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Everything posted by tommy456

  1. Of course it is,and then there is that other waste of tax payers money Universal Credit, there was no need to introduce this,
  2. Sanctions have always been there for the DWP use, but until the coalition government they were seldom used , since then the sanction regime has been abused as a way to fudge the numbers on benefits, You just cannot treat people like they have been doing and get away with it, at last the brown stuff has started to hit the fan for the likes of IDS and co, I believe that those who can work should work where possible,But if suitable employment isn't available, within a reasonable distance agreed by both JCP and claimants then they should not be agitated or unnecessarily inconvenienced by the DWP they and IDS have to except that there will always be unemployed people , There has to be a balanced and fair system, at the moment thanks to IDS we don't have that
  3. It has a connection to the Oakley review Re, the DWP denying that sanction targets exist,when they obviously did /still do https://www.change.org/p/rt-hon-david-cameron-mp-implement-the-recommendations-of-the-benefit-sanctions-policy-beyond-the-oakley-review/u/13700232?tk=C6m-8lvWfkDCwRd3DnikoSXCVsxdnhnXapBqcHSpqKs&utm_source=petition_update&utm_medium=email
  4. It would seen that the same target system is evident with these private companies too the set them up to fail and cause them unnecessary inconvenience in the hope that they sign off Below is a link about benefit sanctions and the targets that DWP deny existed , along with a dwp employees own account of how they sanctioned the majority of JSA claimants, Putting people on these waste of space work programmes is part of that I also think that expecting someone to travel upto 90mins away from their home is also unrealistic https://www.change.org/p/rt-hon-david-cameron-mp-implement-the-recommendations-of-the-benefit-sanctions-policy-beyond-the-oakley-review/u/13700232?tk=C6m-8lvWfkDCwRd3DnikoSXCVsxdnhnXapBqcHSpqKs&utm_source=petition_update&utm_medium=email
  5. I would be ringing the DWP until i got a proper answer , if you can't do that what about contacting the CAB or welfare rights , they maybe able to find out why your esa has been stopped , then you will be able to hopefully get any errors corrected and resume esa payments
  6. I think the truth is that some GP's let their personal opinion of the unwashed (esa/jsa claimants as they call us) take priority over what is in the best interests of their patients regardless of if they are working or not Following a adverse WCA outcome the DWP write to the GP, do they say that as a result fit notes are no longer required , or say that they should not issue further fit notes ? If the latter that could be deemed inappropriate as being found fit for work following a WCA doesn't mean that they are no longer sick ect, So why suggest to GP's that fit notes shouldn't be issued for the same conditions ? if someone cannot work then they cannot work , and no amount of WCA's will change that ,
  7. Ok, once you have sent you application to HMCTS They will normally accept you reasons for appealing, once they have processed this they will notify you and the DWP of this, via the post to us appellants , not sure if the same for dwp Once the DWP have this on their systems, they can then re start the ESA claim paid at the pre assessment rate until a decision is reached by the tribunal, but you will need Fit /sick notes that cover this period, So once you have heard back from HMCTS acknowledging your appeal get a fit note if you need one, and call the DWP . it can sometimes take them several days before their systems are updated ,So ring them frequently to see if it's showing on theirs systems , once it is they can then re open the claim and on receipt of a fit note will start paying you esa again
  8. But your GP is not obliged to do as they suggest, if they believe it wouldn't be in the best interests of the patient Some are well aware of the farce AKA Atos/Maximus WCA and don't agree with their findings
  9. It may vary, could be less than 28 days, possibly with the appeal date sent soon after ,
  10. I sent mine i think with just proof on posting , it got to them fine, they unlike the DWP didn't manage to loose it
  11. Really and since when have work coaches at JC+ been qualified HCP's ? Are they for real, IBS's programming has corrupted their memory chips are they droids now at JCP
  12. From memory you would have to be earning a really low amount to get anything from them the thresholds are really low well they are in my local area, it may also depend on if you are single/married have children living with you , but if you are single, then don't expect much even the WTC system fails the single people, yet if you are single your living costs are often higher, totally wrong IMO
  13. For a start most councils operate a discretionary housing/council tax scheme for people on low incomes and benefits you should ask you local council or search their web site for an application , form, if they decide to award you funds, they typically will only cover a period of 6 mths, but this will reduce the outstanding amount and the monthly payment , As for the £120 charges i thought that they had to charge a reasonable fee these days, i got a court notice for non payment last year, and the fee for the court case wasn't anywhere near £120 , and certainly less than the debt, If you paid the remaining balance in full to the council before the court date then how can they still charge you, or still list the case in court as the debt has been settled ? I would be seeking advice from your local CAB citizens advice centre A.S.A.P Unconnected but i can remember having a outstanding fine, (motoring offence) and the courts had without my knowledge passed the debt to a dca, had i been living in my own place at the time i would of ignored them,as they would of passed it back to the courts as non-collectable eventually, but the householder wasn't happy about some meat head knocking on the door, So i rang the court office and told them that if they wanted paying then they should take the debt back , regardless of it it meant a warrant for my arrest being issued, they after a bit of debating agreed , i then paid them the outstanding amount in instalments, without being ripped off by the DCA and their charges,lol
  14. So you have a new condition caused by the chemotherapy therefore would also be entitled to make a new ESA claim But again you would need a MED3 Fit note, this could be from your consultant at the hospital as well as your uncooperative GP,I have been in a similar situation with a GP refusing to issue a Fit note , i switched GP's and my current GP knows only too well about IDS and the DWP's methods to cut the number of people on benefits , Fit notes issued , and even a supporting letter for my tribunal hearing , so helpful ,Move GP's and get what you are owed , and the care you need don't give up
  15. I'm surprised that any would take any notice of what direction the DWP gave about their patients , My GP as many others i would hope, would probably tell them that the patients well-being is their priority and as such by them working could cause their health to deteriorate ,therefore they are unfit for work, med3 issued
  16. The DWP cannot instruct your GP to do anything ,So the GP should of told them where to go,politely of course, If you you have a medical condition that would affect your ability to work then your GP should not have any problem issuing MED3 Fit/Sick notes So you can claim ESA It maybe to your advantage to change GP's to one in another surgery , and maybe seek help from welfare rights or CAB So as you say that you need a Fit note in order to be paid ESA at the pre assessment (lower) rate I can only assume that you have requested a Mandatory reconsideration from the DWP which agreed with the previous ATOS WCA findings ? have you sent the copy of the MR to the tribunal service with your appeal application ? Once the tribunal service accept your case they will write to you and the DWP , once they have received this you can claim ESA again if you have fit notes until the appeal date
  17. They may insist that the tenant pays them by dd each week/month they may also want to do a credit check on them also , but most likely they will say no If they did say yes housing benefit may see the rent as income too Also why should the council give someone who has their own home social housing ,? not only this but give them any priority over others that are already in the que ? once the house has been repossessed and if you have children under a certain age, then the council will give you emergency accommodation, (not usually social housing) unless they feel that you have made yourself homeless it's similar to immigrants who come here being allowed to jump the que, we have our own homeless some who have waited months
  18. http://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/confirmed-un-is-investigating-uks-grave-violations-of-disabled-peoples-rights/ There maybe some hope for us yet
  19. When you say that you have appealed without success ,Do you mean that you have requested a Mandatory reconsideration ( M.R.) and had their decision which agreed with the ATOS WCA findings ? If so you need to send that MR decision notice that you received from the DWP to the tribunals service with your completed SSCS1 I'm stumped , as i thought people with cancer should qualify for the support group without the ATOS face 2 face Farce? I thought that the above should apply in your case
  20. IDS has a short memory , wasn't it the coalition that introduced the Mandatory reconsideration last October, adding another obstacle for those found fit for work by ATOS And going back further didn't this coalition also change some of the qualifying pigeon holes( descriptors) and associated points ? again making it harder for people to meet their criteria in 2013 ?
  21. Talking of the NHS why are our trained nurses leaving the NHS and working elsewhere, again so many come in from other countries who will work for less ,Why aren't we training more of our own people and paying them a decent wage to keep them in the NHS? Some patients find it difficult to understand some of them, there is also a extra risk of errors being made due to this sort of thing
  22. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34076609 Yet again the BBC tell only one part of the whole story and make assumptions without the real facts Why do those idiot reporters think that many English /British people will not work for£6.50 per hour ? We don't rent out a house and live in it overcrowded , share beds, bills,( Do they all pay council tax where they live)?ect like they will, We should not therefore be expected to compete with those who migrate here who will work for less than a proper wage,If they want to live like they do, that is their choice, but we should not be expected to do the same,.in order for it to be worthwhile working for a pittance
  23. I know i am, it's not just because it's about people claiming benefits, but all the inaccuracies contained within these programs, the one on channel 5 about benefit cheats, is the latest, a Liverpool lad , claiming what was described as sickness benefits ,for PTSD told the undercover reporter that he was getting a total of £1,500 per month ,inc DLA , I find that very hard to believe, which makes me think of those IDS and his sanctions work leaflets that were based on lies , Also are those that are cheating the system really that dumb that they will boast to someone they hardly know about the hows and why's of what they do? Are these tv companies paying for stooges for entertainment value, and to help keep the governments hate propaganda against people on benefits alive ? if it isn't about cheating the system in some way, it's about their health conditions ie" too fat to work" ect
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