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Found 6 results

  1. We've been in the property 12 months, and 10 months in the landlord has served us with a section 21. So we have two months to leave. An estate agent has been in touch regarding viewings and we have been as accommodating as we can. We have found another place to rent and have asked if the landlord is willing to end the tenancy early, and the answer was no. We can leave early but still need to pay until the end of the 12 months. The new landlord doesn't want to wait that long and if we cant move in earlier he will have to let it to someone else. So, in an attempt to persuade the current landlord I have pointed out that we have been very flexible with the viewings, but have no reason to do this. If he isn't willing to negotiate the leave date, we have no reason to be as flexible as we are, even to the point of not allowing viewings at all. Am I within my rights here?
  2. Can anybody offer any constructive advice please? My daughter was involved in an accident on 29th April last year and her car was declared a write off and removed the following day by her insurance company who took all the documentation and paperwork including the V5. She tells me that she sent off the section 9 part to inform the DVLA that the vehicle was now transferred to her insurance company and thought that was that as far as the DVLA was concerned. However, in September, she received a Late Licencing Penalty letter demanding £80, as she hadn't renewed the licence or declared SORN! She telephoned the DVLA, (I know, big mistake, she now knows to get everything in writing!) who claimed to know nothing about the accident or it being written off or that her insurance company had taken the car. The DVLA followed this call up with a letter dated 12th October, stating that they had now received the section 9 and acknowledged that she was no longer the keeper of the vehicle but that they still wanted their £80. However, they said that if she paid before 2nd November, it would be reduced to £40. This is only 21 days and I was of the understanding that the law states that they should allow her 28 days? I only found all this out since the penalty has been handed over to a debt collection agency who are now demanding the £80 on behalf of the DVLA. The DVLA have washed their hands of the matter and will not respond. The debt collection agency have put things on hold for 30 days. I am of the opinion that instead of owing the DVLA £80, they owe my daughter £45! (three months refund of her tax) Where do we go from here?
  3. Hi All, Please bear with me. I was made redundant over a year ago, and as a single Mum, I've just started my own business, but am still relying heavily on benefits while I find my feet - financially. Our landlady's told us she's selling the house in June and as we've been here for 5 years and are so happy and settled, I'd love to somehow be able to buy it. The house is expected to go on the market for 220K. My mum recently sold her house and has a 30K deposit she can give us and I'm now considering the following options: 1. My ex, who earns a good wage (100K) can 'Buy to let' for us? This sounds too good to be true - what are the issues surrounding this? 2. Would my 71 year old Mum be able to re-mortgage her house that she owns outright? It's value is 200K. Is she able to do this at her age - how much could she raise - again - what are the issues surrounding this? I'm pretty convinced that our dream's not achievable, but I thought I'd ask here first - I've heard great things about this forum. Here's hoping, Many thanks in advance.
  4. Last year, having endured poor signal for some time and then receiving a clearly misleading marketing email in September 2014 that Vodafone subsequently refused to honour, I registered my intention to cancel my Vodafone contract. It was due to expire on January 25. Having subsequently received a call from the retentions team later in September, I agreed to a new contract on provision that I received an early upgrade of my handset and a reduced tariff. And so all was well again with better signal, and an early upgrade. However, on Sunday January 25 2015 at noon, my phone ceased to receive any mobile signal. Believing this to be an issue with my bill (I don't owe anything apart from my current bill, which isn't yet due to be paid) I tried to log into my account online to be told that my mobile number was no longer registered. I can only assume that the initial request I made in September 2014 to cancel my contract has been actioned despite my subsequent agreement to remain with Vodafone and renew my contract. This is not the first time this has happened, and the exact same scenario presented itself on my last upgrade also, and I was without phone service for more than one week. Normal customer service channels have been a joke, and they either don't understand or choose not to understand and are accusing me of cancelling and being in breach of my contract, which in utter muck, and trying to charge me the cost of the handset. I've since made an email complaint to the CEO office, and have a reference number. However, they insist on trying to call me on my wife's phone (which is also with Vodafone and is/was linked to my account) which I can't access as she works away. I've tried calling the direct line number they left me to call back, but I'm not sitting in another 30+ minute queue any longer, as I've tried three times already and I'm not getting anywhere. An email response to the original complaint will just trigger another reference number so little point in doing that. An absolute shambles of a company, and I'm regretting sticking around for another two years. The ombudsman beckons!
  5. Hello all, I made a CCA request a couple of years ago, I got the usual reply, reconstituted agreement and application form, I wrote back and told them that this was not good enough. All went quite for 2 years, then I was contacted by a debt collection agency, I asked for deed of assignment, they claimed that the account was still with the original provider, I then made a CCA request of the debt collection agency, they responded by passing on my request to the card provider, this request has not produced the credit agreement either, although I have asked the debt collection agency what further recovery action can be justified, they have not replied though they insist that I must write to card provide, this I am in the process of doing, Can I just add that all the other Debt collection firms I have dealt with on this matter have closed their files when I have made my CCA requests. Any help would be greatly appreciated Benjamin
  6. Hello everybody got some questions if anybody could help.... I am being made redundant next month. My 6 weeks notice is starting next week. My question is: - if I meanwhile find a new job and want to start it in that 6 weeks notice time am I entitled to a full redundancy package from my employer? - how soon do I have to tell them? thanks everybody
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