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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I am currently having a problem with canceling an exercise 4 less contract. To cut a long story short, in June this year, I completed the online form to cancel my exercise 4 less contract. I did this after contacting Harlands who handle their financial dealings who e-mailed me back with details of how to cancel. I submitted the form and I heard nothing back from them, I assumed that all had gone well and the contract was now complete. A few weeks ago, I received a message from Harlands telling me that I had missed a payment and that I now owed that payment along with a fee for late payment. I phoned exercise for less to find out why they were still taking payments (something I hadn't noticed until I got the e-mail from Harlands) they told me that they had not received a cancellation form from me. I was advised to re-submit the form and the woman on the phone also told me she couldn't understand why I had received a message from Harlands as her computer was showing that no payments were missing. I re-submitted the form as requested by the lady on the phone now I am being pursued by Harlands I have also received an e-mail from exercise 4 less saying that I have not given them 30 days notice. I DID give them 30 days notice when I first submitted a cancellation form and if anything, they owe me money for failure to cancel and continuing to take payments they are not entitled to. They were supposed to cancel the direct debit themselves as it states on their cancellation form, but they clearly have not done this. Communication with them is so slow and I feel they are purposefully delaying responding to me in order to drag this out so they can just keep on adding charges. I still have the e-mail I sent Harlands back on June 12th 2017. I need help to figure out what to do to sort this as it is like talking to a brick wall trying to communicate with these people. Thank you
  2. Hi I’ve read a few posts on here but would really appreciate some advice please? Around this time last year there was a fire in my apartment block and the whole thing burnt down. Without going into too much detail, I lost everything, only recently getting some normality back. At the time of it happening I dealt with all kinds of bills and redirecting mail etc. The most insignificant thing was the Xercise4Less Gym membership. I went into the gym, spoke to a girl on reception and explained that I had relocated miles away so need to cancel. She told me not to worry and that my membership was cancelled, everything was sorted. I never signed anything, was asked to pay anything or filled in a form she just took my details and it was as simple as that. Obviously I the next place I went to was the bank to cancel the DD (amongst other things) and never heard anything about 6 months ago when I started to get bombarded with calls from Harland’s/ CRS with requests for £80 fees Eventually spoke to a manager at the E4L Leeds office and they said they would reduce it to £60 something. Told them it was a joke and they’ve obviously been sending correspondence to a building site and I have been incurring fees since. I would have paid the £10 membership at the time if I was made aware– I even offered to pay the £10 there and then. They couldn’t care less really and told me that I’d had an email with full terms and conditions so they weren’t willing to accept any responsibility. The argument continued until I eventually hung up on them. Left it at that, I haven’t heard anything until now when I received a text message from Spratt Endicott which seems to be their new solicitor? What would be the best course of action here? All they have is my phone number and previous address but they haven't made any real effort to contact me except for leaving automated voicemail and text messages. Judging by the comments on here I feel it would be best to ignore the texts/ calls but don't want to land myself in hot water Surely this just isn’t plausible? Thanks
  3. Hi, Just wondering if someone can offer a bit of advice, I'm not sure of the name of the company involved as it is my sister who has been given the fine however I can get that info if needed. My sister went to an excercise 4 less gym which has a private car park. She was going for a PT session at the gym but isn't a full blown member of the gym. The gym has a car park near the town centre and any vehicles that they believe aren't visiting the gym get £50 fines. The receptionist never asked my sister to sign in or fill in any forms upon her arrival. needless to say, my sister received a £50 fine. She spoke to the gym who confirmed that she was at the gym at the time and had a pre booked appointment with an instructor. They said they will contact the clamping company and tell them she was visiting the gym and all would be fine. The clamping company have rejected this stating that my sister should have signed in at reception to confirm her car details. Again my sister was never asked to do this at the gym... but either way the gym have said she was visiting the gym so i don't see why they still refuse to leave it. They have now threatened that if it is not paid in a certain amount of days she will get £100 fine and if that isn't paid they will take court action. Is it worth her letting them take it to court. Personally I feel they are being unfair and if the gym are happy to give evidence to prove she was visiting the gym I'm not sure they would have a great case, But.. I'm not the expert. Anyone got any advice?
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