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Everything posted by tobyjugg2

  1. That will be why your key press on starup recovery does not work unclebulgaria67. Creating the discs always (to my knowledge) removes the recovery image from the machine as required by MS so as not to have two copies,. Silly I know as you can, and should then copy the created disc in case of damage.
  2. That also goes both ways How can marriage in a church predate the church? I'm not saying they shouldn't celebrate or mark their partnership, just that they should not be able to force others to celebrate it against their beliefs. Where would that end? I don't believe the same sex couples' rights should be impacted, but neither should that of the church (in this example) else the same sex couple (or their pressure groups) is imposing the same sort of forced behavior that they have MOSTLY rightly complained about for so long. To use your words - where does it end. YOU sabresheep are demonstrating the ones sided fanatical thinking and twisting of speech which causes these problems in all areas, not resolves them.
  3. Did Spock say 'The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many...? Now we know bankers and politicians adhere to that belief, do we really want the list to grow? Live and let live is a philosophy which can only come from within, and does need to be mutual.
  4. Would it be worth while copying the letter (just) to popla as further evidence of misconduct?
  5. As I am starting to realise. If it wasn't for the fact that fully comp is only a few quid more than third party for me I wouldn't bother with what i have seen happen here. Mind you, the one claim I have had in the last 20 years was a major disappointment. It got AA insurance added to my very short 'never use these bar-stewards again' list. Its likely I was living in blissful ignorance of what would really happen. A sucker to the sales spiels. (( Mind you if I had had more accidents, the list would likely be longer it would seem. add addendum unclebulgaria67 Is there a list of companies who do 'do it the old way' internally without selling you to companies like Albany who reportedly mainly muck you about to increase the costs and profit?
  6. So who would think it right for a Christian or Muslim or whatever church, with strong beliefs on the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, to be forced to hold a marriage ceremony for a same sex couple? Now I think that same sex couple, like everyone else, have the right to make their own lives however they see fit .... as long as it doesn't negatively impact others lives, and gay, straight or whatever, no-one should be forced to serve others in ways that offend their own sensibilities. We can all take our business elsewhere. Forcing service makes resentment, not compassion. (LOL I just noticed that my spell checker flagged muslim (without capitalisation) as an error, but not christian)
  7. LOL Please don't do that, if it does anything it will be destructive. The graphics chips need to be desoldered and resoldered with a proper rig, which applies heat very locally to the chip. No idea what the aluminum tape is suppressed to do other than short everything out. :/ Some chips do have an aluminium foil and heat sink compound between the chip and heatsink to make a better connection. (Its better with decent heatsink compound and no foil, but the foil is easier on manufacturing assembly) The power jacks are often a simple fix, and many are on a cable which plugs into the mainboards. Even if not a plug in, a competent electronics solderer should find little to challenge them.
  8. If you look in 'event viewer' for the red items it may give you an idea what was happening. Resoldering the graphics chips, quite common with a number of nvidea graphics chips, can be relatively expensive given that new laptops half in price every 2 godzillabits of nanoparsecs, and second hand laptops sometimes seem to half in price with every keypress :/
  9. Did you try moneysaving at all? A number of quotes on moneysaving were far cheaper than any on gocompare or the meerkat for me. The latter two were much the same.
  10. It seems a little unclear to me who you are dealing with James. HD? or Albany on HD's behalf? From the other folks experiences with no fault accidents under HD (managed by Albany) reported here and elsewhere, it would seem it *might* be worth your contacting the other parties insurance directly and considering dropping Hastings/Albany out of the picture as much as possible if the contact goes well. I know that you are probably like me and think that when you pay for fully comp insurance you shouldn't have to deal with this sort of crap, but it would seem with HD a personal approach to the other insurer should be considered.
  11. Rather rich given that HD reduce their customers over 10 years NCD on a regular basis per reports here and all over.
  12. Thank you for that response. From reports here, it would appear that at least some of your contact representatives are misrepresenting your organisations relationship with Hastings on contacting Hastings customers. Are you addressing this issue? Can you also confirm whether there is a choice in using you, or whether Hastings uses you exclusively in any circumstances? And from Hastings (despite what they reportedly claimed in the first post in this thread) http://www.hastingsdirect.com/car-insurance/accident-etiquette.html Making a claim The main priority is to settle the claim and repair the vehicle. If you were not at fault for the accident then your insurance company will try to retrieve the costs from those responsible. If that proves successful then your no claims discount will not be affected.
  13. So you do have a formal relationship with Hastings, rather than Hastings simply selling you their customers information, and you ARE a representative of Hastings despite your contacts first words to customers reported claiming you are nothing to do with Hastings?
  14. It should not include generic "we will pass your data on to third parties", it usually does say something like we may notify you of other services you may be interested in from selected partners if you have notified us this is OK, they do and should include 'used for fraud prevention etc Lets not forget Albany would seem to be saying that they have nothing to do with HD, yet HD would appear to be telling customers they have to use Albany. There would perhaps seem to be some potentially regulation breaches there at the least. Beware the difference between approved 3rd parties eg approved repairers, paid for insurance add-ons to policies, and an insurer not just fobbing you off when they get away with it, but breaching data regulations and duties. I still want to know what is Hastings official stance regarding Official statement of their Relationship with Albany given the contradictory statements reported by customers The disclosure of customer confidential data to an external company I'm building up to an ICO complaint, or worse - trying to get it on a TV program.
  15. If I only used the meerkat comparison site, I would probably be able to get cheaper direct quotes somewhere, but using multiple comparison sites has always been the best options from what I have experienced. Even the 'beat any quote (by a penny)' direct companiesc would not go anywhere like as low without the comparison sites driving the competition up and the prices down. There will always be exceptions, but consider how many sites you could realistically ring and how many you would miss without the comparison sites. You can be certain those exceptional deals would not be there, or findable without the higher competition. I remember the days when you used to ring around a dozen companies to get quotes, and then 3 months after you had bought one, hearing someone say they got a better deal elsewhere, which wasn't there next time your renewal came up. Even with the fiddling going on, I have absolutely zero doubts that getting good insurance quotes is far easier and better since multiple comparison sites started up.
  16. Congratulations, Thats got to be the widest % margin I have ever seen between a cheapest and the next cheapest for car insurance based on them all having the same information. I thought my recent 40% difference between the (poor) best on the meerkat and the best on moneysaving (although there were lots of others near the price on moneysaving) was epic. You hammered it.
  17. [/url]unclebulgaria67 Just be careful with that standard windows install as you can easily overwrite the ASUS recovery partition in doing a standard install permanently losing it.
  18. My entire point is that you should NOT ever have any information about me from Hastings without my express permission, and I would not willingly have any relationship whatsoever with a company with your reputation. Or were you just trying to squeeze some income from your 0844 number, or generate some extra twitter followers? While you are here please confirm under what circumstances and agreements Hastings divulges Hastings customers' confidential personal information to you, an external company?
  19. Not doubting you in any way but if I were you I would very carefully check my policy and ensure all the details, including the accident have been properly registered. 1/3 the price of everyone else really does sound too good to be true (not doubting you), but just make sure that the swinton saleperson hasn't misrepresented you to get a sale. They will of course blame you if that is the case and consider the insurance void if it does come out after an accident. It may be a very impressive new customer discount, but its worth checking for your own peace of mind.
  20. Excellent in your case. I also tried swinton and direct line, neither of whom were competitive although both said if i told them what my best quote was they would beat it. Direct Line reluctantly did by a penny, Swinton pretty much insinuated I was lying. Have you read the Swinton threads? (I did have a Norwich Union motorcycle rider policy through Swinton for a long time many many years ago, and have had house insurance through them for 1 year which I moved when the policy renewal doubled at the end of the first year for no apparent reason)
  21. or just reinstall windows. Windows does get bloated with crap as time goes by - installed by the user (unknowingly often) and often comes preinstalled with loads of bloatware Ubuntu installs (yes I use it) doesn't get all the same crap installed on it as windows installs do. If it did, it would be the same. Have have an ubuntu server and a stripped down xp server doing similar tasks and there is little to choose between them except the ubuntu will run longer without a simple reboot vs the xp is easier to manage but benefits from being rebooted every few weeks as apposed to every few months.. But then again the xp has quite a bit more installed on it above the base stuff required LOL.
  22. Oh dear http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-windows_programs/uninstall-pc-health-boost/f7d5d92c-6e8c-4e88-b515-457ad4371aa6 If you cant get f* to work, either you have spilled something on your KB and 'broke it, or you simply aren't doing the F8 or F2 'dance correctly, or you aren't completely powering off the machine - Remove the power supply and take the battery out to ensure it is OFF not asleep. If you can get to windows, as it seems you can, then download and run malwarebytes anti-malware free version. Here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mwb-download/confirm/ The f9 'dance' safe mode without tap
  23. Now I've thought about it a little more, the "2. If your Bank Account is closed or converted to another account type, we'll remove all the Bank Account benefits on the date of closure." seems to be a window for them to get rid of older accounts with better T&C/ rates without asking too. The MAY notify is perhaps up for interpretation, but that they will do this without positive agreement is still setting what seems dangerous and very undesirable precedent to me
  24. "and they require you to ask not to have your account changed - difficult if you don't get the notification or they choose not to let you know.." 1. We may give you thirty days' notice that you meet the eligibility criteria for, and we're going to convert your account to either our HSBC Premier Bank Account or HSBC Advance Bank Account. NOT we WILL Anyway, do you REALLY want a bank to be able to change your bank account, and hence your agreements with them, without your agreeing, and potentially without even a requirement for them to let you know?
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