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  1. HI all, In 2015 I joined Exercise for Less. I cancelled the direct debit having spoken to the gym manager as I didn't like the facilities and naively thinking that would be the last i heard from them. I then battled with Harlands (I offered them the 9.99 as advised by this forum) then CRS (who gave my account back to Harlands after II sent them an email composed by the legendary Slick132). This happened in November 2015. However, as I was clearing my inbox I found this email from Harlands dated 05/01/17 ( this is the first I've heard from them since November 2015). ".......we note that you still have an outstanding balance £xxx.xx. We want to help you resolve this as soon as possible. We can set up a payment plan or look at a settlement figure to resolve this. Please call us today on 01444 449165 between 08:30am and 6:00pm. Your reference number is 829xxxxx. If you would prefer us to call you, please confirm a suitable number to reach you on. We regret that if we do not hear from you within the next 7 days, your account will be transferred to our Solicitors Spratt Endicott for further action. Many thanks,//......" What do I reply? I'm now worried they're going to take me to court. All help is much appreciated. Thanks
  2. Hello! It seems I am another persons struggling with CRS/Harlands etc etc. Way back in 2012, I entered into a gym contract with Fitness First in Leeds whilst at University. I then moved back home (40 miles away) and called Fitness First and asked them to transfer my "home" club to being back at my parents home, they said this was fine. Fitness First then shut down my local gym, I called them and they said everything was cancelled and that they were sorry for any confusion. I then found a DD on my bank account to "Harlands" in around February/March 2013, went into my bank, said I didn't know who this was and they reversed the charges, I didn't hear anything at all. Then came emails in August 2013 from The Zinc Group, asking me to contact them. Being a naive early 20's anxiety ridden mess, I only communicated with them once to tell them to stop calling me. This went on for a few weeks as I ignored their calls, then I heard nothing from them. Roll on to Friday last week (December 9th 2016) and I receive a text message from CRS saying "Please call CRS today on 01444 449*** as your account has now been returned to us from the Zinc Group. We're open between 8:30am and 6pm" I then received an email asking me to contact them regarding my account at TruGym Leeds (which is what the Fitness First turned into - I never stepped foot in the place), and I have received another email this morning asking me to contact them today, other wise they will pass it on to Spratt Endicott Just looking for some advice really. I don't think they have my correct address as I have not received anything in writing from them, and old emails from Zinc have my old student house address on them. The balance is apparently £193.35, but I do not plan on paying them a penny. I do not have a copy of my old contract with Fitness First, and I have never signed ANYTHING with TruGym Leeds. I never even set foot in the building to my knowledge. If anyone could advise what I need to do next that would be great. Should I continue to ignore everything from them? Seems a bit strange for them to contact me three years since they last attempted to. I genuinely thought all this had gone away. Thank you for taking the time to read this, you lovely bunch of people!
  3. Hey, I've left this for far too long... I had a letter from the crs and other debt collectors about paying them back £241.34. This started happening when I cancelled my gym membership through direct debit. I cancelled my membership around June / July and only did 4 months with them? I think. I missed my 1 month before and they took money out when i had money available in my bank since I normally get paid in cash where I was working. I missed another month of the monthly payment so I just decided to cancel my membership, thinking that I didn't really need to worry about anything. Next thing I know, i'm getting charged huge amounts! :/ One of my friends told me just to completely ignore what's coming my way that involves the debt collection for the gym. Since it has worked for them, and so has another friend, apparently. I'm getting worried now... I had a letter from spratt Solicitors saying that I need to owe, blah blah blah, It's pretty much the same letter as the other people that are in my situation have gotten, but I think my scenario is worse because I wasn't responsible enough and just left this to time. The letter was posted around the 3rd Nov but I didn't read it a couple days after since I've gotten Uni and my parents opened the letter but didn't get involved since it wasn't their mess and gave me a right telling off (Asian parents). Now is the 20th... What do I Do with everything?? Please help, urgent :/ Sorry for being a kid. I'm 19 and go to Manchester Metropolitan University. Thanks, Westin
  4. Hello! I am currently experiencing problems regarding a £207.47 debt I supposedly owe to Harlands/Xercise4less despite having terminated my 12 month contract back in April this year!! I joined Xercise4less in Leeds in February 2015 - I signed up to a 12 month membership (the minimum duration) £9.99 p/m. Despite having used the gym a total of less than 10 times in the whole year, I held up my end of the contract and paid for the full year. Due to payments having not been taken for January and February 2016 (as the gym was shut due to flood damage) I was unsure whether this meant my contract would be extended to make up for those two months... Once the gym reopened, I rang the gym 3 times: 1) The first time I was told by a member of staff that he would send me a cancellation form. I never received this. 2) The second time i was told i had been misinformed and that the only was was to cancel online. 3) The third time was to seek advice as i had been experiencing problems with their cancellation page, but they told me to try again at a later time. In the end I had definitely submitted something online but whether it was done correctly i dont know. To be honest, i was so fed up with the hassle of trying to terminate a simple gym membership that i hadn't even used yet fully paid for (and continued to pay for until april!) that I resulted to seeking advice from my bank and they advised me to just cancel the DD. In short, the 2 month flooding that they had experienced was not my fault, yet to be on the safe side I ensured I made 12 full payments (Feb 2015 - April 2016 ) before terminating my DD . I heard nothing from them for almost 4 months, then suddenly received a letter from CRS saying I owed £207.47. I genuinely thought this was some sort of mistake and therefore rang up and said I would not be paying it. I received 2 more letters over the following weeks - both of which i ignored. GI have returned from holiday today to find another letter -this time from Spratt endicott - threatening that failure to pay within 7 days (tomorrow being the 7th day!) will 'result in legal proceedings' ?!?!?! Please help!!
  5. Hi All, I'm hoping you can help me I was a previous member of Lifestyle Fitness when the gym first opened December 2012 to which I signed up to a monthly rolling contract of £17.99. After cancelling my membership in November 2015 I was phoned weekly numerous times and then sent an email from the manager Jason Lombard trying to get me to re-join. I sent an email stating that I would CONSIDER it under the same terms of my previous membership i.e monthly rolling contract £17.99. After a phone call explaining this to him. I then received an email from him that a new membership had been set up (he never specified a type) I checked my bank account and a DD was in place however I had not signed anything neither did I receive a membership contract like the one where I initially signed up. I cancelled the direct debit immediately and no payment was taken. I have then been pursued by Credit Resolution Services claiming that I had entered into a 12 month annual membership at £17.99 and that I know 'owe' £397.60. These con artists continue to pursue me through SMS messages, Recorded phone calls and emails. Despite emailing and phoning them to clarify that I did not agree to this they have not been interested in trying to resolve this and are unable to send me a membership agreement. This begun on January 26th, 2016. I have entered the stage of 'Spratt endicott' solictors. I've also used Resolver and tried to direct message Lifestyle Fitness on facebook. As CAB advised me to send them a letter to the complaints department funnily enough there is no form of contact details for such a department. Please help
  6. Hi CAG I'm sure you've had numerous threads about this I cancelled my DD with excercise 4 less without informing them I would be cancelling. I joined them on 7th September 2014 and cancelled the DD 6th May 2016, it was a 12 month contract. Ever since then I've been receiving letters from CSR today i received a letter from Spratt Edicott informing me about the debt I owe them of £186.47, and if I don't reply "may result in legal proceedings to recover the above balance unless you contact us to discuss your repayment proposals" Please any help will be appreciated Thank you in advance
  7. Hi all! Great job what you do here. On February i became a member of Advance Gym, it was a monthly pay membership so i paid the first membership on cash in advance when i started at the gym and i took the introductory session. I didn't like the gym and i cancel the DD and never came back. While after started the letters telling me that i owe 1 month, and after Harlans and CRS, now Spratt Endicott in asking for 156.49. I sent on June a mail to the gym through the web web page and the told me that i breached terms and conditions as i did't gave one month notice. Should i get an agreement and finish this? Or just ignore them? Thanks in advance for your help guys!
  8. Hi was wondering if anyone could help. Myself and my wife cancelled our DD in Feb this year. We moved last June but still kept paying but didn't use the gym. We made the mistake to cancel without informing the gym. We assumed that our memberships may have finished now I have received a letter from spratt endicott asking for £207 and will probably get another one soon for my wife. we are not really sure why its so much? shall I just call them to pay this? Thanks.
  9. Hello Everyone I've noticed there is plenty of threads in regards to memberships with X4L but every single one of them seems to have some unique twist on it after a long time of receiving letters from CRS and now spratt edicott I decided to share my problem. On the March 13th 2015 I started 12 month contract with X4L which I wanted to cancel before the contract ended as the membership started to hit my budget after a while. Unfortunately the process to achieve this was rather difficult with my only option to give proof of redundancy according to the first email I sent to the gym. That was not possible in my case as at that time I had no job. JI was a university student with very little cash. I decided to just bite the bullet and cancel direct debit around February-March 2016 time as the contract ended. From that point I started to receive letters from X4L and CRS. I have sent them another email with a request to cancel my gym membership and the response you can see in the second screenshot . I have no idea where they got 1 remaining payment from as the contract finished and my cancellation of direct debit meant I don't wish to continue with their membership. HI would not cancel direct debit if they had an easier option to end the membership. Currently I'm being harassed with calls(which are ignored) from them and I'm constantly receiving letters from CRS lately I have received a letter from spratt endicott demanding £131.49 I've attempted to just ignore them but they don't seem to give up In and the advice I received from Citizen Advice was to just pay which left me bit disappointed. My question is what should I do? Continue to ignore them or accept my fate and pay?
  10. Hi I’ve read a few posts on here but would really appreciate some advice please? Around this time last year there was a fire in my apartment block and the whole thing burnt down. Without going into too much detail, I lost everything, only recently getting some normality back. At the time of it happening I dealt with all kinds of bills and redirecting mail etc. The most insignificant thing was the Xercise4Less Gym membership. I went into the gym, spoke to a girl on reception and explained that I had relocated miles away so need to cancel. She told me not to worry and that my membership was cancelled, everything was sorted. I never signed anything, was asked to pay anything or filled in a form she just took my details and it was as simple as that. Obviously I the next place I went to was the bank to cancel the DD (amongst other things) and never heard anything about 6 months ago when I started to get bombarded with calls from Harland’s/ CRS with requests for £80 fees Eventually spoke to a manager at the E4L Leeds office and they said they would reduce it to £60 something. Told them it was a joke and they’ve obviously been sending correspondence to a building site and I have been incurring fees since. I would have paid the £10 membership at the time if I was made aware– I even offered to pay the £10 there and then. They couldn’t care less really and told me that I’d had an email with full terms and conditions so they weren’t willing to accept any responsibility. The argument continued until I eventually hung up on them. Left it at that, I haven’t heard anything until now when I received a text message from Spratt Endicott which seems to be their new solicitor? What would be the best course of action here? All they have is my phone number and previous address but they haven't made any real effort to contact me except for leaving automated voicemail and text messages. Judging by the comments on here I feel it would be best to ignore the texts/ calls but don't want to land myself in hot water Surely this just isn’t plausible? Thanks
  11. Hi, I have been receiving letters for month now telling me I owe £222.47 to Harlands. I have been reading here that I should ignore the letters. I signed up at the gym for 14.99/month via direct debit. I went once and cancelled the gym membership a few months after by cancelling the direct debit. This was around two years ago. I'm sick of getting these letters, I have just walked into the one from Spratt Endicott telling me that failure to reply to this notice within 7 days may result in legal proceedings to recover the above balance unless you contact us to discuss your repayment proposals. Continue to shred?
  12. For the attention of any members who may be able to help, I was a member of the Renfrew Xercise 4 Less - joined 2nd July 2014 - I have however, since then tried numerous times to cancel my membership (September 2015). I initially spoke over the phone and in person to members of the staff at the gym, where I was told with absolute authority, that I was "no longer a member". Although, I have now been receiving various letters from November to present about the erroneous procedure I apparently followed pertaining to the cancellation. Harlands Group is now attempting to get money from myself as part of their apparent contractual clause in the cancellation process. I was not made aware in any way, shape or form of the "correct" procedure in canceling, therefore I was under the impression I had successfully canceled the membership - which was stopping my Direct Debit. Now as some months have passed since September I have been incurring charges, of which they are compounding on a monthly basis. I have received a letter dated (6th January 2016) stating that I have limited days before my case is being transferred to a "Debt Recovery company". The debt company being CRS, note that I may incur further charges which can then lead to a court action. These charges and actions by the debt recovery company will adversely affect my credit score and future financing ability. This is an absolutely ridiculous situation I find myself in. As I have phoned and chased both Harlands and Xercise 4 Less over the past months (Nov 15 - Jan 16) I find myself in the same position, where I am receiving no help but only heightened charges. As a student I cannot be expected to pay these incredibly high figures, especially when the correct action was not made clear or mentioned by any member of staff. The now frightening part is that I have received a solicitors (Spratt and Endicott) letter stating that I have "7 days to contact" or legal preceding may take place. Thank you guys in anticipation, Connor.
  13. Hi, Hoping someone could help me, I've had a good read on the forum but can't find anything similar to my case. I joined gym/swimming pool and ended up going fairly regulary for 3 months (in a 12 month contract). The swimming pool kept being closed or out of use when I visited in the evening so after a while I decided to just cancel my DD. I didn't give any notice and am now being asked to pay £300 by Spratt Endicott within 7 days. What should I do? Thanks in advance!
  14. Hi there, I am new to the site so just wanted to say hello to start with! I am writing this thread regarding problems I have had since cancelling a gym membership at Xercise4Less in Leeds. I am writing in chronological order but the dates may be a bit out (apart from the most recent ones). I joined Xercise4Less on a £9.99 monthly rolling contract in October 2014, as I was at university in Leeds and wanted to use the gym. I never received a welcome email with my 'pin' to get in the gym, nor any terms and conditions or anything similar. Over the first few weeks, I went in multiple times to ask them to resend this email and amend my email address to the correct one, and was told that they would do and would send me the pin to access the gym. I was given a temporary pin and used the gym maybe 2 times during this period. However, I never received the email with my own pin or the welcome information, as I informed them. Over the year I was very ill, and had a lot of university stuff to sort out, and so not only did I not visit the gym I also didn't have time to chase them about my pin for gym access, although I had been in and requested it multiple times initially. I lost the temporary pin and so could not access the gym. Over the rest of the year I ignored the gym and completely forgot about the membership. At the end of the university year (June 2015) I left Leeds as it was the end of my final year, and moved back to Leicester. I cancelled my bank account and changed bank, and cancelled all outstanding standing orders (including the gym). I receive a lot of nuisance calls and texts on my phone so ignore all automated ones I got (some were from CRS but I had no idea they actually meant anything so I ignored them). I have now received a text from Spratt Endicott (7th December 2015) asking me to call them and quoting a reference number. As I have left the address I have received no correspondence about any of this so have no idea where to start. Any ideas? Thanks a lot in advance, sorry it's a bit wordy!
  15. Hello, Thought I could do with some advice, which I have an idea anyway but would like to make sure from the people with more knowledge on this. So, couple years back maybe around 2013ish signed up to the new Gym in Liverpool pre-opening, offered the £9.99 12 month contract. All is fine fine until around October/November when I wrote a letter informing them I have now moved and wished to cancel giving 1 months' notice. They then took another payment out which I sent a further letter asking why a payment was taken but no response. cancelled DD after that so no further payments could be taken. I did have proof of receipts but unfortunately after moving they seem to have been lost in transit. Forward on a month received a text saying I missed my payment and contact the gym, which I did and informed them I have moved, asked for copies to be sent by email and so I did but no reply. Then CRS got involved and despite telling them I've moved they failed to ask for my new address and despite having my email and mobile number decided to send letters to the old address - their excuse was that they dont make phone calls:!: They also seemed to have ignored every response I made, even forwarding them copies of the letters. they've quoted me £243.xx for fees which they have so far yet to substantiate. I presume from reading some of the threads here it relates to admin charges amongst other things? I was informed that they did a trace, which failed and then decided to do a further two traces, which also failed?! (could have done a check on my credit file to find my new address). Now I have a letter from Spratt Endicott requesting payment within the next 7 days. Not sure how they have managed to rack up charges from £9.99 to £243 though?! I'm quite happy to fight this right through to court but for the sake of my time I am also happy to pay a tenner to get rid of them. Your comments would be helpful Rob
  16. Hi CAG, I've joined Xercise 4 Less in February 2015. In July 2015 stopped going to gym but kept paying DD as per my agreement. I wasn't aware that it's a roll on contract so after 14th payment cancelled DD with the bank. Unfortunately never read their T&C's and on 27th May received first letter from Harlands with £34.99 to pay. I called their helpline to explain that I'm not paying any admin fees because didn't know about their roll on system and that I haven't used gym since July 2014. The woman gave me number to E4less and advised to call them which I never did. I then started receiving letters from CRS which I ignored. After reading about similar cases on your forum I went to gym in person accompanied by my Fiance as a witness to talk to their Manager and offer £9.99 as Cancellation fee but the manager said that we can close the case if I paid £69.99 which I've refused. That was on 7th October. Today received letter from Spratt Endicott Solicitors requesting contact within 7 days to discuss my payment proposals (the outstanding balance is now £171.47) Please can you advise me what to do now?
  17. I had an account with Xcercise4Less and i missed one payment because i was on holiday, When i got back i found i had all these charges on my account that made up to around £60. Obviously i didn't want to pay this, so i called them up and contacted them and they allowed me to make a new account with the charges on the old account being dropped. However a few weeks later i started receiving letters from Harlands saying i had to pay, i tried to phone them but they didn't answer after trying them a couple of times. So i just left it. I have now received a letter from Spratt Endicott Solicitors saying that they will take legal action in the next 7 days if i do not pay the balance of £241.40 . I am a student and can't afford to pay this much especially considering the yearly fees for the gym are £120. I just wondered if anyone could advise me on how to hand the situation? Thank you
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