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  1. I am a small independent skincare maker. I purchased the service of MyHermes to collect and deliver 4 parcels of wholesale skincare goods to a stockist, and 3 were lost. * 2 parcels had their last scan at the Hermes depot Jun 1st '18, and haven't been seen since. * 1 parcel made it to the destination OK. * 1 parcel was said to have been delivered but was never received, and at some point I was told the delivery scan happened on the other side of town to where the parcel was supposed to go. MyHermes say they've conducted multiple sweeps of the warehouse and can't find them, and have offered me £50 only as a 'good will gesture', which is insulting. I have taken the case through the small claims procedure and it’s been moved from different courts/online to court / different judges etc, and finally now there is a hearing date. I was hoping to settle this without a hearing as I don’t have a lawyer. Hermes claim as the contents is liquids they don’t cover them in their terms. I labelled the boxes as ‘Skincare’ and they took them anyway. And it’s beside the point what the contents were since the boxes were lost/stolen. I'm claiming for the wholesale price of these goods. The case is for around £4,600 including the court costs. I have to pay another £355 hearing fee now, on top of the few hundred I’ve already paid to make the small claims case. Do I continue? Can I go to a hearing without a lawyer and be successful? Do I have any chance? I’m just so sick of all this. I have only a few days (until the 8th March) to pay the hearing fee so I need to decide ASAP whether this is worth it. I would so so appreciate some help or support from someone who knows much more about this than me!
  2. I sold an item on Etsy sent with myhermes and my customer didn’t receive it. The item was posted on December 11th but the buyer didn’t inform me they had not received until January 15th. I informed myhermes who said that they could not locate the parcel but would not pay compensation as I informed them after 28 days. The item is worth £20 so within the standard compensation rate. their terms state: You must notify us in writing of any claim for Loss or Damage or Late Delivery within 28 days of the date of the relevant Order. If you fail to do so, we will not be liable to you for it, except where you are able to prove that it was not possible for you to notify us of your claim in writing within this time limit. I offered as proof that I could not notify them as my buyer had not informed me of the loss. They have refused this as proof stating that proof is only where the sender has been hospitalised?! I’ve asked them to clarify the proof term and direct me to where this is written in their terms but they can’t provide this. I’d appreciate some help with moving forward with this please. Are they within their rights to refuse compensation and put a 28 day limit on informing them of a lost parcel? Can they refuse as proof the fact that I was not informed of the loss by my customer before the 28 day period?
  3. Hi, I sent a parcel via MyHermes containing an Electric Guitar, MyHermes knew this was a guitar as I informed them of the contents and value before posting, I dropped it off at the parcelshop and the last I ever heard of the parcel was it was scanned into my local depot, I involved the police who said they couldn't do anything due to lack of evidence, but have suggested it's highly likely to have been stolen, but due to the item been on the excluded items list, they said I won't be able to get any compensation for a £500 item, I've filed a court case and went through mediation with MyHermes who offered me a sum below £150, I politely declined the offer and said I'd rather carry on with the court proceedings, they also said to the mediation person that they're confident I don't have a leg to stand on in court and are happy to defend, I want to know if this is the case? will I lose in court? surely they have to have broken some form of contract? they just keep blaming me for sending the item I don't know whether to contact MyHermes and see if they'll let me accept the offer if this is the case that it's highly likely I'll lose the court case, Thanks
  4. In December, I painted a picture of somebody at the University of Toronto and decided to send it to them as a gift for Christmas. I am not employed so I didn't have a lot of money to spare for shipping it but when I looked on Parcel2Go, there seemed to be a reasonably priced service which used MyHermes and Landmark Global. At that point, I had never heard of Landmark Global but I had never had a problem with either Parcel2Go or MyHermes which had not been anything other that a delayed delivery so I opted for that service. All seemed to be going well until it was delayed due to a claim by Landmark Global that I had under declared its weight by a factor of 2.2:1 and I was required to pay extra .I thought was odd for two reasons. Firstly, I had been extremely careful to measure it and weigh it and double-checked everything because I wanted to avoid just such a problem. Secondly, 2.2:1 is the conversion ratio from pounds to kg and I wondered if the weight I had declared in kg had been read in pounds. I challenged this and in the meantime read all kinds of similar stories about Landmark Global on Trust Pilot (I wish I had read them before I booked the delivery!) many of which seemed to have almost identical weight discrepancies. Eventually, Parcel2Go said that the matter had been resolved and no excess was due. The next problem arose when the tracking information said that import duty was due. This came as a surprise as this was genuinely a gift and as I had only paid for the materials, i.e. canvas and paint, I would not have been able to put a value on it. I contacted all the various companies for clarification and they all pointed at each other like some farcical whodunnit. Then, after all the delays and in the week before Christmas, a delivery was attempted but I assume that the office at the university was closed and a collection note was left and the painting was kept for the two weeks over Christmas uncollected as there was nobody to collect it. Eventually, before the Christmas and New Year break was over, Canada Post initiated the return of the painting to me. I watched on the tracking as the parcel bounced around Ontario, actually doubling back on itself at one point, until on 8th January, it stopped and from then there is no trace of it. I contacted Parcel2Go who said that returns from abroad could take up to eight weeks after which time they would consider refunding me. I reluctantly accepted that maybe they aren't priority and come by sea or something so checked the tracking several times a day until eight weeks were up and the tracking still says the same thing; last seen in Burlington Ontario, 8th January. Up until this point, there had been a lengthy thread of e-mails between Parcel2Go and me and they generally got back to me within 24 hours - 48 hours maximum. I e-mailed them on 4th March and got no reply. I e-mailed again on 11th March and got no reply. I have repeatedly attempted to contact all the companies involved via Twitter (like using silver bullets with most companies) but have had absolutely no response from anybody. The status remains as it did on 8th January. I tried to post tracking links but I am not permitted to do so. At this point, I don't care very much about the refund, I would just like to see my painting again. If nobody from any of these companies replies, I don't know what else I can do.
  5. So I sent a parcel in August 2017, and it was supposedly delivered to the reception. Turns out there isn't a reception in that building. I filled a claim and provided everything asked for in their T&C. They then emailed me in October asking to send a letter to the recipient and have them sign and write back in 14 days. I didn't get a response and when I told them the issue, they used it as an excuse to deny compensation. I want to take them to court now because I feel this was unfair. What's the procedure? I've written my letter of intent. What now?
  6. I'll try to keep this as brief and simple as possible for ease of reading. I sent an item to a seamstress to carry out some work for me. The item was sent through ParcelHero using the myHermes courier. It was scheduled to be delivered on Saturday 19th August. The item was packaged appropriately with the address clearly marked. On the morning of delivery I received an email notification to say that the item has been successfully delivered. After a week of not hearing anything from the recipient, I contacted her to check on its progress. Initially she told me that she had not received the item but after some investigating with her neighbour's she potentially managed to track it down. Her neighbour believed that her husband had taken receipt of the parcel and had placed it in his car boot. I can only presume that the courier caught the neighbour in the driveway at the time of delivery. I cannot understand why the item was not delivered to the specified address as according to the recipient she was in that day. The recipient has not managed to get the parcel back. Her neighbour's have not been around for the past week despite her leaving a note at their address asking them to return the parcel to her. What makes it worse is that if you check the online tracking it says the item was delivered to the recipient's letter box. I can't understand how the item would ever have fitted in her letter box as it was a large parcel! I am livid!!! The item holds huge sentimental value and is expensive. I never asked for the item to be delivered to an alternative address, especially when no calling card was left. Also it should never have been marked as posted through letterbox when there was no way it would have fitted! In the meantime the recipient is keeping an eye out in case they return but I am very concerned. Mainly because according to the tracking the item has been delivered. What happens if the recipient is unable to obtain the parcel from her neighbour? If I put in a claim would it be accepted because technically the item has been delivered! Any advice would be most appreciated. Thank you.
  7. In Brief: I sold a coffee machine on eBay, and sent the parcel via myHermes. They have since lost the parcel and have refused to pay compensation on the coffee machine as it appears on their extensive list of ‘excluded’ items. Having read through a similar case /showthread.php?456708-Hermes-Extra-Charges-but-lost-Item I feel I have a good chance to take this to the small claims court to get compensation. I’ve not had to do this before so if I could get some advice on the letter before action before I send it, I would really appreciate it. In Detail: 06/08/2017 The coffee machine sold on ebay for £215.00 +£9.50p&p, the coffee machine was brand new (an unwanted gift) and still in the original shipping packaging. 07/08/2017 Via the myHermes website I purchased shipping which cost £6.79, I also took out insurance for the coffee machine at an additional £5.70. At the time of purchasing I told them that the parcel contained a coffee machine. I securely attached the shipping notification and dropped the parcel off at my local myHermes ParcelShop. Later that day the parcel shows as received on myHermes online tracking. Somethings to note: I clicked on the link to the list of prohibited and excluded items (myhermes.co.uk/help/carry-guide.html#helppage), however I didn’t see the full list of excluded items below which explicitly lists coffee machines as being excluded. I also mistakenly entered the value of the coffee machine as £200.00 instead of the full £215.00 08/08/2017 Parcel shows as being at national hub 09/08/2017 Parcel shows as being at receivers local hub and out for delivery. Unfortunately the tracking does not get updated beyond ‘out for delivery’. 12/08/2017 Buyer contacts me to let me know parcel hasn’t arrived and myHermes will not update him. I contact myHermes online chat and they tell me they will look for my parcel and update me by Monday 14/08/2017. (full chat log can be provided if required) 13/08/2017 myHermes email me to ask for the following details of the parcel to help find it: (full email can be provided if required) 1. Contents of the parcel 2. Description of the outer packaging of the parcel. 3. Size of the parcel. 4. Weight of the parcel. I responded to the email giving them the details, and also included pictures of the parcel I had taken before posting. 14/08/2017 myHermes email me to let me know they can not locate the parcel and that I should submit a claim for compensation. (full email can be provided if required) I submitted an online claim which didn’t ask for the value being claimed but asked for details of the ebay listing to prove the value of the Coffee Machine. I received an automated email acknowledging receipt of the claim. (full email can be provided if required) 15/08/2017 myHermes email me to inform me: We have assessed your claim and on this occasion we are unable to offer you a settlement; the contents of the parcel are excluded from compensation for Loss. (full email can be provided if required) I regretfully replied to the email while being very angry. I asked how they can have an extensive list of excluded items which essentially gives their staff impunity to steal items off that list, and are they not going to even offer to refund the delivery cost. (full email can be provided if required). As yet they have not replied to that email. The buyer requested a refund, and as per eBay rules as the parcel has been in transit for over 7 days I will need to refund the buyer. Draft Letter Before Action Name & Address of Customer 16th August 2017 Letter before Action Dear Sirs Reference Number of Parcel and value As I have already informed you via your online chat on 12/08/2017, on 07/08/2017 you contracted to transport my parcel and to deliver it to (insert address of recipient). In breach of the contract you have failed to do this as you have since informed me that the parcel is lost. The content of the parcel was a coffee machine and I enclose documentary evidence of the value of the parcel. I require repayment of that sum in full and the wasted delivery fee, which amounts to £227.49. If I do not receive reimbursement in full within 14 days then I shall begin a small claim in the county court to recover the money, plus interest and without any further notice. Yours faithfully Do I need to put the full £227.49 in the title? I will include a printout of the completed eBay listing, and the myHermes invoice as proof of value. I don’t need to include anything else at this stage do I? Any help provided would be greatly received.
  8. Hi, I'm new and not sure if this is where I post for advice? If not, please remove and place in correct area. Thanks I am a retailer and used myhermes to send a large parcel that couldn't be lost if you tried! I tracked it and was out for delivery but next day my customer said that it hadn't arrived so she contacted her local depot and was told it had been put on the wrong van and would be put on correct van and she'd receive in 24 hrs. 48 hrs went by and then she was told it was LOST! I contacted myhermes and told them what had happened and after a few very unhelpful replies said that they'd carry a thorough search out at relevant depot. They then emailed to say they couldn't find it and had been lost. I asked them how on earth can a large package be lost getting out of 1 van to another and seems to me it's been dumped or stolen. I didn't extra insure it and only went with the £25 service although goods worth £72. I didn't think for 1 minute they could lose a parcel the size it was. I asked for the full £72 as good customer services but they won't pay more than the £25. Do I have a leg to stand on? I have told them this is theft and sure;y they want to investigate the drivers involved as seems to me they don't want to do anything.
  9. I've contracted myHermes to deliver a pair of Mission 782 speakers from the UK Mainland to Portugal. I've been buying speakers and amplifiers in the US and UK for months now, and apart from a Onkyo receiver being totaled by SEUR, 22 packages where successfully delivered. This baselines standard quality of service + my definition of good enough packaging to sustain normal transportation stress + a normal BAD transportation claim being settled correctly by ebay (that onkyo dropped by SEUR represented immediate FULL refund). My myHermes experience starts with the transportation of the 2 speakers. They where bubble wrapped (2 layers big bublle, then the edges where card-boarded, then a layer of foam wrap together with gum-tape holding everything together). When I got the speakers, the center drivers where: Speaker 1 - marked and broken inner cone Speaker 2 - no cone visible! it was inside the speaker together with the big magnet that makes a speaker work...both broken beyond repair. This speaker also had the front protector assembly broken. I've received much more fragile speaker delivered with less protective wrapping... a set of Castle Acoustics for instance was delivered with the box containing them literally falling apart, with the speakers showing, wrapped only in a layer of small bubble wrap...yet perfect in condition as they where handled with care, as you would expect from a transportation service. Since the ONKYO case, I decided to estimate the replacement value for those 2 speakers, and during contract from myHermes, I added insurance valued good for 200GBP. After receiving the damaged speakers, I've seek a repair solution and managed one at 162GBP. During claim, I added photographic evidence, together with a estimated cost form ebay parts to repair the broken drivers... that was not accepted as it was not a receipt. So I immediately brought the parts and added the receipt. Then came the so called deliberation: Insufficient packaging...no settlement. Please accept the good will 30GBP. Talking with client support the "official version was repeated over again"... a total and complete loss of my time. My conclusions?: 1 - they must be self insured and so in conflict of interest regarding defending the client against a claim.... hence insurance is a [problem]. 2 - insufficient packaging is an easy to claim nonsense.... Speakers are as heavy as they are fragile... dropping them is enough to damage them, even on original factory packaging... competitors had no issues with worse packing quality, yet myHermes managed to destroy 2 independently packed speakers...not one, but 2. They where packed for transportation, not rugby playing! The seller could have wrapped the speakers in steel... if they decide to shoot them instead of transporting them, no packing will ever be enough. This is the main point! A transportation company should transport their customer goods with care. Wrapping and protection serves the purpose of eventual, normal handling, accidents... not systematic, negligent, handling. 2 speakers 2 "accidental handling accidents"??? those odds would make billionaires on the lottery. 3 - During a claim, no claim is processed until you actually present a receipt of you paying for the repair... so they will force you into loosing more money. Then they deliberate... this is total disrespect for the client and a very bad practice. 4 - Finally they offer a "Good Will" refund. If they offer ANY sort of refund they know they are guilty.. the 30GBP is a joke and serves to reinforce that the insurance is actually no more than a ripoff form myHermes instead of a real insurance from an 3rd party entity. 5 - Will never use them again ever. 6 - Will pass this experience to EVERYONE ELSE OUT THERE so others do not suffer the same fate. 7 - Will seek alternative ways of punishment (legal or simple bad publicity). 8 - If Ebay global shipping decides to use myHermes, I would not opose, as they have the power/volume to press myHermes into submission (just as they've done with SEUR and the ONKYO case). BUT I've already posted on the ebay community forum as many other have. I honestly think that the decision is down to price and that quality is ignored... but it is worth the try.
  10. Hi, I used MyHermes to return a parcel to Amazon. After the tracking hadn't updated for a week, I tweeted them to find out what was going on and got a reply that Amazon makes them wait 4 hours to accept delivery so they couldn't deliver it. They were going to return it to me. A few days later a parcel turned up that my wife signed for. On inspection, it isn't the one I sent out, but was also originally addressed to Amazon. It had a sticker slapped on it with my address, so it seems pretty obvious that the MyHermes agent had mixed these two parcels up. After a very frustrating run of messages back-and-fore where the customer service agents continually failed to grasp what had happened, they have eventually announced that they will give me £25 credit as compensation. The parcel I was returning contained goods worth £110. I also have someone else's parcel that MyHermes have said they will collect, but haven't done so. I don't have my refund from Amazon or the product I was returning. Any thoughts on where I go from here please? Thanks!
  11. Hi, I just need some advice on this one. I was selling some car parts on eBay back at the start of Feb and a buyer contacts me after leaving a best offer asking if i would deliver to Australia. I said i would only deliver to the uk. The buyer then says could i deliver to his cousin in London who will send it onto him in Aus (Yes, [problem] goes through my mind) But i checked feedback etc reply with yes, as long as it is a confirmed uk address with eBay and PayPal which it was. Both addresses were London, although the PayPal payment name was different to the eBay PayPal listed ones. I send the parcel at the start of Feb, via MyHermes insured and signed for (big mistake using them) Buyer contacts me 2 months later start of April to say the parcel has not arrived at his cousins. I check the tracking and it stops tracking at the MyHermes Hub, so i live chat with them and as it is over 28 days since i dropped the parcel off they wont help and i am not able to claim the paid for insurance for the missing parcel. I tell them i have only just been notified by the buyer that it has not been received, they basically say there is nothing they can do. I then ask the buyer why he has left it two months to tell me the parcel has not arrived and he says his cousin was unexpectedly called away from home and only just told him... So i have followed all eBay and PayPals rules and it looks like i have now lost over £175 with no fault of my own. A tracking number was supplied and entered into eBays system the day i dropped the parcel off. Tracking is partly listed on the MyHermes website last seen at the Hub, but no 'delivered' or 'signed for' So is there anything i can do? Or is it likely i will have to lose the item and £175 and still pay eBay PayPal fees and courier costs? MyHermes wont even get anyone to check in the Hub or let the buyer go to their local Hub to enquire where it is, due to security reasons. Here are the tracking details. Check out the date of the last known whereabouts... The day before it was at the hub??? Parcel collected 03/02/2015 12:51 Dropped off at the ParcelShop 03/02/2015 15:37 Received at the sender's local depot On its way to the courier 04/02/2015 07:43 Sorted at national hub 03/02/2015 15:37 Received at recipient's local depot Unfortunately i did not insure it for the items full value Signature and compensation: Up to £50 compensation, Signature Required. Customer service reply was: : I have checked the system and can see that the tracking is not been updated since 4/2/15.Unfortunately due to the time lapsed, we are unable to investigate your query. Please be advised that any query does need to be addressed to us within 28 days from the last point of tracking. This also excludes you from being entitled to any compensation. So as they did not actually deliver my parcel can i file a small claims court for the following? Delivery cost £8.28 Lost parcel compensation £175 small claims costs £30? Anything else to add? when i refund the buyer, who would i file a small claims court .gov to? Do i send a recorded delivery letter demanding compensation within 7 days or further action will be taken? Do i need a statement of non delivery from the buyer?
  12. Last Tuesday was the much awaited release of some limited edition dolls. I am a collector, I have been my entire life, I have spent literally thousands. I got up at the crack of dawn and waited for them to be listed online. I managed to get the two I wanted but separately . I received my tracking code (Disney use Hermes), I noticed the code was an old one of mine from three months ago but had been updating the new order. The second order was doing the same. I asked Disney on Facebook what was going on with this and was told it was a "mistake". I asked well if this code is a mistake what is my tracking code? I did not receive a reply. Then I check the tracking on Friday and both orders had changed to "not delivered-address query". I rang Disney to find out what was going on and she said "that's a tracking code from three months ago" I told her I was well aware of this, and had questioned it on facebook, but it was not dealt with. And besides the code was updating that day. She then told me when she puts in the code I was emailed its bringing up someone elses name. She put me on hold several times. She then told me " I have no idea what is going on". I was then promised a call back, which to be fair she did. she told me she "still had no idea what was going on and I have escalated this as an emergency" (?!). After this call I checked on Facebook, others are complaining of this same issue. In addition, some who ordered one doll, have received an entirely different doll (the only one that hasn't sold out), Clearly something has gone very very wrong with these orders. It took Disney several hours to respond to these messages on Facebook. After this i've checked the tracking for both orders again, one has changed to delivered and "not delivered- address query" has completely disappeared. I rang work to check id been sent the right one and luckily it was. However, still no sign of the other doll (incidentally the one I wanted the most and went for first). Also, when ive gone to work to pick up the box, the box its been sent in has written all over the side for all to see what the box contains. Sorry, but this seems like a special brand of stupid to me!! I rang Disney again to tell them one had been delivered and is there any news on the second. I was told the "emergency escalation has not been responded to yet". The attitude of the staff on these calls has been infuriating, they don't seem to care at all and give the impression of 'and?'. I rang again on Saturday. I was told I would have an update "On Monday". I've rang again on Monday to be told "we are waiting to hear back from the warehouse". He promised me that he would ring me back "on or before 6 o clock even if there is no update". Unsurprisingly this call never happened. In the meantime pretty much all of my messages on facebook have been ignored and the page is full of others saying the same ie getting ignored. I have also emailed the chief exec THREE TIMES and have not received any response whatsoever. These dolls were very expensive and cannot be replaced, Other than buying off ebay for £200 plus. I cannot put into words how frustrated/disgusted I am with Disney. Also worth noting, before this I had twice received emails/txt messages informing me my order was on its way, At that point I had no order!!!! I was even able to follow the tracking despite it not being mine. I had emailed Disney about this asking what was going on and is there some sort of data issue. Yet again, this was ignored!! It sewems to me Disney are in chaos at the moment and have put up a wall of silence!!!
  13. I'm hoping if someone can assist me in regard's to myhermes. I'm currently selling item's on ebay, and sent a wall mountable fish tank (30% glass) to a customer. Myherme's then sent me a message saying they have damaged the item but will not return the item nor pay for the damages. They have said I have 10 days to drive 127 miles to there local depot to collect my item, (Baring in Mind I don't Drive) or they will dispose of it. Yet they will not prove they have disposed of it so basically they could sell it as there was other part's of the item like a fish tank heater and filter. All they have offered is a refund of the postage cost's I paid, but I saw some people on here have had similar problems with them and been successful.
  14. I sent 4 pkgs to Isle of Man. All to the same address. Admittedly the postcode was wrong on 2 of the 4. Only 2 were received (one with an incorrect postcode and one with the correct postcode). 2 have been delivered and 2 are still missing. myHermes have stated that one is "LOST" and the other "in transit"... myHermes is a totally unreliable company because they use private individuals to deliver/collect pkgs. So, be warned - expect to lose 50% of your shipments should you use myHermes. Oh - this is 4 weeks into this.
  15. Ordered an item online, was 'delivered' by myHermes. Used the tracking info the company gave me, and on the day it was due to be delivered, I waited in for it. I've never had any problems whatsoever with myHermes, but upon reloading the tracking page, it said "Delivered - left in porch". Problem is, we don't even have a porch! I contacted both the company and Hermes to find out what happened and what I can do next. Hermes said they spoke to the local courier, who says the item was left on the doorstep through a side gate, and could not be seen from the road. However, we share our gate with another flat, and the gate itself isn't in great condition so could have blown open. Either way, surely our doorstep isn't a 'safe place' to leave an item? They could have used the shed at the end of the garden (which other couriers tend to use) or even my son's play house would have been more secure than the doorstep! After hearing back from the company I ordered from, they've said that unless I can prove the item wasn't delivered, then there's nothing I or they can do, as it shows 'item delivered'. Am I out of luck (and £30) now then?
  16. In a nutshell:- Sent package worth £400 with myHermes. Insured it to max (£250) and paid extra for 'signature required' Customer contacts me to say package hasn't turned up, I contact myHermes who say it was left in a shed, customer replies that they do not have a shed. I lodge a claim through their customer service who offer £263 compensation, despite me proving it was worth much more. I could understand that in the case of breakage etc but seeing as I paid extra for them to require a signature and they just ignored that is there any way I could get full value back? Thanks
  17. Hi I ordered a staple gun from ebay, which never arrived, myhermes being the courier company. I informed the seller that i had never received the item, they said the item had been delivered and a signature obtained. The date of delivery was when both myself and my wife were at home all day and nobody came to my door. I asked the seller for proof of delivery, who emailed me the myhermes slip which had in the signature box not a signature as such but a series of loops. (whoever tried to sign would not know my signature because only my first and last name were on the delivery slip) I informed the seller and ebay that nobody delivered to our premises and the signature was fraudulent. Needless to say both him and ebay were not interested . During this time my wife had a delivery to our address from the myhermes lady, being i live in a small town she is the sole myhermes agent. I questioned her about the staple gun and she admitted that the delivery of my wifes handbag that day was the first time she had visited my house and that she had been the myhermes agent for my area for some time. I know the value of the item is not great but the fraud part and imagining more of this is occurring makes me want to take action. I have contacted myhermes by phone but they will not discuss this event with me and tell me to contact the seller and ebay are useless. I am thinking about making a small claim against this but i am wondering if it should be against the seller or myhermes. Thank you
  18. I sent a 6 place dinner service via Myhermes. Each item was treble wrapped in packing paper and then bubble wrap, the box was taped up with thick parcel tape and then the white and red 'fragile' tape. I sold it on ebay for £50 plus £15 shipping. The buyer contacted me today saying all bar 8 pieces all had been smashed to pieces and a large rip was on the side of the box (she sent me several pictures as proof) so 22 pieces are smashed. So I have refunded her the £65 and contacted Myhermes. Apparently their escalation team will contact me to tell me if I have a claim or not (??) but i only have the maximum of £50 cover. Clearly a Myhermes employee has seen fit to either kick the box about or stand on it but either way they must have a duty of care which clearly they have not. My question is this: IF they decide to refund me the £50 plus the £9.60 carriage fee I am still out of pocket by £6 odd plus I no longer have a dinner service to sell. So any money they give me back just replaces the refund I have already done so I have no £65 and no dinner service so can I also claim back more? @myherms
  19. I am going to try and keep a long story short! Sent 4 parcels with MyHermes on the 9th November. On the 5th working day only one had been delivered (They say all parcels delivered within 3-5days) After lots of chasing, unhelpfulness and general disinterest, a further two were delivered on day 7. (resulting on me also receiving negative feedback on eBay). So this leaves me with one parcel missing. After lots more chasing, I have just relieved a call from their customer services to say that they have found the packaging, but the parcel has been "tempered" with and the contents is missing. They suggest that it has been stolen. When I posted the packages I paid for the maximum compensation they give on the website which is £250. However the item was sold for £297 and the postage cost me £7, giving a grand total of £314. They have suggested that I could report the crime and potentially claim on my home insurance, however, with excess, I wouldn't retrieve the additional £64 and this would let them get off with paying anything. Is there anything that anyone knows of that I could use, either wording in a complaint letter etc that could help me retrieve all of my out of pocket expenses? Many thanks in advance for any help and advice.
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