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  1. I need some advice on what to do about my current situation. On Thursday I was caught walking out of a Primark store with some items with a total value of £22. I know fully how wrong my actions were and am disgusted in myself at was has happened so please I'm just asking for some advice not judgement on my stupid mistakes. I was taken in by the security guards at Primark and because in 9 days I am going to be turning 18 the female security guard said that she wasn't going to be phoning the police as I had my provisional driving license on me so she just took my details down, at this point I began to cry and she said to me that there was nothing to worry about and that all she was going to do was ban me from the store for a 12 month period and that I would be fined by a company called RLP, she said that there would be no police involvement and that I would not receive a criminal record. I was then allowed to leave the store. Whilst I was in there she mentioned about the fine and said she didn't know how much the fine would be and that I would have to pay it with in a certain amount of days, and she gave me a piece of paper with a number to phone to arrange to pay the fine in instalments. Up until now I have been fine with the fact that I will have to pay the fine to RLP to get this over and done with. however since Thursday I have been researching more in to RLP and what other people have had to say about them and now I am wondering whether I should still pay them the fine or not, as I've read a lot about people saying that they have no right as such to demand large sums of money from people?. I am still awaiting the letter from them and to be quite honest, I am dreading receiving it as I am not planning on telling my mother about this situation so am scared that the letter will come through the post and it will be obvious to her from the outside of the letter and if I continue to ignore their demands then I will get more and more letters come through, has anyone received a letter that knows what it looks like? It would be most appreciated if someone could help me and give me advice on what to do in my current situation then that would be most appreciated!!
  2. I am employee, called permanent relief, on a zero hours contract with the local authority. I have been working for them for 2.5 years and mostly I have been offered as much work as I can manage. My work involves a lot of driving to visit customers. Up to now, I have been adequately recompensed for my travel. After the 18 miles and half hour drive to my office base, my hourly rate of pay started and I got recompensed mileage expenses. They are now proposing that my current office base is being moved a further 14 miles away involving an extra half an hour travel, (extra 28 miles and 1 hour of travel per working day). If, over the coming year, I did exactly the same work as I have done in the past year, I would incur a loss of income of £1,000. This takes into account the very small amount of disruption compensation they award per mile for the difference in distance to the new workbase. Some days I only have one visit, so with the new work base I may travel for 2 hours for a one hour home visit and spend more on fuel than I earn for the one hour of work. I am the only employee on a zero hours contract so have noone at work to discuss this with. All other employees are on permanent salaried contracts so not incurring a loss of income. I have asked my employer to put in place an arrangement that protects me from the loss of income. They have said they will not. The restructure feels unfair and unreasonable. Can anyone give me any advice? Happy to answer questions. Do I take this to Employment Tribunal? Grievance?
  3. Hi all. I've got a complaint with my gas supplier. I asked for compensation on the 8th of April. Basically I didn't hear anything for about a month so I complained again attaching the original complaint email. I've now had a response asking me how much I wanted wanted compensating for, I had no idea what to ask for so I said - you tell me and Ill either agree or disagree. They're currently saying all I can ask for is £30 per day it was off, which I didn't think was very reasonable. The complaint is about gas that was shut off for planned upgrades (underground steel mains) - that should have lasted a couple hours, but instead went on for 77 hours! All because the contractors would not install the main in the location I wanted, which they eventually caved in and did it that way anyway! So the gas was cut off, on a Tuesday morning and not reinstated until Friday afternoon! In the meantime I had no central heating, hot water and means of cooking. I had to stay in every morning to get an answer on whether the guys would be coming back to reconnect, and when they didn't turn up I spent many minutes on the phone trying to resolve it. I phoned up every day to arrange some heaters. (we where looking after our little nephew) Everyday we where told they where coming, and to this day we're still waiting for them to arrive. All this taking place in March and in sub zero temperatures! So the £30 a day doesn't really cut it for me, what do you think?
  4. So if the other side is asking what temp agencies have been signed up to, is this something I need to tell them? Have already shown them mitigation of loss evidence from employment interviews, searches etc.
  5. Just putting together one and am self represented so wondered, as was dismissed for alleged GM, can I ask for future losses for 26 or 52 weeks? Some advisors seem to state 52 but 26 seems to be what's rewarded?
  6. ET Age discrimination in recruitment EQA 2010 questionnaire sent 16th January 2013 ET1 submitted 28th January 2013 ET3 response 6th February 2013 (does not give their version of events just says we do not discriminate) ET CMO 20th February 2013 ET hearing 10th May 2013 My questions 1. I need to do statement of loss by 5th march 2013 to respondent ( I know about VENTO mid band £15,000) 2. Any other amounts applicable I am not able find out 3. I am right that the total remedy is statement of loss + 1 off compensatory award or not 4. Respondent will not answer questions to questionnaire due to DPA 1998 (requested twice) 5. Strange as it may seem Respondent is not represented not stated in ET3, letter tennis is between me and the respondent. This may cause a problem when it comes to the bundle. Respondent may not been able to create an effective bundle ( I am to create my own just in case or if there a no show from the respondent at the hearing) My statement of loss as is A) Injury to Feelings £15,000 The Claimant alleges that he suffered from discrimination that would fall within the mid range in Vento B) Interest (Injury to Feelings) 6% calculate from ET1 submission to ET Hearing Date Please note that this statement of loss will be amended as and when required Regards Jdavis6809 Will keep you posted as I progress Any problems I will post as well
  7. I echo all the sentiments posted by fellow Caggers Martin was really good at a lot of things, including being really techy, I was in awe of Martin's understanding and abilities regarding all things techy. Martin was really good at poetry, I'm not sure Martin would of won any prizes, but it was very good indeed. Martin was always rising to the challenge, which ever consumer area it happen to be. Martin wasn't restricted to consumer knowledge, but had loads of worldly knowledge. As has been said, he was there for many, many thousands of Caggers over the years . Martin will be sorely missed. He leaves an amazing legacy with his contribution to CAG. One of the good guys.
  8. Such a sad loss indeed. You helped us all in our dark days and brought light. Rest dear friend in peace x
  9. Martin will sorely be missed from the site. Not only did he provide excellent advice, but went that extra mile for caggers. He also provided a great stabilising effect on posters when the need occurred. So very sorry to learn of his death. Sincere condolences to his family.
  10. Hi, its come to the point were I realise that can no longer keep up mortgage repayment and service charges on my flat. I no longer have any desire to hang onto the property as its feels like a millstone around my neck. I'm considering all my options, but as the market is depressed and i'm in negative equity (unless I hang on for 5-10 years) its seems to come down to one-of-two choices. Sell my property via Auction. Hand the keys back to the lender (even though everything I read says not to do this) as I see very little point dragging out the repossession process if I can't sell or keep up payments. Either way there's likely to be a short-fall to repay. If i choose the Auction will I need the lenders consent? If they don't agree, can I force the sale through below the mortgage value? Any comments or advice most welcome. Thanks.
  11. My girlfriend works for a care agency, and recently she was off sick for one day. She followed correct company procedure, but now they are claiming she didn't, and have taken £100 out of her week wage because she missed five clients. The company don't charge the service users £20 per hour and they were able to find cover for the hours she wasn't able to work. Now she is under investigation. Is any of this fair or is there something a miss here? I will try and provide as much information as you require; I hope you are able to help.
  12. I have had severe problems through money sent to me via Western Union. I have gone into Western Union offices in London and they have failed to find the transfers on their screens. When I have complained to the Customer Service Department of Western Union they have not been able to or have been unwilling to help. I have taken the matter up with the Financial Ombudsman but they cannot help because the payment originated outside UK. I cannot get legal redress because Western Union has stipulated that any legal action must be taken in the originating country. Does this constitute fraud? Perhaps not but the end result is the same!
  13. Hi, new here on this site. I have just found out after 5 years of ownership that my car was classed as a "total loss" Cat B back in 1997 before i owned it. For the last 5 years its been insured and MOTed and Taxed but none of the old insurance companys have said any thing. I have just HPI'd it and they say the same. Anyone know if there is anything i can do?
  14. I have been asked to update my Schedule of Loss as I am due to start a new job very soon. for Judicial mediation. The new job is for far less money and on a fixed term basis, so I will have to start looking again in a year's time. How far into the future can I claim for loss of earnings?
  15. Hi there, I have a number of Tribunal Orders coming up over the next few weeks but this one has proved to be the most difficult to work out. Does anyone know how to calculate the schedule of loss for an ET - my case is harrassment due to disability? As always, thanks for your time. Jon
  16. Hi there I have submitted a Schedule of Loss however Respondent has stated that it is "deficient" due to the fact that I have not entered amounts and instead have entered "to be assessed". This is because I have no knowledge of how to calculate a schedule. My claim is a disability discrim claim (currently 25 separate acts of discrimination) I am still employed however currently on sickness absence purely due to work related depression and aggravated M.E/ CFS symptoms as a result of harassment/victimisation etc. I am on half pay and my salary is due to end next month as I will have been on sick for 12 months and will therefore be on zero pay. Hearing is listed for 22nd July (10 days). Lots of documentary evidence of discriminatory acts and also fraud/corruption and more recently perverting the course of justice (submitting forged docs as evidence and destruction of original scoring docs) The following are what I have stated on my schedule : Loss of salary due to work related injury; Net loss from 19th October 2012 to 22nd July 2013: £to be assessed interest @ 7% Injury to feelings/Injury to health In line with the DaBelle guidelines £to be assessed Injury to health (psychiatric/psychological/physical) £ to be assessed Aggravated damages £ to be assessed interest @ 7 £to be assessed My questions are: 1) Should I be claiming for future losses for a lengthy period of time or should I stick to up to the date of the hearing ? Whilst I am still employed, It is very unlikely that I am going to be fit for work for a very long time, if ever. 2) If so, should I also claim for loss of pension ? 3) Can I provide 2 separate schedules i.e. one as an alternative? There is a possibility that I may not be employed soon either due to the Respondent dismissing me for capability or if I am forced to resign therefore it is impossibe to submit an accurate schedule due to the many variables which may occur in the near future. 4) Can the Respondent force me to provide figures instead of "to be assessed" I am aware that compensation is uncapped in disability discrim cases therefore how can I possibly be expected to provide any figures? Hence I have stated "to be assessed" as in assessed by the Tribunal. Both parties have agreed to enter into Judicial Mediation which will probably take place around November. Any advice will be greatly appreciated Thanks very much in advance
  17. can anybody offer any help plz on this one? My dell lappy was working fine till a couple of days ago when i switched it on i got the following msg. ...'the windows vista home premium product key you typed is invalid for activation' and the following options 1. access your computer with reduced functionality (tried it nothing happens) 2. type in a diff product key (wont let me key anything in!) 3. contact dell to resolve (does not work either) Tried the vista disc and it wont have it and i cant access the start menu to try a system restore cos i have no task bar menu thing at the bottom now lol..........mega technical me Thanks Jannine
  18. I sent an item of mail in November/December 2011 to my pension company. I sent this information by Royal Mail Recorded 1st Class post. It was only by chance that I discovered in March 2012 that this has been lost. As a result of this loss, my personal and medical details have ended up in the wrong hands as someone has used my details to try and enquire about obtaining credit in my name The information that I sent to my pension contained my following information:- My Full Name My Full Postal Address My Home Telephone Number My Personal Mobile Number My Personal E-Mail Address My National Insurance Number Including Copy Letters From DWP My NHS Number My Patient Number For Royal Bolton Hospital My Patient Number For Salford Royal Hospital My GP's Full Name & Address Medical Record From Royal Bolton Hospital & Salford Royal Hospital Medical Information From My GP Copies of X-Rays & CT Scans Royal Mail know that they have lost this information yet this still don't want to accept liability. Royal Mail have been getting away with legal/Crown Immunity for too long and we as consumers should now be taking action for the Government to remove this immunity from Royal Mail. I am happy to lead this campaign and very much would like the support of members of the public along with the Consumer Action Group. We as consumers need to lobby the MP's and the Prime Minister. Royal Mail cannot be allowed to get away with such grave mistakes which can ruin a person's life. Since I have discovered my information has been lost, I have had trouble sleeping as I am really worried that someone has got all this information of mine and they could do a lot of damage with it, Royal Mail are just not willing to accept this or take it seriously.
  19. Been contacted by a company that can claim compensation for loss of hearing due to industrial noise. Went to the session today and they found that I had some loss. After signing various forms I came away rather shell shocked. Has anyone had any experience with this.
  20. My car was written off in a no fault claim. My insurers have only offered a guide book value. The policy states that any claim shall be based on the market value at the time and current dealer advertisd prices are much higher than the guide book value. I am thinking off claiming for the difference between the two in the small claims court. I would be interested to hear if anyone has taken this option.
  21. Compare and contrast with http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?356933-Oxford-Retail-Loss-Prevention-A-Retailer-JudgmentDebenhams v Gee, transcript of hearing.pdf DEBE1105APP.pdf
  22. Hi, I have an ET for a couple of things, including an equal pay claim (I still to this day do not earn what my predecessor did), and some contractual maternity pay that they refused to pay (not acknowledging TUPE). I need to do a schedule of loss, and have a few questions, hope someone can help! Are there any special rules about format? I was going to use Excel with totals at the top and then all the calculations etc below. With the equal pay claim, my predecessor received a company car and fully expensed fuel card. How do I work out the financial value of this? Obviously the equivalent car allowance award (£6300) is not enough, in my view, because if you take in to account maintenance, tax, insurance etc then the car is worth much more than the allowance. And fuel is obviously variable so again how do I put a figure on that? My calculations will include 2.5 years of a significantly lower salary - can I include overtime and pension contributions (matched by employer) within that? EG by calculating the difference - what they would have been if I had been earning the higher salary. My ET is (mostly) for sexual discrimination (as well as some breach of contract), and I have subsequently filed another ET for victimisation, which is to be heard at the same time. As the claim is, in part, for sexual discrimination, I understand I could possibly be awarded more than just costs - there could be damages on top. Do I put damages in my schedule of loss? If so how do I calculate this? I don't really understand how that side of it works at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Oh, and I'm not represented, I have a friend who is a self-employed HR consultant who has given me a hand with things, but no legal representation. I cannot afford legal help, but do not qualify for legal aid.
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