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Everything posted by Homer67

  1. I really want to hear someone having root canal done while I'm picking a bunch of bananas out from the grisly remains of over ripe fruit most Tesco stores seem to offer. If I want to have my haircut whilst grocery shopping I can do that in the nearest African food shop on the high street and I can do that at 2am! If Tesco want to know where their Customers have gone they should pop along to the nearest Aldi or Lidl and they will find them, paying 69p for a pork ring that costs £2.50 in Tesco.
  2. Isn't this just the same as a PPC unenforceable invoice? If so the OP should follow the ignore route or follow the advice pop up under the word ignore and send the prove costs, contract etc letter and then ignore?
  3. Hover your mouse over the work ignore and either follow that advice or actually do ignore everything they send unless you are one of the very few who receive stamped official court papers.
  4. They can pass it to whoever they want, it is just a debt collecting team sat at the next desk, it is still an unenforceable invoice.
  5. That makes interesting reading, it all comes across a bit amateurish on Mr Hartnett's account! As my Mum would have said - he sounds like he doesn't know his arse from his elbow.
  6. Just another thought - partner is still on a very low income, she works part time on minimum wage 16 hours per week, she doesn't claim anything currently but I suspect she would be entitled to Working Tax Credit. We are not married and I own the house in my name only, therefore I presume my salary is not considered? If she made a claim now and then agreed for the over payments to be taken out of it, would the tax office be likely to agree that?
  7. I've done some digging on the HMRC website and can't find any mention of the decision to not chase these old over payment claims - no surprise there then! Any links to that information? Regards the complaint is that via the dispute over payment form on the HMRC or to another department? As she was married and living with the ex husband in those years quoted as over paid 2007 & 2008 would the 'debt' be half his as it was a joint claim for a married couple? Finally, if we chose to ignore this are they likely to just send another claim letter next year or take it further? I know ignoring is not the best policy - I'm just thinking about options.
  8. Ta all, so it seems like this: The 'debt' is disputed as she believes it was claimed correctly during the claimed over paid periods and stopped when she was no longer entitled (on the exact day) Am I correct in thinking that from sequenci's post the Tax Office cannot pursue this overpayment through debt collectors/court etc and the only way they can claim it back is to stop any future benefits?
  9. That's what I thought and any DCA turning up at my door will get short shrift from me. What's odd is why haven't they chased her before for this and why does it go back to 2007 and 2008 for over payments - bearing in mind she was legit in claiming it and stopped it the day she left the marital home so there shouldn't be any over payments. If this was enforceable then surely they would have chased it before? She has pretty much lived in one place since leaving the marital home up to moving in with me and she works so she pays tax as a PAYE employee so it's not like she's hard to find.
  10. No it's not, it's page 2 only...arrrggghhh I don't know how to use a scanner and there's no one under the age of 50 here to help so I don't have a chance really.
  11. Attachments uploaded again as PDF - last attempt before PC goes through window...[ATTACH=CONFIG]45615[/ATTACH]
  12. Can someone get rid of the previous post please? I have no idea how to upload pictures, it just won't work for me. Any ideas on what we should do with the HMRC please?
  13. My partner received the attached letter today from HMRC stating that she owes a debt for overpayment of Child Tax Credit and Working tax credit and the dates given are periods ending 05/04/2007 and 05/04/20008. At this time my partner was still married and living at the marital home and was claiming both allowances correctly up to the time she left on the 20th November 2008 She has a letter from the tax office confirming that she stopped both working tax and child tax credit on the 20th November which was the last day she lived at the marital home. My partner then did not live with her children (she lived round the corner in a house share) and claimed nothing from the time she left to March this year. She did pay CSA payments in the time she was the absent parent. My partner got divorced in 2009 and moved in with me in August 2012, the only one of her children still under the age of 18 (17 at the time) came to live with us in November 2012. As his father refused to give him any money my partner went to the CSA to make a claim and claimed the child allowance (he was still claiming it up to that point) in March 2013. Now this letter has arrived claiming a debt of over payments for the child and working tax credits for 4 and 5 years ago - not sure why or what we should do, any advice please?
  14. Firstly don't panic, it sounds like a phishing letter to me, you need to post the letter with any personal info deleted and others will be along to advise you. secondly no further contact with them at all until you have been advised, if they telephone you do not go through security checks and say only this: Contact in writing only.
  15. Not sure if Brig mentioned this but I wouldn't sign the letter using my usual signature, just write your name and print it underneath.
  16. To avoid junk faxes register your fax number with the Telephone Preference Service
  17. You're missing the point, I want to play.
  18. It's not PE. I don't have a claim form, just an unenforceable invoice. Just looking for the route to follow...
  19. Because I have been in the sunshine for the last two weeks anyway and I have been trying to get a PPC invoice to have some fun with for a while now... Back on topic, ideas please chaps?
  20. Finally managed to get one, came back from holiday today and in the pile of post was a special gift from a PPC. As I intend to play with this I don't want to reveal the company involved but it is one of the active ones and I know that they do trawl this site. The details are over stay in a free car park for a shopping centre. So how do I start? Should I play dumb and contact the company with a straight forward 'appeal' saying that it's free and therefore I dispute any charge they is payable and wait for the 'aapeal to be rejected and then on to POPLA or do I go straight in with the deny any charge/breakdown prove costs and entitlement to claim/contract with landowner letter?
  21. That matters not, it is an unenforceable invoice and nothing more, you can either ignore it or hover your mouse over the word ignore and follow the instructions on there, a single letter unsigned but with your name printed and then reply no more unless you receive official stamped court papers which is unlikely and easily defended if you do.
  22. From those guidelines all they have to say is they believe the vehicle was involved in accident with their vehicle and the DVLA hand over the details. So pretty much anyone can get their hands on the DVLA's 'not open' database
  23. I thought you had flounced off... How many cases have the PPC's won that were defended with the correct defence that we all know? What was the defence presented in the latest case on PE's page that you have quoted? The actual defence not the one that PE say was presented.
  24. I'd agree it's wrong and an abuse of the system that this was designed for, but it's still an unenforceable invoice and DCA's are just a joke, laugh at them as you tell them the debt is denied, refer to your client and jog on.
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