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  1. Good afternoon, Whilst sharing a property we came into council tax arrears over a few years which resulted in a bill for a few thousand pounds. Documents were served to myself and the other person from sheriffs officers. Myself and the other party no longer live at the address where the arrears took place but we both agreed to pay half each of the arrears. My half is almost paid but the other party is now refusing to pay their half. As the arrears is in both our names, my question is where do i stand once i pay half of the arrears and then stop paying. I am going to inform the sheriff officers my intentions when my half has been paid but looking for some advice of what will happen next. Thanks
  2. Hi I haven't posted for a while but I do pop in sand read the threads and posts. A while ago I got into rent arrears which was a lot. I came to an agreement with The landlord. I have been paying off the arrears together with the normal rent. Last year I asked the landlord ifvibcould drop down the arrears payment as We were experiencing financial difficulties he said yes. So I am paying rent payment and still money towards arrears. Today I had an email from the lady that does his books telling me my arrears are mounting Up. How can this be when they should be coming down? My rent is £1000 a month. I was paying £300 on top for arrears Total £1300 a month I am paying at the moment £1100 rent and arrears. So how is she saying its in arrears. Arrears are being paid. I thought they would be going down not up. I have all my receipts. I am going down the cab on Monday. Any suggestions as to why she is saying my arrears are mounting. U The only thing I can think of is that she thinks the £1300 is on top of the £1000 rent and total Should be £2300? I owed £8000 in arrears and over 3 years have got that down to £1887.00. Its been hard but I am doing it. Any suggestions would be helpful as to why she has said the arrears are accumerlating. Thanks.
  3. Hi I have a business lease and I am in arrears a considerable amount of money, I am looking to go bankrupt, but before I go can my landlord get the bailiffs in without notifying me they are coming or go to court and stop me from going bankrupt. help I am end of my tether please help. :???:
  4. Hi - can you help. My wife and her EX had some -ve equity with mortgage express. Approx £47K after interest and charges. They were paying back approx. £85 per month until he walked out. As she did not know where he was and he left her with all the debts she went to the CAB who sorted an arrangement with Mortgage express where she paid £1 per month. Since then 5 years ago we have married. Now she has received a letter from Mortgage Express via NRAM asking for her whereabouts We understood the debt to have been split when the arrangement was made. What should we do with this letter? Can our joint income be taken into account and can I be forced to pay off the owed amount. ANy help / advice greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi, long story here, i will try to be brief but doubt it will happen! Northern Rock have been threatening repossession for 18 months, but never actually doing it. I think i have them by the b*lls and they know it, so they don't want to open the can of worms so to speak. I have petitioned for divorce last week (yey hey) from my husband of 13 years. He was a financial advisor of 25 years. After separating last year for good, I took over all the finances in my home which I share with my two young children. I have Bipolar disorder, which is a mental health disorder and I am in receipt of benefits only, DLA ESA Child benefit and child tax credits. I was struggling to keep on top of the bills etc as he had always dealt with everything.This is when things came to light. Long and short, i requested copies of all mortgage applications from Northern rock and things did not add up. It shows he was in massive debt when he bought his first house before he was with me, yet they gave him a mortgage, he re-mortgaged 3 times on this property. In 2004 we moved in to this property and obtained a joint mortgage. This was one he had on the old property with northern Rock and he ported it across to this property, into joint names which i was happy with. He controlled all the money, made out that his business was doing well etc, then in 2008 things became clear. I questioned how come money was so tight if business was doing well. He had asked to take money out of the kids savings, which was only around £700, my parents had the books and he wanted me to get them. When i questioned this and a few other things, he battered me. I had him immediately arrested. He had been mentally abusive before now but never physical. Two days later we sat and discussed everything./ The business was failing and the mortgage was in massive negative equity. I told him to close the business and get a paid job. He did. But things were tight.He had a load of credit card debt to the tune of around £85,000.00 on top of the mortgage. We bought the house in 2004 for £169,000.00, and now, 4 years later there is £285,000.00 on it in secured and unsecured loans. This amount was given by Northern Rock within 18 months of moving into the property. RIDICULOUS. I was not working and he was self certifying his income. There were minimum payments to the credit cards of £3000 per month on top of the minimum contractual INTEREST ONLY mortgage payment of £1400 per month. We could not cope. His employer made him go self employed within their company after one year, then let him go 5 months later. He had no job and we were going under. I have had 2 applications for charging orders through the post. One for £26,000.00 has been granted and another for £22,500.00 has been applied for, both for his business bank overdraft and the second a credit card debt. I rang Northern Rock and explained this to them , since November 2009 they have been accepting reduced monthly payments of almost half the contractual amount. Since Sept last year when i kicked him out (at last) they have been accepting SMI (support for mortgage) payments only of £480 per month, which is £750 per month short of the contractual amount. Ever month i receive a letter from Northern Rock saying that i have not contacted them nor paid the amount due and am in arrears of XXX amount etc. Yet every month I call them to explain and agree the amount for that month, being the SMI payment. I have been passed from pillar to post, from the 'sensitive' team due to my illness , back to the switchboard and so on. I have been ill advised by them and when i query it they cannot seem to find the notes etc. I received a default notice at one point which upset me and i could not understand why. After I called them, it became apparant that NONE of my payment had been going toward the UNSECURED element. They never advised me to pay seperate amounts. I queried this and asked them to look into it. I was advised that it may be possible for me to go into a LOAN MODIFICATION, and after weeks of phone calls and income and expenditure forms, i was now told that they could NOT do this as I had recently gone into a £1 CCCS arrangement to pay £1 towards the unsecured!!!!!!!!!! Again, this was conflicting information. I asked for transcripts of ALL my recorded telephone conversations along with all the notes they had on my file so that I could look into this. It took months to get to this point and last week i received a full and final response letter stating that they 'cannot find the phone transcripts' and that they do not physically have the manpower not time to check each and every application form that comes throught to them , they have to trust that the truth is on there by the applicant!!!!!!...and that they would not be upholding my complaint!!!! I have made them clearly aware that on the mortgage applications, my ex has been fraudulent by playing the system and not completing the forms correctly. He has, for example, scored through the employment section on one and written 'please cross refer with previous application'...this would have put him as employed when he was in fact self employed at the time etc etc. If they had in fact took the time to cross refer they would have realised this. They would also have realised that the amount of debt he had shown on the previous applications could not possible have been paid of as shown on the following application. He stated he needed the extra funds to ' consolidate business debt!!!!!!!! I have made it clear to Northern Rock that he had fraudulently, without my knowledge, obtained further credit to the account. Every month when i call, if not twice a month, i tell them...stop threatening to repossess me, either do it so I can attend court and defend myself, or leave me the hell alone. I had a solicitor challenge them, i was going to sue them, the solicitor thought my case was good but legal aid was turned down from a prosecution point of view. They told me once i do receive a repossession order to get back in touch and legal aid will be granted for a defence. But it is 2 years, i cannot keep going every month wondering what is happening. I am £13000 in arrears, with charges adding on. I have been told i may be able to capitalise etc etc but nothing ever comes of it. As much as I want to stay in my home, as i will never be able to obtain another mortgage myself after this, ia m not sure how i could afford it as it stands on my benefits. It is interest only and there is no way at the end of the term that i could find the full amount. My 'plan' is , to sue them to the point where i am only responsible for the original mortgage amount, the interest is reduced to a monthly amount i can personally afford, and that the arrears are capitalised. I will fight tooth and nail for my home, if at the end of it i have no choice but to go into rented then so be it. But i feel that i have for 13 years, been lied to and cheated out of owning my own home which may at some point in the future have given me and my children some security. I dont think we should be punished because of my ex's lies nor the irresponsible lending and incompitence of Northern Rock. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLease!!
  6. Good afternoon all. Just a quick run down of the problem I'm facing at the moment. I have been going over various posts on the forum and just want a few things clarified before I go any further. Firstly I will start by saying I am currently 2 weeks in arrears with Brighthouse. At the moment, the total cost of my agreements (including OSC) comes to £31.45. When I call up at the end of the month to make a payment, am I right to object to paying the OSC? They will charge me a Late Payment charge of £4.50 per item (£18 per week). As far as I am aware, the OSC renews each week a payment is made, so being in arrears therefore means the OSC should NOT be included in the payment I make at the end of the month, is that correct? My next question is, how do I go about cancelling OSC? I do not have home insurance, Brighthouse have stated to me that unless I have home contents insurance to cover the items, I have no choice but to take the OSC. Is this correct? Lastly, the late payment charges that are applicable to my 2 weeks arrears, can they lawfully be justified by Brighthouse, or can I contest this when I phone up? Thank you for you help much in advance!
  7. I have a mortgage with NRAM and was in oaymwnt arrears. They were successful in obtaining a court order for structured repayments over 18 months, starting in January 2012, and finishing in May 2014. I was keeping up payments, but in June 2013, they told me the arrears had nearly been paid off and I would only have to make July's full payment, and a partil payment on August. In August I made the payment which brought my arraers up to date and resumed normal monthly payments. In September 2013, I was contacted by NRAM and told that they had mistakenly credited my account with over £1,900, and had only just realised the mistake. They said they returned the funds to the correct account, which took my account back in to arrears by over £1,900. I would like to know if I can challenge the removal of funds from my account based on the facts that: they said my arrears were up to date; it was their mistake; and that the funds were in my account for over 6 months before NRAM realised the mistake and removed them. Thanks for you help. I know it's a long shot, but I'm hopeful they will have to let me keep the money.
  8. New user.. I have been a customer of Santander for 20 years. However, 2 yrs ago I started to fall into arrears with my mortgage. I stuck my head in the sand and didn't tell my wife. Towards the end of 2011 we were put into litigation and passed to HL Interactive, realising this was serious I contacted Santander to discuss affordability. Unfortunately once you are in litigation the bank wont talk to you and pass you back to HL interactive their solicitors. To cut a long story short i was paying £1529 per month, they removed my discounted mortgage rate and assessed from my gross salary that I could afford a further £500 in addition to this. compounded by moving to their standard variable rate this meant they wanted an additional £1000 per month a 65% increase on my original mortgage payment which I already could not afford. From November 2011 until now they have refused to discuss my plea to look at other ways I could work with them to keep my home, they have only every completed one affordability analysis and that was on the telephone and based on gross salary. I have been to court with them twice over repossession and have had to borrow money from friends and family to meet their demands. My wife finally became aware of the situation this March and with friends help we have now paid all our arrears. in order to pay back our friends we are now in the process of selling our home as we cannot face dealing with Santander again. We raised a complaint with the bank and 9 weeks on they have sent us a letter saying we can go to the FCA as they are stilling trying to get to the bottom of all our issues. I have also recently raised this with the director of their banking arm Steve Pateman and await his comments around his banks approach to customers in litigation, to this end their solicitors have this week confirmed they have not acted in our best interest and have sent a cheque to Santander for £433 as a part refund of their fees in recognition of this fact. Santander's CEO office have agreed to come back to me this week on my concerns. I would appreciate advise on what we have been through and what we should expect from our bank.
  9. I've been embroiled in a fairly lengthy dispute with my landlord. There were serious ongoing repair issues that had been going on for four years. More recently I fell into rent arrears. To cut a very long story short, the landlord doesn't want to fix the disrepair (even though the disrepair makes the flat not really suitable for anybody to live in). He just wants me out. His solicitor has sent me a draft agreement to sign which states that the landlord will write off my arrears and agree never to bring any court claim against me in future, as long as I also agree not to bring any disrepair claim against the landlord. On the surface of it the agreement looks OK but it would be great if anybody here who knows about these things could look it over for me. Thanks in advance
  10. I received a hand delivered letter today from Whyte & Co stating that I owed rent from the my last tenancy at a previous address (around £1000). I don't dispute the amount and I'd like to set up a repayment plan as I definitely can't afford to pay everything upfront. Based on my passed dealings with bailiffs, I have a feeling that they will reject a repayment plan since I won't let them in in to do an inventory of my goods. (I'm pretty familiar with what bailiffs can and cant do as long as I don't let them in). I also have a feeling that if I contact the council directly and try to negotiate a repayment plan, they'll tell me that I must deal with the bailiffs directly. I'm going to try the council first, I just wondered if anybody had an opinion on the best way to deal with this... Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi, Having suffered with severe depression bordering on BiPolar for the past 5 years i've hidden my head in the sand regarding my Council Tax until now. I have to be honest & say that i've totally ignored all letters & requests for payment so my bill is now around £5,000, which i'm totally embarrassed to admit to. In those 5yrs i've lived alone with my 21yr old daughter who has either been a student or unemployed in that time but as i said i ignored all correspondence & didn't apply for the single adult discount so question 1 is this.. ..can i ask for the discount to be backdated? You can obviously guess that i have been sent another Request for payment from Sherrif's Officers but i would like to get this sorted before things get any worse & also before it sets my mental health back to where it was. So my 2nd question, can i deal with my local council instead of the Sherrif's Officers? Reading this back i can't believe how stupid i've been but I recognise that i have to deal with it now but have no idea where to start so any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Love some advice from the repossession gurus on here ... I have a Notice of eviction set to be carried out on Monday,19th August Currently in arrears to the tune of £5,500. My normal monthly repayment amount is £347 I have had previous agreements with the lender (Nationwide) to pay reduced amounts and have had a portion paid by the DWP, but payments from myself have admittedly always been sporadic over the past 2 years, and not always the full agreed amount. Currently there is no payment from the DWP and I am not in a position to make any form of significant monthly payment. Speaking with Nationwide, to prevent the repossession at this stage, they would be looking to receive the full amount of the arrears. I will not be made homeless by the repossession and I am looking to move on anyway. The house is not currently on the market and there is not a significant amount of equity in the property. There is also a charging order against the property for a loan with Black Horse. Is it worth fighting the repossession at this stage? Given that I am looking to move anyway, and that realistically speaking, I cannot afford any type of repayments in the short-term, certainly none that Nationwide would accept at this stage. Is it worth me trying to hold onto it or should I just let it go and let Nationwide have the hassle of trying to sell the property. My head says let it go and foget about it…my heart says, try and keep it, retain some dignity, and try and sell it myself, although I do not see that this second option is even viable at this stage. Any help/advice much appreciated
  13. Hi I have arrears on council tax and had a magistrates order to pay £100 per month. beginning of this year wrexham cc took 2 payments for that amount and this year I called them and they said understood I could not pay so would lump it in to one payment. I have paid this each month they actually took 2 payments in july so as far as i was aware was a month ahead. last month recived demand saying owed £138, so i wrote to them they re did figures and said pay £173 each month as missed payment sept 2012. I checked I have not. Now they have sent balif re court order said must pay £185 each month to them and £173 to Wreham cc I can not afford this what do I do please?
  14. Hi, wondered if anyone can advise me in my situation as follows. i am in arrears with mortgage of around £5000. Have taken good advice from well known recognised money advice organisation and have I & E showing I can afford to make my normal mortgage payment plus additional £70pcm toward arrears. Lender will not agree this as I have previous broken arrangements over the last few years. Now have expired calling up notice and lenders lawyers are getting a court hearing. I have paid mortgage payments plus extra regularly for the last few months. My question is whether sheriff will be likely to rule for repossession when even although I have reasonable case I have broken repayment arrangements before. i am in Scotland btw. Thanks.
  15. Morning All! I have accrued a fairly large sum on service charges on my leasehold flat...however a sum of this is for retention for home improvements which I and another lessee are disputing....I wont bore you with the details of the complete lack of service that the management agents charge for but my situation is this... Despite my pleas that I cannot pay currently they have passed this to a DCA who have now givn me 7 days to pay or they will go to my mortgage lender asking them to pay within the terms of my lease. I have only just put right arrears on the flat and my account remains within litigation at the bank pending six months of on time mortgage payment....2 down 4 to go! My questions.... Would the mortgage company pay the service charge and add it to the term as a matter of course? AS I want to dispute an amount of the outstanding balance would this be enough to put the DCA off for a time while I try to raise the balance? Thanks very much in advance for your thoughts and advice GIB
  16. I hope someone can put my mind at rest. I have a suspended possession order which was granted by the court last year. Due to my wife's deteriorating illness and being self employed payments were erratic and became 3 months in arrears. I received a phone call from Paratus-Amc advising the were going to enforce the possession. Due to major a change in my circumstances I advised the I would be able to clear all arrears by end of August (just over £9000) and also meet this months mortgage payment of £581 and all future payments on the due dates. I was told by the lady I am dealing with that if I did that by the end of this month no further action would be taken. To date I have paid £8000 but on arriving home from work today received a letter from their solicitors dated yesterday advising that bailiffs had been instructed to evict on the 13th September. What action should I take obviously I cannot speak to anyone before Tuesday. Any advice would be welcomed.
  17. Hoping somebody can help. I have council tax arrears of about £3,300 for 2010-11 and 2011-12. Council have set up several arrangements and because the monthly payments were unrealistic, I was unable to keep up payments, so they have now passed it on to Rossendales. Council have said to contact Rossendales but I haven't contacted them yet (it was passed to them yesterday). My income is well below £16k per year, but because of the trauma of financial hardship and trying to keep my head above water, I have been unable to complete the paperwork to the Council's satisfaction and am not in receipt of the 75% or so reduction I should be entitled to. A few questions - how do I deal with the bailliffs/prevent them from visiting, is there any documentation I should be in receipt of from the council or Rossendales. Getting a bit panicky here so quick responses appreciated...
  18. Hi, First time thread, long time reader. My partner made a PPI claim against Santander on a defaulted personal loan the residual debt of which is still owned by Santander. On 11 July they offered £2606.25 in settlement of the complaint but said they would use all to clear the outstanding balance of around £3k. A letter was sent back as follows: Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of 11 July detailing the offer of redress I have signed the acceptance with the offset wording deleted. I do not consider this appropriate as: The enforceability of the debt is not certain, your letter commenting on being unable to locate copy signed agreements ("unable to locate the interest rates") I am in financial hardship, principally the property that I share with my partner has a mortgage attached which is in arrears and there is a suspended possession order in place. I have attached recent copy correspondance from the mortgage company. This is considered a priority over any alleged unsecured debt I therefore request full payment of the redress by way of cheque to my address at .......................................... and enclose a utility bill verification for your records The mortgage arrears are £1406 and the council tax bill showed £495.79 subject to court proceedings. On 25 July they sent a cheque for £1741.02 but no breakdown of how they came to this figure. When I spoke to the Santander PPI helpline they passed me to collections dept. They did not have any information as their file has been closed down as the debt has been passed to a DCA, Wescot and that she should be grateful as many people do not get any payment in these circumstances. Therefore they could not answer my question on as to whether the held back sum of £865.23 represented pre default notice arrears. As far as I am aware and looking at DCA correspondance the debt has not been sold to a third party. The cq represents 2/3rds of the actual redress and I am thinking this is not a co-incidence, i.e. they have plumnped for 2/3rd rather than any actual figure. The loan repayments were £158.66 plus £8.20 PPI and none of these divide into £865.23. So, I suppose I am wondering as to whether the cq should be banked rather than wait 12 to 18 months for FOS to come back and tell me just that? I am grateful to CAG as this was the resource I used to help compose my letter to them which has helped get to at least a positive, cq in hand, scanario but would welcome any comments from people who may have had a similar experience.
  19. Hi, I have just had a bailiff but several notices for some old liability orders relating back a few years for an old property I lived at. I admit I owe the money and this dates back to when I was in serious financial difficulty which led to the loss of my home. The amount claimed which I assume is correct due to their age is £4k. Other than the bailiff turning up today, I have not heard anything from the council since moving. Due to the amount, I would like to buy some time as I guess the bailiff wont accept an offer of £500 a month until it is cleared. Should the council have written to me with a formal demand again at my new property before instructing the bailiffs again?? The notices received were the usual threats of removing items even in my absence (well it said may). Many thanks
  20. Hi. I have been in rent arrears for the last 3 years. I am now in serious arrears of £700 which is 10 weeks rent after housing benefits. I have been to court 2 months ago (1st appearance after notice of seeking possession) and made an agreement of £55 per week. I have now missed 1 payment and will be missing this weeks as well due to no money. I can pay £100 weekly from 15th June which is my first wage since starting new job. Basically I am asking what can happen and also if they go for repossession how long have I got to clear arrears. By the way I can't borrow or get access to any money till payment inc friends and family. Thanks.
  21. Hi , new to this site but in need of advice please I am in arrears with this years council tax ( paid nil to date so 4 months ) and stupidly ignoring court liability notice ( I genuinely forgot to contact my local council ) last week I was told by council they will not deal with me direct but have now passed me onto rossendales and I have to talk to a bailiff who will contact me , I am literally pooing my pants at the thought of this happening ( I have sent my council numerous emails offering to pay £ 300 at my local council office immediately then a further £200 on the 24th of july ( this will more than bring my yearly tax upto date ) and the set up a plan to continue remainder of the yearly tax as normal but they wont accept this , they say payment in full is needed ??? I cannot possible pay over £1200 immediately as of most of working class people this is not even a consideration , I feel my offer of paying a total of £500 by the 24th of this month is more than reasonable but seems not .............. ........ what can I do ?? im dreading the knock at my door when a bailiff visits please help me
  22. Hi, In 2009 I moved into a shared house, never signed a tenancy etc, but had a verbal agreement with the head tenant.. she advised me how much to pay where to pay etc. Then in Nov 2011 I got a phone call from the landlords accounts lady saying there was rent arrears. It turns out the head tenant had given me incorrect bank a.c. details and therefore the landlord never received my rent. I subsequently began paying to the correct account. I moved out of the property in Feb 2012 but have now received a notice which was sent to my work stating court proceedings have been filed against me. I didn't get the first notice as it would of gone to an old address. Am I liable for the rent? I can prove the funds left my account and even have an email from the head tenant stating she gave the incorrect bank details and it's her fault. Please help as I have 14 days to send my defence. I've tried reading the law of distress amendment act but can't tell if I'm liable. Thanks in advance
  23. ive been informed by the HA that they are going for possession of my house.. oh joy.. at least it will be a day out.. i owe £110 and pence after this weeks HB is taken off.. they want the lot within 7 days or they go to court. sure ill magic it outta my arse. it will be around £70 owed when i pay 2 weeks rent/Bedroom tax this week ( i get my esa every 2 weeks) Ive had no notice of possession and they say they are applying to the court in the next 7 days if i dont pay up which i cant. My current rent is 18.18 a week including water rates now im no mathematician but im sure im under 8 weeks arrears so am i right in thinking they should not be taking this to court? and is it 8 weeks full rent arrears without HB or would it be 8 weeks of 18.18? i owe £174 odd pence but that does not include this weeks HB of £67odd any help guys cheers mcjordi
  24. Sorry about the length of this thread but I wanted to get everything in. I am a buy to let landlord, I have recently got into a couple of problems with tenants paying late and have run up small amounts of arrears £100-£150, I have taken steps to reduce the arrears over a 3 month period. I have been making payments to Platform by cheque each month, I have more than one account and make one cheque payment to cover all the mortgages, I enclose the mortgage account numbers in a letter and on the back of the cheque with my request. Two months ago the cheque was cashed and added to only ONE account, the others were marked as UNPAID, I wrote to Platform expressing a little anger and was told it was their mistake and that it wouldn't happen again. I was told to make the payments as agreed and it would be sorted at their end. At the end of May I again sent a cheque for the total amount with the letter and cheque, I then received a visit from my tenant telling me of a visit by "Move with us" telling the tenant I have defaulted on my mortgage, when I took this up with Platform they explained that they received & cashed my cheque on the 4th June but it wasn't spread to my accounts until the 24th June. I would like to know what steps I should now take?
  25. Please could somebody give me advice on my current situation with the student loans company. My loans are all pre-1998. For the past two years I have been out of work but not claiming JSA. My income during this time has been extremely low and for the most part falls below what I would receive claiming benefits. The first year in this situation I filled out my deferment form giving details of my income backed up by payment reports from the companies that I receive payments from. This was accepted without question. The second time I was required to fill out a deferment form I sent exactly the same information in the same format as the previous year. On this occasion they did not accept deferment and replied saying that I needed to provide further evidence of how I could survive on such a low income. Although eventually I was able to satisfy their need for further information - in the time it took to do so they began to demand repayments and charge me for each letter they sent. The arrears and charges have accumulated to an amount that I have no way of paying. For each month that passes I am being charged £40 in letters which is being added to the outstanding balance. On top of this they have given me a 'default notice' which affects my credit rating. My main question is what should be my main course of action to get out of this mess ? Additional points that I would appreciate some information on .. - I read an article about student loans (http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2009/apr/29/student-loan-poor-credit-rating) and credit scores which stated the 'measure was a last resort and said it would contact borrowers first and give leeway to those who are genuinely struggling.' . As they had received all information relating to my low income should they have been allowed to give me a default notice? - I attended two universities. When sending out deferment forms each year my loans from two universities are combined within one deferment form which is sent to me in a single letter. When sending out arrears letters for which a £20 charge is incurred the loans are split into two separate identical letters which arrive at my home on the same day (Costing £40). In the past I have been credited for some of the letters (As a gesture of goodwill) but then they continue to do the same thing. Is this allowed or is there any way to stop this happening once and for all? - I have already sent them letter asking them to reconsider their position and asking them to reverse the charges and arrears but this has been acknowledged but ignored. Would there be any benefit in contacting some external organisation such as the financial ombudsman etc. Any advice would really be appreciated.
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