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  1. i got into trouble paying littlewoods each month, as i lost my job and was tough to find monthly payments. last time i paid littlewoods i only had half the amount they wanted, think they wanted £85 and i only had £40. though the £40 was the only money i had that week, so i didnt pay, as we needed to eat. eventually littlewoods passed this debt of around £530 to lowells. i remember getting letters from lowells about making arrangements to pay this debt off. after awhile i decided to phone them. i said i would pay them £15 a month till debt was paid off, by this time the had gone from £530 to £684, with their charges. guy i spoke too said £15 wasnt enough, and said id have to fill in a income expenditure form, which i said i didnt want to do, so i said ok ill give you £20 a month, then he said if i paid £22.50 a month it would be paid off 4 months earlier, so i said ok, and set up a direct debit, the debt is down to £507 now. after reading about lowells on here i am seriously thinking of stopping the direct debits to them, and getting in touch with littlewoods and say to them ill pay them direct ,id like some advice on this matter, if i should cancel dd or carry on paying lowells till debt is paid ?
  2. Hi Took 1st credit 16mths to produce 2 sets of T & C for a CCa request no sigs..Today get a letter from connaught say they will pay 60% of the debt and OH pay 40%..me thinks they have no Executed CCa lol..they even said we can only offer this deal for one mth ..take up the oppitunity now lol:)
  3. Lowells have placed a default on partners credit file. We moved out of our house temporary (6mths) and in this time wifey applied for a very account which as far as i gather is part of shopdirect which freemans is a part of of which we have an account very good standing i.e 5k limit £1800 used and is a long standing account. Upon trying to get a loan to carry out further home improvements she got declined. so checked credit expert and low and behold there is 5 defaults red 8's no late payments etc... As you can see the default was for £29 From what we can remember of the situation was that when she applied and ordered everything went through fine until a phone call a few weeks later asking if she is the same person they have on their records(freemans account) at a different address, to which we confirmed we was and explained we was living temporary at this address. Out of the blue they seemed to shut the very account down as there is no credit agreement on credit expert or late payments etc... my wife tried to log in to pay the £29 but was unable to log in. We then received a default notice (plus 12 charge) on our freemans account in the account section, which we have now looked into and have realised it relates to the new very account as we haven't missed a payment on the freemans for over 2 years and has the very account number, we didn't notice this at the time and thought it was just an error. What would be best plan of action? the original amount was only £29 and rose to £137 as you can probably see we have agreed to pay it of in £20 monthly payments but hadnt realised they had placed a default on CR Was going to fire a arrange payment for Default removal before I go for CCA/Dispute/SAR?? Is this the procedure most would go for?
  4. http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14477/online-news/pe-firms-bid-to-acquire-arrow-global-
  5. Hi all, My apologies if this has been asked a thousand times before - I'm still fairly new to this & am in need of your most helpful advice again. I recently sent a CCA request to Lowells regarding a vanquis CC debt, firstly I got the standard 'we have requested a copy from the OC' letter, then 2 weeks ago received a letter stating that the original agreement no longer exists due to the age of the account, that they would not be contacting me regarding this again & that any detrimental information would be removed from my credit file. Today I have received a computer printed application form with no signatures & a copy of current terms & conditions which they claim satisfies the CCA request. I am now totally confused & as always, would be very grateful if someone could advise me how to reply to them. Thank you in advance
  6. Lowells are trying to extort £850 out of my wife for an old vodafone bill the actual amount she owes is £350 and its been in dispute since 2008. She out of the blue got papers through the post saying a date had been fixed for her hearing at the county court for wed 10th october 2012. we contacted them saying it was in dispute and that they had not served a statutory demand after much going back and forth they said they would adjurn the court date while they investigate I asked that they put that in writing or email which they said they would do. having not received anything I contacted them on friday to find that the court date was still going ahead. I contacted the court who told me I was now out of time to do anything and my wife must attend court I know realise lowells were just stalling. I have been in contact with national debt helpline they have advised that I get the debt below £750. and that way they cant make her bankrupt they said that buys time to then fight it via oft and offcom. With court fee's the current balance is about £1250. so I have got together about £600. to get it below the £750. threshold and today tried to pay it and they refused saying it had gon to litigation and the litigation dept was closed. so my question is if I phone up 8am monday morning to make a payment of £600 can they again refuse it forcing a court appearance?
  7. Hi Was does a DCA do if you continue to insist that the account is in dispute? This is in relation to a 3 broadband account in which they terminated early due to to very poor service and have chased me for the last 6 months billing adding up to £202.50 by passing it to lowells. But all i do is keep saying its disputed. Thanks in advance
  8. JBDR are really getting on my nerves now. I played fair & started paying them even though I hadnt got written confirmation from them. I cant afford it now, all they keep doing is the usual stuff about legal departments etc etc I have asked them to provide me with written proof that they are responsible for the debts originally with Barclaycard on several occasions. Every time the same answer "we have sent you at least 5 letters since last July sir" I havent ever got a letter from them last I knew Red collections had the debts. I take it I cant go down the statute barred route as I have paid them a payment or 2 & I had letters from Red last year. What can I do ? Any thoughts or advice ? many thanks Mart
  9. Hello, I really hope you can help me. I am a single woman and have recently found myself in quite severe financial trouble. I have a debt of £2300 with Lowells (Black Horse Finance - 2007) and £2950 with Link Financial (Barclaycard - 2001). I had an arrange with both of them, paying £50 PCM. I am not currently in a position to pay this and I am scared of what will happen next. I don't understand how the law sees this situation. They phone quite regularly. I have read here that I don't have to answer their calls. Is that true? I don't know if I have PPI. Thank you for reading this.
  10. Evening, Without going in to too much detail (its a long story), lowells have settled my debt (i believe it is on the grounds of no signed CCA). (account was opened in early 2006. Shop direct have vaguely confirmed that it does not exist. Before the account was sold to Lowells (without a letter of assignment from shop direct) they issued a default - the letter took 13 days to arrive. Despite telephoning on the day of receiving the notice, being told that my account was being passed to their complaints department they still ignored me and sold the debt. Without a signed credit agreement (which is obviously the reason for lowells settling the debt) can a) shop direct group do anything on my credit file. B) did they have any legal right to issue a default on my credit file. C) There is a footprint on my file from lowells where they have credit searched prior to buying the debt - who gave them permission to do this? Basically is there anything I can do to get the footprint and default removed from my credit file? Any advice would be greatly received? Thanks
  11. Hi I have/had a credit card with Creation/sygma bank. This was done in the MK One store where I used to live as a student. Obviously being a student, and absolutely skint, I thought "ooh free money" - How stupid!! Things with the card got out of hand, and Im not even sure how much I used it, owed in total: anthing!! other than I never paid it, and a few ears later after being chased by Lowell Portfolio, I owed £736.33 After a few letters back and forth, and a lot of help from you guys, I eventually got them to stop contacting me, as Id asked for a copy of the original credit agreement, which the were unable to obtain. So in effect, the debt was written off. I haven't heard from them since.http://http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?275340-Lowell-Portfolio-1&highlight=nishi Im wondering whether there is any point chasing the PPI on this account, or whether, due to the debt being wiped, that its best just to leave sleeping dong lie as it were...
  12. Hi Guys Lowells have defaulted my credit file for a debt I never paid or acknowledged from 2006 they have defaulted it in 2008 what can I do to get this removed as should be statute barred thanks. Account Opened 8 March 2005 8 March 2005 Last Updated 17 July 2012 1 March 2009 Account Terms Monthly repayments Monthly repayments Payments Started Not Recorded Not Recorded Opening Balance £596 £0 Lump Payment Not Recorded Not Recorded Current Balance £596 Closed 11 May 2008 Credit Limit Not Reported Not Applicable Monthly Change £0 Not Available Worst Status US D The status of the account is unknown. The payment status has been reported as in default. A notice of default has been served. This usually arises from non-payment. Account Holder Status Normal Not Available Account Status Default Not Available Reported Until May 2014 May 2014 Default Date 11 May 2008 May 2008 Default Satisfied Date Not Satisfied Not Reported Lender Contacts Enterprise House 1 Apex View Leeds LS11 9BH 0845 300 9410
  13. Hi, Lowells are chasing for an old barclaycard debt. Sent a CCA request back in 2008 and stopped making payments as they only provided a copy of the application form. Been ignoring all the standard letters that Lowells were sending after apparently purchasing the debt from Barclays. Having recently received a legal threat from Hamptons i thought it wise to send a letter highlighting account is in dispute. Would you guys recommend I send this to them http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?426-A-letter-when-the-account-has-been-passed-to-another-debt-collection-agency or send a new CCA request to Lowells/hamptons? Appreciate any advice given. Thanks.
  14. I have started for thread for Cumbria A message from Cumbria on facebook Help please. Hamptons Legal.... been checking CAG files and getting lost in so much info ..... basic threat at the moment over debt with Lowells.. would prefer to deal with this off FB. Currently threatening Statutory demand although as usual, not happened as yet ... I'm looking for the reasons others have used for set aside (not just the list usually given out) just in case they come at me /or this could just be another of their threats... any help ... Cumbria will be along soon with more info Many thanks guys for any help you can give her....... Lex
  15. Posting for a friend, currently in dispute with Lowells, claiming for statute barred debt (Scotland), os balance £380 which originated from HFC. Reclaimed PPI from HFC and was offered £280 which he accepted. Ph HFC today enquiring where monies were and was told they had paid the monies to Lowells. He wasn`t informed at anytime this was going to happen. If a PPI refund is for monies he has already paid for missold insurance, can they legally give this to Lowells? Any advice appreciated.
  16. Hi folks Lowells have contacted me recently about a old la redout catalogue debt which I was positive IT was statute barred but they said otherwise so I requested a cca and the sent me a letter saying because it is an old account the original creditor has been unable to locate it and they were leaving it for now but may be back in touch if they find it!!, Then today They have sent me a letter saying they are not obliged to send me the original copy and they have sent me a copy of what mine would look like and saying I would have signed it at the time the credit agreement was taken out, It was completely blank??!! They are demanding I now pay the full amount!! I'm quite confused by it! Am I right in thinking they have to provide me with something with my actual signature on it!!
  17. Ok so I am on Day 3 with Lowells, they wrote to me Thursday to say they had bought a debt and there was also a letter enclosed from the original creditor. Today I have had 4 phone calls which I highly suspect are from them, rings, I pick up no answer after 2 calls like this I bar the number, so I am currently waiting to see which phone number they ring next. Can I insist they only contact me in writing - from what I have read it is pointless talking to them as they only do what they want to do anyway and mis-quote what has been said and if I do ask do they generally then not phone? From the posts I have seen I will also be recording the calls and will tell them before hand that I will be recording it. The background is I kept the original creditor completely up to date with my circumstances and they did stop charges and interest, but they then suddenly started them again, so I would be interested to find out what charges have been put on - but is there anything I can do about them anyway now the debt has been sold? I did offer a re-payment plan to the original creditor (with a full financial statement) as I did with all my debtors, all others accepted the re-payment plan, but this one didnt even bother responding just sold the debt onto Lowells, I assume they weren't interested because it was going to take too long to re-pay. Any other info on how to deal with Lowell's would be greatly appreciated.
  18. Hello, just a quickie for advice got an 'account statement' from Lowells this is dated as statement covering 01/10/2008 to 31/10/2011 however the debt is from 25/04/2003 nothing been paid ever ,got capital one credit card 2 weeks later firm went bust lived on CC then realised couldn't pay it so paid priority debts (council tax, rent, gas & Electric), and to be honest forgot all about it. The one question is I just send statute barred letter and leave it at that, mind you I have missed Lowells, Red & Hamptons calling it used to brighten my day to hear them self combust when I didnt play their game. So question is Just fire off Statute Barred (and for good measure no calls or doorstep or hold fire on them until I hear back) Thanks for help personally i would ignore but them confirming dates for me I feel compelled to write something to them.
  19. Hi Forum Members, I have been getting letters from Lowells demanding payment of outstanding credit card debt for over a year now...Every time I write to these jokers they ignore the content of my letters and persist. They know without a doubt that I have two permanent medical conditions, and that my benefits income is 'inalienable', and they have received a voluntary statement of income/expenditure that proves I cannot repay anything ( this was "kept on file" and duly ignored !). Their response was to demand monthly payments in excess of my total benefits income. Now they threaten with home visits (not allowable without my permission), and also state they will obtain a credit reference report and use court action. Are they legally entitled to obtain credit reference files ?? What can they use those for ?? What else can I do about these jokers ?? At present I am preparing a complaint to the OFT, since they are the ones who licence these companies. I shall complain on the grounds of harassment, and not following OFT guidelines. Any other defensive action I can take ?? They really are getting too much now... Any advice welcome... Thanks. 8-)
  20. Hi All, My partner of 3 years received a letter on Friday (sent directly to our house) containing papers from both HSBC and Lowells PLC stating that a debt of £7905 has been bought by the debt collectors from HSBC and must be paid. He has no idea where this debt has come from (he has had previous debts with HSBC which have been paid off) and hasn't banked with HSBC for around 4 years. They haven't made any contact with us in the interim, to our knowledge, via our address or his parents address, where he was living when the first debt was paid off. (My point here is; if they have been sending things to another address, how they have magically got the correct address now?) I was wondering the following things: - Are HSBC in breach of any laws if they haven't contacted us before selling the debt onto Lowells? - Can anyone tell me what the proceedure should be and whether we are eligible to ask for proof of 'contact'? - Could the debt be removed as a default from his credit report providing we begin to pay monthly installments (if the debt is proven) as we aren't able to get a mortgage with this on it? I've never dealt with this kind of situation before, so i might be asking very obvious questions; i'm just looking for some advice on what kind of route we should take. Thanks Rachel
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