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  1. Hello Early last month I sent a SAR request (used excellent template letter for this site) plus ten pound fee, to Bank of Scotland regarding a credit card we have had since 1991. Today received just a copy of the signed application, with hope this meets your requirements on the attached compliment slip, am I right in thinking that we should have received much more? Do you think this is just an error on their part, or does it have a greater meaning? Sorry if I’m being a dense, hope to hear from someone soon. Thanks…
  2. Please help. I got a 'speculative notice' from an NCP owned car park in Edinburgh for failing to park within a bay. Won't bore you with my excuse, but I had a good reason. I have no intention of paying the £120 demand (generously reduced to £60 if paid within 14 days). Am I right in thinking that I can just ignore all the threatening letters likely to come my way, or are things different under Scots law? Does Scotland's small claims court system make it easier for them to take action? Thanks for any advice/help.
  3. http://blacktrianglecampaign.org/2012/10/10/disabled-scots-to-be-spared-atos-assessment-after-firm-forced-into-retreat-thanks-to-daily-record-campaign/
  4. Hi new user , I have read a lot of posts about the parking eye letters and how you should really just ignore them ,but I wondered if it makes any diffrence when the car you are driving is a company car , you are the registered driver with the company and the DVLA, but I am considering just ignoring this demand for money , but my worry is that will my company get wind of this or is it really just a matter between me and parking eye. If so I am bracing myself for the nasty letters and havent responded to the 1st letter and have read thats the best action. Any advice would be much obliged.
  5. Ok so I found out I had PPI on an old BOS credit card. Sent them a lovely letter asking for it back etc and listed my reasons which were I was self-employed at the time of the card being taken out, had the means to cover my bills anyway and I did not want the PPI. They have sent me a letter saying they are not upholding my claim because they say I ticked the box for PPI and they apparently sent me info about PPI. They claim that they gave me info at the point of sale (which apparently was 'non contact' so I'm not sure how they could have done this) regarding the exclusions and limitations of the policy and that I was not affected by them. There were also no alternative policies available at the time of the policy being taken out. Therefore they don't find it to be missold. Is all lost?
  6. Hi there folks, I am new to threads etc but here is the deal.. . I have been dealing with this company for a wee while now and i am starting to really question the legitimacy of their ways. I have attached a visitation letter that i received this morning (17/9/12) stating i have dishonored their agreement blah blah. I had a direct debit with them for £20 per month and everything was hunkydorey until i lost my job last November (2011) due to my health. I was unemployed until June 14th of this year, i have struggled to keep a roof over my head and even eat, my student loan was the only thing keeping me alive (just barely) and i have been living off around £40 a month.....but i still payed them!!! All of a sudden my direct debit seemed to miraculously stopped for no known reason, there was always money in the account to pay them (i like the easy life and have far to much to deal with right now than lovely red text letter trying to force me to give them money). I contacted them in April asking why they stopped the direct debit (because the bank didn't and i certainly did not). I was given no real answer, just another disgruntled Glaswegian call centre worker reading his pre made script. I told them why i lost my job (i was diagnosed with a spinal disease that is incurable, im only 26), to my surprise they seemed quite compassionate and i thought everything was fine. We arranged for a direct debit to be set up again of £20 per month so happy days. NO! far from it, i started to receive text messages saying i must contact them urgently etc, so i obliged, phoned them, got another disgruntled worker, who read their script, and spoke to me which can only be described as a piece of excrement on the end of their shoe. He told me we are going to visit you etc. Now under Scottish law what is the deal with these visit letters? I am in the process of contacting the bank who the debt was originally for as BCW wont give me any official proof that they have this debt contract on the bank's behalf. I have no money, behind in rent, planning a wedding, no savings, no property (as i can only just pay rent), no assets, plus i am trying to put myself through my final year of college (HND sound production). As you can see the debt is for £717 or something, and never seems to go below £700. I will try and get other letters from the year to draw comparisons. Can someone please help me here? what can i do, who can i talk to or see? Its beyond a joke and they are not professional at all. I live in Scotland, i am Scottish, but i dont know too much about Scottish debt laws etc. Please help. Thank you
  7. Hello there, I've received a letter telling me that my overdraft debt of £600 that I took out in 2008 when I was at University has been sold to 1st credit. This is entirely my fault- I moved house and forgot all about as I was an a-typical, Young Ones style student. I understand that I will probably have to repay the debt, but I was looking for advice on peoples previous experiences and what kind of reduction, if any, I could negotiate with them. I live in Scotland, am currently within the first year of being Self Employed and although I could absorb the cost, it would certainly help if I could negotiate a reduction / repayment plan with them. I have provided a screen grab of my credit report below showing the details / time periods of the overdraft for further information. I've not as yet responded to 1st Credit I've only just received the letter informing me that the debt was sold on the 31st of July this year. Any help and guidance that you can provide me with would be very gratefully received. Many thanks in advance, Rokkos
  8. Hi all, Some 10 - 12 years ago I was in a whole heap of bother but I have worked hard to clear my feet by doing repayment plans with DCAs and by settling some by offering a full and final settlement figure. My crdeit rating is still very poor according to Experian BUT I am getting there and have had 1 CCJ in the past which has now been off my file for 2 years Anyway the real point of this post The other night I was out as was my hubby and his pal was dog sitting, 2 guys came to door and said something along the lines of they were officers of the court and had official court papers to serve me (they quoted my maiden name - been married 3 months) Hubbys pal heard the words court and official and got in a tiz and said I didnt live here and he had no idea who i was. They were very polite non threatening and left. We came home and he explained what had happened we called local criminal and civil court and they had nothing for my name or address, Experian shows 1 late payment recently (due to a change of bank accounts) and 1 default in 2006 to Capquest (no idea what for or who capquest are but have read about them on here I can only assume that was for a TMobile contract I contested at the time as it was an ex who ran up a huge bill - but that is another story) So at the minute I have no idea if these guys were sheriff officers? Who they were acting for? Any time limits that now be ticking away? or how to find any of this out. Can anyone help me please, if the debt is mine I will try to arrange a payment plan and hope they will accomodate that but I am now worried that they will take further action without me knowing. The only other possibility I can think of was a contested local authority parking ticket which I contested at the time (although I did not recieve any notification my complaint had been upheld the disabled bay in question was burnt off - the whiite lines were removed 2 weeks after I sent my letter of dispute) Please can someone tell me what I can do as I lay awake most of the night worrying and I have been down that road before to the point it made me very ill - but thats enough of the sob story!! Any advice greatly appreciated. It may be worth mentioning that although I have moved houses over the last 12 years I have not moved out of range of the courts I contacted yesterday and I assume action is taken in the court local to me? Any help appreciated greatly Thanks
  9. Hi all, new poster so if the post would be best moved please someone help me how to do so. I'd appreciate if anyone could help with a friend's situation. He has substantial debt with credit card companies & has no hope of ever clearing this debt. The debt has been around for a number of years now & he has to be honest buried his head in the sand over it. To the best of his knowledge he has never responded to or acknowledged any letters or phonecalls from any DCA's for over 5yrs. The debt has been sold back & forth through several companies over this time. He lives with his elderly parents & has no significant assets or income of his own as such. Despite myself & a number of other friends telling him to declare himself bankrupt, he has always refused to do so because of the perceived stigma that goes along with it. I have used this site before & have passed on templates to get phonecalls & threats of visits stopped. While searching for info i have read about debts becoming 'statute barred' after a period of 5yrs in Scotland. Is this a viable route for him to go down in his particular situation? Some facts about his case which may or may not help.... The debt is owed to several credit card companies approx £80K. He has always lived at the same address. He never replies or acknowledges any letter/phonecall,this has been the case for over 5yrs. He has never been taken to court over any of these debts. Any help/advice would be welcome on what the best course of action is. Thanks in advance
  10. Hi there, I'm a new user here looking for advice on the above. Took a student loan in 1995 and again in 1996. Never earned enough to repay the loans and was really lazy about sending back deferral forms. Heard no more until Late December 2008 (lived abroad between 2004 and 2006) when court papers were delivered to my door. Didn't attend the court hearing (was in a really bad way emotionally!) and hoped it would all go away. Have accessed my credit report recently and seen that a CCJ was entered against me on 14/1/2009. Should this not have been statute barred by the time they took it to court? (Only found out about SB recently). I made no contact with them or acknowledged the loan at any time. Also, I'm presuming this was the old type SL. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks lmcd
  11. Please help as I am in a situation. In June a possession order for mortgage arrears was granted by a court in Clerkenwell for my flat. I had been unable to attend the hearing because I had been looking after my sick mother for a period of time, and missed the letters informing me of the hearing. When I found the letters in early July they were saying to award possession on or before the 12th July. Before that date I filed a N244 form requesting that the order be set aside and a new hearing date be set. I also contacted the lenders solicitors and told them that I wanted to clear my arrears. On the 12th July nothing happened. I contacted the court and they told me that the N244 is waiting to be seen by a Judge. They would write to me when a court date was ready. Yesterday I recieved a letter saying my new hearing date is this Monday 6th August at 15:00. 1) Is being away looking after a sick relative a good enough reason to have missed a hearing? 2) What documentation do I take into the hearing? 3) I need some help as to how to craft my response. Thanks in advance
  12. Have had a bit of a wade through the posts here, as I am currently considering a move to Scotland from the UK. I do have a bit of a debt, one CCJ and several defaults, that will obviously follow me there. The process appears very different however. Can someone explain to me please the main differences between Scots and English Law regarding debt? Have to say, from what I have seen, the Scottish law seems somewhat harsher - the thought of an arrestment of my bank account would be a complete disaster. Thanks for any advice.
  13. I have received a letter from a solicitor in England concerning an Orange mobile account. This company is threatening a county court proceedings against me for a bill from Orange. What is the procedure in Scotland concerning this issue. I have phoned Orange about this account and they do not seem to know ANYTHING about it. I am writing a letter to the lawyers about this account requesting information about this account. Basically the questions are 1. What is this bill for. 2. When was this account taken out with orange. 3. What was the starting date and finishing date of this contract 4. What was the final amount of this bill 5. I want a breakdown of my bill and your charges. If anyone can help me with some legal jargon concerning the procedures that I can put into my letter I would appreciate it. Thanks Eileen:-)
  14. Hi folks. To cut a long story short, my husband brought a civil case against his ex who lives in Scotland.it took THREE years to get it to court through one thing and another. Anyway, my husband lost....badly. The sherriff said he felt he lied under oath....he did not... and that some of the evidence was not true..it was and we can prove it. We feel very let down by our solicitor as they did not present half the evidence we had. However the sherriff has awarded FULL costs to his ex....she went for £5k and has said if my husband appeals he will condiser referring him to the Lord Advocate for criminal proceedings as he feels he lied under oath!!! We are furious. He did not lie and the evidence he claims is a lie we can prove beyond doubt that it is not. We are struggling to get hold of the solicitor, and my husband has said he will go to jail before he pays a penny to her. It appears that something is very wrong in all of this and we dont know what to do now. f he doesnt pay what will happen? We have a house in joint names can they go after this? How does it work if we live in England?? Any advice gratefully received.....this year has been a freakin mare for us and im not sure how much more we can take.
  15. I have had an offer to settle 2 PPI claims from BOS - in true Banking style they have made a bit of a mess of things sending me two letters referring to the 2 PPI claims but merging the information in one letter and excluding half the information in the other. They have offered a final response settlement but I cannot figure out how they have arrived at any of their figures. The PPI was applied on a monthly basis to the two credit cards I had with BOS. The cards were taken over by MBNA in 2006 who settled my claims on both cards swiftly last year and with figures that equated to what I was expecting courtesy of the Spreadsheet provided in the forums. I have copies of all my statements going back to 1992. On the first card the first PPI payment is on 5/3/92 and on that card up until 15/7/06 I paid out a total of £572.12 in PPI payments. On the other card the first PPI payment is on 10/7/95 and on that card up until 10/7/06 I paid out a total of £457.56 in PPI payments. BOS have offered me £2380.14 in total to settle both these claims. If I enter a notional interest rate of 18% (my guess at an average APR over the time-span of the claim) the spreadsheet shows total figures of £2419.01 and £1637.05 respectively which is a higher figure than that on offer. Does the 8% interest get added to the figures I have calculated? If so does this interest rate apply from the start of the charges to the current date or up to the date when MBNA took over the cards? BOS have not provided any of the information requested in the standard letter I used to initiate the claim. Any advice gratefully appreciated.
  16. Hello all. Been quite some time since I have posted on here. Kind of got side tracked din the whole reclaiming thing by strarting my own business. Time to get back on it though as a few things have come back and bitten me on the bum so to speak. After a meeting with the CAB I have a new to do list A few debts with the Shop Direct Group(additions direct, littlewoods ect). Thinking these may now be 6 years old and ready for a letter to go out to wipe them off British Credit Trust- will gp into a bit more detail in a bit but they have a charging order on the house bank Of Scotland- Paying £100 a month out of hubbys wages and have been for a few years now. A few PPis with in this loan, complicated so may need help. Capital one. Hubby owes them £300 they owe us in charges £1100. Dead easy just been left a few years ago at point of court, so need to rekindle that some how. So my main two concerns are British Credit Trust and Bank Of Scotland. British Credit Trust. This is now a charging order on my house and has been for a few years. The loan originated by a company called Protector Coat. basically they coated the front of my house in this wall covering that is under a 25 year warranty. Even if we change windows they will come a redo it . Now Protector Coat have gone bust I hear and they can no longer keep to this warranty. Hubby read somewhere that due to this reason if anything happens to the wall coating the warranty cannot be fulfilled and the debt is written off. Does anybody Know about this ???????? They wasted no time in the charging order and the amount they have charged is actually double what I borrowed. I cant seem to find any info on them other than car repo Bank Of Scotland Borrowed an initial sum of money with PPI then wanted more so paid that off with a larger amount of money and again PPI then done the same third and fourth time. Each time taking PPI. The problem we have is that each time it was missold as we were told we had to have but the fourth loan we actually used the PPI. So we know we cant claim that but can we claim back the full amounts of the previos three or is it just a percentage amount as they loans were paid back early ( with new loans) Any Commemts or advice on these two would be fab thanks Olives x
  17. Help needed PLEASE Can a debt collection agency from England enforce an English debt in Scotland. I moved from England to Scotland owing in the region of £40,000 from credit cards and bank loans. theses were all getting paid when I was working but due to ill health they haven't been for two years. I am now in receipt of ESA & DLA I cant work any more now im being slowly been chased for debt which i left behind, maybe it was wrong but I was pestered so much it was making me ill and putting a strain on my marriage. T wrote to all creditors when in England but got no joy from them, did all the CCA letters etc etc. so i left and moved to Scotland where i have been happy and been stress free for two years until now........ 1. What I need to know can they enforce this debt 2. If I was to go down the LILA route would my car be taken from me valued at around £3000, I live in a rural area of Scotland and need my car for hospital appointments I have a limited mobility and not able to walk without severe pain,if this was taken from me I would be virtually tired down to my home. Thanks for all help given
  18. hello i am going to reclaim ppi from an old tsb account had a few loans plus i have a tsb creditcard account that has been sold onto a debt recovery agency any advice greatly appreciated i was thinking of putting in a sar to start with is this the way to go and will a sar get me all the info i need ty in advance
  19. Hi, To start, I appreciate any feedback from some experienced people, I know from my work that it can be very taxing to hear people panicking with new problems. So thanks in advance. I'm a student recently graduated in Scotland who was in my current flat for nearly 2 years with a 500£ deposit. I issued my months notice on the final rent payment this month by post, i met my landlord 5 days later who said he received no such letter and was shocked. He was quick to point out ' was it registered mail?' - it wasnt. I told him verbally and personally posted in a photocopy of the letter a few days later. Yesterday he inspected the flat and I respect that he wanted it cleaner, openly taking notes so I could get it right. He quickly mentioned, then basically took charge that it would need 'professional cleaning' of 150£. The oven also needs 150£ cleaning. I got a bit nervous and said give me a few days ( the tenancy ends on the 7th of june) and he gave me till tomorrow. He pointed out things including - dust on the telephone, dust on the loo roll holder and some lint behind a couch. That was 300£, then he said ' and you didnt give me a full months notice... it could have been registered mail ( he claims he still never received it and i cant prove he didnt) and now wants to deduct a weeks rent ( almost 100£). What do I do here? When he told me he never received the letter I told him I would be out and hand the keys back by tomorrow, a week early, to balance the week ' he didnt know' about my leaving. He acted like I never said that before and ' i will think about it' - which no doubt means he wont accept it. I am going with a friend to do a deeper clean tomorrow, then calling him to finally inspect it. we are going to take detailed photos and record the state of the flat. My deposit was paid well before any of this ' deposit protection scheme' stuff that i hear is coming to scotland - i entered the flat in august 2010. I have no idea who i can speak to. He just took charge speaking about ' i want to be fair' and suddenly 400£ was gone. He even said ' i've never given a full deposit back'. I dont know what justifys ' clean' and simply rediculous things like a bit of dust on a loo roll holder. I have no idea how I can oppose him other than small claims court and finally, when he browbeats me tomorrow, I dont know what to say to challenge him other than '' i dont consent to that'' - but how do I appeal? I appreciate any guidance.
  20. Hi there, Last year, my flatmate's uncle decided to buy a five bed flat which he would let to his niece and her chosen flatmates for the duration of her university stay, with the intention that he would continue to let the flat after she had left to prospective students. We were to find the flat, given a budget for the mortgage and to liaise with him as a prospective landlord as to issues of price. The aim was to move in over the summer, however issues with the solicitor and with the HMO licence needed to rent to students meant that for a short period we were renting off the previous owner of the flat at a reduced rent that his previous tenants had paid, before the new landlord took over the property. This meant that the lease began on the 1st of September, which is quite unusual from our experience of student leases in the area. Whilst we were tenants at the property, several problems arose whereby the landlord had to be contacted directly. It was the landlord's express wish that most problems with the properly were to be dealt with directly to them, but would need the involvement of his niece, who was to take care of the flat. One instance was the bathroom leak into the flat below, causing the landlady of the flat downstairs to pay a short visit to the property and in no uncertain terms tell us if that if the leak was not fixed she would not leave the doorstep. A plumber was demanded, and due to her aggressive nature the matter was deal with by the tenants rather than the landlord, as the landlord was at work. The result of the situation was that expenses had to be paid for a plumber who dd not perform a satisfactory job, and the property had no water for a short while. Around this time, the boiler also broke. Both of these problems were fixed within three weeks, although the problem of drainage in the bath and toilet (the latter into the former) persisted a short while longer. During this time, it also became apparent that one of the bedrooms was experiencing a large problem of damp due to the problems of the building's room. After six months, this problem, although given attention, was not resolved and the room remained largely uninhabitable for the tenant. It is the opinion of the both visiting factor and of all tenants that should the landlord wish, he would not be able to rent the room to any other prospective tenant. In March this year, the landlord's niece informed us that she wished for someone else to move in from September, and that we were to move out. We have had extreme difficulty in finding a HMO flat at an irregular time, and have finally signed a lease for a flat whose lease begins on the 1st of August. Due to no fault of our own, and bearing in mind that we had no intention of leaving of our own accord, we are forced to pay double rent on both properties. The tenant whose room was affected by the damp is intending to use the cause of the lease which states that rent is payable on the condition that the landlord upholds his or her responsibility to keep the flat in a reasonable state of habitation. However, do the rest of us have a legal leg to stand on? A tenant won't be found to take over the lease for one month, yet the three of us are struggling to find jobs and are students with little income. Unless we can have an ace up our sleeve, we'll lose up to seven hundred quid paying for a flat that we aren't allowed to live in.
  21. Hi I'm new here and not sure if I'm on the right forum or not. My brother is an executor and a major beneficiary (as am I) of my late uncle's will. I have been emailing his lawyer as my brother would not let me even park on the drive of my late uncle's house, half of which as well as half of his estate, has been left to me. I was told today that my brother has disposed of the contents of the house, which is now on the market, as they were worthless. Surely, those contents were half mine and he had no right to dispose of them. Can I take any action against him for this? It would be Scottish law as the estate is in Scotland. Any help or advice would be much appreciated as I'm just totally sickened by the way I'm being treated as if I have no rights at all. Just as an added bit of interest, my brother had power of attorney before my uncle died. The accounts I have received are as basic as a five year old would create for a school tuck shop.
  22. I'm writing to find out if you could possibly guide me in the right direction. In May of 2010 after being made redundant at my job, I moved to the UK where I was unemployed for 6 months before gaining a full time position. I left behind considerable debt that was built with my ex-husband during our marriage. This includes a foreclosure on a property, and most likely 1 seized vehicle (I am not sure of the final outcomes of either), as well as various credit card debt. Before I left I had attended mediation with my ex (separated...not divorced yet) at which point it was agreed that he would carry the debt and in return I would not seek alimony or child support. He has now declared bankruptcy (he is paying a lump monthly sum) and the debtors seem to be tracking me down to Scotland. I left him with all of the assets including 2 new fully paid for vehicles to cover my portion of the unsecured debts. Unfortunately I do not have this in writing. My question is, can these debts that were signed for jointly in Canada be legally enforced here in Scotland? And if so, at what point am I supposed to have been contacted by any of the companies? From what I understand the province of Alberta has a 2 year statute of limitations on collecting debt, however, I don't know if this applies if the debt is assigned to a collector. I received a note from a private investigator through my door today asking me to call him. I assume this is one of the companies owed money tracking me down. I unfortunately do not have the income to fight a court battle, in Canada against my ex (or to file bankruptcy which will run into $3000-$5000 price range in legal fees), nor here. I'm worried about the garnishment of my wages as well....from the information I have been able to gather if I earn under $1330 per month they cannot take more than $194 in payments? I know this is very complicated, but any information you could give would be greatly appreciated. The entire situation is making me quite ill. Kind Regards, H
  23. OK....so I'm certain this will have been covered in other posts but I'm confuzzled by the sheer number! I have about £25k of debt dating back several years and I plan to finally sort things out once and for all. I got a full credit report and have all the relevant details but I'm unsure about a few things. I realise that 5 years have to have elapsed and this seems to be the case for all bar one of the debts (that one reaches the 5 year mark in December 2011). Can I start the 5 year count down from the date of my last payment to each as the default dates ar are all several months after? Do the relevant companies HAVE to respond favourably to my standard letter or can they challenge my application for the debts to be statute barred even if I meet all the criteria? If any of the companies in turn tell me that it is not in fact 5 years after all, and produce evidence that I in fact had contacted them and acknowledged the debt (something I'm sure isn't the case but I'm trying to cover all the bases here), will they then begin to pursue me relentlessly to ensure they get their money back before 5 years HAS elapsed? I should reiterate that as indicated in my post title, I am in Scotland. Many thanks in anticipation of the usual high quality advice
  24. Morrison-Low v Paterson, Scottish Land Court, 2010. The main case. This case has created lots of news, particularly due to the decision that the income derived by a tenant from Single Farm Payment is not an item from which the Landlord may derive rent. The Court allowed a modest rental element to reflect the opportunity offered by the land to claim the single payment, relying on the relatively low payment figures for naked (unused) acres readily available in the Scottish market. Other headlines were: The Court allowed limited duration tenancies and short limited duration tenancies to be used as comparable evidence for a 1991 Act tenancy The court applied the same approach to marriage value as Childers v Anker i.e., that it should be excluded when considering comparables but included in respect of the subject holding The general consensus on its applicability to English and Welsh rent reviews appears to be that it should not affect them but this needs to be tested in an arbitration or through the courts. In England, single payment income is usually not considered part of the earning capacity but is a relevant factor, so was added in below the bottom line. This does not seem to have been upset by this case. With thanks to SG Landscope.
  25. Hi, Wish I had found this forum way before now, looks like it's full of good good people. Ok here's my current situtation. I was working as an IT consultant but have been suffering from serious depression and anxiety and have been on Employment Support Allowance since March 2009. I am receiving the standard £64 per week. My Wife is currently the director of a Ltd. company and runs a restaurant which is barely making ends meet since opening September 2007. She has been unable to take any form of wage since around March 2008 due to there being no funds available. She worked 60 hours per week 6 days a week for nearly the last 2 years. This in turn means that she has not been able to qualify us for the income related ESA component, or council tax benefit or assistance with our mortgage repayments. I have a 2 year old son who is receiving all the love and attention that he could possibly want. So right now we are living on my ESA, Child/Working Tax credit and child benefit, all of which totals around £870 per month. THE PROBLEM We used to have 3 accounts with RBS, all of which we have now defaulted on with each of them being in a negative balance (overdraft). We received contact from Anderson Fyfe (RBS Solicitors) stating they would be taking us to court if no contact was made. We made contact with Anderson Fyfe (as we had done already to RBS) to explain our dire situation. We offered them £40 per month (obtaining assistance from our parents), which was flatly refused by Anderson Fyfe. We were told that the minimum monthly payment that RBS would accept would be no less than £100 per calander month. We explained to them that this was not financially possible from any angle, at which point the call was wrapped up stating that a court action would be raised against us. I have just had the court documents fall through my mailbox this morning and I am starting to freak out. We have already explained at every step to both RBS and Anderson Fyfe that we just do not have the money available they are asking for to pay them, and now this Citation is the result. I have just discovered that this is classed as an "Ordinary Cause" debt, total is about £12,000. I would really appreciate any advice from anyone regarding this as to say I'm freaking out would be an understatement. We can't even go and sell the house as we would receive no benefit from the negative equity of a sale, getting a council house would be a fruitless task also as we are receving no benefit from the council either. Please help me! Yours very worried, Paul.
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