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Found 12 results

  1. On the 1st March I gave notice to my old broadband provider (Virgin) and signed up with Vodafone. The agreement for this service included the transfer of my phone number from Virgin to them. My service allegedly went active on the 13th march, but my broadband wasn't working until the 21st March. Whilst on the phone to them (my old cable line with virgin) I asked when the number would be transferred across, and was told it hadn't even been requested. I was rather ****ed off by this, but they assured me it was being done there and then. about 10 days later and still nothing, we go into a new month which incurs me more line rental charges from Virgin as my phone service isn't disconnected until the number is transferred. I spend a further 95 mins on the phone with Vodafone and am assured that it's being done, I'm told that it's been sent direct to Openreach and they will do it within 72hrs. I am also told that they will be crediting my account with £30, but when I try to check... the online account I setup is mysterious non existent and I can't set it up again as it doesn't recognise my phone number or account number. They are told that the 72hrs ends at 5pm on Friday 6th and if the number is not transferred by then, my services will be terminated due to breach of contract (they failed to transfer the number which was part of my agreement to use their services) 72hrs pass and nothing, virgin claim they've never even received any request to transfer my number over and confirmed this again as of the 16th April. On the 7th April, I send an official complain both through Vodafones website, and via mail to their complaints dept. This complaint terminates my services with them for their failure to do something as simple as transfer my number. A process that has been simplified to make it so easy that a trained monkey could do it. So far they have completely ignored my complaints and have not terminated my service. I am now in limbo, I cannot switch to another provider because there is a temp number on my BT line that I have never used and have no intention of ever using... A new provider will try to transfer that number across instead of my virgin one. I am also still paying for a virgin line and number which I've had for many years and don't wish to lose, because it will cause so many problems. Because they had credited my account with £30 (allegedly, I've not seen proof of this) I cancelled my DD and had the previous one of £27.06 returned to me. Today I got a threatening email saying my 'April' bill is unpaid and I owe them £34 (which would be about right if there was a £30 credit as my normal bill would have been £37) So far they have ignored my complaint, failed to transfer my number and failed to terminate my service. They have been clearly informed of their breach of contract, and my service was terminated within the first 30 days (even if they claim 13th March as date service started, it's still less than 30 days). I am now being threatened with my service being restricted, and if it's not paid service disconnection and payment for the full term of the contract will be pursued. I think I need to escalate this to the regulator... But have no idea how to go about this. Switching is supposed to be easy, but this has been the worst mistake and has caused me so much hassle and stress.
  2. My wife of Romany descent, and a neighbour ex NF and BNP sympathiser. Too much evidence both photographic and written to place here. We are seeking a restraining order. Would some kind soul review our evidence, and help prepare a draft order for the court. We are pensioners and do not know where to turn. Many thanks.
  3. Just when I thought life had become quieter and the stress had diminished, I now have that awful feeling of 'oh no, here we go again'! After all the hassle of separation, debt, selling my house etc, etc, I have today received a letter addressed to the ex (aka Mr Blackadder) at MY new address. It is from Turnbull Rutherford, from here on in know as TB. I opened the letter as I have no forwarding address for Mr B, and to be quite honest even if I did have one, I am NOT a postal forwarding service. The letter was as follows: 12 January 2014 Mr E Blackadder Your ex wife's address Her new life without you A town probably nowhere near you. Ref: 12345 Dear Mr Blackadder Re Mr E Blackadder Blackadder Mansion Blackadderville Blackaddershire We are attempting to contact the above named person regarding a personal matter and we have been provided your address as a possible address for our subject/customer. If you are the person named above, please contact our office on telephone 0208 899 6010 quoting the ref number provided above. If however you are not the person named above, please accept out apologies for this contact. If you are able to supply us with information on where our subject may now reside, we would welcome contact from you so that we may update our records appropriately. Yours creepingly TB (as found in cows) solicitors. Needless to say, I was absolutely steaming that they should be using my address in an attempt to contact Mr B. I don't usually ring anyone, but on this occasion I did and vented my fury on the poor soul who answered the phone! I made it quite clear that the address they are using is not for Mr B and demanded that they remove it from their records. I also insisted that they notify me in writing that this has been done. I managed to get out of them that the 'client' who had passed my address to them was HFO, and I have said that I expect them also to be notified that they have incorrect information. Credit to the man on the phone, he was very polite in view of my extreme anger, and he even gave me his name when I asked for it. He has promised that I will receive a letter from them next week confirming that they will not use my address to contact Mr B - I have said that if they do write to him again at my address then I will take legal action against them for harassment. However, I am now wondering whether or not to write to them, basically confirming what I said by phone. I thought something along these lines: Dear whoever, Further to my phone conversation this afternoon with Mr Whatever at your offices, I attach a letter that was posted to my address, and I am now writing to confirm the following information: The address you have used to attempt to contact Mr E Blackadder is incorrect. He DOES NOT and NEVER WILL live at this address. This is MY new address and it is not linked to him in anyway. I do not have any details for the current whereabouts of Mr E Blackadder. Under the circumstances, I expect you to remove my address from your records and not to connect it to Mr E Blackadder in anyway. I also expect you to inform your clients (who I believe to be a company called HFO) that they have provided you with incorrect information regarding Mr E Blackaddder by providing you with the wrong address, and I expect them to remove ALL incorrect information from their records. Any further correspondence sent to Mr E Blackadder at my address either by yourselves or on behalf of any of your 'clients', shall be considered as harassment towards myself and my family and I will not hesitate to take the matter further. Mr Whatever confirmed that a letter would be sent to me confirming the above information, and I look forward to receiving that within the next few days. Yours Mrs Blackadder. Any comments or suggestions for improvement to the letter are gratefully received, especially if you have been in the same or a similar situation.
  4. I am having trouble with Three Mobile Boradband and would like advice if possible. I held a contract with them for over 18months and called on 10th April this year to cancel my contract. After numerous sales pitches by the representative I finally got to the person which I gave my 30day notice of cancellation of contract. I was told that I could cancel my direct debit after the payment for May 2013 had been taken, which I did not mind as it was only £5.00. Up until last week I have not heard from them nor had any correspondance. I took a phone call from Three on 27th July of which as I would not give my personal details out over the phone the person became abusive and threatening so I put the phone down. A second call came in at no less than two minutes later which I stated that all correspondance to me should be in writing as I do not give out any personal data over the phone unless I was the person that made the call. Since this date I have had 15 phone calls from Three, and now two from a company called ATD (which I have researched on here). Last week I filled in two online complaint forms prioviding information on all the dates and times of the cancellations etc. I also sent a recorded delivery letter on 2nd August again giving them all of the facts and reitterating that I cancelled the contract as stated by a Three representative. I called ATD back to confirm that I am not in debt with them and was told that they will take me to court (which I would like to see) that they would register me with the CRA, that they would call me day and night until I paid and then the peson started to get abusive so I hung up. As I seem to be getting nowhere with Three and followed explicilty the information they gave me in terms of cancellation please could anyone offer advice as to how to move this forward. Regards L
  5. Hi all I've been a fan of the forum for ages and have avidly read the questions and great answers from the very knowledgeable people on CAG. You are all wonderful. Now I've got need of your help myself! I missed a couple of monthly payments that I was making to Lloyds bank due to being in hospital. Payment had been made monthly using a paying in book at any Lloyds branch. I've had a letter from Westcotts saying that they have had the debt referred to them and are collecting on behalf of Lloyds. The letter wanted me to contact them with my repayment proposals. I ignored this first letter to see what would happen and had a similar letter with "Final Demand" written across the top about a week later. I was still determined to wait to see what happened next and lo and behold, I had another letter from Wescott stating that following consultation with their client, they would accept a substantially reduced single payment to clear the debt. No figure was mentioned and they wanted me to phone them. I obviously stayed off the phone. I next sent them a request for a copy of the original credit agreement using the identical letter from the library and enclosing a £1.00 PO. Westcott have now replied that they are not the creditor but are acting on behalf of Lloyds. They have returned the crossed PO saying it needs to made payable to Lloyds and I then have the choice of sending the PO to Lloyds with the CCA request ( Lloyds forwarding address not supplied!) or sending it to Westcott for them to forward it on. Westcott have suspended collection activity for 28 day for me to come up with my "repayment proposals" to them. I'm not inclined to take the bait here and contact Lloyds directly because I don't really know if the debt has been sold to Westcott. I won't do their dirty work for them. I'm certainly not going to submit any repayment proposals. For now I'd like to see what they come up with next following the CCA request and I don't want to go down the road of submitting a SAR that would cost me a tenner. However, I now don't seem able to submit the failure to supply a CCA request letter as per the library after the statutory 12+2 days as I've got no one to send it to! Should I sit tight on this? Many thanks.
  6. Hi everyone, I'm new here and I was wondering if you could help me? I've already posted this on another forum but I'm posting here too to get some more info as you all seem like a very knowledgeable bunch Basically, this is my situation: Last year in 2012 (I can't remember the exact month) I got a letter from I think the company was called something like Sigma saying that they were writing to me on behalf of t-mobile on a £164 bill I owe which I must pay immediately. This bill was all the way back from 2009! I found this strange as I have NEVER had a phone with t-mobile. The only thing I could remember was a internet dongle I purchased in 2009, over the counter and pay as you go. I literally used it for one day, then bought an o2 dongle the next day as the t-mobile one didn't work and never used the t-mobile one again. But I thought surely I can't owe a bill that much on something I didn't even use! So I phoned up the sigma company and told the man on the phone that I have never took a contract out with t-mobile and this must be a mistake. He told me he'd look into it and that was that for a few months. Now since then, I have been getting multiple letters off a company called HL Solicitors (who are acting on behalf of a company called Sigma SPV1 Limited) asking me to pay this bill. So a few months ago I called up t-mobile instead and explained to the woman the situation. She said it was from back in 2009 but the account has since been closed and she can't access the specific details on what exactly the charge was for. She said she would notify the fraud department and in the meantime just to ignore any incoming letters from this debt collection agency which is what I did. Then yesterday I got another letter of HL Solicitors saying that if I don't pay the bill within 14 days they will take me to court! And now the charge has gone up to £229! So I called them up demanding to know why they are still harassing me. The man said it was for the dongle but it was an 18 month contracted dongle that hasn't been paid for! Now I know I did NOT enter into an 18 month contract with t-mobile, I bought the dongle over the counter at a supermarket. I didn't sign for anything. So I told him I'm going to sort it with t-mobile. So again, I phoned t-mobile. I explained the situation to the woman and she said the bill is for the contracted dongle back in 2009. She said they passed my account over to a debt collection agency in 2010 (without my knowledge or permission) and said I need to pay it. I told her that I had received NO letters or contact from t-mobile asking me to pay this so called amount and WHY when I was supposed to be making these monthly payments every month for 18 months, did they not contact me asking me where the money was every month if it was supposed to be a contract?! She claimed that they did try to send me letters prior to 2012 when I know I have not received any and all she could say to me was to take it up with Royal Mail! How the hell will they still have records from 2009? So after a long debate with her she said all I can do is email t-mobile in writing stating my case. She was no help whatsoever. It just seems fishy that they are only now wanting the money off me, THREE YEARS down the line! There has been no contact prior to 2012, absolutely nothing during the 18 months when I was supposed to have this "contract". If you enter into a contract with a company and don't make the monthly payments, they hound you for them so why if I was in a contract didn't they do this back in 2009? Also, the woman said the account has been closed so she can't access the specific details. So, what, am I supposed to just take her word that I owe all of this money without proof? Also, if the account has been closed, why would I even have to pay this so called amount? I was just wondering if anybody can advise me what to do. I don't like this debt collection agency and I know you have to be careful with them. I know just ignoring them won't make them go away so what can I do? I think I have an advantage in that they have left it three/four years to even make contact now, and the account has been closed. I know I didn't enter into that contract but I can't prove it as I don't have the dongle or the receipts, and realistically, who would after this long a time? This is why it's so frustrating because they've left it so long, all of my proof is gone. I'm VERY new to all of this legal stuff, so any help in layman's terms would be hugely appreciated. From other users on the different forum I posted on, they have advised me to send a 'Prove It' letter to the companies which is what I'm going to do. But both these HL Solicitors and T-Mobile don't have email addresses, just postal ones so it's going to be a pretty slow process, which is making me even more stressed seeing as the DCA say I only have two weeks to pay before they take me to court! Anything I can do in the meantime to get this sorted? Thanks to anyone who can help.
  7. I asked a PPI claims company to do a claim for me against Clydesdale Bank, they started the claim but never completed a proper letter of authority. The bank sent me a final response letter offering me a settlement, also stating that as the claims company had not completed the necessary paperwork they would not be informing them of the final response letter. I accepted the banks offer, and now the claims company are harrassing me for payment. My question is that as the PPI claims company did not do their job and i did most of the correspondence with the bank myself, do I have to pay them anything as they did not actually fulfill their part of the contract. All help will be gratefully appreciated!!
  8. Hi, my first post, hopefully someone can give me some advice. Sorry it’s a long one... Ok, my father who is now 71 used to be 'acting president' for a Working Mans Club (WMC) for a period of about 12 months, its a voluntary position in an organisation which is run by a committee of trustees and all users of the club are paying 'club members' (sorry if its already confusing, im not completely clear on the structure of the WMC myself). He was just a regular in the club and a long term member, he was voted in to this temp position by the trustees, he accepted. It was agreed throughout the trustees that new equipment was required and therefore they decided to enter into two leasing arrangements for this equipment. The Secretary arranged and signed the leases (which state the hirer as the WMC) and my father countersigned the agreements with his position stated as well. This was back in 2008. The club made regular payments for the next few months, in this time my father stepped down from his position and returned to being just a member of the club, not long after the club secretary also left her post. Between the above and now, the club has new ownership and has been renamed. My father still uses the club. About 3 weeks ago a bailiff knocked on my parents door stating that they had a court order to remove possessions to the sum of 25k... my parents were given paperwork to say the courts had ruled that my father and the ex secretary were liable for the non payment (and interest added) of the above agreements!! The lease payments were being made during the time my father and the secretary were in their positions but it seems that the club discontinued paying anything after that!! But neither my father nor the ex-secretary have had a single letter, call or visit before the visit from the bailiff!! But there has been a court hearing and ruling and we have not heard from anyone at any time until 3 weeks ago!! My parents managed to get a stay of execution while they look into things... they got a copy of the agreements from the courts. Both agreements state that the hirer is 'the WMC' and my father’s signature is on both of them, along with the ex-secretaries. There are no other personal details on there of either my father or the ex-secretary. We are not even sure how they got the personal addresses. We have an account statement for both leases that shows the clubs payments stop suddenly, and then there are letter costs, interest charges, non payment charges etc... My parents do not qualify for legal aid, they can’t afford a solicitor. They have requested all courts notes as we cannot really understand the grounds on what the courts deem my father responsible and not the club itself... the courts have told us that we have to pay £80 just for the notes with a view to getting a new hearing. I was hoping that someone might be able to shed some light on this matter for me? My parents do not need this kind of stress at their age... Do you think the finance company is just trying its luck? shouldnt they be harrassing the new club owners? I just cant imagine signing an agreement on behalf of an organisation then leaving the company but still being personally liable for any eventualities on that agreement!! Sorry this post is long, if you have any questions then please ask. Thanks in advance for any help you can give, apologies if this should have been in a different forum. Glenn
  9. I tried to arrange an IVA but it failed because MBNA said that the IVA company were taking too much money. So I contacted every company myself and said that I would pay them all directly the same percentage of the money which they all agreed and I have been doing.... I agreed with EGG to pay them £45 which I was doing but then they sold the debt to APEX. APEX then started harrassing me every 3 months or so saying that they need a new full breakdown of my income and outgoings OR can I borrow the money off family or friends etc even when I told them that nothing had changed or my income has not changed but some of my bills have increased but I will carry on paying the same amount. Can I just refuse to enter into discussion about it beyond saying "Nothing has changed so you have the details" we've agreed £45 and that is all I can afford and all you are getting.
  10. Hi all, it's the tossers at Reede In [edit] Partnership. Signed off earlier this year, and I've got a real little harpy who keeps calling me demanding the name of my current employer, she just tried to bribe me with vouchers if I coughed up the name, obviously they'll take it and get their £400 bonus from the government for nothing, as the job is a referral from an ex-colleague. I'm sure I'm not the only one they have tried this with, and frankly as they get £400 every time I get a new job, it wouldn't surprise me if they have secret call-centre somewhere where they call current employers HR departments and cast doubts anonymously, in the hope I'll be sacked and back with them. Now, I've emailed the "Independent Case Examiner", and their stuffed skirt emailed back saying she was unable to progress as "This office cannot look into complaints about legislation, policy or complaints which do not fall under the sphere of maladministration". In other words, they are just not bothered. I was advised to take the case to the Chief Ops Officer for the JC. However, I have no faith at this point that that will go anywhere. Yes, I'm aware that my case is with them for a few years, but this is [a problem], other government departments have entire helpdesks for whistleblowers to call, and this [behaviour] needs to be stopped.
  11. so.. I made an old post I can't find.. and it's all escalated a bit since then.. to summarise, I got a parking ticket in Worthing a while back,never recieved it, moved house, never recieved the NTO, the first I knew was when a letter went to my mothers house from Whyte and co saying I owed them £430! I appealed to the TEC who refused the appeal.. at every stage I have corrected my address and still all correspondence (even the reply from the TEC which had my correct address crossed out and the wron one used instead) goes to her house.. I have just had a hand delivered notice through her door and in a panic phoned up and paid £150 with a£150 due next month to a bullying woman who was not giving an inch.. I'm not sure what to do next.. they told me on the phone that if I want a breakdown of charges it'll cost me £10 as it's done manually!! I still haven't had a letter to my correct address!!!! this whole thing is killing me! I don't know what to do next... oon another note, the bailiffs say that wrong address came from worthing borough council?! and my mother would have to show proof of occupancy to remove the address from the debt!! when she phoned up to complain that it was the wrong address the woman on the other end of the phone said she 'wasn't listening' and put the phone down on her (she's 60 and was only trying to explain what had happened!)
  12. Sent a debt collection agency the letter with regard to "a formal request pursuant to s.77/78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 etc". They have written back asking for my last three addresses to confirm who I am. Any suggestions what to do next. Thanks.
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