP you're involving your MP too.
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