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Found 9 results

  1. Hi All, A friend of mine is having a problem that I'm helping with. He purchased a secondhand Mercedes sports car for £26,000 from what he considered a reputable car dealer (not main dealer)it was delivered Thursday 13th July 2017. They are FCA regulated (Ref No 658267 ) and a representative of (MBI) Limited (Ref No 312143) He paid £10,000 deposit cash and the rest on finance with Close, the first day he noticed problems which were reported the second day, he thought there were gearbox problems and noticed the active intelligent lights were not working. He was asked not to drive the car and either get it brought back or taken to a local garage to see the problem, he managed to get it into a Mercedes specialist on the next day - there was a 9 page faults list including electronics, possible not Mercedes front lights and engine misfiring on some cylinders. He did not drive the car as advised and called dealer supplied the report and asked for a refund, the dealer said he would consider it, I helped him draft a letter Monday 17th saying under the consumer right act - right to return, he would like the car picked up, and a full refund based on the independent report and his right to return a faulty car. I listed the main faults, I also noted the cost he had incurred in taking the car to garage getting home then having to pick it up again, he also had to pay for engine oil and other expenses. I sent this to the finance company as well asking for acknowledgment, they haven't as of yet. So far the dealer has refused a refund and said they won't accept responsibly until they have an independent report done, I pointed out that they have had that for 3 days. it's nearly a week and they have the car, the report, his money and he doesn't have any transport. Thoughts?
  2. Hi, I am new user, I need some help with dreams who are refusing to repair my bed. I purchased a Titanium tv bed from dreams i have complain to the shop that the mattress doesn't fitted the bed and my pillows keep falling down the back of the bed i was told this so i can change the bedding. However, last month the slats broken at the end of the bed and side rail broken contacted dreams they sent out an independent assessor who couldn't even lift the mattress up off the bed my husband had to help him took a couple of pictures and send a letter a week later saying it the fault of customer he said it was heavy downward impact or pressure to cause this damage and said customer said they only lying on the bed but i i also sit on the end of the bed. The mattress to the bed very heavy i cannot pick it and have difficulty puting bedding on the bed. The slats on the bed are thin and not strong enough for the mattress and the mattress move to the bottom of the bed as there a big gap at the to of the bed. The bed is just one year old with 10 years warranty and i paid# 3,317.00 on a loan can you help me as i cannot sleep on my side of the bed.
  3. A barrister who dodged train fares for two years has been brought to justice Dr Peter Barnett, 44, was given a 16-week suspended sentence after swindling a rail company out of £5,892. Australian-born Dr Barnett, who won a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University, had been accused of avoiding £19,689. But his lawyer Angus Bunyan argued successfully that the figure – based on the full single fare for each dodged journey – was too high. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/609167/Barrister-fare-dodger-two-years-sentenced-court http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/569758/Lawyer-prison-rail-fare?_ga=1.49340771.450238813.1443865536
  4. Hello all I'm in a bit of flat spin and need help. Long story short I brought a new car last week on pcp, happy with it it's awesome. However my wife discovers we are expecting our third baby!! ( not planned ) but the car I brought won't be big enough for three car seats and I hadn't financially planned for a new edition so new car would be a strain on money. Where do I stand in cancelling the contract and returning the car? Like I said there's nothing wrong with it and I have done 18 miles in it. The car a pxd is there I just want to swap it back but the dealer is being a bit vague and said come in and we will discuss what we can do. I'm going in the morning just after some advice where I stand? Cheers Andy
  5. A series of court cases has resulted in nine women in the Bristol area being convicted of conning about £20m from friends and family by running an illegal pyramid scheme:- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/nine-convicted-of-multi-million-pound-pyramid-promotional-scheme I started to take an interest in this story back in 2008 when it was reported in the Daily Mail. I feel sorry for all the people who have been conned out of their money.
  6. For the full story : - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23099564
  7. I brought a Dell laptop from Argos 17 months ago. 8 months later it had a motherboard failure & Dell replaced it. Today the motherboard has again failed. I have spoken to Dell support and they advise that it is going to be 180 for repair as the laptop is over 12 months old. I understand that the warranty covers me for 12 months, however seeing as the original fault occured when the laptop was 8 months old I think that this shows the laptop is not fit for purpose. It is my understanding that under the sales of goods act, items sold by retailers should last for a suitable amount of time. I feel that a 400 laptop should last more than 17 months, especially without a fault occuring after 8 months. Dell are also advising that the replacement motherboard was a refurbished motherboard and therefore would only be expected to last for 3 months. I was not told this at the time and it is not something that I would have accepted. Is there anything you can advise?
  8. Hi guys, brought a car from a trader about 3 weeks ago now, about a week ago it developed a fault and i had to be recovered and has now left me without a car for about a week The seller is saying that all he will do is give 5% of the purchase price which is classed as their warrenty, so this means ill only see £85 to get the vehicle transported to a garage, diagnosed and repaired.... but does this go against the SoGA or is £85 the best ill see? if i had the car longer than 2 weeks when it developed the issue then i wouldnt be as annoyed but 2 weeks is silly! any help would be great
  9. Think someone on here said that we should start complaining to the ICO regarding welcome and their credit file habits.
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