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  1. Im in the same predicament. Jan 12 I moved on my own to a new house after splitting up with an ex. Eveeything was in my name. End of feb my ex asked cud he send his mail as hes cant offord old house. I said yes. In march I give birth to his child. We have kept in contact and he comes over oftern. Even signed birth cert together. Sep he started staying over when I was kept in hospital. He continued to stay over but not regularly. It was mainly when hes days off work. In nov I had a letter to say I committed fraud. I went on my own with my baby and explained myself. He paid the rent as I had issues with my bank but this money was always paid bak to him. I payed all the bills and stuff for me n my son. He runs me about when hes offwork but I pay fuel. And he doesn't stay every night. He sleeps on sofa. Now I have recieved a letter to say I have got to go back in for enougher interview but cant take anyone under 16. I cant rely on him or my family and have no reliable friends. Plus my son has only been left with others a hand full of times n wont settle. I cant offord to get my benifits stopped as he wont support me. I was starved during my pregancy due to him and benifits. hes paying unbelieve debt. And has not contributed to the house. Ive had this worry almost a year. Im the sole care for my son. My family dont live close and ive just lost my brother and brother in law. So not good to ask for help of family. Im at the end of my tether. All I want is to support me n my son and little money. But we get by. I told them the truth but that mustnt of been enought. They said I sud of reported change of circumstances. I didnt think there was a change. They were also trying to say earlier as he had signed everything over soob after I claimed. They had bank statement birth cert. Doc records the whole lot of his. As far as I believe he is here purely for our son. We not together. But are still friends.
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