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Everything posted by Homer67

  1. Just ignore them and the ridiculous chain of letters that follows from DCAs etc (same idiots just a different desk) and it will soon go away - there is no threat of court action and nothing to affect your credit rating, come back here for a pep talk if you begin to waiver.
  2. Hi, welcome to the forum, I can understand where you're coming from as I thought I should not ignore such official looking scary letters using words such as 'will affect your credit rating' and 'court action' etc. However the truth of the matter is this: PPCs are just bullies, they send out letters that imply they have the law on their side and imply that the recipient is obliged to pay their demands when in fact the opposite is true - they have no support in law to demand money from you as they can never justify the amount they want to receive against their actual loss and you are not obliged to pay them a penny. Apart from the fact that clamping on private land is illegal in the UK they would have no right to claim any money from you by any method unless they had taken you to court and won and you had failed to pay a CCJ - that just won't happen. The reason they carry on sending their begging letters out is because people do get scared and pay up - anything from £70 upwards and it's a very lucrative 'business' when your outlay is only the cost of a stamp, a minimum wage mouthbreather and some ANPR cameras. Bear in mind they charge Lidil to 'monitor' their car parks as well as profiting from the invoices they place on cars
  3. Why is it that Insurance Companies always try and rip you off at renewal time? Just had the annual bike insurance in for a little over £100 as a renewal, did a Compare the Market thing as I was bored and thought a free Meerkat might make a good Valetines Day present (tight wad!) and the cheapest quote comes back at less than half the price of the renewal So I think there has to be catch so I ring the company and no, it's actually slightly better cover (European trip cover included) with the same compulsory excess and other T&C's So I ring my company back, give them the bad news and they immediately drop £30 off the price - nothing new there, that happens at every renewal, but my point to them was how can there be such a big difference between the majority of the quotes and their renewal price I even pointed out that it was not a 'new customer discount' and asked if I came to my company as a new customer would I get a discount and the answer was no Sad really as I've been with my company for years but they've never been this far off the cheapest competitor before so now I've had to change and I'll enjoy a few pints with the saving!
  4. Report it to your network provider as a nuisance call and ask them to investigate, then join TPS and sit back and enjoy the silence!
  5. Sounds like a fishing trip to me, DCA has no power and you should only ever communicate with them in writing and don't pay a penny to them, only to the Coop if they confirm they have an outstanding debt they wish to claim from you. Personally I'd ignore this, but you could make enquiries direct to the Coop only so you don't pop up on the DCA radar as contactable.
  6. I know scrap metal is at a premium at the moment but I haven't seen lorry loads of clamps outside the local scrappie, nor have I seen any clamps for sale on E Bay (well, no more than usual). So where have they all gone? I do hope there's a huge pile of them somewhere and some money grabbing PPC owner keeps tripping over them!
  7. Go back to the dealer one last time, ask to speak to the Principle Dealer - insist, do not accept any brush offs or other dealers - only the Prinicple Dealer wil do, makes sure they prove they are the Principle Dealer. Explain everything to the Principle Dealer and ask them what they are prepared to do (meet you half way with retro fit cost etc) to preserve the reputation of their company.
  8. Aside from the excellent information above do not pay a Debt Collecter anything - if you intend to pay and it looks like you have no choice, pay the original amount to Elephant, get a receipt and ignore all attempts by the debt collecter and just advise them to go back to the person who contracted them as you consider the matter resolved or in dispute and nothing to do with them - do some reading on the Debt collection forum to ensure you are armed with the knowledge you need when these parasites start adding endless amounts illegally to your disputed debt.
  9. Easy - just advise your employer to pass your details on as you are the driver and your employer will not receive any more begging letters, which will be then sent you and you can ignore them after sending one saying you acknowledge you are the driver and you have no intention of paying, so please book a day in court.
  10. If you suspect your registration number has been cloned then report it to the Police at the first opportunity otherwise you will be asked why you didn't for any further incidents and you will have to explain why.
  11. Hilarious, invite him to ticket your vehicle with his unenforcable speculative invoice and wait for the free supply of toilet paper to come through your door.
  12. Really? So witnesses never make an oath starting with: "I swear by Almighty God...."? Not if your religion does not recognise a single God or if you have no religion and anyway, other than being a procedure to follow what does swearing on 'an almighty God' mean anyway - because no one lies in court do they...
  13. Fortunately your God has no place in UK law, my advice to the OP is to ignore the whole of your post as it is completely incorrect.
  14. I posted that and yes it was removed and I received a warning which I objected to, bit pointless when you post the same thing though... However I stand by my comment as I think it is morally wrong to charge such an exhorbitant fee for a car parking space and greedy property mangers/developers etc are ruining this country for personal gain and making it impossible for anyone in the normal wage bracket to own property by driving up the prices artificially in exactly this way How can you justify £14k for a parking space? How typical of you to try by saying it's for a 999 year lease - hardly going to get your value out of it then unless someone invents immortality Unless this property is in the centre of any major city and therefore the space has a rentable value it is just not possible Therefore my comment was made, yes it was not helpful and it added very little to the thread but profiteering money grabbers do not rate highly in my realistic world and it made me feel better to vent my spleen How long before this gets removed and I get a red card... I don't want to take the thread off topic but your post demanded a response
  15. The OP is correct, you cannot pick and choose when you think it's OK to ignore a PPC invoice, I couldn't be bothered to do the notice thing and I don't agree with winding them up but then again, why not? They do it to us every day, however you either agree that we should not pay PPC invoices or you don't - and if you don't then you're in the wrong forum!
  16. Actually it sounds patronising to bikers as well I've been riding since I was 16 on the road and before that off road (now 48), I ride every day and the only thing that stops me is ice, I rode in this morning (Essex) in the snow but may not ride in tomorrow if it freezes overnight There is no way without spiked tyres and and a suitable off road machine that anyone can ride on ice and anyway, perhaps the OP does not have the funds to make repairs or medical cover to fund 'an opportunity to learn how to negotiate ice' as you suggest However none of that is relevant as the OP simply wants to know what the employer or more importantly land owner's responsibility is towards their car park safety. This should be straightforward enough - once the landowner/car park operator/etc has been made aware of a risk they are liable for any accidents that occur directly as a result of the known risk irrespective of the status of the claiment as a member of the public (if considered public access), employee or contractor or anyone invited or expected to come on to the land and use the facilities provided for that purpose My advice is put it in writing to the car park operator and land owner and then hold them responsibile if they take no action and you have an accident.
  17. Hmm, are you under the impression that DX owns Stanstead Airport? I get that you're annoyed I really do, but attacking posters on here who have given you the advice you asked for is the wrong way Boris is the Mayor of London, Stanstead is in Essex and while he may have an opinion, he has no power or say in the running of any airport. As you have been advised Stanstead car park is privately owned property and you can choose to ignore their speculative invoices, road markings and instructions or pay their fees, your choice.
  18. You're Plod and you don't know any of this? I think that's indicative of why it's not worth involving the Police when dealing with PPC's unless you fear a breach of the peace is going to occur.
  19. Personally I would identify the driver as follows: As you are insisting I identify the driver I will endeavour to do so, first I should explain to you that I have many social interests and among them are dogging and swinging and it was one of these that I was indulging in when your car parking ticket was issued, to save you the embarrasement of asking what these past-times are, I'll give you a brief outline: Dogging is sex with strangers in public places with lots of other 'Doggers' (that's what we call ourselves) watching and joining in or simply just watching and maybe having a little fiddle at the same time. Swinging is sex with strangers in private premises, again those Swingers (Some Doggers are Swingers and vice versa but not all enjoy both disciplines) present are able to join in the fun or just watch. Both are consential and I have to say a jolly good deal of fun (even if one is a little sore apres swing/dog if you know what I mean) I hope this explains my initial reluctance to reveal who was the driver of my car on that day. The issue is that the whole point of my chosen (and much enjoyed) hobbies is that the person or persons (if one is fortunate enough) swinging or dogging with you are strangers, that's not to say you have no background knowledge but naturally people are reluctant to reveal their true identitiy as they may be prominent in society (as well as elsewhere - nudge nudge wink wink), they may be a boss of a high flying organisation such as a ICI or even a Private Parking Parking company (check out the locations, you may recognise someone!) Anyhoo I digress, as I usually do when discussing my hobbies, they are so wonderfully indulgent and sometimes chocolaty as well So on the day of the ticket issuing I was with a very special member of my swinging group who had popped round to demonstrate his brand new 10 inch ribbed arse reamer and I have to inform you that it was he that parked my car so illegally and without thought for others or your profits, as he was in a rush to purchase condoms for his aforementioned 10 inch ribbed arse reamer, did I mention it's a special velvet touch rubber? Alas it could not be me as at that time I was chained to my bed having hot wax dripped on my nether regions by his very well endowed partner (do you know they've been together 35 years? They say those who play together, stay together don't you know) in preperation for the 10 inch ribbed arse reamer So in accordance with your instructions as you say it is a legal requirement (I do take instruction well, it's why I'm so popular on the slave circuit) for me to reveal who was driving my car and so heiniously incurred your wrath and subsequent parking invoice, although it is with great reluctance for fear I may never experience a reaming like that again (I couldn't walk properly for week) that the person driving my car on that day was SchlongDong 69 I wish you well in your search for ScholngDong 69 and if you see him before me tell him he left his jumbo tube of KY Jelly here but not to worry as I've kept it safe, ta ta for now, *hugs*
  20. Parking Spy can be easily ignored and will go away after several ever more threatening letters, I would just ignore and come back here if you start to waver and give us an update.
  21. The only way this could affect your credit rating is if it went to court (highly unlikely) the court awarded in the PPC favour (even more unlikely) and then you failed to pay any fine. Debt collecters have no more power than any other person and cannot demand money from you or claim to be able to fine you, the DCA in these cases are nearly always the same company with a different name and desk further down with another muppet sat at it The best advice is no action, just ignore and they will go away eventually, come back for a pep talk if the missus is beginning to get to you
  22. Laugh your head off about it and ignore all their begging letters and speculative invoices (they are not fines) This is what some of us do for sport and when we need waste paper.
  23. I kind of want this thread to die a death because of the misleading information posted by j1 and Moonwave but reading through it and referring to Moonwave's posts I just had to comment. I think that Moonwave is a PPC Troll, albeit he/she hasn't launched the usual 'Pay these people or they will take your goods and £1000's in court and your Granny's knickers attack, but much more slyly he/she is making the statement that you must pay up or be prepared to go to court. Most people are scared of court even if they are in the right, so gambling on this Moonwave is playing the card hoping that people will think it's easier to cough up than go to scary court and talk to a scary Court Official I don't believe in deleting posts, over editing or heavy handed moderating of posts on any forum (after all free speech should be just that) but at what point do you have to stop deliberately misleading information being read by those who may be intimidated by it? If I was new to the forum and read this thread I might think 'Is it worth the hassle as there's clearly a difference of opinion and outcomes' I can't even understand how Moonwave's wife could have lost in court as her first words must have been 'I wasn't the driver' at which point the Court Official should have dismissed the case, add that to the slip ups of SSS WILL take you to court and then the frantic back pedalling, I think the Troll should be pushed back under the bridge and the thread cleaned up of misleading info. Just my opinion though
  24. Do not use 2. in your letter, no need to lie, just say not the driver and no further correspondance will be entered into
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