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Everything posted by green_and_mean

  1. Third party insurance is only required under the same Act on a public road or in a public place which your drive is not, therefor it follows its not an offence to fail to produce if you have an accident on your own property.
  2. They have to send you a reply in 56 days that doesn't mean you have to receive it, that is the point of the witness statement. If they sent you a reply and you didn't receive it then PATAS will look at the actual reps you made, if they didn't send you a reply PATAS will allow the appeal regardless of what you wrote. If life was as simple as just saying you never got a reply in 56 days and the PCN just gets cancelled everyone would just claim nothing came in the post.
  3. Its impossible to give advice without seeing what the policy and payment agreement says.
  4. Yesterday! Any response action should be proportional to the offence, what would be the point of jumping lights putting lives at risk to stop a car that has done the same? Going through on red is not the offence its failing to stop at a traffic signal which also includes amber.
  5. Not really, you hadn't paid for parking for 9 minutes that is his job after all! The fact that it was 1 minute before the parking is free is nothing to do with it your ticket had run out 10 minutes before free parking and the expiry time was clearly printed on the ticket.
  6. Only if it was not known at the time and for serious offences (murder, rape, manslaughter and kidnapping etc), you cannot forget to tell the jury something and then ask for a retrial because you cocked up.
  7. Livingston is actually in Scotland so its very unlikely that a PCN for a Bus lane using the Transport act would be issued as it applies to England and Wales Just go to show that some self proclaimed 'experts' know f##k all about decrimalised enforcement.
  8. Your appeal is complete nonsense, if the road is wide enough for a disabled bay as you claim why did you park illegally on the footway? The DDA adjustments are the reason disabled people are given blue badges and if the disabled person has one they could park outside the house on the yellow lines. Getting side tracked by who signed what is also a bit pointless as there is no requirement for a parking ticket issued on the evidence of an approved device to even have a camera operator it could be an unmanned system where does the signature come into the scheme of things? There is no exemption for boarding and alighting that allows you to park on the footway so missing out bits of evidence is also of little help. You would have thought that having someone wheelchair bound that you would have more consideration in the first place than to park on the pavement.
  9. You chose the written version rather than the 'in person' appeal, you are just wasting time and if paying for legal advice ....money. If you had a trial by jury and the jury decided you were guilty on the basis of the evidence provided, do you really think you could ask for a crack at a different jury?? You can ask for a review but only if the adjudicator has made a mistake in law not because he didn't believe you.
  10. You do not get two bites at the cherry just because you screwed up the first hearing, you lost its as simple as that.
  11. As above , its not a loading bay its red route as clearly stated on the sign which prohibits stopping except to load at certain times so therefore if you are not loading you are stopped where prohibited...simples!
  12. It is only the opinion of an adjudicator who is not any more qualified to judge than anyone else it just happens that he is paid to adjudicate, hence the Council seeking further legal advice.
  13. How could they have taken legal advice on a situation that hadn't occured??
  14. Is the permit 'vehicle specific' ie only of any use in your car or is it possible to display it in any car ?
  15. They are enforcing it as a 'bus lane' are they not? Which is exactly what I said!
  16. It would be enforced as a 'bus lane' using The Bus Lane Contraventions (Penalty Charges, Adjudication and Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2005, only London councils can enforce moving traffic offences.
  17. The fact is people have ignored YBJs for years and got away with it as the Police never had the time to enforce them. Now Councils are using CCTV people are getting caught out in droves because people think they can still get away with it and a large number don't even know what they are.
  18. You are over complicating matters you either had a load to deliver which took 25 mins to unload or you didn't, if you did appeal, if you didn't pay up.
  19. In London unless there are marked bays you cannot park off the carriageway, it doesn't matter if it is grass verge, a crossover from a drop kerb, footway or anything else. Unless there is something wrong with the PCN I would pay up, suggesting that obstructing the footway rather than the carriageway was in your view 'doing the right thing' is going to get nowhere.
  20. How is the signage non compliant, you have already stated there were double yellow lines, kerb blips and signs? As you have already been told DYL do not need signs and you were not loading so why would not being able to see the timeplate for the loading restriction make you think you could park??
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