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  1. Hello I was on a training course provided by a training provider on behalf of dwp while on course i did not sign their data consent form as, I did not agree to what was on it I only put the date on it. I received contact from the company by phone and email also text message so i emailed them telling them to stop contacting me No reply. i decided to contact them via an ico letter asking why they contacted and they provided me a copy of the form and said as ,I signed it they could contact me. on looking at the form my signature has been forged and also my name has been written on form not by me. I am hundred percent sure its not mine as i only dated the form. I have spoke to ico and they seem bothered how my data is used. What would you people say to do I think its best to write a letter saying that i have received a forged signature and ask them to investigate just not sure what to do now thanks for any advice
  2. Hi, My father passed away 6 weeks ago, he has been divorced from my mum apporx 13 yrs, but did remarry. My mum has recently been pursuing a PPI claim on joint accounts / mortgages they had together. she received a letter today stating that the full PPI claim has already been paid out, almost £4000! which suggests that my dad has forged her signature to claim 100% of the share... ...She was only wanting her 50% Where will she stand on this as he has now died, but his now widow is still alive, and would have benefited from this? As you can imagine I am livid, but she does not want to take it any further to cause distress to the family..... ............ I think I may be acting in anger over this, and will get no where for her but I feel I must try something.
  3. This is connected to my other thread on lending money but felt it deserved a thread of its own. The person who owes me money and to which he has confirmed with his signature and later agreed by the court has now turned round to say that he did not sign this document but if he didn't, then who did. By way of implication, am I being accused of forgery, slander, libel or anything else ? Be grateful what to do with this current issue.. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?381806-Lending-money-to-a-friend.
  4. Hi All, 1st post of my own, been a reader of the forum for a couple of years now and it's been really helpful. anyway.... I've been working to clear up my credit file for a few years, had some defaults which have dropped off all but one which falls off in a couple of weeks. For the 6-12 month I've held vanquish/aqua/luma cards and made all payments to build up some rating, also managed to get a T-Mobile phone contract with defaults , which is also all good, so here's me hoping for an ok rating when this last default expires, but since updating my previous addresses on creditexpert, I've noticed another account appear, a provident doorstep loan taken out in 2007. Here's the best bit, I've never taken any finance with this company nor have I ever made any payments , my credit file says differently. Now I am aware of what provident do and how they work as my ex is an agent for them, still is I believe. Back in 2007 she recruited a couple of her friends into the job and I recall there being some sort of incentive bonus for signing up new customers. It seems that an agent has taken out a loan in my name (£500 56 weeks x £15) they must have used my details and just paid it back themselves therefore me not having any record or knowledge of it. So this is basically fraud, and to make things worse, the payment history is really bad, not quite a default but a whole string of 6's across my file. It states that the debt was settled in 2011 (3yrs after it should have been, guessing it went to a DCA who didn't manage to get in touch with me, or I would have known earlier) , so would be 2017 before it disappeared from my file, even if it was all green and paid correctly, I don't want anything such as a 'home loan' on my file. I got straight on the phone to provident and explained as above, they have written back today and enclosed my signed credit agreement, which oddly has a signature nothing like mine on it. So there is my proof, just as I suspected, however they also say that I must send them a copy of my signature to progress their investigation, and then they MAY send a security officer to see me and validate my ID and signature. So a company that has already used my details fraudulently, want me to send them a valid signature!!!! yeah right. I rang them and explained I was reluctant to provide this for obvious reasons but more than willing to show my signature and ID to one of their officers should they want to send one to see me, but I was advised they wouldn't send one and couldn't progress the investigation until they have my signature. Now that I have the forged credit agreement surely that's the evidence I need, but do I go to the police with this? or pursue this with provident? As I've had bad credit on my file in the past this hasn't done a lot of harm but now all the bad has dropped off and everything else is good it will be crippling to me getting any decent credit. Also on the credit agreement is the name of the agent that did this, but giving them a good shoeing wont get this removed from my file . I've also contacted Experian who have set a notice of dispute on the account. I just want it to disappear. Any advice greatly appreciated. Paolo
  5. Hi I ordered a staple gun from ebay, which never arrived, myhermes being the courier company. I informed the seller that i had never received the item, they said the item had been delivered and a signature obtained. The date of delivery was when both myself and my wife were at home all day and nobody came to my door. I asked the seller for proof of delivery, who emailed me the myhermes slip which had in the signature box not a signature as such but a series of loops. (whoever tried to sign would not know my signature because only my first and last name were on the delivery slip) I informed the seller and ebay that nobody delivered to our premises and the signature was fraudulent. Needless to say both him and ebay were not interested . During this time my wife had a delivery to our address from the myhermes lady, being i live in a small town she is the sole myhermes agent. I questioned her about the staple gun and she admitted that the delivery of my wifes handbag that day was the first time she had visited my house and that she had been the myhermes agent for my area for some time. I know the value of the item is not great but the fraud part and imagining more of this is occurring makes me want to take action. I have contacted myhermes by phone but they will not discuss this event with me and tell me to contact the seller and ebay are useless. I am thinking about making a small claim against this but i am wondering if it should be against the seller or myhermes. Thank you
  6. Hi, I am looking for some advice/opinions... In January 2011 I purchased a car with finance provided by creation. The price of the car was £2995, I paid a cash deposit of £800. I was made aware of charges/fees totalling £450 (ish), which would be added to the finance agreement. All was going fine until around 6 months ago, when a change of bank account led me to registering for online account management (so that I could arrange continuing payments). The amount outstanding didn't appear to be correct so I contacted the company and requested all of the relevant figures. It turned out that the set-up/admin fees had been added twice, the representative I spoke to said that the dealer was wrong to add these fees at the point of sale as they are always added afterwards. A rather in-depth conversation led to me being informed that creation don't actually hold any physical paperwork, and that they would be unable to amend the loan amount without notification from the dealer. After some detective work I managed to locate the dealer (who had now leased his forecourt to someone else, but I found him in the end!). I explained the situation, and asked for a copy of our original sales document. A week of telephone calls and me harrassing him brought no joy. He told me that all of his paperwork was in storage and that he'd been unable to locate the document. Well, of course he couldn't find it - it would prove that he had actually received £450 more than he should have from creation, which they would obviously want back! For me, the actual cost of the £450 would be much greater due to the associated interest. Fortunately, I did find my copy of the sales document, and emailed creation again, informing them that I had a physical, SIGNED document showing the correct amount. I explained that I would be happy to send them a COPY, not the original - this was all the proof I had, it wasn't going to be lost in the post! They did not reply. On to the more pressing concern now... during all of this I noticed that creation had the wrong registration number for the vehicle. I informed them of this, without giving them the correct number. Again, they were unable to amend the details without verification from the dealer. I sent a final email informing them that this needed to be corrected (as did the loan amount) as I was hoping to sell the vehicle, with their permission of course. I was hoping that this would set alarm bells ringing for them - the vehicle did technically belong to them. No joy. after a couple more months, it became apparent that the car was going to need a lot of money spent on it - which I didn't have. I did a hpi check and, surprise, it showed no outstanding finance. So I traded it for another car at a local dealership. I now find myself in no position to continue with repayments - I am just setting up a debt managemnt plan, and have just been visited by bailiffs and had to agree a repayment plan with them (which I can't afford, but will have to find if I want to keep my possessions obviously!). I am in this position through my own actions - I was earning a good salary until a year ago but had to give up the job. This really is no-one's fault but my own. My question is this - what can creation do to me? I no longer have the car so they can't repossess it. Actually, I NEVER had the car with the registration number they hold, although the make and model are correct. I am willing to come to some arrangement with them if they will accept a much reduced payment, my concern is that they won't accept it and I have sold a car which didn't belong to me . But then, it didn't belong to them either maybe? I know I shouldn't have sold the car, but in my defence I did inform them of the mistakes with the agreement. The only document I have ever signed is the original purchase order with the dealer (which he can't find). Any ideas?! Thank you.
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