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Everything posted by tobyjugg2

  1. I think that is the absolute definition of a broken system. and for those who say he should move into a £50 a week room, that would give him an extra £5 a week which would probably go on higher heating requirements. £5 extra being more than a 16% increase in weekly expendable income all other things being equal - what a disgrace.
  2. Sadly, That politician would need the visible and active support of 100's of thousands, which we already know is highly unlikely to occur. Too many people are only interested in their own position and that under the current system is highly divided as all government parties undoubtedly prefer it.
  3. and if the system worked as I said you would get the state benefit. The money you have worked hard for and saved would not penalise you.
  4. I do understand your perspective, but I think it would make sense, in many ways, a few of which I mentioned. Both need to live, don't they? Whether investment banker who was on £1M+, a person who is temporarily sick, permanently ill or unable to find work at the moment, I think they should all have the same amount of state support benefit. The banker may well not need it (and i think investment bankers are the spawn of satan) but I still think they should be entitled to that amount if genuinely unemployed, BUT NOT support for payments on their £5M mansion. Don't miss the point that those getting that same benefit would then be a united major political force ... You would not be a small minority among other small minorities, none of whom cares about the other.
  5. I can't really work out what they are supposed to do other than promote lawyers?
  6. Why don't all people who are not working get the same benefit? I understand that people have different costs, and some of those extra costs are unquestionably more reaosonable than others (hundreds of pounds a week for flats in London for long term unemployed come to mind as unjustified as following that logic would give an unemployed investment banker £1M a year in benefits). Would it not be better for all if unemployment benefit and disability benefit (in fact all benefits) were the same amount - and an amount which someone could live on? (even if not in an apartment in London) I know most DON'T live in an apartment in London, but those sort of issues just cloud the waters in my view. A level playing field would be so much easier to schedule, justify amend and manage - or is that why governments won't do it? Too many people in the same boat with the same issues, rather than divided and conquered?
  7. I've had some interesting interaction with our local planning in apposing a monstrous 3 story multiple town house build on the site of a small cottage amongst tradition 2 story semis. Despite showing that the proposed multiple car access would be dangerous, and the development was a monstrous eyesore completely out of keeping with the area and did NOT meet planning guidelines in many areas including newer living space guidelines, the planning office went ahead and approved it stating that the recommended guidelines were only guidelines that they didn't need to consider!!! It was eventually blocked by the highways as the proposed access was dangerous. Makes you wonder what planning departments are playing at?
  8. Me too - I strongly suggest you do NOT give out your names and emails
  9. As a possible alternative, I have seen a number of installations which stated they required a certain spec of hardware to run, but didn't really, it was just recommended. BUT the installation script refused to run if it figured out that the hardware wasn't 'the required spec' A few times its been as simple as deleting or simple modifying some lines in the installation .ini file (which are usually just structured text) to get them to install and work fine. Might not be the case here, but worth a look.
  10. I think how much cash can be withdrawn from Greek banks is the least of the problems which might be waiting depending on what happens today and over the next few weeks. I think much of the world is looking at this with baited breath.
  11. LOL Of course they wont be working for free, it would more likely be a requirement for them to give a little in return for access to the lucrative legal aid payments, and/or so that their pressure (err self regulatory) group would use it for leverage in saying what a good bunch they are.
  12. I don't believe the government have turned this into 'greedy lawyers', the people have seen enough, and had enough, to make up their own minds. and of course the government could make it a requirement for law firms to give a percentage of their time, even the SRA has requirements which must be met. How could you not know that? Surely A far better approach would be in formally simplifying and documenting legal processes so that many straight-forward things could be dealt with without lawyers, just as CAG does here so well with its templates?
  13. oops - wrong link They have had some big issues recently. I looked for a link about them but didn't check date - silly me - apologies
  14. Vodaphone have been having MAJOR issues http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/vodafone-working-hard-to-resolve-intermittent-outages-of-its-mobile-phone-services-9065562.html
  15. I have viewed 2 different treads here on CAG recently, one where a sellers delivery service 'was near enough' that ebay decided in favor of the seller, despite no confirmation of delivery to the buyer, and here, where the seller apparently has no evidence of the phones actual delivery to the buyer. In the case of this specific issue, there is no actual evidence of the buyer receiving the phone, so from my outside perspective it would seem that ebay/paypal would be right in finding with the buyer if evidence (if any) ie emails saying I'm on my way to collect it) were countered by the buyer saying something like - no-one was in when I went to collect it. A bit of a devil as I have collected a number of items and honestly said as such, but it could have been very different for the seller if i were dishonest. A worrying point for sellers - so get a receipt and note the car registration it would seem. In the other case, my opinion is that ebay were wrong to find in the sellers favor, apparently just because a delivery service GPS said the delivery van had been near enough to the delivery addres without any eveidence of actual delivery. (But that is based on the buyers reported state of affairs and may have other unreported aspects) Its a sad fact that dishonest folk will always take advantage of honorable trading whatever the mechanism and a warning to us all. It would seem the only option is to report the phone stolen to the police and get it blocked. The police may also be able to get the details of the person who is using it from the service provider.
  16. I'm not sure if I'm for or against the reduction in legal aid. Like any person I consider reasonable, I think that legal aid should be available to all, but it also seems to me that the runaway costs of what would seem to be too often incompetent and uncaring lawyers who fester on the guaranteed income whatever their ability or performance, too often effectively paid for by tax and/or the hidden tax of increased premiums to everyone just cannot go on.
  17. Yes, but I think thats coincidence as the interception and logging of as I am aware our calls and texts is not done at the phone level as far Wise suggestion unc, possibly for the next few years :/ Shame its so expensive to holiday in the UK and will likely get more so! Lets all get back to day trips to National trust areas and the seaside
  18. I think that second paragraph is why it would be disastrous for the UK to leave the EU. If the wicked witch had invested in UK industry and manufacturing rather than destroying it and effectively deregulating the financial systems, then we would would probably be in a stronger position, but not enough stronger to make the decision different I think, just reducing the chances of being really in the do-doos if we did leave.. I would love to see the proposals for the UK's trade with the rest of the world if we did leave now. Having said all that, I really have very mixed feelings and thoughts about a federal Europe effectively run by unelected officials.
  19. Absolutely. Physician heal thyself, although I do note you qualify your protection only to lawyers. (£150 unskilled handymen indeed!) Yes I have had exclusively bad experiences in the very few interactions I have had with lawyers and I can only honestly relate to my own experiences without relying on hearsay. If an emergency plumber had done as bad a job as those lawyers I experienced i would not have paid them, but of course that isn't a viable option with lawyers whatever crap they deliver. If you are a lawyer, which I am doubting, then I am sure you would realise just how any complaints against lawyers go - worse than pointless. But referencing some hearsay, it does seem clear that there do appear to be a few lawyers here who do offer what appears to be excellent advice out of the goodness of their hearts, so I can judge from that that there are at least a few conscientious lawyers despite me never experiencing one. So I would say to you stop trying to justify your position by denigrating others. Justification by detailing your worth and value would go down far better. I wasn't going to tell him. It seemed to me that the simple meaning was blatantly obvious to anyone with a far lesser education than he claims. "I think almost anyone, newly qualified or not, on £18,000 (or less) a year would call £25,000 (+39%) 'vastly more'."
  20. Unskilled tradesman £150 per hour.!!! Post an advert here and you will have thousands of people offering to do your unskilled handyman work perhaps as little as £75 an hour (sic). What planet are you on? (Planet lawyer/investment banker it would seem - particularly as you apparently can't do basic maths - 39% rounded) and I don't doubt you are referring to the £150 first hour emergency call out for skilled and registered plumbers or electricians, which is hardly a reasonable comparison to a £120+ standard hourly rate, sometime during office hours when you get around to it, for adding a name and address to a template from word. .. else you could perhaps do it yourself as we are having to do to get a job done - let alone competently.
  21. I think almost anyone, newly qualified or not, on £18,000 (or less) a year would call £25,000 (+39%) 'vastly more'. Although I don't doubt that lawyers wouldn't in relation to their own salary. But the real issue was that in my experience we get the referenced unqualified (and incompetent and/or totally uncaring) lawyers at £120+ an hour.
  22. Now thats the real issue. A few newly qualified lawyers getting 18,000 (most getting vastly more), and us getting incompetent unqualified 'lawyers'/assistants charged at £120+ per hour for sending a standard letter, with little except nodding relevance to our case. I don't doubt it one whit.
  23. Capacity of these would seem to be 2600mah There may be a charge if you don't return it at the 18 month deadline, or lose it.
  24. Weren't they paid in doubloons back then (before they went on to guineas)? \Mind you there isn't a doubloon symbol on a standard KB is there? I take it that was at the time when a head butler received a shilling and 10pence a year? :/
  25. Paypal buyer protection is still available, although I understand that your (and my) concern is that the Ebay response described appears to be entirely unreasonable.
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