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Everything posted by tomtom256

  1. Very rarely is it a neighbour. Could be anyone that sees them, ex-partner, data matches, HMRC, credit reference agencies, the list goes on.
  2. Thats because it has nothing to do with council tax and only affects housing benefit payments. How has it pushed private rents up as the "bedroom tax" is for social housing not privated rented, you seem to be getting it mixed up with LHA that has been around for a few years.
  3. It's not though is it. LHA only pays for the bedrooms required, this was brought in to make it fairer for all on benefits, including those that couldn't get social housing! Not saying I agree with it, but at least it makes it fairer for all, as some have no choice but to rent privately. But this has already been discussed to death when it was brought in.
  4. Have you had a break of more than 4 weeks in your HB at any point? If not contact write to your local authority asking them to review your claim based on this. Some are automatically refunding it, some have put the onus on claimants.
  5. Yes but on JSA he would be entitled to the single room rate and may get the 4 week run and/or still qualify if his income is low enough!
  6. Lets hope your colleague does back you up if it comes to it or you will face a sanction. Surely if your income is so low you would already be on HB being on JSA in the first place, so can't understand the rent issue or is part of the story missing?
  7. Sounds disguting but in what context are they saying she has contributed? Seems to be more to this than just the letter. I thought cancer patients had automatic entitlement whilst under going treatment.
  8. I know it's quite easy, but normally I would expect that one would provide proof of said facts when posting. It's the norm on most forums I visit, saves ambiguity.
  9. Are you arguing the housing benefit regulatiosn or the so called bedroom tax, as the two are not related. HB regulations state that children of the same sex can share one room until I think 16. Bedroom tax is for under occupancy. As you and your partner are entitled to one room and your children are entitled to one room then you are under occupying. You would have to argue the HB regs are incorrect in order to argue the bedroom tax as there are two seperate issues invovled here which effect your entitlement.
  10. Are you in social or private rented accomodation? Onr is LHA and one is the so called bedroom tax. Either way the law states that your two children can share a room for benefit purposes so onto a loser either way.
  11. If you still have £11k left then it will affect your claims as notional capital, as anything over £6k is taken into account. DM should look at the debts as acceptable expenditure and just take the remainder into account as notional capital and reduce your ESA accordingly unless it's contribution based, then it will not matter.
  12. Ring them again and just say I don't want to discuss it, I just want to now what the allegation is as per PACE guidelines so I can decide if I need to seek legal advice. They have to tell you what the allegation is, prior to the IUC.
  13. No it's not correct, as a succesful appeal will nil the overpayment and as such there will be no criminal offence to answer.
  14. If you won your tribunal appeal and it was to do with the decision regarding the investigation, then it should be closed as there will no longer be anything to investigate. citizenkhan, have you not made contact to ascertain what is going between then and now?
  15. Yes they don't always put the allegation on the letters, but I am sure it is a requirement of PACE etc.
  16. They have to tell you why they have invited you in for an interview. They do not have to pay expenses for you to attend. Also if you do not attend they can either issue an arrest warrant to the police in order to interview you or just send the case to court, which is what our council does if a person does not attend any of the 3 appointments offered. Some councils and the DWP have a 1 letter policy. I would call them and ask what the allegation is, they will or should not question you over the telephone unless they caution you first.
  17. Yes it would advise you it was under caution and would state you can have a solicitor present if you wish. The newer DWP letter also states that if you fail to attend they will have you arrested. It would probably be a check up to ensure your getting what your entitled to and that they have your correct circumstances recorded.
  18. Ah right so name calling to get your point across and your part of the site team! Talk about irony. Perhaps it would have just made more sense to delete my post if you find it that offensive.
  19. If you don't need help from the state then end your claim and don't provide them. If however you need the benefits to survive, provide them. Or do you have something to hide!
  20. No, all referrals should be confidential and the investigator should just say an anon referral was received. Checks will be conducted first to ascertain if any evidence of the work can be found and if not it will likely be passed to compliance who will see them. Compliance visits can take a few months from referral owing to work load. Interviews under caution can as well.
  21. But if you change your name, you will still need to declare it if asked for CRB etc. Also I presume you will then change your name back to hide the crime from the sound of it? Seems a bit of a farce really.
  22. Ok from what you have posted, it would appear they have reviewed the evidence and tanscript from your first interview and have further questions to put to you and/or have checked on something that you have given in your defence and again have further questions about this. From what you have put, a Decsion Maker, will find you as a couple as the evidence and your statement of him sleeping there etc fits. However if he is only there as the childs father, then stick with that story and appeal if they decide he is living there. Has he got an address were he pays rent, has a tenancy agreement or is liable for council tax to prove he lives elsewhere?
  23. But she still has to pay it, albeit at the 14% rate.
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