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  1. Government have announced that ATOS will be ending their WCA work before the contract runs out in May 2015. Sounds like it will be happening in the near future. No more details are known at this stage.
  2. hi there i recently attended a wca i'm currently awaiting the "0 points" letter (an optimist i am not) so i'm currently thinking one step ahead to the "mandatory reconsideration" where another decision-maker looks at my case or a "mandatory rediscrimination" as the case may be i heard you can send supporting information/evidence for said reconsideration the problem is my g.p has said "as a matter of policy" they do not write supporting letters as the demand would be too high i understand that in most succesful appeals, evidence is paramount i have failed my last rotation (wca-appeal-tribunal) due to what i believe to be lack of evidence i would have attempted to attain some at the time but not once was i informed that this was needed and important a convenient lack of transparency on the part of the dwp i think anyway, does anyone have any help/ideas/tips in getting medical evidence when your local clinic is unhelpful? any help would be greatly appreciated. :violin::violin: for the record, my claim is mainly on the basis that i cant walk 30 feet without experiencing pain in my lower back, knees and ankles. i needed a walking stick just to get from a car to the atos center, nothing was asked or looked at in the wca regarding this despite me going into detail about it in the esa50 and yet im confident of a "the customer can walk 100 meters unaided" diagnosis.........its a miracle........hallelujah thanks again for listening to my ramblings
  3. A commons select committee is looking at ESA and the WCA :- http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/work-and-pensions-committee/news/esa-wca-inq-2014/ Closing date is 21st March if anyone wants to make a submission.
  4. Just for info https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/265351/work-capability-assessment-year-4-paul-litchfield.pdf
  5. Source https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/183898/response/449612/attach/html/3/5288%20reply.pdf.html
  6. Press release by Public Law Project http://www.publiclawproject.org.uk/documents/press_release_WCA_assessment_discriminatory.pdf Case numbers http://www.osscsc.gov.uk/Decisions/forthcoming3JPs.htm DWP Twitter Response (who wasn't expecting this?) https://twitter.com/dwppressoffice Press coverage: http://mind.org.uk/news/show/8895_victory_for_welfare_campaigners_as_judges_rule_controversial_disability_benefits_procedure_is_unfair http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/may/22/fitness-work-tests-mental-health-unfair http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22620894 Twitter
  7. The latest call for evidence is here:- https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/209665/wca-cfe-4th-review.pdf Please respond with your own or someone you know's experience of the WCA, particularly the effect on your/their health of the stress involved. Closing date is 27th August
  8. I was recently required to complete ESA50 form, in order to be transferred from Incapacity Benefit, to ESA. I then had to attend a medical, for the WCA assessment. Just to put you in the picture, I suffer from Psioratic Arthritis & Anxiety/Depression. It had been most irregular, as I was not touched at all by medical person and asked the strangest question, like 'what do I buy from the shops etc' It had been fairly brief, without going into much detail about my condition at all? The outcome letter had only allocated me a total of 6 points! I am now appealing the matter, have read the various 'descriptors' deciding which ones I fit into. But its the evidence/letters of support, I am not too sure of? Letter to Doctor or Consultant; requesting some support in my appeal. Can anybody give me an example of what I should write in the letter and what I am hoping for in return?? I am not altogether sure, my doctor would even comply - but I am told gather as much help and support as possible. I just don't want to be wasting the doctors valuable time, by ggoing around the houses, I would rather it straight to the point/ Any help/advice - very much appreciated. Incidentally I also receive DLA lRC + HRM Many thanks Nadia Phillips
  9. Hello everyone, Just a quick (stupid) question here, Recently I had to attend the dreaded ATOS medical and to my surprised they actually listened to me and I got placed in the WRAG group. I only found out about this because I received a letter saying that my benefits were about to change due to me being placed in the WRAG. So what I am wondering now is, Do the DWP/ATOS send you a separate letter confirming that I've been placed in the WRAG or do you only get a ATOS letter if you failed the medical? Or is the letter with the change of benefits confirmation that I've been placed in the WRAG group ? Silly questions I know, but I'm just afraid that they turn around and say they made a mistake and I'm not actually in the WCA so just for my own peace of mind I need confirmation. I tried calling the DWP but they cut me off after being on hold for 45 mins because it was 18:01. I hope someone can help so I can stop worrying Thanks SVL
  10. As I posted on the other threat earlier today I have been surprised that my request for a recorded assessment has been met rapidly by my ATOS assesment centre. I was expecting a bit of a faff and delay but they have sent me a letter confirming that my WCA will be recorded, that they have the equipment ready etc all on the day I am due to go which is about one month from when I submitted my ESA50 form. I was thinking that I was just lucky but know I am worring about how reliable they are when it comes to this sort of thing, is it likely that once they say they can record they will do so or can I expect cancellations and rearranged appointments? One worry is that the person who is able to take me to the assessment works during the day and they have to arranage for a day off work to go with me. I am worried that if I turn up on the day with and they tell me that due to some last minute problem I will not be able to have that appointment recorded that I will feel pressured into having the assessment unrecorded as I would feel bad about my companion having a wasted day. Would it be advisable to call the centre a few days before to confirm that the assessment will be recorded?
  11. BBC news this morning.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-21376915
  12. I had my WCA last autumn and scored zero points, when I got the call about my benefits being disallowed on discussion with the DM it became clear that much of what was the report form the WCA was missing and he was able to verify what I was saying after looking at my ESA50 (another peice of evidence that they don't bother looking at the additional information you send and only at what the ATOS HCP says). I was then allowed to stay on ESA in the SG after a reconsideration. Now of course I have recieved a couple of days ago another ESA50 which is way too soon but I knew I would not get much respite after my last ordeal. Anyway I now want to request a copy of my last ESA85 or the ATOS Report from my WCA last time but have I left it too late or can I request it at anytime?
  13. Hi, just a question for those who've had their WCA recorded or requested it. I sent off my ESA50 form last month, and requested on it that if I was called for an assessment that it be recorded, and also requested two weeks notice so I could arrange for an advocate from a local mental health charity to come with me. I got an appointment letter on Saturday for a WCA on 20th September (12 days notice) with no mention of it being recorded. I phoned ATOS who said they had no record of me asking for a recorded assessment. The person I spoke to sent an email (to who I'm not sure) asking for a recorded assessment and cancelled the one on the 20th. She said I might get another appointment through for a non-recorded one, so I would have to ring up again to check when I get another appointment to make sure it's recorded. I got another appointment today for the 21st (that's 10 days notice) again with no mention of recording, so I rang ATOS again. First they tried to transfer me through to someone else, but cut me off. I called again and a different person said they couldn't put me through to "them", but then emailed "them" to ask them to get in touch with me. They couldn't say how long it would take. Anyway, my questions: If recording has been organised for this appointment on the 21st, would it say so in the letter? Secondly, how long should I wait before chasing this up? I spoke to them about an hour ago, and since then I've felt physically sick. I can't cope with this not knowing and need to know what's going on. Can I phone them back and ask them to cancel this appointment if they can't give me an answer about it being recorded? Aside from the way I feel, the longer this goes on for the less likely I am to be able to get an advocate if the appointment on the 21st is recorded and goes ahead. Thirdly is there anyone better to speak to than the number on the letter? Any idea who these people are that they're apparently emailing and if I can get in touch with them instead of the number on the letter? Finally, if I did go on the 21st (or indeed any other date) and there was no recording equipment available can I then demand they cancel it and give me another appointment?
  14. Not sure if this has been posted already: http://wearespartacus.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/The-Peoples-Review-of-the-Work-Capability-Assessment.pdf Very interesting, especially if you have gone through the 'assesment'.
  15. Well guys the time has come, I have to attend my ATOS WCA this afternoon. It is supposed to be a recorded one but then again lets see. I fully expect to get the obligatory ZERO points, not that I am cynical of their methods or anything:-( but it will be par for the course. So some advice/guidance from others is wanted, just to mainly back up what I know and what I expect from here. 1. Assuming I am found fit for work what should be the process from there on? 2. I am not due to receive my IS again until 15 Oct, do I assume that this will be paid, or does it stop immediately? 3. I am on IS on disability grounds at the couple rate, I also get the Disability Premium as well because I get DLA (High Mobility/Low Care). If I have to appeal what level of income can I expect to get? 4. If I accept their findings and get pushed onto JSA, I understand that my money would remain the same, JSA IB couple rate with DP payable due to getting DLA. Am I right with this? 5. I have read about peoples DLA being stopped following a WCA, when found fit for work, this was in the earlier days of ESA. Is this still happening routinely, or has it stopped? I can't think of anymore questions right now but would appreciate any pointers. I will report back after my interrogation. Oh are they likely to give me any indication, or can I ask what their recommendation will be and will they tell you?
  16. Thought you may find this interesting: http://socialwelfareunion.org/archives/2067#
  17. Now we are to share the responsibility of assessment fails...... "BLAME SHARED" over benefit test failures http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19906596 When will the ConDems stop and look in the mirror to see who actually is to blame....
  18. ARGH!! Sorry Ex-husband (EH) suffers with anxiety and depression. He won ESA appeal in December 2011. Received next ESA50 in January 2012, sent it back February. Received appointment date for May. Attended appointment.(requested it be recorded, but they phoned the day before and said the recorder was broken, so we went ahead with it unrecorded.) A month later (end of June) EH received a letter stating that the DM was about to make decision but EH would probably be found to be unentitled to ESA and did he have any supporting evidence. He re-sent the four letters ATOS/DWP had already been given, and waited for the letter that said he had failed/passed/fit for work/back in the WRAG etc... But nothing arrived until today. YET ANOTHER ESA50!!! This is utterly ridiculous! He only had his "medical" just over 2 months ago, and he's awaiting the resulting decision from that, yet they want ANOTHER ESA50 to be completed and returned?? (by end of August) His anxiety is again through the roof, and is talking about going to the drs to get "something strong" to help him calm down - he really isn't being allowed to get better! He will be utterly strung out for the next 2 or 3 weeks while we fill in the form and gather supporting evidence, then again once he receives the next WCA appointment, then again if we have to postpone because of no recorder - he cannot get better all the while his anxiety is being put through the wringer! Anyway, I phoned ATOS and they said he HAS to fill it in as DWP has asked for it (just the same reply as the January one). What can he (or *I*) do about this?
  19. LBC 97.3 available on DAB or online. Grayling is taking calls from the public if anyone has queries over WCA recording, ATOS, etc. CALL 0845 6060973. The floor is yours caggers.........
  20. This is rather urgent. I can find the physical descriptors and points system but not the mental health ones. Please help!
  21. 'DMs who no longer felt that they were genuinely at the heart of the decision making process reported that they had been given very specific guidance on how to approach cases where they disagreed with the advice of the Atos report. They stated that they had recently been told that they could not do this without first consulting with Atos (whereas immediately following the publication of the Year 1 Harrington Review, these DMs felt they had been told they could override the Atos advice if they felt that the evidence pointed towards an alternative outcome). Some felt that they had been told even more specifically that they could not override advice unless they had agreement from an Atos HCP that this was the correct route to take. Those staff who felt they had been instructed not to go against the advice of an HCP report unless they had agreement from Atos that this was appropriate tended to be those who felt least empowered and least central to the decision-making process. In cases where they consulted with HCPs and Atos elected to uphold the initial advice, then some of these DMs felt that they then had to ’rubber stamp’ a decision that they were not happy with. ‘We went from being decision makers to just rubber stamping what’s there...the simple fact is I’m your decision maker but if I get further evidence from you as the claimant, I am not the one to make a decision on it – it needs to go through Atos. To me, that makes [the] Harrington [Review] pointless.’ (IBR DM)' Taken from the DWP Research report series http://research.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd5/report_abstracts/rr_abstracts/rra_788.asp (I have changed the link as the original was not working)
  22. Try finding this major news in the media, it's been ignored. Details here http://bma.org.uk/news-views-analysis/news/2012/june/scrap-work-capability-assessment-doctors-demand and here http://diaryofabenefitscrounger.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/bma-demand-immediate-end-to-wcas.html
  23. http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/jun/29/judicial-review-work-capability-assessment
  24. Hi everyone , i'm new to the forum and was wondering if anyone else has had a problem with the Start / Finish time given for their Examination and Interview on their Medical Report Form (ESA85) . I have recently failed my ESA medical ( with the customary 0 points ) and so i requested a copy of the medical report in order to appeal the decision . I was shocked when i read the report . It is a complete fabrication . However , the thing that concerns me most is the recorded start time of my examination/interview on the front page of the Medical Report Form . It shows it as being 15.28 , but i know this must be wrong as i distinctly remember checking the time on the clock in the waiting room shortly before i was called and it had just passed 15.30 , so i would estimate that the actual start time was about 15.33 . The whole examination/interview seemed to be rushed and i remember commenting to a friend , who met me when i came out , that i was surprised how quick it all was . This 5 minute discrepancy could be very important to me and my case as it reduces the total time of my medical from the recorded 25 mins to actual 18 mins . For example , i suffer from severe back and leg pain and one of the "descriptors" that was rejected was " Cannot sit on a chair with high back and no arms for more than 30 minutes " . This was rejected because the HCP stated that during the interview " The client was able to sit on a chair with a back for 23 minutes " . I would really appreciate any thoughts or advice on what , if anything , can be done .
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