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Found 8 results

  1. I hope I am posting this in the right place. I had a DMP which I cancelled after advice on here (thanks guys). Three debts, all with Yorkshire Bank. Cabot says that they now own all the accounts. I wrote to Cabot with a CCA request and they wrote back saying that they didn't have it but they would try to get it from the OC. Much later, they wrote to me again saying that as they couldn't provide the information I requested, that the debt was unenforceable but they would appreciate my payment as I still owe the money. Since then, I am being contacted several times a week by Cabot and so I wrote to Cabot twice, asking that they contact me by letter only as I do not have the facility to record phone calls. They are still contacting me by phone and letter. The letter offers me a payment plan. They have still not sent me the information I asked for. Is there anything I can do to stop them contacting me? And the debt is still unenforceable, right? Many Thanks
  2. Dear Sir/Madam I hope that I have put this in the right place and apologize if I have not. I am new here so thank you in advance. Some time ago I saw an advert for the Claims Guys which said that they would find out if I had PPI and if I did they could claim it or I could do it myself. I thought that this was fair enough, that they could find out if I had PPI and I could do it. They sent me heaps of paperwork. I filled in three questionnaire about my bank details etc. Black horse contacted me direct on the phone and questioned me about my mis sold PPi which they refunded. Then the Claims Guys rang me regarding the loans at Barclays. They were on the phone for ages and I kept saying that could I not do it myself? The man from TCG got rather disgruntled and said that we had spent 40 minutes of his time and pressured me into agreeing. He then told me I had 28 days to cancel. He told me to sign and return the paperwork which I did not do. Barclays paid up very quickly and immediately the Claims Guys were telephoning me asking me to pay by Credit Card asap over the phone. Their tone was increasingly aggressive. I told them about the 28 day cancellation period and they said it was 14 days. I asked them to send me the transcript and they sent me an earlier conversation in March which did not mention the 28 days, it was the wrong conversation. The conversation I had lasted well over 40 minutes. I have picked over the terms and conditions of the Claims Guys and it looks to me that any valid agreement should be confirmed in writing. There is no verbal agreement. Since then I have about 8 calls and texts a day at all hours and I do find this threatening. Can anyone give me some advice as to how I should proceed? Thanks you.
  3. Hi, Some advice please. I live in a small cul de sac where we each have 2 parking spaces and also two visitors spaces which are jointly owned by all of us. One of the visitors spaces is at the far end next to a neighbours garden and the neighbours there have always used it as their own private space. They are aware it is a visitors space (because they have told me they are aware) and the deeds state this. No one has ever complained as we like them and didn't want to cause any problems. Also, most of the residents are tenants so unaware of the fact it is a visitors space, it is only those of us who own the properties who are aware. Now though, they have decided to make vehicular access to their garden across this visitors space and put vehicle gates in across the far end of it. They have not asked anyone if they agree. If they then park in their garden, and someone parks in the visitor space they will be blocked in which is tough luck. but, really, no-one will park there as by putting gates in they are inferring it is their private driveway. If the space needs maintenance then I am as responsible as they are even though I cant ever use it. When I asked what they would do if someone blocked them in they just said that no one has ever parked there before (probably because they couldn't) I cant put a bollard up as they own the same amount of the visitors space as I do. I am concerned long term they they are taking ownership of shared property which could de-value property. Any thoughts or suggestions please? Im annoyed as they are the ones in the wrong and yet I feel awkward about addressing it!
  4. Hello, I have a question and I was wondering if someone could help me. My manager has some health issues ( depression among other stuff) and during the past 3 years he has been off for a total of 9 months. 5 and 4 months continuously during 2 years and has now been off for over a week. I have a feeling he will get another long term leave which of course as it is health related I totally understand he might need it. But the issue is that every time during his long absence , I end up doing his job and it involves allot of stuff. For the 9 months I did his job I received absolutely nothing from the company and only a thank you after i complained about getting a pay rise ( which of course i did not get). So i would like to know if I can demand or is my company obligated to pay me more if my manager goes on another long term absense. If I do not receive anything can I refuse to do his job even though I am the 2nd in command? I am happy to the job if he is on a short term sick leave ( 1 -2 weeks) or if he goes on holidays , but for more than that , I have had enough Thank you in advance
  5. Hi I've lived in my house for 4+ years now but for the past 10 months or so, every time we have torrential rain, the garage, which is at the bottom of a slight slop, floods up to 5 inches deep. We've had loads of stuff ruined, as like many people use the garage to store the usual garden paraphernalia along with freezers, the tumble dryer, kids bikes, tools etc. It looks like the storm drain just outside the door isn't up to the job and when I spoke to my LL before he didn't show any interest. Is this our or his responsibility for the garage flooding? It doesn't state anywhere in our tenancy contract about flood risks to any part of the property. Thanks Lisa
  6. How can I find out if I am deliberately being turned down for jobs where I have previously work due to someone in authority taking a dislike to me.
  7. Hi, I have 2 loans with welcome. 1 was for a car where I was well ripped off, and the other for a cash loan. There is no HP. My cash loan was for 2000 and is a fixed sum loan agreement. and to date I have paid back £3839.63. Aktiv kapital want £450.85. The total amount payable on my credit agreement is £3950.64. I CCA them a few weeks ago and got my original document. Never knew I was paying that much. also got a copy of all payments made since stay of loan in Sept 2007. Interest was added monthly until 05/05/2010 when went to step change. Then frozen. Only 1 fee of £20 for direct debit cancellation in may 2008. I want rid of this debt, feel I've paid enough, or in my calculations only now owe £111.01 minus any extra charges. What can I do. My next post will be about my car. AKTIV KAPITAL have not supplied my payments made but my balance is still £6163.23 Been paying this since January 2008. Went to step change in may 2010. I've looked closely at my credit agreement and there is shortfall extra insurance that I didn't ask for, and a whole array of confusing figures. The amount of credit for the goods was 7950. I've been conned and want to sort this out as lost my job, (but am fighting in employment tribunal) and need to clear up my debts as got loads of them totaling 15k. Please help
  8. Hi I have been getting phone calls daily for the last 2 weeks from cabot yesterday they called me 5 times between the space of 4 hours! I have answered once and said writing only but they are continuing to call! I haven't had any letters from them so have no idea what it is concerning! I have checked both call credit and experian but can't see anything from cabot! I don't have a call blocking service on my mobile to block them So I just cut them off!! How can I find out what it is concerning without actually engaging in a conversation with them? Will I just wait on a letter? I have moved a few times in the last 4 years! Thanks
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