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  1. Hi all and thanks for taking the time to read our forum entry. Hope we are doing this right since this is our first time that we have written a post on a forum. For the almost seven years we had an outstanding debt that we have been paying back to Natwest that originated from a Business Account (a Sole trader Account). It comprised of an overdraft and business credit card, which like so many people, had been given charges more times than should and at an excessive frequency where we would have to check the account everyday just to see how much they added on. After numerous pleadings they finally stopped charging and agreed to hand over the account to Debt Recovery where I could pay back interest free over a period of time. An initial amount was agreed however they would usually ask for an increase every so often, which I stated was not possible. Approximately two and a half years ago I was made redundant and my relationship broke down, and thus resulted that I needed to reduce my payments. I sent a letter to Natwest advising I would be reducing payments to a manageable amount inline with my financial income. I had not heard anything back from Natwest and had not thought anything further. Over the last few years I have continued paying Natwest and lately have been managing to increase my payment since my circumstances have changed for the better all round. Yesterday I received a letter from CapQuest advising that they had received the debt from Natwest and I had to telephone them to avoid a visit by a doorstep representative. Worse still the debt has increased dramatically. Minus the payments that we have made the debt has increased by almost 250% (two hundred and fifty) from nearly £1700 to almost £6000. I have been reviewing posts in the CAG forum by a lot of brave people (and braver representatives) and am comforted that there is hope and advice. I would be grateful if someone could give guidance on how to approach them initially since the debt they request seems ridiculously high. Again I am extremely grateful any advice that anyone can offer.
  2. ive just looked at my report and there is a default from Capquest for 598 - i have no idea who this is for and to be honest dont want to call them for fear of owing money however i am desperatly trying to sort out my credit rating what gets me is that the start date is 2005 yet the default date is 2009 and only shows this - JFMAMJJASOND2009 If I took something out in 2005 where are the payments or non payments from 2005-2009 and when does this come off my account does it start from 2005 or 2009?
  3. Hi, my partner had a catalogue about 5 years ago and fell behind on the payments. The debt is currently at about £1040 because of all the interest added on each time she didn't make the minimum payment they were demaning (about £500 a month). She has received a couple of letters from CapQuest saying they have purchased the debt. The latest one says they are able to obtain updates from the credit reference bureaux regarding her current financial position to be able to evaluate what steps should be taken to get the account onto a paying status and help repairing her credit file. She needs to contact them in the next 12 days to clarify her position and avoid possible legal action etc etc Her only correspondence with the catalogue in about 3 years has been a letter last month offering them £10 a month as at the moment it's simply all she can afford, the catalogue ignored it and then she received the letters stating it has been passed to CapQuest. Now my question is now that CapQuest has purchased the debt, can interest still be continually added on each month by the catalogue for 'insufficient minimum payment', or is the debt settled at that figure now the catalogue have passed it to them? Also, what is best to do next? She has been advised by family to send the same letter she sent to the catalogue offering a payment of ten a month to CapQuest. Any help is appreciated
  4. Good afternoon all this sad person from capquest rang me on my mobile on monday ,i told him to put it in writing as i will not talking to him on the phone ,went i arrived in work this morning my superviser told me someone from the above company rang looking me ,and would i ring them back,if he ring me on my own mobile i am not going to let think hes got to me ,after all he hasn't ,if he should says to my employer whats it about ,what should i do
  5. Good Morning All, I am brand new here so please be gentle with me OK so basically I have started getting calls from 'crapquest' I had never even heard of them before last week. They state that they have sent me letter (I have received nothing in the post) and have told them I am not asking questions without knowing who they are, of course they say its a personal matter and I have to pass their test questions - I refused! I believe this could be for an old debt from Lloyds which was for a personal loan from around 2002 ish - I look after disabled children and earn very little money but lost my job a little while after having the loan and Lloyds refused to help pay it even though I had PPI protection on it. Anyway long story short its been with many different debt companies over the years and I have tried in vain to pay little bits off when I can - last payment was over a year ago and I have heard nothing until now. The debt stands at over £23,000 most of which is interest and overdue chargers scares the hell out of me, I have no way of earning any more money as my industry never pays well I need some advice on how to handle them peeps so any help would be amazing Lloyds have tried for years to do something about this debt and always just seem to sell it on to whoever wants it, as said I own nothing, no car, not even a TV & live in a 8x6 rented room so I have nothing to give them.
  6. Read more : http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14530/online-news/debt-buyers-office-closures-to-affect-100-jobs-
  7. So I am paying ARC for my QuickQuid debt but QuickQuid are still showing on my report as active. Shouldn't they now be 'satisfied' or something and now closed with ARC now active? Also CapQuest bought a debt which was 'satisfied' under my DRO and it is showing on my credit report. I have been in contact with them and have sent them my DRO information multiple times. This last time they received on 5th October. After the 28 days are up what should I do? Surely they should remove themselves from my report! EDIT: What does AA-early arrears mean?
  8. I have received the attached letter from Robinson Ways 'solicitors' threatening me with possible court action. What letter do I need to send them in reply?
  9. I had a letter from Capquest in September who are trying to pursue a statue barred debt. The 6 year mark passed just last month and they thought they would be kind enough to send me an offer to "Close the matter once an for all" Their offer made me laugh and I just thought I would share... "The client wishes to come to an amicable arrangement whereby your account can be resolved, we are authorised to offer you a large discount on your account. The Offer: We are authorised to accept full and final payment to settle your account, saving you a substantial amount of money. This saving has not been previously offered and this saving will not be offered again by us." Wow, aren't they so generous...
  10. Hi , I have a CCJ through a credit card with Capquest which was issued by the court 29 March 2012 , with me ordered to pay Capquest solictiors £20 a month I have been doing this religiously , by sending them cheques through the post all the cheques have been cashed and I can see they have been taken out of my bank account Yet I have been sent a copy of an application from Capquest to Bradford County Court for a charging order to be put against my property which is to be heard this coming Friday 26th October, the reason they have cited is that £20 of the order has fallen due or remains unpaid . This is incorrect , and infact the last cheque I sent them was for 3 installments of £20 takes me up to December 2012 , so i am infact in credit What I would like advice on is do I phone Capquest (HL solicitors - as they use) ? Or do I phone the court and tell them that this is incorrect ? How do I know they (capquest) won't lie to the court and say I have defaulted ? I realise I have left this to the last minute , and am now panicking Any help or advice on who to contact would be greatly appreciated
  11. Hi All, I have started to receive phone calls from Capquest. They first left a message saying to phone them (didn't say my name just "please call Capquest on ...") and since then calling once a day but leaving no message. I do not know if they have written as yet as I am currently out of the country working (they phoned on my Skype number which is a local UK no.) and I am waiting for my parents to send my post. I have a feeling this is about an old Sykcard debt which is nearly 6 years old and will be statute barred in February next year. I just don't know how to play this at the moment. Has anyone had any experience of dealing with Capquest? What are they like to deal with? Once I receive my post in a week or so, if they have written to me should I try and draw it out by requesting CCA? What I am most concerned about here is that I dont know how nasty they can get and I do not want them to be hassling my parents with doorstep visits etc also I am not sure how soon they will decide to go down court procedure if they do decide to do that. Any help is much appreciated!
  12. Hello I'm new to this forum and am hoping someone can give me some advice. For a couple of months now I've had telephone calls from this company (I originally thought they were trying to make me use them for a PPI claim) so I avoided the telephone calls. They have rung me on three different numbers now (traced back to them) many times during the day, sometimes as much as 20 times until 9pm. Last week they left a message on my answering machine asking me to phone an 0870 number but the message was garbled so the full number wasn't given. Then a few days ago I accidentally picked up the phone and I was asked if I was a female name that they were trying to get hold of who lives in the same city as I do, although no where near where I live. I told them no, that they had got the wrong number and to please desist phoning me again and to take my number off their list. I have had further calls from them again and today my brother picked up the phone and was asked the same question in relation to this lady. They keep ringing back. When I first realised it was Capquest, I panicked because I'm very ill at the moment and do not need any stress, but I've read about the tactics of this firm and how they fail to abide with requests to stop ringing. Just to make sure there was nothing suspicious with my credit information, I checked my details and that of my brother who lives here as my carer just to confirm nothing untoward with identity theft via a credit reference agency. Both our details came back clear. I have lived at my property for 30 years plus and the telephone number has been attached to my family (firstly my mother, now deceased and latterly me for 16 years) for as long as we've lived in the house. I'm assuming that they have the wrong telephone number or have been given my number as a false number. I am loathed to write to them and offer my details, but is there any way I can stop them from ringing me as it is having a detrimental affect on my health? This is harassment but I don't know how to phrase a letter to them to ask them to stop ringing me. Is there a template letter I could use as I'm at my wits end. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
  13. Ok guys, a geezer just walked up my path all suited and booted saying hes representing British Gas and would I mind answering a few questions to see if I qualify for free loft insulation? He also stated that hes here to inform the residents on the street that we will be suffering some road works over the next few months. He asked me a few questions, ie name dob etc then asked to use my phone - thats when I smelled a rat. I went ahead and let him use it. He then passed the phone to me and I got some Scottish guy asking me how thick my loft insulation is etc etc. We arrange a date in December for a "surveyor" to call. When I got in the house I checked the number he had dialled 01252576407 on WhoCallsMe only to find out that this is Capquest! Maybe Ive been conned but two things get me straight back out of any crap - if he has sent details of me to Crapquest Im now going to answer the phone to them and deny any knowledge of my existence, and notwithstanding that - anything they have must be well SBd by now. Anyone else had this yet?
  14. Hi Caggers, Last year with the help of this site I took control of my debts. Capquest was dealing with one and I sent a CCA request and all they sent was an application form without the correct t's & c's. I sent the letter in dispute and heard nothing for a while. Last December they got Advantis Credit to chase it and I soon sent them away because it is still in dispute. Today I received a letter from Capquest saying that they are requesting my information from Capital Bank?????? ( I had this last year???) I need a dispute letter but with more teeth this time. Anyone out there who could draft a good letter for me I would be very grateful. (Its not SB as I did pay some token payments but not on my credit file) (They know they don't have a proper CCA as it goes back to 2000. Many thanks Blueboy
  15. Hi wonder if anyone can help. Got a letter from Capquest dated 21/07/12 re debt purchased from American Express ; Letter of claim under the Practice Direction - Pre Action Conduct. Under advice gleaned from this website I sent a CCA Request dated 30/07/12 and the £1 postal order. Then got letter from them 01/08/12 stating account on hold for 28 days whilst they obtain the information I requested and asking if I have any proof of payments or correspondence to forward them to their Collections Administration Dept. I did not send them any information as I haven't got any and didn't see why I should make their job any easier. I think I then got another letter stating they were still trying to get the information from American Express and account still on hold - not sure as I think I got rid of this letter by mistake). Then got letter dated 20/09/12 stating " we are now in receipt of the copy document you requested from our client. I n accordance with Data protection Act 1988, we require you to contact us as soon as possible on XXXX XXX XXXX to confirm important security information. We will be unable to send you the above document until you have done this". I believe they are stalling again and just want to pressurise me if I call them - which I have no intention of doing. What is my next move - do I just ignore them or is there some other advice anyone can give me. Cheers Ed
  16. Hello everyone. heres my problem. i went after a new double bed last month and got turned down..... i went home and got a credit report done of myself to which it come up saying i had a CCJ from northampton CCBC (bulk centre lol) with an amount of £388 pound. so I phoned them right up and they said its capquest and here is the account number. phoned up capquest and they said that i now osed them £588 how can i owe them £588 when the ccj is at £388.. can anyone help me on this matter as this account i know they have not got any of the paperwork for as i have asked them for it with no reply from them in a month. many thanks in advance
  17. So I had a DRO and Halifax sent me a letter stating that my account was settled. 2 weeks later it was sold on to Capquest. I have send them, multiple times, all my DRO info and still they are doing nothing! Do I just continue to send it them?
  18. Hi guys, I wanted to know if anybody could shed some insight on my freinds following situation> they have a a debt worth of around 2k on credit cards in the uk and they no longer lives in the UK. However they claim capquest are now chasing them in the country they now reside, which is spain by the way. theyre financial situation is still not too stable, that said they are in a position to pay the debt in small portions. My question is, can they still face any sort of serious action for non payments, if they reside overseas and do not intend on returning? Also how the hell have these people managed to get my freinds overseas number??? From what i read these people just hassel you and eventually go away but just wanted to make sure. BR Jim
  19. Hi, I have been receiving letters & more recently, like everyday, phone calls to my private mobile phone, from 'CAPQUEST'. They say I owe 'them', x amount of money from a debt owed to a credit card company, yes, I owe the credit card company, but NOT 'CAPQUEST'. Now, can anyone help me here? Are 'CAPQUEST' breaking the OFT laws by constantly harassing me with calling my personal number? They ring up all hours of the day, asking my name and to 'answer security questions' which I refuse each time, HANG ON-YOU CALLED ME! Why should I answer 'security questions', when you rang me??? I have even stated they are breaking the OFT laws, but they keep ringing me. It's got to the point where I'm playing games with them, like putting them on hold while I go do something else (if you want to waste my time, I'll waste yours!) Also, I am making a note of each time they call as evidence of harassment. Has anyone else had dealings or can anyone offer me some advice on the OFT laws regarding this please because I've had enough now! Thanks guys...
  20. Hi my wife had a little woods catalogue up until 2011 when she lost her job.They have been chasing her for the debt but ignored every offer we made them for £30 a month.Recently they sold the debt to capquest .I sent them a CCA request and they sent it within a week.Looking at the statement they also sent i can see that the total debt is £1,814.83 but £348 of that is charges for all the time they was ignoring our offers of payments and sending out statements .We want to pay what we owe but before i make an offer to capquest is there something i could do to get the balance down and get the charges taken off? can they or will they do that? Any advice would be much appreciated
  21. Hi to all Caggers, I was hoping for some advice. I wish I knew then what I know after reading through this Forum:!:. Someone at my ex partners address did fraud onmy name took out a catalogue with Shop direct on that address, they spentaround £850:shock:. Shop Direct obviously couldn’t get hold of me as I didn’t live there so they passed it on to the debt collection agency capquest who tracked me down to my present address. After speaking to them Itold them the debt wasn’t mine, they told me I would still have to pay the debtas it was in my name and there was nothing they could do:shock:. They agreed to reduce the debt to around £500 I had a lot of pressure at the time and foolishly paid it due to the complexity of the previous relationship:sad:. Recently I applied for credit and was refused I found out from Credit Reference Agency that Capquest has recorded a default satisfied against my name but on the previous address. I emailed them asking them to remove the default, no response so I called they refused to remove it. This default bugs me more than anything because I just cleared my history from a previous default, in hind sight I should never had accepted and not paid them but done is done. Do I have any recourse to rectify this or is it too late. Can anyone please give any step by step advice. Thank in advance. Wolfyman
  22. We are receiving a daily call from Crapquest, in respect of an account of my son. I have not yet had the pleasure of actually taking the call as it has been recorded messages so far. I know he has told them verbally "in writing" and he is rarely at home. The telephone account is iin my nake and up to now they are what be classified as "Nuisance" What is the best way to speak to them when I do field a call? I am not wanting to engage in letter tennis with these scrotes, but I expect the calls to escalate Thanks for your thoughts
  23. I wonder is someone could help me, I’m not new to the site but a little rusty on process for dealing with such issues. I’m unable to post the agreement until next week when I’m back at work, but as soon as I get back I will. Basically capquest have sent me an agreement that I signed in 2000 for a store card with a credit limit of £1000. The current balance stands at £4000+ due to charges incurred. Now I’ve looked at my credit file and this isn’t on there, but I’m positive I paid something towards the account in 2008, so statute barred it isn’t. Can someone please advise on my next steps please? Should I claim the charges back? But this doesn’t stop the process? Any help would be appreciated and I’ll get the agreement posted asap. Thanks
  24. Just after some advice. It's probably to ignore them, but though i'd ask. I've been having communication from capquest over the last month or so, but have no idea what it is concerning. I had a letter a few weeks back claiming i owed them money, but they didnt say what for. I ignored the letter and binned it. Then the phone calls started. One a week, on a thursday around 1 pm like clockwork. The first 3 i picked up and he was asking for me by name. I didnt confirm and he said he needed info for DPA ( yea right). I refused to give it to him and he said he'd mark it as a refusal. I just hung up. Then last week, they called and left a message on the answer machine. They stated who they were, a reference number and my name. (Remember, they dont have any concrete evidence i live at this address). Then today another message saying doorstep collectors will be coming in the next 7 days if i dont contact them within 24 hours ( like thats gonna happen). I wonder what their doorstep lackies will say when they knock on the door and a 6ft 2 200lb ex rugby player opens it with an Alsatian running around the garden freely Now i know i should ignore this, but i want to have a little fun. Does anyone have an idea of a letter i can send them that doesnt confirm my identity and stops them pursuing me? One thing i am curious about is what they are after? Any debts that i have previously had would be well SB'd by now, and on a completely different address ( we moved to this address two years ago.) Any advice welcome
  25. I would like some advice please: We were sent a letter in late July from CapQuest chasing Mr * * ****** - re an o/s balance with a Natwest account. Firstly, the first name is the same as my husbands, but the middle name is different and the surname has an 's' on the end, where we do not. In addition, my husband has never had a regular account with Natwest, in fact he has a business account with them which is running just fine. My husband called CapQuest and they asked if he was bla bla, and he explained that he wasnt, they asked if he had lived in Salford (which we have not) so they said they would take our address/number off their system. I have looked on different websites and have sent a letter today via registered post explaining that we are not responsible for this debt etc etc. However, today I had a missed called from a company calling themselves DVSL - the recorded message sounded as if they were a delivery company, so I called them back as I am expecting several deliveries this week. the person asked to speak to David (my husbands name!) and I asked David who, they then said the incorrect surname so I explained that he doesnt live here - they said oh! do you live in Somerset, which we do, so he said he would take our details off their database. This evening I have had another call asking to speak to 'David' and i explained to the person speaking that the person they are after doesnt live here - what can I do??? I am so cross about this Thanks
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